Card and Dice Game for 2-6 players. 
Greek City State Theme. 

The first player to accumulate 100+ Victory Tokens wins. 
The first player to control 4 cities at the beginning of his turn wins. 

Components include: 
Population Marker Sets, 
Gold Coins,  Victory Tokens, 
Growth Card Decks, Action Card Decks, 
City Counters, Dice, City State Mats, 
Greek Wonder Counters

Each player has a set of 60 Markers of a unique color. 
Unused PM are kept in each players store.  

Players share a common set of Coins. 
These are unlimited and can come in different denominations. 

Players share a common set of Victory Tokens. 
These are unlimited and can come in different denominations. 

Each player has his own set of  Growth Cards. 

Each player has his own set of  Action Cards. 

Players share a common set of City Counters. 
Counters are of 3 types: Improvements, Leaders, Events. 
Most of the Counters are kept in a cup. 
Always keep 5 random Counters out of the cup face-up. 
These are called the Ready Counters. 
Improvements can be of 3 types: 
Military, Gold, or Victory. 
Leaders provide the same effect as 2 Improvements. 

Six and Ten sided dice are needed. 

There are 10 City State Mats. 
City State Mats can hold up to 20 Population Markers, 
8 Improvement Counters, 1 Greek Wonder Counter, and 1 Leader Counter.  
Each city also generates a bonus in 1 category as do improvements. 

Players share a common set of Greek Wonder Counters. 
These are kept face up. 
A Wonder costs 10 Gold to build. 
You must control the City to build it. 
The city must have at least 3 other improvement already. 
You immediately gain 5 VT for building it.
A Wonder also provides a bonus just like a regular Improvement.   
A City may contain a maximum of 1 Wonder. 

Each player selects 1 City State Mat (CSM). 
Each player selects a set of Population Markers (PM). 
A player puts 10 of his PM on his own CSM.  
Each player starts with 2 Gold and 5 VT.  
Roll Dice to see who goes first. 
Players then take turns placing 1 PM on the CSM of 1 other player until 
each player has placed 5 PM in such a manner.

The player who has the most PM in a City controls it. 
It is possible for a player to control many cities, or none. 

Players take turns. 
Each turn has 6 Phases: 
1. Growth Phase
2. Expenditure Phase
3. Action Phase
4. Culture Phase
5. Revenue Phase
6. End Phase

You must play 1 Growth Card from your hand. 
Each growth card provides you with some combination of 
Extra Population Markers, Gold, and/or City Counters. 
Place the PM (your color) on any city in play.
(Remember the max PM in any city is 20. If you cannot place them, they are discarded)  
Keep the Gold. 
City Counters are chosen from the Ready Counters or randomly from a common cup. 
A Growth deck has 6 Cards. The Six cards include: 
#	PM	Gold	City Counters	Notes
1	0	1	1		-
2	1	-	1		-
3	2	2	-		-
4	3	1	-		-
5	4	-	-		-
6	2+3	-	-		2 PM in one city and 3 in another
When you play a Growth Card, place it face down in front of you. 
When all of your Growth cards have been used, place them all back in your hand. 

When you draw a city counter, they must be used immediately:  
Improvements: These may be placed in any city in which you have 1 or more PM. 
(Put them back in the cup if there is no where you can put them) 
A City may not have more Military counters than it has Gold Counters. 
Leaders: Place the Leader in any city of your choice that does not have one first. 
If all cities have Leaders, replace any target Leader with the new one. 
The old Leader is put back in the cup.  
Events: Resolve and then place back in the cup when it is finished. 
If you chose a Ready Counter, immediately draw another one from the cup to replace it.  

You may spend or save your Gold Coins as you like. 
Spend 1 Gold to move 1 or 2 of your PM from one city to another. 
Spend 2 Gold to gain 1 VT
Spend 3 Gold to gain 1 PM in any City. 
Spend 5 Gold to gain 1 City Counter. 
Spend 7 Gold to put your Face down Action cards back in your hand. 
Spend 10 Gold to gain a Greek Wonder. 

You must play 1 Action Card from your hand. 
Each action card has 2 possible actions on it. You must choose 1 of the 2. 
An Action deck has 6 Cards. The Six cards include: 
1. War or Peace
2. Colonize or Trade
3. Revolt or Civilization
4. Oratory or Diplomacy
5. Intrigue or Improve
6. Raid or Migrate
When you play a Action Card, place it face down in front of you. 
When all of your Action Cards have been used, place them all back in your hand. 

