Dice game based on the Computer Animated TV series Reboot.
Solo or Multiplayer.
Reboot is a licensed, copyrighted property.
This is merely a fan site.
Have the most Victory Points (VP) at the end of 6 Rounds.
If playing solo, try to beat your previous score.
In a round, each player gets one turn.
Roll high on 1D20 to determine first player.
Play proceeds clockwise.
Each player’s turn represents a single episode.
This term is used to mean the result of any roll on any table.
For example, if you rolled Megabyte on the Primary Threat table,
Megabyte would then be an asset.
This term means that you immediately gain the indicated Asset.
If an asset allows a Table roll, you gain that too.
This term means that the indicated asset, if present, is destroyed.
It no longer effects play in any way this turn.
This term refers to all Heroes and Allies.
Term used to describe all Heroes and Allies native to or who make
Their home in Mainframe. Fans of the show will know who is who.
Each Asset has a power level and/or modifies the power levels of
Other Assets.
Lots of Dice… D6, D8, D10, 1D12, D20…
At least 2 six siders of different colors are needed.
Use pencil and paper to keep track of roll results, power calculations, and
Victory Points (VP).
Each turn has 6 Phases:
1. Location Phase
2. Threat Phase
3. Hero Phase
4. Ally Phase
5. Key Phase
6. Score Phase
Roll 1D20 on the Location Table to determine the key location for
The current Episode.
1D20 Locale: Notes:
1-3 Principal Office Roll on the Principal Office Table
4 The Edge of Beyond Roll once on the Web Threat Table
5 Lost Angles Engage Hexidecimal
6 Restaurant Roll on the Restaurant Table
7 The Net Non-Mainframers get +2
8 Energy Sea Game Cubes get +3
9 Spectral System Roll on the Hero Selective Table
10 Damaged System Engage Matrix
11 Satellite System You may reroll 1 Game Table Result
12 Silicon Tor Engage Megabyte
13 Level 31 You may reroll 1 Ally Table Result
14 Data Highways Vehicles get +5
15 Pearson’s Data Dump Engage Frisket
16 Supercomputer Engage Bob. Glitch gets +2
17 Desert Port System Gain 1 extra roll on the Ally Table
18+ Mainframe Sector Roll on the Mainframe Sector Table
1D8 Sector: Notes:
1 The War Room If Virus or Web Threat in play Power = 6
2 Mainframe Armory CPU assets get +3
3 Clock Speed Room Reroll 1 Dice roll this turn
4 Phong’s Office Engage Phong
5 Core Control Chamber Power = 6
6 Deletion Chamber Delete target Virus
7 Entrance Hall Phong gets +7
8 Mainframe Archives Roll Once on the Command Table
1D10 Command: Notes:
1 Unformat Frisket gets +5
2 Leech Engage a Random Game
3 Gateway Engage a Random Location
4 Decoding Reroll one Roll this turn
5 Delete Delete a Virus
6 Return Reroll the Location Roll
7 Hidden File Bob gets +6
8 Data Compression Megabyte gets +7
9 Reality Distortion Engine Dot gets +5
10 File Lock Negate any Target asset
1D6 Sector: Notes:
1 Baudway Dot and Enzo get +2
2 Beverly Hills Power = 2
3 Floating Point Park All Mainframers get +1
4 Wall Street Power = 3
5 Ghetty Prime Megabyte assets get +3
6 Kits Sector Get one extra roll on the Ally Table
1D6 Restaurant: Notes:
1-4 Dot's Diner Roll on Dot's Diner Table
5-6 Al's Wait and Eat Roll on Al's Wait and Eat Table
1D6 Result: Power Notes:
1 Fastest Food in Mainframe 2 Engage Baudway
2 Cecil Dedicated Server 3 Bob gets -2
3 Alpha Numeric! 2 Engage Enzo
4 Enzo's Delivery Service 2 Engage Megabyte
5 Energy Shakes 1 All Guardians get +1
6 Business Woman 2 Engage Dot
1D6 Result: Power Notes:
1 Dangerous Place 1 Engage Level 31
2 Slow Food 1 Negate Deletion of a Character this Turn
3 Tough Crowd 1 Roll on Numeral Table
4 Server Binome 1 +2 vs Game Threat
5+ Al 2 Pick one other Result on this Table
Roll 1D6 on the Primary Threat Table to determine what is the major Threat for
The current Episode.
