Card game for 2-4+ Players.
Players are Therapists trying to cure their patients and themselves.
The player with the most Total Victory Points (VP) wins.
Gain 10 VP for each patient you cure.
Loose 10 VP for each patient you fail.
The game ends after exactly 1 Hour.
The Board is a square track. Each side has 13 spaces.
Space: Notes:
Red Office Corner Starting Space
Generalized Anxiety Gain 1 NP
Group Therapy Cure 1 NP +1 per pawn on this Space
Chance Draw 1 card from the Chance Deck
Set Goals Cure 1 NP
Postmodern Life Gain 1 NP
Chance Draw 1 card from the Chance Deck
Quiet Desperation Gain 1 NP
Psychobabble Cure 1 NP
Chance Draw 1 card from the Chance Deck
Rehab Cure 2 NP
Self-Absorption Gain 1 NP
Blue Office Corner Starting Space
Relapse Gain 2 NP and move back 1D6 Spaces
Defense Mechanisms Cure 1 NP
Chance Draw 1 card from the Chance Deck
Retail Therapy Cure 1 NP
The Human Condition Gain 1 NP
Chance Draw 1 card from the Chance Deck
Victim Mentality Gain 1 NP
Repression Cure 1 NP
Chance Draw 1 card from the Chance Deck
Anti-Depressants Cure 2 NP
Insecurities Gain 1 NP
Green Office Corner Starting Space
Angst Gain 1 NP
Pop Psychology Cure 1 NP
Chance Draw 1 card from the Chance Deck
Self-Realization Cure 1 NP
Burnout Gain 1 NP
Chance Draw 1 card from the Chance Deck
Cognitive Dissonance Gain 1 NP
Sublimation Cure 1 NP
Chance Draw 1 card from the Chance Deck
Self Help Books Cure 1 NP
Apathy Gain 1 NP
Yellow Office Corner Starting Space
Panic Attack Gain 3 NP
Closure Cure 2 NP
Chance Draw 1 card from the Chance Deck
Denial Cure 1 NP
Guilt Trip Gain 2 NP and move ahead 1D6 Spaces
Chance Draw 1 card from the Chance Deck
Dysfunctional Family Gain 1 NP
Breakthrough Cure 2 NP
Chance Draw 1 card from the Chance Deck
Daily Affirmations Cure 1 NP
Shame Spiral Gain 2 NP
Six sided dice are needed.
Each player gets 1 Random Therapist card.
Each player gets 2 Random Patient cards.
Each player picks 1 Office to be their Home (starting) Office.
(If more than 4 players, players will have to share office space)
Each player gets a set of pawns.
(Pawn set color does not have to be the same as office color)
A player’s location pawns start in his office
The least mentally stable player goes first.
Therapists and Patients are collectively referred to as pawns.
Pawns can be in the form of chits, counters, markers, etc.
Each player has a set of pawns of a unique color.
All Pawns are numbered.
For each number there are two pawns with that number.
(For example: two red #1’s, two red #2’s, two red #3’s, two red #4’s etc.)
The #1 Pawns are used for a player’s Therapist:
Put one (the Identity pawn) on the player’s Therapist card to indicate ownership.
Put the other (the Location pawn) on the Board to show the therapists location.
The other pawns are used in the same way for a player’s patients.
Pawns always move clockwise unless otherwise directed by a card or space.
Each pawn starts play with 2D6 Neurosis Points (NP).
Use coins or tokens to represent NP.
Stack these NP Tokens on the Therapist/Patient cards.
If a Patient is ever rid of all of his NP he is completely cured.
The cured patient is removed from play and counts as positive VP for the owning player.
If a patient ever has over 20 NP he is considered to be a failed patient and
Is removed from play and counts as negative VP for the owner.
If a Therapist pawn has over 20 NP, he can no longer gain new Patients and
Any patient he lands on gains 1 NP.
The term cure is also used to mean the removal or loss of NP.
Players take turns.
On your turn get a number of dice equal to the number of pawns you control.
Each of your pawns must move exactly once on your turn.
Roll one or two dice at a time. These are referred to as "Progress" rolls.
Assign each roll to one of your pawns and move the pawn that number of spaces clockwise.
When a pawn lands on a space it must obey the instructions on the space, but
Only after it interacts with any pawns already there.
If the space contains multiple pawns pick just 1 to interact with.
If your therapist lands on another therapist:
Send that therapist to his office, but he cannot recruit a new patient.
If your therapist lands on an opponent’s patient:
You may gain control of that patient on a roll of 5 or better on 1D6 (Steal roll).
If your therapist lands on one of his own patients:
That patient is cured 1 NP.
If one of your patients lands on an opposing therapist:
He may try to gain control of the patient on a roll of 5 or better on 1D6 (Steal roll).
