LEVELING UP: PROGRESSION AND EXPERIENCE POINTS Players gain 1-5 XP per Adventuring session. Players need 5 XP to advance to level 2. Players need 10 XP to advance to levels 3-5. Players need 20 XP for every level 6 and above. XP Total resets to 0 after each Level gain. At each level advance the Character gains 1 Skill or 1 Spell. The GM will tell the PC which Skills or Spells are Available. Note: It is possible to learn extra Skills/Spells without going up a level at the GM's discretion. The GM may also require the Character to achieve a Milestone to Advance in addition to the XP. Milestones can include: --Defeating a Major Foe --Completing a Quest --Defeating a Monster Singlehandedly --Winning a Duel --Training under a Master --Taking time to Train or Study --Stealing a Relic --Studying at a Dojo, Academy, or University --Destroying a Place of Evil --Building a Temple or Workshop --Leading an Army in Battle The GM can take away XP if necessary for bad behaviors such as cheating or blurting things out. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MULTI-CLASSING If a Character has accumulated most of the Skills described in a class description, he can legitimately consider himself to be a member of that profession. However his Social Class, Culture, and Reputation might not warrant it. For example a Knight might eventually acquire most of the skills of a Noble and later those of a General. To learn Secondary Spellcasting requires at least 2 years with a Master. To learn Primary Spellcasting requires at least 5 years with a Master. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STATUS AND RULERSHIP As Characters level up and become more powerful, their expectations and that of those around them change. Humans (and their Ilk) are Social Animals. They progress from Adventurers to Rulers. The path is different based on the Characters self Image and the perceptions of others. A Variety of Progression Tables and explanations are provided below. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- FIGHTER CLASS PROGRESSION PATH This would primarily apply to Warriors, Cavaliers, Nobles, Paladins, Templars, Holy Warriors, Highlanders, Commanders, Champions, Avengers, Battle Masters, Samurai, and Soldiers. Also Rangers who want to settle down. Duelists and Martial artists can also go this Route. Rogue types and even Merchants seeking Noble Prestige as well can occasionally buy their way in depending on the culture. By 7th level these Adventuring types usually have acquired enough Money to buy into the aristocracy. Or through their reputation Alone they may be granted A Knighthood. This includes a Manor House (Tiny Castle) overseeing a Village of around 300 people that is 6-9 Miles square. By 11th Level He should be able to buy or be rewarded the Title of Count. The Count controls a County which is roughly 1 Map Hex. A Hex will be 30 Miles across (1 Days Travel) and will contain 200 Villages, 1 Castle, and 45% chance of a Town or 5% of a City. He will control The Villages and Castle, but not the bigger Settlements. They will have their Own Laws and Charters. Each Village (or Manor) will provide One Knight and Ten Fighting Men that can be mustered. A County Contains 60,000 Villagers. By 14th Level the Character will have the Title of Duke and Control a Duchy. A Duchy is composed of 2 to 6 Counties. At 17th Level our Fighter will have battled and intrigued with The other Dukes enough to Grasp the Title of King, Supreme Ruler of the Land. A Small Kingdom will have from 5 to 33 Hexes. FIGHTER PROGRESSION TABLE Level Title Land (Hexes) 1 - - 2 - - 3 - - 4 - - 5 - - 6 - - 7 Knight Manor(s) 8 - - 9 - - 10 - - 11 Count County (1) 12 - - 13 - - 14 Duke Duchy (2-6) 15 - - 16 - - 17 King Kingdom (5-33) 18 - - 12 - - 20 Emperor Empire (333+) ------------------------------------------------------------------ SETTLEMENT TABLE Type: Hexes Population Village - 50 - 300 (20 - 1000) Town - 2,500 (1000 - 8000) Small City - 8000 – 12,000 Medium City - 12,000 – 20,000 Large City - 20,000 – 100,000+ County 1 60,000 (Around 200 Villages) Duchy (Barony) 2-6 120,000 - 360,000+ Small Kingdom 5-33 0.3 – 2 Million Medium Kingdom 83 2 – 5 Million Large Kingdom 166 5 – 10 Million Imperial Province 28 1.7 Million Small Empire 333 10 – 20 Million Medium Empire 500 20 – 30 Million Large Empire 1000 30 – 60 Million+ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- BARBARIAN CLASS PROGRESSION PATH Primarily for Barbarians, Vikings, Nomads, Amazons, and Tribal Warrior Types. Also works for Shamans and other primitive Casters. A more