INTRODUCTION For a random treasure roll on the Master Treasure Table. Note that items can vary in quality from junk to magical. MASTER TREASURE TABLE (VALUABLES & MAGIC ITEMS) 1D30 Treasure: 1 Weapon 2 Armor 3 Shield 4 Helmet 5 Clothing 6 Wand or Staff 7 Sword 8 Rings 9 Book 10 Scroll 11 Tools 12 Potion 13 Medicinal 14 Ingredients 15 Fetish or Religious Relic 16 Gems & Jewels 17 Gadget (Device) 18 Alchemical Preparation 19 Artifact 20 Furnishings 21 Bomb 22 Poison 23 Jewelry 24 Musical Instrument 25+ Coins ---------------------------------------------------------------------- COINS TABLE 1D6 Type: Notes: 1 Copper Pence 10 to a Shilling 2 Silver Shillings 10 to a Galleon 3 Gold Galleons Crowns, Ducats 4-6 Mixed Note: 1D10 Coins will be Found on a Minor Foe 1D100 on a lesser Foe 1D1,000 on a Greater Foe 1D10,000 on a Major Foe ---------------------------------------------------------------------- GEMS & JEWELS TABLE 1D20 Type: Value in Gold per Karat: 1 Diamond 50 - 100 2 Ruby 50 3 Emerald 50 4 Opal 20 5 Sapphire 20 6 Amethyst 10 7 Jade 10 8 Pearl 10 9 Cats Eye 5 10 Amber 5 11 Garnet 4 12 Aqua Marine 4 13 Lapis Lazuli 3 14 Turquoise 3 15 Moonstone 2 16 Onyx 2 17 Topaz 2 18 Sunstone 1 19 Coral 1 20 Peridot 1 Notes: A Gem will be 1D10 Karats in Size. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- JEWELERY, WEAPONS, AND ARMOR If the GM determines the item found is magical he should Consult the appropriate Spell Tables to determine its properties. JEWELERY TABLE 1D20 Type: Notes: 1-5 Ring Or Toe or Belly Ring 6 Brooch - 7-8 Necklace Or Chain 9-10 Bracelet Or Bangle or Arm Band 11-12 Earrings - 13 Toe Ring Or Belly Ring 14 Choker Or Torc 15 Pendant - 16 Anklet - 17 Charm - 18-19 Amulet - 20 Crown Or Diadem or Tiara ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEAPON TABLE 1D8 Type: 1 Dagger 2 Sword 3 One Handed 4 Two Handed 5 Pole Arm 6 Thrown 7 Bow 8 Crossbow SWORD TABLE 1D10 Type: Cost: 1 Short 40 2 Long 90 3 Knights 70 4 Viking 60 5 Great 100 6 Broad 80 7 Small 50 8 Rapier 80 9 Scimitar 40 10 Cutlass 30 DAGGER TABLE 1D10 Type: Cost: 1-2 Knife 1 3-4 Dagger 10 5 Long Knife 5 6 Left Handed 20 7 Throwing Knife 5 8 Sword Breaker 50 9 Stiletto 15 10 Ritual Dagger 50 ONE HANDED WEAPON TABLE 1D10 Type: Cost: 1-2 Club 0 3 Flail 25 4 Morning Star 20 5-6 Axe 5 7 Whip 10 8 Hammer 15 9 Pick 10 10 Mace 15 TWO HANDED WEAPON TABLE 1D6 Type: Cost: 1 Battle Axe 40 2 Broad Axe 10 3 War Hammer 30 4 War Pick 20 5 Maul 10 6 Mattock 15 POLE ARM TABLE 1D6 Type: Cost: 1 Spear 10 2 Pike 20 3 Halberd 35 4 Glaive 20 5 Pole Axe 20 6 Bill Hook 20 THROWN WEAPON TABLE 1D3 Type: Cost: 1 Sling 1 2 Dart 1 3 Javelin 5 BOW WEAPON TABLE 1D6 Type: Cost: 1 Short Bow 20 2 Recurve Bow 30 3 Long Bow 40 4-5 Broad Head Arrows 5 for 20 6 Bodkin Arrows 5 for 20 CROSSBOW WEAPON TABLE 1D6 Type: Cost 1 Hand 20 2 Regular 30 3 Heavy 50 4 Repeating 50 5-6 Bolts 5 for 20 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SHIELD TABLE 1D3 Type: Cost: 1 Target 10 2 Round 15 4 Large 20 HELMET TABLE 1D3 Type: Cost: 1 Small 10 2 Medium 20 3 Great 40 ARMOR TABLE 1D8 Type Cost: Notes: 1 Padding 15 Or Cloth 2 Leather 30 - 3 Studded 40 Leather Beneath 4 Ring 50 Leather Beneath 5 Chain 100 Padding Beneath 6 Scale 150 Lacquered 7 Panoply 100 Breastplate, Greaves, Bands 8 Full Plate 250 Padding Beneath Note: Heavier Armor will usually include a Helmet ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SCROLLS Each Scroll will contain 1 Spell. The GM will have to determine what spell it is. POTIONS The GM will pick something off the Potions Lists. MEDICINALS The GM will pick something off the Medicinal Lists. STAFF OR WAND The GM will pick something off the Wand Lists. FETISH The GM will pick something off the Fetish Lists. INGREDIENTS This will be 1D100 Gold worth of Rare Ingredients Useable by one or more Spell Lists. ARTIFACTS The GM will pick something off the Artifact Lists. GADGETS The GM will pick something off the Technomancer Lists. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MUSICAL INSTRUMENT LIST 1D8 Instrument: 1 Ocarina 2 Flute 3 Pan Flute 4 Harp 5 Lyre 6 Horn 7 Drum 8 Fiddle ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOOLS 1D40 Tools: Cost Enc Notes: 1 Lockpick Set 20 1 Small Case 2 Alchemical Glassware 500 16 Bulky, Very Delicate 3 Mining Tools 100 8 Picks, Shovels, Lanterns, Ropes 4 Carpentry Tools 50 5 Planes, Saws, Nails, Hammers 5 Masons Tools 10 6 Trowels, Buckets, Scrapers 6 Farming Tools 40 7 Hoes, Plows, Scythes, Sickles 7 Smithy Tools 100 8 Anvil, Hammer, Tongs, Pails 8 Fire Starting Kit 5 1 Tinder, Steel, Flint 9 Wood Working Tools 40 5 Hammer, Glue, Saws, Adze, Knife 10 Stone Carving Tools 40 6 Hammer, Chisels, Drills, Saws 11 Pottery Tools 10 4 Cutters, Rolling Pins, Shapers 12 Painters Tools 50 8 Paints, Brushes, Easel, Paper 13 Trap Makers Tools 20 8 Cages, Rope, Wire, Nets, Springs 14 Adventuring Gear 20 4 Grappling Hook, Rope, Crowbar 15 Instrument Making 60 6 Clamps, Patterns, Tuning Tools 16 Surgeons Tools 80 4 Scalpels, Speculums, Forceps 17 First Aid Kit 15 1 Bandages, Splint, Medicinals 18 Tinkers Tools 30 4 Hammer, Gears, Wire, Pliers 19 Drafting Tools 20 2 Ruler, Compass, Protractor, Squares 20 Metal Casting Tools 40 6 Tongs, Kiln, Crucible, Molds 21 Tailors Tools 10 4 Needles, Thread, Cloth, Buttons, Pins 22 Weavers Tools 30 12 Loom, Yarn, Comb, Scissors, Dowel 23 Gem Cutter Tools 20 3 Polishing Wheel, Saws, Drills, Chisel 24 Paper Making Tools 50 10 Screens, Press, Rollers, Cutters 25 Book Binding Tools 20 4 Drawknife, Scraper, Needles, Glues 26 Scribes Tools 20 4 Quills, Inks, Penknife, Chalk, Pumice 27 Gardening Tools 15 8 Spades, Hoes, Shovels, Rakes, Shears 28 Bowyers Tools 20 6 Hatchet, Drawknife, Planes, Files 29 Clockmakers Tools 60 4 Calipers, Die Plate, File, Pliers, Lathe 30 Tinkers Tools 20 3 Solder, Rasp, Cogs, Wire, Hammer 31 Glass Blowers Tools 40 8 Blowpipe, Molds, Marver, Paddles 32 Cobblers Tools 10 4 Soles, Stock, Groover, Hammer, Rasp 33 Cooking Tools 10 6 Pots, Pans, Knives, Utensils, Molds 34 Fishing Tools 10 6 Rods, Nets, Hooks, Lures, Traps, Knife 35 Butchers Tools 20 5 Saw, Knives, Cleaver, Grinder 36 Mountaineering Tools 30 4 Climbing Boots, Crampons, Ice Axes 37 Spelunking Tools 40 8 Rope Ladders, Lamps, Compass 