DRAGONS Size of Dragons varies according to their Age according to the Size chart. Whelps (SL = 2-5) have 1 Armor. LV = 0-5 Bite Damage+1 Claw Damage+0 Young Dragons (SL = 6-8) have 2 Armor. LV = 6-10 Bite Damage+2 Claw Damage+1 Adults (SL = 9-11) have 4 Armor. LV = 11-15 Bite Damage+4 Claw Damage+2 Elders (SL = 12-13) have 5 Armor. LV = 16+ Bite Damage+6 Claw Damage+3 Breath Weapons go to Short range and Damage+3 for Young, Medium Range and Damage+6 for Adults, and Long Range and Damage+9 for Elders. Snow Dragons have Ice Breath. Forest Dragons have Poison Gas breath. Swamp Dragons have Acid Breath. Mountain Dragons have Lightning Breath. Volcanic Dragons have Fire Breath. Shadow Dragons have Death Breath. One Breath Weapon attack every 3 + 1D3 Turns. Most Adults can talk and Cast Spells (5-10 Spells). Most Elders will know 15-20 Spells. Two-Headed Dragons of all sub-species are rare. Tail Swipes do 1 size class less damage and stun for 1D4 Turns. Wing Buffets do 2 size classes less Damage and save or Knockdown out to close range. Most Dragon types Fly Fast. Dragon Wings can be Separate from Arms or Attached to Arms. Sometimes they are in place of the forearms. LAND DRAGON SL + LV = Per Age Subspecies with no Wings. Get an extra +1 Armor. Many have only Animal intelligence. Popular as Mounts. DRAKES SL = 4-10 LV = 3-7+ Sub-species of Dragon that Fly Very Fast. Generally less intelligent than other types. Some can Speak. Armor = 1. Size and Age are independent. Some have no Forearms. Some have no Breath Weapon. Many Types: Stone, Azure, Cerulean, Opal, Fire, etc. WYRMS SL = 8-14 LV = 4-9+ Also Worms, or Wurms. They are a sub-species of Dragon that have no Wings and no Legs. They have a Fast snake like movement. Armor = 2-5. Types: Forest, Marsh, Winter, Stone, etc. FLYING SERPENTS SL = 7-11 LV = 5-8+ Sub-species of Dragon with Wings but no legs. Usually animal intelligence. WYVERN SL = 5-10 LV = 3-5+ Dragon like Creature with only 2 Legs and a Poison Bite. Some have No Breath Weapon. Animal Intelligence. FAERIE DRAGON SL = 2-3 LV = 1-3+ Can teleport. Will defend its nest. Sharp teeth. Some can go invisible. Some have 1D6 Spells. JABERWOCKY SL = 11 LV = 8+ Somewhat Bipedal. Medium Speed Flyer. Low Animal Intelligence. Very Large Claws do Double Damage. Very Aggressive. DRAGON TURTLE SL = 12-14 LV = 6-8+ Aquatic. Armor+8. Ship Sinker. Ocean Breath. -------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPOSITE These are made up of parts of 2 or more Creatures CHIMERAS SL = 8 LV = 7 Goat, Lion, Snake, Wings, Fire Breath SCORPION MEN SL = 7 LV = 1-3+ Half Man Half Scorpion. Poison Stinger SPIDER RIDER SL = 6 LV = 1-4+ Half Drow Half Spider. Poison MANTICORES SL = 8-9 LV = 8-16 Lion with Human Head and Bat Wings. Tail Spikes GRYPHONS SL = 7 LV = 7-14 Lion and Eagle. Wings HIPPOGRIFFS SL = 7 LV = 4-8+ Horse and eagle. Wings OWLBEAR SL = 7-8 LV = 5-10 You Guessed it... Owl and Bear. Wizard experiment gone wrong. LANDSHARK SL = 7-8 LV = 6-12 Turtle, Armadillo, Shark. Armor +3 WINGED CENTAURS SL = 7 LV = 4-6 Lawful Good. Angelic Taints. Pale. Graceful. Medium Flyer. Wings Sprout from Horses Back. WINGED LION SL = 7-8 LV = 6-12 Sometimes with a Dragon Body that has Armor = 3. PERYTON SL = 6-7 LV = 3-6 Eagle with Stag Head. Antler Attack. NAGA SL = 6 LV = 5+ Human Head on Snake Body. Evil Spell Caster. Some versions have Arms: More Weapons, less Spells. BASILISK SL = 6 LV = 4-8 Six Legged Lizard. Its Gaze causes