primitive social structure than that of the Feudal system the Fighter types are stuck with. Title and power have to be fought for, either Combat between Leaders or Ritual Tribal Warfare. Otherwise the pattern is similar. Barbarian Empires are called Confederations. BARBARIAN PROGRESSION TABLE Level Title Land (Hexes) 1 - - 2 - - 3 - - 4 - - 5 - - 6 - - 7 - - 8 Chief Band 9 - - 10 - - 11 Hetman Tribe (1) 12 - - 13 - - 14 War Chief Big Tribe (2-6) 15 - - 16 - - 17 King Chiefdom (5-33) 18 - - 12 - - 20 - - ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ROGUE CLASS PROGRESSION PATH Primarily for Rogues, Thieves, Assassins, and other Criminal underworld figures. Sometimes they can wrangle Themselves into the Noble Fighter or Courtesan paths, but if They want to keep their freedom and stick to the shadows this Is their Fate. Note that they don’t actually own the Land, rather This is the extent of their influence and dealings. The Title of Guild Master is often replaced with more colorful titles such as The King of Thieves. Rogues that operate in the Countryside are Referred to as Bandits. If Bandits become powerful enough they May oust a local Count and take his place. ROGUE PROGRESSION TABLE Level Title Land (Hexes) 1 - - 2 - - 3 - - 4 - - 5 - - 6 - - 7 Guild Master Town Guild (1) 8 - - 9 - - 10 - - 11 Guild Master City Guild (1) 12 - - 13 - - 14 Guild Master National Guild (2-6) 15 - - 16 - - 17 Guild Master International Guild (5-33) 18 - - 12 - - 20 - - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- GOOD CASTER CLASS PROGRESSION PATH Primarily for Mages of Good or Neutral Alignments. Note that as Casters increase in level they accumulate Marks, Mutations, and Madness from their Spell Lists and Mishaps. They become increasingly less human and concerned With the affairs of Men. At the same time they are often shunned By normal men who fear their odd appearance and sorcerers Ways. Many Magic Users at Tenth Level and beyond have Achieved some form of Ascension where they have become Immortal Dwellers on other Planes of Existence. They have Become Liches, or Dragons, or Demigods. However, some will Leave their mark on Human Lands as the Table depicts. Any Given Mage might not build any such structures but they certainly Could if they wanted to. Note there do exist Mageocracies where It is the Mages who are the Nobles. In this case, their progression In that society would more closely match that of a Fighter. GOOD CASTER PROGRESSION TABLE Level Title Enterprises: 1 Apprentice - 2 Disciple - 3 Adept - 4 Mage Magic Shop (Ingredients) 5 - Laboratory (Alchemist) 6 - Workshop (Artificer) 7 - Mountaintop (Seer or Mystic) 8 - Library (Sage) 9 - Tower (To keep Treasures) 10 - - 11 - Dungeon (To Hide Artifacts) 12 - - 13 - School (Teach Young Mages) 14 - - 15 - Council of Mages 16 - - 17 Archmage Floating City 18 - - 12 - - 20 - - ----------------------------------------------------------------- EVIL CASTER CLASS PROGRESSION PATH Primarily for Mages or Priests of Evil or Chaotic Alignment. These Individuals are usually very interested in throwing Their weight around. They will raise armies of foul Creatures and terrorize all with their Mighty Magics. They will go on sprees of Conquest and Destruction. At Empire Scales they are referred to as a Scourge of A Greater Realm. They are a threat to every territory they Border. EVIL CASTER PROGRESSION TABLE Level Title Land (Hexes) 1 - - 2 - - 3 - - 4 - - 5 - Lair 6 - Tower 7 Menace Dungeon 8 - - 9 - - 10 Marauder Minor Realm (1) 11 - - 12 - - 13 Invader Lesser Realm (2-6) 14 - - 15 - - 16 Destroyer Major Realm (5-33)17 - - 18 - - 12 - - 20 - - ---------------------------------------------------------------------- GOOD PRIEST CLASS PROGRESSION PATH Primarily for Good, Lawful, or Neutral Priests. Sometimes Paladins, Templars, and Holy Warriors as well. These types of Priests want spread the worship of their Patron. This is usually by building temples and churches In new lands and converting the unbelievers. Often (75%) They don’t own the Land but they do influence it Heavily and may impose tithes and other dues on their Adherents and any infidels within range. At Empire Scales it is the Pope that presides over the Universal Church. Note that in a Theocracy the Clergy are also the Nobles so a Priest (Evil Priests too) Could take the Fighter Path in that situation. GOOD PRIEST PROGRESSION TABLE Level Title Land (Hexes) 1 - - 2 - - 3 - - 4 - - 5 - - 6 Priest Single Church or Temple 7 - - 8 Priest Many Holy Sites 9 - - 10 High Priest Small Church (1) 11 - - 12 - - 13 Bishop