Card game for 2 players.
One player represents the West, the other Russia.
Since the Cold War has ended and the fall of the Soviet Union as a Superpower,
Russia has maintained an active war-footing with the West, using every means
Possible (covert, hacking, criminal, disinformation, hard force, etc.) to
Subvert and destabilize the Western powers and the New world order.
Their long term goal is to remain a major player in an illiberal, multipolar world.
The game starts in the year 2000. Each turn represents 2 years.
The game ends in 2020. There are a total of 11 Turns.
If any player wins 3 Hands in a row, they win the game.
The winner of the first turn gets 1 Victory point.
The winner of the second turn gets 2 Victory points.
The winner of the third turn gets 3 Victory points and son.
The player with the most Victory points at the end of the game wins.
Use pen and paper to record Victory points.
Players share a common deck.
Some cards can be used by both players.
Some cards can only be used by one side.
1. Players are dealt 7 cards each.
2. You may reveal a Spy card to look at your opponent’s hand.
3. Players can discard up to 4 cards and draw replacements.
4. A player may discard an economic card to draw 2 cards.
5. A player may discard a military card to make his opponent discard a random card
6. A player may discard a political card to draw 3 cards and discard 2 cards.
7. A player may discard a culture card to gain 1 Victory point.
8. Players reveal their hands.
9. The player with the highest Force total wins the hand.
-Every card has a Force value.
-A player can only count cards that match his side or that can be used by both players.
-A player may only use 1 card of the same type, so for example, he could use one
Military card toward his total but not two. This is the “One-Type-only Rule”.
-If a player reveals a Crime card he may break the One-Type-Only Rule once unless
His opponent plays a Law card.
A card with the “Any” type may be assigned any type its owner wants (Political, cultural, etc.)
10. Discard all cards.
R = Russia
W = West
B = Both
# Name: User Force Type
1 Vladimir Putin R 5 Any
2 Russian Federation R 2 Any
3 Semi-Criminal Oligarchy R 2 Crime
4 Soviet Roots R 2 Culture
5 Encourage Nationalism R 4 Culture
6 Dis/Misinformation R 4 Info
7 Security State R 3 Any
8 Undermine Democracies R 3 Political
9 Green Men Incursions R 4 Military
10 Support Dictatorships R 4 Economic
11 Reflexive Control R 4 Political
12 Disseminate Fake News R 2 Info
13 Hack CIA Computers R 3 Spy
14 Cyber Theft R 3 Spy
15 Exploit International Crisis R 3 Political
16 Erode Western Values R 3 Culture
17 Promote Far Right Radicalism R 2 Political
18 Oil Politics R 4 Economic
19 Non Linear War R 2 Any
20 Russia Tycoons R 3 Economic
21 Russian Mafia R 4 Crime
22 KGB Machinery R 3 Spy
23 FSB Federal Security Service R 5 Spy
24 Control National Responses R 4 Culture
25 Multi Vector Foreign Policy R 2 Political
26 Attack Liberalism and Globalism R 3 Culture
27 Interfere in Elections R 3 Political
28 Intimidate Diplomats/Journalists R 1 Crime
29 GRU Intelligence Directorate R 2 Spy
30 Targeted Killings R 2 Spy
31 Paramilitary Groups R 4 Military
32 Subvert Decision Making Ability R 3 Info
33 Covert Activities R 2 Spy
34 Disrupt and Sabotage R 2 Political
35 Erode Institutional Trust R 3 Culture
36 Gerasimov Doctrine R 3 Any
37 Russian Frontier Annexations R 3 Military
38 Shadow Tactics R 2 Any
39 Hybrid Information Warfare R 2 Info
40 Confuse Fact and Fiction R 2 Info
41 Global Insurgency R 2 Military
42 Campaign of Destabilization R 3 Political
43 Export Illiberal Ideology R 2 Culture
44 Compromise National Security R 3 Spy
45 Asymmetrical Diplomacy R 2 Political
46 Influence Campaign R 3 Political
# Name: User Force Type
1 NSA National Security Agency W 4 Spy
2 NATO Treaties W 3 Military
3 NATO Alliance W 4 Military
4 German Leadership W 3 Economic
5 Western Aid W 2 Economic
6 Western Democracies W 3 Political
7 World Bank W 2 Economic
8 Western Institutions W 3 Culture
9 Liberal Democracies W 2 Culture
10 Rule of Law W 2 Law
11 European Union W 3 Politics
12 American President W 5 Any
13 USA Superpower W 5 Economic
14 Targeted Sanctions W 1 Economic
15 United Nations W 3 Politics
16 International Law W 2 Law
17 Little Foreign Investment W 3 Economic
18 Low Oil Prices W 4 Economic
19 Expansion of the EU W 3 Political
20 Expansion of NATO W 3 Military
21 Western Criticism W 1 Culture
22 Internal Criticism W 1 Culture
23 Protests W 1 Political
24 Expulsion W 1 Law
25 Reset Policy W 1 Politics
26 Asset Seizure W 1 Economic
27 Confront Interference W 4 Any
28 Repair Damage W 2 Any
29 American Exceptionalism W 3 Culture
30 Aspirational Character W 4 Culture
31 Vision and Purpose W 5 Culture
32 Strong Alliances W 4 Military
33 Diplomacy W 1 Political
34 Negotiation W 1 Political
35 Expose Actions W 4 Info
36 Force Projection W 4 Military
37 United Front W 4 Political
38 Security Guarantees W 3 Military
39 Economic Superiority W 5 Economic
40 CIA Central Intelligence Agency W 4 Spy
41 Military Superiority W 4 Military
42 New World Order W 3 Political
43 Cultural Domination W 3 Culture
44 Military Deployments W 3 Military
45 Probe and Investigate R 2 Info
46 US Cyber Command R 3 Spy
# Name: User Force Type
1 Espionage B 2 Spy
2 Counter Intelligence B 2 Spy
3 Counter Terrorism B 2 Spy
4 Reforms B 1 Any
5 Military Intervention B 2 Military
6 Corruption B 2 Crime
7 Nuclear Politics B 2 Politics
8 Regional Conflict B 2 Military
9 War Crimes B 2 Law
10 Challenge to Power B 1 Any
11 Power Struggle B 1 Any
12 Grand Bargain B 2 Political
13 Public Approval B 2 Culture
14 Period of Upheaval B 1 Any
15 Retaliation B 1 Any
16 Scandal B 2 Culture
17 Disaster B 1 Any
18 Criminal Prosecution B 2 Law
19 Global Recession B 2 Economic
20 Russian Economy B 2 Economic
21 Occupation B 2 Military
22 Unrest B 2 Political
23 Separatists B 2 Military
24 Independence Movements B 2 Political
25 Political Theatre R 2 Political
26 Territorial Claims B 2 Political
27 Media Manipulation B 2 Info
28 Show Superiority B 2 Political
29 Sphere of Influence B 1 Any
30 Force Multiplier B 1 Any
31 Overwhelm Response B 1 Any
32 Exploit Networks B 1 Any
33 Treaty B 2 Political
34 Outmaneuver B 1 Any
35 Hard Power B 2 Military
36 Unexpected Outcomes B 1 Any
37 Propaganda B 2 Culture
38 Rhetoric B 2 Culture
39 Leverage B 2 Politics
40 Policy B 1 Any
41 Self Serving Denials R 2 Political
42 Intelligence Analysis R 2 Spy
43 Accusations B 2 Political
44 Isolate B 2 Cultural
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