Card and Bidding Game for 3-6+ Players.
Have the most Victory Points (VP) at the end of the game.
The Game ends when a turn starts and there are no cards left in the Deck.
Use poker chips to keep track of Victory Points.
There are 5 different colors of bidding cubes in equal amounts.
These are kept in a pouch for random drawing.
The Deck has 7 Suites.
There are 10 cards for each suite.
The Suites are:
1. Peter the Great
2. Baltic Sea Ports
3. Crushed Rebellions
4. Black Sea Ports
5. Western Influences
6. Social Modernizations
7. Saint Petersburg
The most Russian Player goes first.
Each player draws 5 Random Cubes.
Players take turns.
Play proceeds clockwise.
Each turn has 5 Phases.
1. Cube Phase
2. Draw Phase
3. Bid Phase
4. Action Phase
5. Score Phase
Draw 3 Random Cubes from the Pouch.
Flip over the top card of the deck. This is a Bid card.
Place it face up on the table in line with Bid cards from previous turns.
If there are 2 or less Bid cards in Line you must Pass.
If there are at least 3 Bid Card in Line you may Pass or Call a Bid.
If there are 7 or more Bid cards in Line you must Call a Bid.
In a Bid each player secretly bids either zero cubes or 1 or more
cubes of the same color.
The player who bid the most cubes wins.
The winner returns all of his bid cubes to the pouch.
The losers keep their cubes.
The winner takes possession of all of the Bid Cards. They now cease
being bid cards and are placed in the winners Victory Card pile.
All Victory cards in all piles are to be kept visible to all players.
If there is a tie in the Bidding the current player wins ties going clockwise.
Note: If there are no cards left in the deck, you must Call a Bid.
You may discard 1 Peter the Great card to produce one of the following effects:
1. Gain 3 Victory Points.
2. Draw 3 extra Cubes.
3. Draw 5 Cubes and discard any 4 of your Cubes.
4. Opponent must give you 1 card from his Victory Pile of his choice.
5. Opponent must give you 2 of his Cubes of his choice.
6. Take any 1 card from the Bid Card line up and put it in your Victory Pile.
7. Draw 3 cards from the top of deck and place them in your Victory Pile. Next
Place any 3 cards from your Victory Pile on the bottom of the deck.
Gain VP equal to the number of cards in the Suite you have the fewest cards of in your
Victory Pile (Not including the Peter the Great Suite).
For Example: You have cards in your Victory Pile =
Peter the Great = 0, Baltic Sea Ports = 1, Crushed Rebellions = 2, Black Sea Ports = 3,
Western Influences = 1, Social Modernizations = 4, Saint Petersburg = 3
In this scenario you would get 1 VP because you have the fewest number of
Western Influences and Baltic Sea Port cards.
P = Peter the Great
B = Baltic Sea Ports
R = Crushed Rebellions
L = Black Sea Ports
W = Western Influences
M = Social Modernizations
S = Saint Petersburg
Name Type:
Peter the Great P
Tsar Peter P
Peter the First P
Emperor of all the Russias P
Autocrat P
Father of His Country P
Visionary P
Reformer P
Modernizer P
Conqueror P
Found City S
Winter Palace S
Kunstkamera S
Peter & Paul Cathedral S
Chief Architect S
Urban Planning S
Academy of Sciences S
Petrine Baroque Style S
Twelve Collegia S
Seat of Government S
War with Ottoman Empire L
Crimean Khan L
Tartars L
Knights of Malta L
Balkan Allies L
Russian Fleet L
Taganrog Naval Base L
Fort of Azov L
Russo-Turkish War L
Seize Ports L
Great Northern War B
Warm Water Port B
Treaty of Nystad B
War on Sweden B
Denmark-Norway Allies B
Poland-Lithuania Allies B
Saxony Ally B
Maritime Power B
Estonia, Livonia, Ingria B
Battle of Lesnaya B
Treason R
Streltsy Rebellion R
Brutal Suppression R
Bashkirs Rebellion R
Civil Uprising R
Bulavin Rebellion R
Mutiny R
Conspiracy R
Torture R
Execution R
Russian Delegation W
Grand embassy W
Holland W
England & Leipzig W
Dresden & Vienna W
Study Engineering W
Study European Customs W
Study Science W
Study Shipbuilding W
European Tour W
The Decree on Shaving M
Stop Arranged Marriages M
Compulsory Education M
Capitation Taxes M
First Newspaper M
Adopt Julian Calendar M
Reform Orthodox Church M
Table of Ranks M
Abolish the Duma M
Agricultural Reforms M
Peter the Great
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