Minor Church (2-6) 14 - - 15 - - 16 Arch Bishop Great Church (5-33) 17 - - 18 - - 12 - - 20 Pope International Church ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ENTERTAINER CLASS PROGRESSION PATH Primarily for Bards, Musicians, Dancers, Actors, and Other Performers Or Troupes of Performers. As they Advance their Fame increases. Their Progression is measured in how far their Fame has Spread. With Fame also comes Wealth. They might use this to build Theatres or venues in Towns and Cities. ENTERTAINER PROGRESSION TABLE Level Title: Known In: 1 Local Fame 1 Village 2 Noted 2 Villages 3 Recognized 6 Villages 4 Leading 36 Villages 5 - - 6 Important 90 Villages 7 - - 8 Acclaimed County Wide 9 - - 10 Distinguished Many Counties 11 - - 12 Renowned Duchies 13 - - 14 - - 15 Glorious Kingdom 16 - - 17 - - 18 Great International Star 12 - - 20 - - ------------------------------------------------------------------- MERCHANT CLASS PROGRESSION PATH Merchants and Traders will keep 1 Shop and 1 Warehouse in a Town or City. Most Hexes have a 45% chance of having a Town And a 5% chance of having a City. A Merchant will also control Caravans and Merchant Ships to create a Trade Network. Some Rogues and Pirates looking for less violent work will take this path. MERCHANT PROGRESSION TABLE Level Title Shops 1 Peddler 0 2 Shopkeeper 1 3 Vendor 2 4 Trader 3 5 Operator 4 6 Shipper 5 7 Handler 6 8 9 Exporter 7 10 11 Wholesaler 8 12 - - 13 - - 14 Merchant 9-11 15 - - 16 - - 17 Merchant King 12-16+- - 18 - - 12 - - 20 - - ---------------------------------------------------------------- PIRATE CLASS PROGRESSION PATH Pirates are judged by the size of their Fleets. A typical small fast ship has a Crew of around 50. Much rarer are Pirate Warships with a crew of 150 or more. PIRATE PROGRESSION TABLE Level Title Fleet Size (Number of Ships) 1 - - 2 - - 3 - - 4 - - 5 Captain Single Small Ship (1) 6 Captain Single Medium Sized Ship (1) 7 Captain Single Large Ship (1) 8 - - 9 - - 10 Plunderer Small Fleet (40) 11 - - 12 - - 13 Sea Rover Minor Fleet (40-200) 14 - - 15 - - 16 Ravager Great Fleet (200-1200)17 - - 18 - - 12 - - 20 - - --------------------------------------------------------------------- SAILOR CLASS PROGRESSION PATH Naval Officers. SAILOR PROGRESSION TABLE Level Title Fleet Size (Number of Ships) 1 - - 2 - - 3 - - 4 - - 5 Captain Single Small Ship (1) 6 Captain Single Medium Sized Ship (1) 7 Captain Single Large Ship (1) 8 - - 9 - - 10 Master Small Fleet (40) 11 - - 12 - - 13 Commander Minor Fleet (40-200) 14 - - 15 - - 16 Admiral Great Fleet (200-1200)17 - - 18 - - 12 - - 20 - - ----------------------------------------------------------------- SOLDIER/COMMANDER CLASS PROGRESSION PATH Military Officers. SOLDIER PROGRESSION TABLE Level Title Unit Size 1 Grunt - 2 Private - 3 Corporal - 4 Sergeant Squad 5 Lieutenant Platoon 6 Captain Company 7 - - 8 Major Battalion 9 - - 10 Commander Brigade 11 - - 12 Marshall Division 13 - - 14 - - 15 - - 16 General Army 17 - - 18 - - 12 - - 20 - - ------------------------------------------------------------------------ COURTESAN CLASS PROGRESSION PATH Primarily for Courtesans, Diplomats, Heralds, Stewards, Seneschals, Jesters, Children of Nobles, Advisors, Generals, Senators, and Court Officials of all types. Some Rogues and Charlatans as well. Instead of having actual Noble Titles, they are close to those that do. By having the Kings Ear or the Kings Favor they can amass wealth and Power for Themselves as well determine policy and History at a Grand Scale. COURTESAN PROGRESSION TABLE Level Title Influence 1 - - 2 Local Official Knights Favor 3 - - 4 Regional Off. Counts Favor 5 - - 6 Royal Guard (If Fighter) 7 - - 8 Provincial Of. Dukes Favor 9 - - 10 Court Official Kings Favor 11 - - 12 Guard Captain (If Fighter) 13 - - 14 Royal Advisor Kings Favor 15 - - 16 - - 17 - - 18 - - 12 - - 20 - - ----------------------------------------------------------------- EXPERT CLASS PROGRESSION PATH Primarily for Duelists, Martial Artists, Monks, Ninjas, Tinkerers, Scientists, Engineers, and Scholars. Also works for Artisans and Craftsmen. As these Professions Advance they open up Guilds or Schools (Academies, Universities) to train new members to a high level of Skill. Generally 1 such Academy can be located in a Town or City. EXPERT PROGRESSION TABLE Level Title Guilds or Schools 1 - - 2 - - 3 - - 4 - - 5 - - 6 - - 7 Instructor 1 8 - - 9 - - 10 - - 11 Dean 2-4 12 - - 13 - - 14 Master 5-10 15 - - 16 - - 17 Grand Master 11-16+ 18 - - 12 - - 20 - -

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