Potlatch is a ceremony of Native American Indian tribes of the Pacific Northwest. 
The Host of the Potlatch would gain status by how much he could give away. 
This showed he was wealthy. The celebration could last for days and would 
Include feasting, singing, dancing, and story-telling. 

The first player to have 20 or more Status points is the winner. 

Use tokens to keep track of status points. 

Players share a common deck. 
There are 5 Suites: 
Ceremony, Carving & Crafts, Food, Spiritual, and Performances
Each card also has a Status Level (SL) from 3 to 7. 

Players take turns. 
Each turn has 4 Phases: 
1. Summer Phase
2. Fall Phase
3. Winter Phase
4. Spring Phase

Draw 3 Cards. 
If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it. 

You must Play 1 card from your hand for its special effect. 
Each Suite has its own Special effects: 
Ceremony: Draw 1 card and all players may trade cards. 
Carving & Crafts: Draw 3 cards and keep 1.
Food: Draw 2 cards or trade hands with target player. 
Performances: Steal 1 Random card from opponent’s hand. 
Spiritual: Opponent must discard 1 random card or draw 5 cards and discard 6 cards. 

You may make a Potlatch Combo. 
To make the combo you must discard 1 card from each of the 5 Suites. 
Gain Status Points equal to the lowest SL score of any of the cards in the combo.  
If a combo has cards of just one Status Level the combo is worth 10 points. 
If all cards in a combo have different SL numbers the combo is worth 10 points. 

If you made a Combo last phase draw 3 cards. 
Max hand size is 6 cards. Discard excess cards.  

X = Ceremony
C = Carving & Crafts
F = Food
P = Performances
S = Spiritual
SL = Status Level

Name				Type	SL
Winter Ceremony			X	7
Marriage			X	6
Funeral of a Chief		X	7
Sacred Event			X	7
Election			X	5
Celebration			X	4
Confirmation			X	5
Coming of Age			X	6
Battle Victory			X	6
Initiation			X	4
Divorce				X	3
Tattooing & Piercing		X	3
Birth				X	4
Naming				X	3
Rite of Passage			X	5
Plank Long House		C	7
Dugout Canoe			C	7
Totem Poles			C	7
Ceremonial Masks		C	6
Drums & Rattles			C	3
Tools				C	3
Weapons of War			C	5
Copper				C	5
Shell Money			C	4
Regalia & Jewelry		C	4
Blankets & Weavings		C	3
Hemlock & Redwood		C	6
Cedar, Spruce & Fir Trees	C	5
Bone Carvings			C	4
Guardian Figures		C	6
Elaborate Dances		P	7
Singing 			P	3
Music				P	3
Story Telling			P	4
Theatrical Dramas		P	4
Demonstrations			P	6
Hospitality			P	6
Gift Giving			P	7
Witnesses			P	6
Burning Articles		P	5
Throw Items into the Sea	P	5
Great Feasting			P	7
Games & Sports			P	3
Chanting			P	4
Oratory				P	5
Inherited Privileges		S	7
Great Order of Things		S	7
Sky & Undersea World		S	3
Animism				S	3
Shamanism			S	4
Mortal & Spirit World		S	3
Responsibilities		S	5
Tradition			S	5
Social Claims			S	5
Legends of Ancestors		S	6
Family Origins			S	6
Proper Behavior			S	6
Secret Societies		S	4
Birthright			S	7
Supernatural			S	4
Salmon				F	7
Sea Lions & Whales		F	7
Bears & Caribou			F	7
Deer, Elk, and Moose		F	6
Seals & Sea Otters		F	6
Halibut, Herring  & Cod		F	6
Candlefish Oil			F	5
Dried Foods			F	5
Sugar & Flour			F	5
Clams & Crabs			F	4
Blueberries & Huckleberries	F	4
Roots, Nuts, and Acorns		F	4
Fungus & Bulbs			F	3
Shellfish			F	3
Beach Food & Seaweed		F	3

At the beginning of the game each player picks one Clan Animal. 
Each animal provides a unique special ability: 
Raven: Max hand size = 7
Thunderbird: In Fall phase as your action, you may discard 2 cards of the 
Same suite to draw 3 cards. 
Eagle: All Potlatch combos earn 1 extra Status Point. 
Wolf: In Fall Phase you may choose to play 0,1, or 2 cards.  
Killer Whale: In Fall Phase, a Food card play allows you to draw 3 cards.  
Bear: In Fall Phase you may discard your hand to draw 5 new cards. 

Pacific NW     Wikipedia

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