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Card Game. Simulates a Coup in a Developing Country. 
2 Player Game. One player is the Government. The other is the Rebels.

Neutralize all of opponents units.

To play you will have to make your own cards.
There are 140 cards in the deck.
There are three types of cards: unit, dummy, & modifier cards.
Use unlined colored index cards.
One side should be blank or have the name 'Revolution' written on it.
The other side should include: 
Name of the card. For example: Death Squad; Propaganda 
Card Type. For example: Paramilitary unit; Modifier; Dummy
Card Force Value. A number 0-12
All information in the card description. For example: +8 vs Leaders
Sample Card:
|Death Squad		|
|			|
|			|
|			|
|			|
|			|
|			|
|			|
|Paramilitary unit	|
|			|
|	7		|
|	+8 vs	Leaders	|
|			|
|			|
|			|

Sample Card:
|Propaganda		|
|			|
|			|
|			|
|			|
|			|
|			|
|			|
|Modifier		|
|			|
|	4		|
|	+4 For Media	|
|			|
|			|
|			|

Shuffle. Deal out all the cards.
Each player has their own Draw pile (70 cards each in a 2 player game).
Each player will have a Reserve pile (Starts with 0 cards).
There is one discard pile for Casualties & used up modifier cards.

There are 2 phases in a turn:
1. Draw Phase
2. Conflict Phase

Draw to fill hand to 10 cards.
If a players draw pile runs out, he shuffles his reserve pile and
his reserve pile becomes his new draw pile.
If a player drew no unit cards, a mulligan, he reveals his 
hand, discards it, and draws again.
If a player gets 3 mulligans in a row, he loses the game.

Players put their Unit cards face up on the table.
Modifier cards remain in the player's hands.
After each player has had a look, the cards are put 
back into the player's hands.
Conflict proceeds in a series of rounds: 
Each player plays one Unit card face down.
The unit cards are revealed. 
At this time either player may play a Dummy card.
If a dummy is used both unit cards go to their owners reserve piles.
If a dummy is not used players may play Modifier cards face down.
The modifier cards are revealed.
The unit with the highest modified Force point total wins.
The Winner keeps his unit card, putting it into his reserve pile. 
The Losing unit card & all modifier cards used by both players go 
to the common casualty (discard) pile.
The Rounds are repeated until one player has no unit cards left.
Both players reveal their hands to show no unit cards remain.
Each player puts their hand into their reserve pile.

Player A plays Infantry face down. Score = 8
Player B plays Police face down. Score = 6
Unit cards are flipped face up.
No one plays a dummy card.
Player A plays Propaganda(+3) & Confiscation(+2) face down. Score = 13
Player B plays Interrogation (+3 & +5 bonus) face down. Score = 14
Modifier cards are flipped face up.
Player B wins. He puts the Police into his reserve pile.
All other cards go to the casualty pile.

Oppression			2	4		+5 vs Groups
Disruption			2	2		+5 vs Business
Martyr				2	4		+5 For Leader
Demonstrations			2	3		+5 For Groups
Imprisonment			2	4		+5 vs Leader
Confiscation			2	2		+5 vs Media
Influence Peddling		2	3		+5 For Business
Diplomacy			2	4		+5 For Foreign
Documentation			2	4		+5 For Media
Interrogation			2	3		+5 For Paramilitary
Humanitarian Aid		2	2		+5 For Groups
Guerrilla warfare 		2	4		+5 For Military
Propaganda			2	3		+5 For Media
Threats				2	4		+5 vs Media
Concealment			2	2		+5 For Civilian
Corruption			2	4		+5 vs Civilian
World Opinion			2	2		+5 For Foreign
Terrorism			2	3		+5 vs Foreign
Treason				2	4		+5 For Leaders
Assassination			2	4		+5 vs Leaders
Atrocities			2	4		+5 For Paramilitary
Infiltration			2	3		+5 vs Paramilitary
Bribery				2	2		+5 vs Military
Occupation			2	4		+5 For Military
Sabotage			2	6		
Dummy 				10	0		Discard both units to reserve
NOTES: The force bonuses in the notes column are in addition to the point
value of the card. Dummy cards are technically not Modifier cards.

Foreign Business Interests	2	FB	6
Foreign Military Advisors	2	FM	8	
Foreign Arms Dealers		2	FB	7
Foreign Dignitary		2	FL	7
Foreign Media			2	FC	6
Military Leader			2	L	12
Paramilitary Leader		2	L	11
Civilian Leader			4	L	10
Wealthy Families		2	BL	9	
Death Squad			2	P	7	+8 vs Leaders	
Air Power			2	M	11
Tanks				2	M	10
Artillery			2	M	9
Infantry			6	M	8
Military Police			2	MP	7
Police				4	P	6
Riot Control Police		2	P	5	+4 vs Groups	
Thugs				2	PG	5
Labor Unions			3	CG	4
Peasants			5	CG	2		
Intellectuals			2	C	3
Students			4	CG	3			
Media				4	C	7
Business			4	CB	6
Criminal			2	CB	4					
Militia				4	PC	5					
Bureaucrats			2	C	5	
Religious groups		2	CG	3
Ethnic Groups			2	CG	2
Political Opposition Parties	2	C	3

NUMB is number of that card in the deck.

M = Military
P = Paramilitary
C = Civilian
B = Business
F = Foreign
L = Leader
G = Group

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