Wargame for two players.
Simulation of the Battle of Qadesh in 1300 BC.
Clash of the Warrior Kings.
Use a Chessboard.
Row Spaces
1 01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08
2 09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16
3 17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24
4 25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32
5 33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40
6 41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48
7 49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56
8 57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64
Between Rows 5 & 6 is the River Orontes.
The river separates 36 from 37 and 28.
The river separates 27 from 35.
Spaces 48, 56, 64 are part of the Lake of Homs and may not be entered
Spaces 40 is rough ground (Mud Flats)
Space 36 is rough ground (the settlement of Qadesh)
Space 1 is rough ground (the settlement of Shabtuna)
Spaces 7,8,15,15 are rough ground (Hills)
Space 30 is rough ground (Camp of Rameses)
Space 54 is rough ground (Encampment of the Hittites)
Index cards (or Parchment or Clay Tablets) for unit stats and orders.
Writing Implements.
Six sided Dice.
The Egyptians get 5 red labeled tokens, one for each army.
The Hittites get 5 blue labeled tokens, one for each army.
Make up a Master index card for each army
Tokens for fatigue, casualties, routing, scattered, and looting.
Place tokens directly onto Master index cards.
Each token or pawn on the board represents one army.
Armies are also referred to as: Units, Divisions, Corps, Columns,
Entourages, Contingents, etc.
Each player has 5 armies.
Most of the Egyptian Infantry was armed with composite bows.
Close combat troops used Bronze Khopesh (Sickle) swords, Axes, Spears,
Shields and Daggers.
Armor used by both sides was Bronze Scale Mail.
Light Egyptian Chariots had a Driver and Armored Archer and were equipped with Javelins.
The Egyptians also employed Libyan & Nubian Archers.
The Hittite Heavy Chariots had a Driver, Shieldman & Armored Warrior, all
with long Spears.
In mixed forces Infantry are able to hitch rides with the Chariots.
All Units are composed of 4000 Infantry and 500 Light Chariots.
Their base movement rate is 2 spaces per turn.
Attacks are by Shock and Missile.
…P’Re (The Sun God of Heliopolis) Corps…
Setup in one of the following: 26,27,28
…Amun (The God of Thebes) Division…
This unit has the Egyptian Leader Pharaoh Rameses II so it gets a leader
Force bonus of +2.
Sets up in or adjacent to the Egyptian Camp.
…Ne’arin Division (Northern Allies)…
Setup in one of the following: 7,8,15,16 in turn 2
…Ptah (God of Memphis) Division…
Setup in one of the following: 9,17,25,33,41 in turn 4
…Sutekh (Set: The Lord of Upper Egypt) Division…
Setup in one of the following: 9,17,25,33,41 in turn 6
The attacks of all Hittite units are by Shock only.
…Reconnaissance in Force Column…
This unit is composed entirely of 2,500 Heavy Chariots.
Its base movement rate is 3 spaces per turn.
This is a numerically large chariot unit so it has a Force bonus of +1.
…Entourage of Muwatallish…
This unit is composed entirely of 1,200 Heavy Chariots.
Its base movement rate is 3 spaces per turn.
This unit has the Hittite Leader of King Muwatallish so it gets a leader
Force bonus of +2.
Setup in one of the following: 44,45,46,52,53,54
… Allied Host…
This unit is composed entirely of 13,000 Infantry.
Its base movement rate is 1 space per turn.
Setup in or adjacent to camp.
…Hatti Main Body…
Same as Allied Host.
…Vassal State Cohorts…
Same as Allied Host.
Destroy the enemy unit containing the opposing Leader, or
Occupy his camp and remove any 2 of his armies from play.
1. Scribe Orders
2. Resolve First Moves Phase
3. Resolve Second Moves Phase
4. Resolve Third Moves Phase
5. Resolve Fourth Moves Phase
Both players write down on an index card how they want each of their armies to move.
Write down the path, space by space, that the army will attempt to move through.