You can only declare war if you control a city state.  
Pick a city state you control (with at least 10 PM) and a City state you don’t control. 
The controller of the target city may immediately offer a Tribute of Gold. 
If the attacker does not accept the Tribute continue: 
The attacker must pay 5 Gold to attack. 
Each side rolls 1D6 and adds 1 per Military Bonus the City has. 
The opposing city loses that many random Population Markers. 
(A city may have zero population: no one controls it)
The player with the higher modified roll gets 2 VP.  
If the modified rolls are within 4 the war is said to be a draw. 
If one side is 5+ more than the  other, it is said to be the Winner. 
The winner steals 3 VT from the Loser. 
(If the loser has less than 3 VT, none may be stolen) 
The Winner takes half of the Losers Gold. 
The Winner may destroy 1 Improvement or Wonder in the losing city.  
The Winner may put to the sword (kill) none, some, or all of the PM in the losing city. 
The Winner may enslave none, some, or all of the PM in the losing city. 
Place enslaved PM in the Winners city and gain 1 Gold for each. 
A player may not kill or enslave his own PM. 

Gain 2 PM in any city. 

You can only Colonize if you control a city state containing a full 20 PM. 
Pay 5 Gold.  Put a new City State Map into play. 
Move any 6 PM from the Old City into the new Colony. 

Gain 3 Gold. 

Target a City with a least 15 PM that you do not control. 
That city loses a random 1D6 PM. 

Gain 2 VT. 

Pick a city that you have at least 1 PM in. 
Convert 2 opponents PM in that city into your PM. 

Pick a city you have a PM in and any other target city. 
Those cities cannot raid or go to war with each other for 3 turns. 

Pick 2 Cities you do not control and that a re controlled by 2 different players. 
Those cities must go to war with each other as described in the War Action. 

Gain 1 City Counter. 
Then Discard all the Ready Counters and replace with new ones from the cup. 

Steal 2 Gold from target player. 

Move up to 4 of your PM from 1 city to any other. 

Gain VT from all VT producing Leaders, Improvements and Wonders in 
Cities you control. Each such counter produces 1 VT. 
Some Leaders may produce 2 VT. 
If you are tied for first for control, get half the VT rounding up. 
If there is no tie for first or second and you are second in control, get 
half the VT rounding up. 

Gain Gold from all Gold producing Leaders, Improvements and Wonders in 
Cities you control. Each such counter produces 1 Gold. 
If you are tied for first for control, get half the Gold rounding up. 
If there is no tie for first or second and you are second in control, get 
half the Gold rounding up. 

Roll 1D6 for each Leader you control. 
On a Roll of 6 that Leader dies. 

Name				Bonus
Athens				V
Sparta				M
Corinth				M
Thebes				G
Olympia				V
Rhodes				G
Byzantium			V
Argos				M
Taranto				G
Megara				M
Knossos				G
Delphi				V

M = Military
G = Gold
V = Victory
L = Leader
I = Improvement
E = Event

Name				Bonus
Statue of Zeus			M
Temple of Artemis		G
The Mausoleum			V
The Colossus			G
The Pharos Lighthouse		G
The Parthenon			V
The Oracle			V

Name				Type	Bonus
Sacred Band			I	M
Hoplites       			I	M
Fleet				I	M
Army				I	M
Phalanxes			I	M
Archers				I	M
Slingers       			I	M
Warriors       			I	M
Rowers				I	M
Marines				I	M
Biremes				I	M
Triremes       			I	M
Soldiers       			I	M
City Walls			I	M
Arsenal				I	M
Barracks       			I	M
Acropolis			I	M
Hill-Top Fort			I	M
Chariots       			I	M
War Galleys			I	M
Grain				I	G
Timber				I	G
Wine				I	G
Silver				I	G
Olive Oil			I	G
Honey				I	G
Pottery				I	G
Wool				I	G
Grapes				I	G
Fish				I	G
Agora				I	G
Slaves				I	G
Harbor				I	G
Port				I	G
Market Place			I	G
Farms				I	G
Marble Quarry			I	G
Bronze Ware			I	G
Round Ships			I	G
Workshops			I	G
Theatre				I	V
Stadium				I	V
Gymnasium			I	V
Temple				I	V
Council Hall			I	V
Democracy			I	V
Philosophy			I	V
Math & Logic			I	V
Medicine       			I	V
Artisans       			I	V
Law				I	V
Altar				I	V
Fountain House			I	V
Shrine				I	V
Assembly       			I	V
Playhouse			I	V
Music				I	V
Poetry				I	V
Academy        			I	V
Sculpture			I	V
Socrates       			L	VV
Plato				L	VV
Aristotle			L	VV
Pericles       			L	MV
Leonidas       			L	MM
Agamemnon			L	MM
Homer				L	VV
Hippocrates			L	VG
Aristophanes			L	VV
Solon				L	VG
Herodotus			L	VV
Alcibiades			L	MV
Lysander       			L	MM
Demosthenes			L	VG
Sophocles			L	VV
Phidias				L	VG
Pythagoras			L	VG
Themistocles			L	MG
Miltiades			L	MM
Epaminondas			L	MV
Harvest				E	Gain 2 PM + 1 Gold
Festival       			E	Gain 1 PM + 1 Gold + 1 VT
Olympics       			E	Gain 3 VT
Disaster       			E	Target Improvement destroyed
Ostracism			E	Discard target Leader
Plague				E	Target City loses 1D6 Random PM
Traitor				E	Move Leader to new city with no Leader

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