38 Riding Gear 40 4 Saddle, Stirrups, Harness 39 Quarrying Tools 50 10 Saw, Chisels, Block & Tackle 40 Other ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- VALUABLE BOOKS TABLE 1D40 Book: Cost Notes: 1 2D6 Blank Spell Scrolls 20 Each 2 Skill Manual 50 Learn 1 Specific Skill 3 Spell List Monograph 1000 Learn 1 Specific Spell 4 Elemental Grimoire 1000 Learn 1 Elemental Spell 5 Black Magic Tome 1000 Learn 1 Evil Spell 6 White Magic Tome 1000 Learn 1 Good Spell 7 Physics Reference 50 Get +1 to Physics Skill Rolls 8 Patrons Codex 1000 Learn 1 Patron Spell 9 Summoning Primer 1000 Learn 1 Summoning Spell 10 Language Lexicon 50 Read to Learn 1 Language 11 Religious Tracts 50 Read to learn Theology 12 Spell Book 5000 Will contain 1D6 Spells 13 Treasure Map 100 Could be False 14 Navigational Charts 200 Get +2 to Navigate in Local Area 15 Travel Guide 50 Get +2 to Know about an Area 16 Lost Histories 100 Get +2 to Specific History Rolls 17 Regional Atlas 50 Get +1 to Navigate a Region 18 First Edition Literature 300 Valuable to Collectors 19 Music Folio 50 3D6 Quality Songs Available 20 Handbook of the Planes 1000 Get +1 to Navigate Outer Planes 21 Theological Treatise 50 Get +1 to a Theology Roll 22 Monstrous Manual 300 Get +1 to Monster Lore Rolls 23 Dragon Codex 400 Get +1 to Dragon Lore Rolls 24 Elven Poetry 200 Valuable to Some Elves 25 Dwarven Genealogy 500 Very Valuable to a few Dwarves 26 Gnomish Schematics 400 Get +1 to Invention Rolls 27 Shire History 50 Of Interest to some Halflings 28 Book of Prophecies 100 Get +1 to Divination Rolls 29 Astronomical Charts 100 Get +1 to Astronomy Rolls 30 Comparative Anatomy Tract 100 Get +1 to Non-Human Healing Rolls 31 Fiend Folio 700 Get +1 to Demon and Devil Lore 32 Building Blueprints 200 Get +3 to Build Described Structure 33 Encyclopedia of Angels 300 Get +1 to Angel Lore Rolls 34 Dictionary of Lost Worlds 2000 Get +1 to Portal Lore 35 Dungeon Map 1000 May need some Updating 36 Metaphysics Text 100 Read to gain Metaphysics Skill 37 Unpublished Diary 300 Scandalous 38 Arcane Dissertation 300 Learn 1 Wizard Spell 39 Political Manifesto 100 Learn 1 Politics type Skill 40 Other Notes: When learning a Skill or Spell by reading it takes 1 Month to read. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CLOTHING This varies enormously depending on who the owner of the Closet or Trunk is. A Kings Wardrobe will be very different from that of the 4-Armed High Priestess. If anything is magical it will probably be just 1 or a few items such as a belt or a cloak. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FURNISHINGS Like clothing this will vary according to the (previous) owners, as well as what type of room it is. A Kitchen may have a pot that heats up and cooks by itself. The Throne in a Throne room may be enchanted to make whomever sits upon it Paranoid. The Tapestry in a Hallway may show a moving picture of a battle fought long ago. A Cradle may bestow +1 Charisma once to any baby who sleeps the night in it. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

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