Petrification. GORGON SL = 7-8 LV = 5-10 Stone Bull. Armor = 2. Its Breath causes Petrification. COCKATRICE SL = 3 LV = 3 Reptilian Rooster. Its Touch causes Petrification. CROCOPEDE SL = 9-12 LV = 6+ Lightning Breath, Bite, Swallow, Constricting Tail. 6 pairs of Legs: Climbers --------------------------------------------------------------------- ALIEN Strange, Terrible Creatures from far away places. Many have access to Portals or Void Ships. MIND SLAYERS SL = 6 LV = 5-16+ Humanoid Squid Heads. Brain Suckers. Spellcasters: Psychic Powers, Mental Magic. EVIL EYES SL = 6-7 LV = 4-16+ Levitating Orbs with one Big Eye and several Eye Stalks. Hypnotism. Light type Spells. Shoots Elemental Beams out of Eyes. VOID DEMONS SL = 7-14 LV = 7-14+ Found wandering in the deep reaches of space. SHADOW MONSTERS SL = 5-10 LV = 6-12+ The Darkest Shadows of all. NETHER BEASTS SL = 6-12 LV = 5-10+ Fast and Ravenous. MOON BEASTS SL = 8-9 LV = 6-12 Can be ridden as mounts. CRYSTITES SL = 6-7 LV = 3-10+ Crystalline Humanoids. Armor+2. Can use Light or Energy type Spell. They feed on Energy, magical and otherwise. ZYMEKIANS SL = 6 LV = 10 Clone Race of a Great Warrior General. Clones are generated by a relic on their Homeworld. ORGONS SL = 6 LV = 2-12+ Decrepit Tiny Aliens encased in Powerful Exoskeletons. Armor = 3. Medium Flyers. All can use Energy type Spells. SPLOOGE SL = 7 LV = 1-7+ Intelligent Slimes. Leaders have Slime Magic. ZOZANI SL = 5-7 LV = 5-18+ High Level Monks. 1D3 Physical and Magical Mutations Each. All have Martial Arts type Spells. TERRAXIANS SL = 6 LV = 2-7+ Men from the Far Future. Spell Types: Technomancy, Dimensions, Time, Force, Psychic, Telekinesis, Space, Energy, Matter. Mortal Enemies of the Atlanteans. ATLANTEANS SL = 6 LV = 2-9+ Men from the Distant Past. Accomplished Spell Casters. In a Genocidal Time War with the Terraxians. SHADOWCAT SL = 11 LV = 10+ Giant Winged Panther. Knows Dimensional Spells. Can be used as a Mount. Favorite of the Atlanteans. EARTH EATERS SL = 5-7 LV = 5-7+ Eats Precious Metals and Gems. Knows Earth type Spells. Rubble skin. Armor+2 to +4. Bipods, Tripods, and Quads. TENTACLE MONSTERS SL = 7+ LV = 5-10+ Multiple (2-6+) Grappling Attacks. Fed into a large Biting Maw. Larger ones attack out to medium or even Long Range. All types of Terrain: Aquatic, Caves, Etc. LAKE GODS SL = 10-11+ lv = 15+ Tentacles, Tail Swipe, Mucous Cloud, Telepathy, Enslave, Drain, Phantasmal Foe, Hydroblast, Waves, Read Mind, Telepathic Projection. Frequently have Humanoid Mind Slaves. -------------------------------------------------------------------- OVERSIZE It takes a Heroic Army, Great Magic, or another Oversize Creature to Defeat these Menaces. Most have a gaping Maw that can swallow multiple enemies in a single gulp. LEVIATHANS SL = 15 LV = 8-16 Sea Monster. Giant Whale. Swallow you Whole. Smash a Ship with a single Head Blow. Armor +2 BEHEMOTHS SL = 14 LV = 7-14 Land Monsters. Some are Mammals. Some Reptiles. Can reduce a Castle to Rubble in Minutes. GARGANTUAN TARANTULA SL = 16 LV = 7-14. BEWILDERBEAST SL = 16 LV = 20+ Giant Elder Dragon. Armor +4. Can control other Dragons. GIANT SAND WORM SL = 15 LV = 6-12+ Burrower. Blood has many Magical Properties. Armor +2 KRAKEN SL = 16 LV = 10-20 Sea Monster. Lots of Tentacles (2-6+ Attacks). ISLAND FISH SL = 16 LV = 4-16+ Peaceful. Slow Swimmer. People will build Towns on them. If hurt they will dive down. -------------------------------------------------------------------- AQUATIC