Amun Division (start space 30) à 22 à 14
Entourage of Muwatallish (start 46) à 45 à 44 à 36
An army may be ordered to move a number of spaces up to its base movement rate.
Units may not move diagonally.
Two friendly units may not occupy the same space at the same time.
A unit may be ordered to move one additional space but at the end of that phase gets
a fatigue token on a roll of 1-3 on 1D6.
An army next to or in an enemy camp begins to loot on a roll of 1-3 on 1D6.
Every army of both players moves the first space of their order.
(Unless an army was ordered not to move)
All moves are simultaneous.
If two opposing armies are in the same space there will be a Shock Battle.
If two opposing armies are adjacent there will be a Missile Skirmish.
If a unit does not move or fight in a phase it may remove one fatigue token.
Every time a unit is about to make a normal move roll 1D6.
On a roll of 6 the unit does not move.
Add 1 if you are entering rough ground.
Add 1 if you are crossing the river.
Add 1 for every fatigue token you have.
Add 1 if you are in the same space as an opposing army.
Continue with the next written move on the order for every army just like in First Phase.
Note that a unit must continue to move according to its orders.
This may disengage the unit from combat.
Occurs when 2 opposing armies occupy the same space.
First determine if there is surprise. Each side rolls 1D6.
The lower roll by 3 or more is surprised.
Next both sides roll 2D6. This is the battle roll.
Get –1 for every Fatigue token your army has.
Get –1 for every Casualty token your army has.
Get +1 if you are the Hittite Player.
Get –2 if you are Surprised.
Get –2 if you are Looting.
Get –2 if you are Scattered.
Get –2 if you are Routing.
Get +2 for having a Leader
Get –1 if you the enemy has 1 or more additional armies adjacent to you.
The side with the highest modified roll is the winner.
The loser gets 1 Casualty token and must roll on the Defeat Table.
1D6 Result: Notes:
1 Stand Ground Nothing
2 Bloodbath Gain 1 additional Casualty Token
3 Scattered Check morale to regroup on following phases
4-5 Routed Immediately move 1 space away.
6 Decimated Army destroyed: removed from play
The results of this table replace earlier results. For example:
A unit was looting but you rolled a 5 so it is now routing.
If you are Egyptian and adjacent to a Hittite unit roll:
1D6 Result:
1-2 Nothing
3-4 Hittites gain 1 Casualty Token
5-6 Hittites gain 1 Casualty Token and Rout
Get –1 for every Fatigue token your army has.
Get –1 for every Casualty token your army has.
Get +1 if Hittites are Looting.
Get –1 if Hittites are Scattered.
Get –1 if Skirmishers or Hittites are in Rough Ground
Get +1 for having a Leader.
Get +1 if Hittites are Routing.
Get –1 if you the Hittites has 1 or more additional armies adjacent to you.
An Egyptian unit in the same space as a Hittite unit cannot skirmish.
A Scattered, Routing, or Looting unit cannot skirmish.
Applies to units that are scattered, looting or routing.
Scattered and Looting units do not move.
Instead of moving in a phase, a scattered or Looting unit may try to rally.
To Rally, roll 1D6. On a roll of 4-6 you rally and are no longer scattered.
Routing units instead of doing their normal move will move directly
away from enemy armies.
If unable (Fails) to move the routing army is destroyed.
If the army moves off the board it is gone forever.
And the end of the phase, the routing unit may try to rally.
To Rally, roll 1D6. On a roll of 4-6 you rally and are no longer routing.
Turn 1:
RFC crosses the river and surprises P’Re. P’Re is scattered.
RFC swings wide, west of Rameses camp.
Turn 2:
RFC attacks Amun in camp and begins to loot.
Turn 3:
Amun skirmishes and routs RFC.
Turn 4:
EOM crosses the river and is skirmished by Ne’arin. EOM routs.
EOM is skirmished by Amun and is destroyed when unable to cross the river

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