If one of your patients lands on an opposing patient:
The opposing patient gains 1 NP.
If one of your patients lands on your therapist:
The patient is cured 1 NP.
If one of your patients lands on one of your other patients nothing happens.
If one of your patients lands on your office, it is cured 1 NP.
If your therapist lands on your office you may recruit a new Patient on a roll of
4 or better on 1D6 (Recruit Roll). If successful, draw a new patient card.
The pawn for the new patient starts in the Office.
If your pawn lands on an opposing office, nothing happens.
A player can have a max of 5 patients at a time.
Name: Notes:
The Abyss If this Patient has 15+ NP it is Failed
Insanity If this Patient has 15+ NP it is Failed
Placebo Cure 1 NP
Substitute Gratification Cure 1 NP
Optimism Cure 1 NP
Psychoanalysis If this Patient has 5 or less NP it is Cured
Twelve Steps Program Cure 2 NP
Wishful Thinking Gain 1 NP & Move forward 1D6 Spaces
Sibling Rivalry Gain 1 NP
Self-Sabotage Gain 2 NP
Primal Scream Therapy Cure 1 NP
False Memory Syndrome Gain 2 NP
Commitment Issues Gain 1 NP
Dream Interpretation Cure 1 NP
Disillusionment Gain 1 NP
Get No Respect Gain 1 NP
Weekend Retreat Cure 1 NP and move ahead 1D6 Spaces
Can't Get No Satisfaction Gain 1 NP
Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Gain 1 NP
Binge Gain 2 NP
Existential Dread Gain 1 NP
Catharsis Cure 2 NP
Psychological Scars Gain 1 NP
Unfulfilled Sexual Wishes Gain 2 NP
Oppositional Defiant Disorder Gain 2 NP
Paranoia Gain 2 NP
Irrational Fear Gain 1 NP
Delusions of Grandeur Gain 2 NP
Phobia Gain 2 NP
The Holidays All Pawns gain 1 NP
Nervous Breakdown Gain 3 NP
Insomnia Gain 2 NP
Ambivalence Gain 1 NP
Incorrect Diagnosis Gain 2 NP
Redemption Cure 1 NP
Emotional Baggage Gain 1 NP
Newyorkitis Gain 1 NP
Malignant Narcissism Gain 2 NP
Midlife Crisis Gain 3 NP
Adult Temper Tantrum All Pawns in space Gain 1 NP
Moment of Clarity Cure 1 NP
Encounter Group Move Pawn to your Office
Shock Treatment Cure 3 NP
Touch Inner Child Cure 1 NP
Inner Demons Gain 1 NP
Identity Crisis Gain 3 NP
Go Postal Patient is Failed
Freudian Slip Move back 1D6 Spaces
Synergy Move forward 1D6 Spaces
Self-Actualization Cure 2 NP
Sensitivity Training Cure 1 NP
Empowerment Coaching Cure 1 NP
Behavior Modification Cure 1 NP
Cognitive Therapy Cure 1 NP
Research Study Subject Draw 2 more cards
Penis Envy Pam
Arthur the Addict
Obese Bertha
Peeping Tom
Billy the Bed Wetter
Peggy the People Pleaser
Nikki the Nympho
Lithium Larry
Charles in the Closet
Psycho Ted
Carl the Kvetch
Sam Junior
Co-Dependent Cathy
Paranoid Pete
Mr. Oedipus Complex
Mrs. Munchausen
OCD Adrian
Grownup Child Star
Tony the Tough Guy
Neville the Neatnick
Mack the Misanthropist
Joey the Jerk
Bipolar Bob
Anal Alan
Melancholy Moe
Vera the Psychic Vampire
Doug the Double Dipper
Helen the Hypochondriac
High-Maintenance Missy
Polymorphously Perverse Phil
Cory the Control Freak
Cindy the Confabulator
Barney the Black Sheep
Polly the Perfectionist
David the Degenerate
Nihilistic Nick
Name: Notes:
Freudian Psychotherapist Patients fully cured at 3 NP or less
Jungian Analytical Psychologist Cure 2 NP when therapist lands on own patient
New Age Guru Steal Roll +1
Life Coach Reroll up to 2 Progress rolls per turn.
Existential Psychotherapist When drawing Chance, draw 2 cards and discard one
Experimental Psychologist Failed Patients are only -5VP
Doctor of Psychiatry Your Patients cured 2 NP when they land on your Office
Personal Development Coach Your Patients are immune to other player’s patients
Relationship Counselor Recruit Roll +1
Humanistic Psychotherapist Your Therapist moves an extra 1D6 spaces on your turn
Holistic Healer Patient Limit +1
Clinical Psychologist Fully Cured Patients are worth 11 VP
Cognitive Behavioral Therapist Reroll any one dieroll on your turn