1D6 Threat: Note:
1-3 Game Cube Roll on the Game Cube Threat Table
4-5 Virus Roll on the Virus Threat Table
6 Web Roll on the Web Threat Table
1D6(2) Game: Power Notes:
1-1 A Dungeon Deep 18 4 Guardians get +2 each
1-2 Alien Combat 18 All Guardians get -1
1-3 Basic Combat 6 Engage Binky and Algernon
1-4 Castles and Knights 14 Bob gets +4
1-5 Circuit Racing 8 Non-Viral Vehicles get +4
1-6 Dinosaur Game 12 All Heroes get +2
2-1 Egyptian Tomb 16 Dot is +7. Engage Hexidecimal
2-2 Fairway Frolics 14 Andrala gets +4
2-3 Formula One 12 Non-Viral Vehicles get +5
2-4 Funhouse 18 Enzo gets +5
2-5 Gods, Mortal, & Demons 20 Delete Enzo, Andrala, and Frisket
2-6 Golden Fleece 10 Glitch gets +5
3-1 Horse Race 4 Allies get +1
3-2 Jet Ball 6 Enzo gets +4
3-3 Kron the Destroyer 12 Matrix and Andrala get +3
3-4 Malicious Corpses 18 Enzo, Dot, and Frisket get +2
3-5 Martial Arts Thing 10 Bob gets +3
3-6 Merged Game 3 Roll again twice on this Table
4-1 Olympics 14 4 Guardians get +1 each
4-2 Pong 8 Engage Phong or Phong gets +3
4-3 Rampart 18 Bob and Glitch get +3
4-4 Road Warrior 12 Engage Megabyte
4-5 Rocky the Rabid Raccoon 16 All Guardians get +1
4-6 Santa Claus 18 Enzo and Andrala get +3
5-1 Space Battles 14 Matrix and Andrala get +3
5-2 Space Race 10 Engage Megabyte
5-3 Spy Mission 6 Enzo and Matrix get +3
5-4 Starship Alcatraz 12 Bob and Dot get +3
5-5 Toy Racers 18 Enzo gets +6
5-6 Treasure of Atlantis 10 Engage Andrala
6-1 Wild West 12 Bob gets +2
6-2 Wrestling 10 Matrix gets +3
6-3 Corrupted Game 2 Reroll. The game is Power -2
6-4 Game Hopping 2 Roll again twice. Matrix gets +4
6-5 Mega-User 14 Reroll. Game is Viral
6-6 ReBoot! 1 Reroll. Guardians get +1
1D6 Virus: Power Notes:
1-3 Megabyte 7 Roll on the Megabyte Table
4-5 Hexidecimal 9 Roll on the Hexidecimal Table
6 Rare Virus - Roll on the Rare Virus Table
1D10 Assets: Power Notes:
1 Herr Doktor 5 Delete Target Animal
2 Nefarious Plot 2 Roll on the Virus Plot Table
3 Lieutenant Chauncy 4 Target CPU becomes Viral
4 Drain Game Cube 3 Engage the Leech Command
5 Viral Binomes 2 Target Binome becomes Viral
6 Viral Legions 9 Vehicles
7 Control Virus 1 Roll twice more on this Table
8 Espionage 1 Roll on the Spy Table
9+ Hack & Slash 3 Robots
1D8 Assets: Power Notes:
1 Security Drones 2 Robots
2 Missile Trap 2 Delete Bob
3 Energy Drill 4 Delete Phong or a CPU asset
4 Neural Matrix Scrambler 5 Enzo becomes Viral
5 Trojan Horse 7 Delete Dot
6 Stabilize Tear 9 Engage Gateway Command
7 Megaframe 10 Roll 1D6: On 4+ Engage Mainframe Rebellion
8 Magnet 10 Delete any Character
1D12 Assets: Power Notes:
1 Chaos Virus 2 Power +1D6
2 Medusa Bug 1 Bob gets +6. Animal
3 Create Portal 3 Reroll Location
4 Hardware Super Weapon 8 Also counts as a CPU asset
5 Nibbles 1 Roll 1D6: On 4+ Engage Wellman Matrix
6 Nullzilla 10 Animal
7 Nulls 2 Animal