Dangers of the Deep. SEA MOUNTS SL = 7 LV = 2-4 Various: Hippocampi, Sea Horses, Giant Mantas Used as Steeds by Aquatic Humanoids SEA LION SL = 7 LV = 6 Chimera. Claws and Bite Attack. SEA SERPENT SL = 12 LV = 9-15+ Can take Down Ships. GIANT BARRACUDA SL = 5-6 LV = 3 Fast and with Sharp Teeth. Initiative +4 SHARKS SL = 5-8 LV = 1-4+ Shark Week is Here. GIANT EELS SL = 4-5 LV = 3 Electric Shocks. GIANT CLAMS SL = 7-8 LV = 4 Will Trap you until you Drown. BRAIN CORAL SL = 5-10 LV = 6-16+ Psychic Powers. No Physical Attack. Immobilized. GIANT ANENOME SL = 6-9 LV = 4 With Paralyzing Stingers. Cannot Move. DEMON WHALE SL = 12-13 LV = 8-16 Hateful Predator. Coloration: White, Black or Red. STRANGLE KELP SL = 10-12 LV = 0-2 Grapple Attack. Save to Cut yourself Free. ------------------------------------------------------------------ SLIMES Variously known as: Slimes, Oozes, Jellies, Cubes, Puddings, Blobs, and Creeping Cruds. They can be any size, level, and color. Some are Fast. Some are slow. Their attacks can be: Acidic, Digestive, Corrosive, Poisonous, Disease Causing, and even Psychic. Size Levels Range from 3 to 8 or more. Some Worlds are completely covered by a single Blob. Most are immune to Physical and Mental Attacks, but are susceptible to magic weapons and Elemental Attacks. SLIME GOLEM SL = 7 LV = 6 More Slime than Golem. Transparent. ELECTRO SLIME SL = 4-6 LV = 3 Close Range Shocks: 1D4 Damage and Immobilize for 1D3 Turns. WHIP SLIME SL = 6-7 LV = 4 Attacks with 2D3 Whip like strands out to Close Range. SLIME ZOMBIE SL = 6 LV = 0-2 Will eventually dissolve into just slime. -------------------------------------------------------------- PLANTS Even the Plants Around here will Kick your Ass. TREANT SL = 7-9 LV = 5-9+ Armor = 2. Move Slow. MOSS MONSTER SL = 7-10 LV = 8 Guardian. Ambusher. STRANGLE VINES SL = 10 LV = 4-6 Attacks All in a 20 Meter Area. Grapple. CARNIVOROUS PLANT SL = 8-9 LV = 2-5 Giant Venus Fly Trap. Rooted. KILLER CACTUS SL = 5-6 LV = 3-4 Shoots Poison Needles Short Range for 1D3 Damage. Rooted. often found in colonies. PLANT ELEMENTAL SL = 7-10+ LV = 6-12+ Usually the result of a Spell or Magic Seed. Move Slow. LOTUS FLOWER FIELD SL = 13 LV = 0 Those standing in it will Fall Asleep. Delay. CREEPING KUDZU SL = 14 LV = 0 Will Cover over a Village in a few Days. SHAMBLING MOUND SL = 7-8 LV = 3-6+ Bipedal Vegetable Matter. Regenerates 1 Hit per Turn. Move Slow. ------------------------------------------------------------- FUNGI What did the Mushroom say when he got kicked out of the Bar? "Hey. I'm a Fun Guy!" YELLOW MOLD SL = 2-6 LV = 0 Those standing on it will contract a Skin Disease and eventually turn into a Yellow Mold in 2-4 Weeks SPORE PODS SL = 3-8 LV = 0 Release a Choking Cloud of Spores if Disturbed. TOADSTOOLS SL = 2-4 LV = 0 Poisonous if Touched. Immobile. MUSHROOM MEN SL = 4-7 LV = 0-4 Good Natured but can be quick to Anger. Move Slow. They will trade Magic Mushrooms for Rotten Food POD PEOPLE SL = 3 LV = 0 Friendly. Usually in need of Defending. Move Slow. Healing Spell List. LICHENOIDS SL = 6 LV = 2 Zombies with Rotted Minds. Move Slow. Victims will become Lichenoids. FUNGASAUR SL = 9 LV = 7-14 Regenerates. ROT SHAMBLER SL = 7-8 LV = 4 Rotting Smell: Get -2 to all rolls when fighting this. Move Slow. MOLD MONSTER SL = 10 LV = 6-12 Half-Crazed Treant covered in Mold and Fungus. Will become friendly if cured. Move Slow.

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