8 Scuzzy 5 Animal
9 Transfinite Power 6 Delete Firewall
10 Flying & Teleportation 5 -
11 Fake Upgrade 7 -
12 Artistic Phase 1 Engage the Paint Program
1D8 Virus: Power Notes:
1 Viral Bugs 4 Animal
2 Spectral Virus 5 Roll Once on the Hero Selective Table
3 Praying Mantis Virus 6 Matrix gets +3
4 Cron Virus 7 Delete Location
5 Daemon Virus 9 Roll 3 times on the Daemon Virus Table
6 Super Virus 10 -
7 Energy Absorbing Virus 8 -
8 Gigabyte 2 Engage Megabyte and Hex
1D8 Asset: Power Notes:
1 Zoom Room Command 5 Engage Mike the TV
2 Infection Seeds 2 Delete Location
3 Daecon 6 -
4 Guardian Armada 10 Viral Vehicles
5 Pure Guardian Code 4 Delete all Viruses
6 Restrict All Net Travel 3 Delete non-viral Vehicle
7 Turbo 5 Roll 1D6: On 4+ He is not Viral
8 Hexidecimal Resists 15 She is not Viral
1D12 Web Threat: Power Notes:
1 Web Slugs 1 Animal
2 Web Probes 2 Animal
3 Web Spores 3 Animal
4 Attack Drones 4 Animal
5 Web Creatures 6 Animal
6 Web Riders 5 Other Web Assets get +2
7 Web Herd 8 Animal
8 Web War 10 -
9 Infect Megabyte 2 Engage Megabyte
10 Infect Hexidecimal 2 Engage Hexidecimal
11 Stable Portal 1 Roll 1D10 twice more on this table
12 Massive Tear 1 Roll 1D10 three more times
Roll 4 times on the Guardian Hero Table.
You may then reroll any or all of these rolls once.
A Hero may be counted only once.
1D10 Hero: Power Notes:
1 Glitch 1 get 2 extra rolls for Key Tool Table
2 Phong 2 Roll once on the Principal Office Table
3 Frisket 3 Animal. +2 with Enzo. +2 with Andrala
4 Enzo 4 +1 with Bob. +1 with Dot
5 Andrala 5 +2 with Matrix
6 Dot 6 +2 with Bob
7 Matrix 7 +2 versus Web Threat
8 Bob 8 +2 vs Game Threat
9 Mainframer's Stick Together 1 Roll 1D8 Twice on this Table
10 To Mend and Defend 1 Pick one of the first 8 on this Table
Roll once on the Ally Table. You may then reroll this roll once.
1D20 Ally: Power Notes:
1-2 Binome Format 1 Roll once on the Binome Table
3 Mike the TV 3 +3 vs Game Threat
4 Mouse 7 +2 vs Virus Threat
5 Ray Tracer 6 You may reroll Location Roll
6 The Crimson Binome 5 Engage the Saucy Mare
7 Maxine 5 Engage the IMAX
8 Random Vehicle 1 Roll on the Vehicle Table
9 Spectral Sprites 5 Roll on the Hero Selective Table
10 Teamup 1 Roll twice more on this table
11 Game Sprite 2 +5 vs Game Threat
12 Number Format 1 Roll on the Numeral Table
13 Teamup with Megabyte 10 Engage Megabyte
14 Code Master 8 Delete a Virus
15 Gun and Trident 3 Engage Matrix and Andrala or give them +3
16+ CPU 1 Roll once on the CPU Table
1D8 Ally: Power Notes:
1 CPU Cars 3 Vehicles
2 CPU Fighters 5 Vehicles
3 CPU ABC’s 6 Vehicles
4 CPU General 4 Roll once more on this table
5 CPU Firewall 9 Delete Megabyte
6 CPU Navy Cruiser 7 Vehicles
7 Giant Robot 10 Vehicle Robot
8 CPU Platoon 4 -
9 CPU Tank 8 Vehicle
10 CPU Fleet 9 Vehicles
1D12 Vehicle: Power Notes:
1 Bob’s Classic Convertible 2 Bob gets +3
2 V3 Bike 3 -
3 Data Crane 2 Engage Jimmy
4 Megabyte’s Limousine 2 Megabyte gets +3
5 Combat Bike 5 Matrix, Andrala, and Megabyte get +3
6 Zip Board 2 All Guardians get +1
7 Dot’s Car 2 Dot gets +3
8 Air Kart 2 Enzo gets +3
9 Ship 4 Engage Mouse
10 Mr. Mitchell’s Yacht 4 -
11 The Saucy Mare 3 Roll Three times on the Saucy Mare Table
12 IMAX 3 Roll Twice on the Location Table
1D20 Ally: Power Notes:
1 Cyrus 1 Viral. +3 if Megabyte is an asset
2 Binky & Algernon 2 CPU assets. Vehicles get +2
3 Megabyte's Spies 1 Roll on the Spy Table
4 Specky 2 Dot and Mouse get +2
5 Old Man Pearson 3 Engage Pearson’s Data Dump
6 Baby Binome 1 -
7 Binome Angry Mob 4 Viral. +2 if there is a Mainframe Sector in play
8 Tech Boys 2 Engage the War Room
9 Slimey Goober 1 Viral. Delete Glitch
10 Toque 1 Roll once on the Mainframe Section Table
11 Fax Modem & Data Nully 3 +3 vs Web Threats
12 Agent Twelve 1 Viral. Megabyte gets +4
13 Dino DeHorrendous 3 -
14 Elvis Binome 2 -
15 Wise One 1 Engage the Damaged System
16 Senior Chief 2 Roll once on the CPU Table
17 Jimmy 1 Mainframe Sectors get +2
18 Biker Binome 2 Engage V3 Bike
19 Miss Brodie 1 Enzo and Andrala get +1
20 Evacuation 1 Roll Twice more on this Table
1D6 Ally: Power Notes:
1 Number One 4 Gets +7 vs Game Threat
2 Seven 4 Roll 1D6: On 4+ he is Viral
3 Eight 2 -
4 Nine 3 Roll on Principal Office Table
5 Five 1 Roll on Dot's Diner Table
6 And 3 Roll on Al's Wait and Eat Table
1D8 Ally: Power Notes:
1 Mr. Christopher 2 Roll Twice more on this Table
2 Princess Bula 4 -
3 Web Surfer 1 Engage Ray Tracer
4 Web Shielding 3 +5 vs Web Assets
5 Ships Cannons 5 +3 vs Web Assets
6 Miss Sally 3 +2 vs Web Assets
7 Hacker 2 Engage Mouse
8 Cyberspace 2 Roll once on the Location Table
1D6 Ally: Power Notes:
1 Bad File Servers 2 Roll on Sector Table. Sector is Viral
2 Agent Six 3 Roll 1D6: On 4+ Engage Agent Twelve
3 Agent Twelve 4 Roll 1D6: On 4+ Engage Sergeant Smiley
4 Sergeant Smiley 2 Roll 1D6: On 4+ Engage Agent Six
5 Confusing Reports 2 Roll on the Plot Table
6 Search and Retrieve 1 Engage Hack and Slash
1D8 Sprite: Power Notes:
1 Robert Cursor 6 May Delete Self and Target Virus
2 Powerlock 8 Virus
3 Copy Girl 1D6 Counts as 1D6 Allies
4 Pixel 5 Roll once More on this Table
5 Email 3 Viral assets get -1
6 Gigagirl 4 Roll Once More on this Table
7 Cold Boot 2 Roll Once More on this Table
8 Feline 2 Counts as an Animal
Roll once on the Key Tool Table. You may then reroll this roll once.
1D20 Key Effects: Power Notes:
1 Anything 1 Get Power +1D6
2 Communicator 1 Roll once on the Guardian Hero Table
3 Arm Trap 3 +5 vs Virus
4 Ignition 5 Vehicle
5 Containment Field 3 Negate one Viral or Web asset
6 Splitter 6 Reroll Viral Threat if there is one
7 Doubleheader 2 Roll Twice more on this table
8 Download 2 Double the Power of Bob & Glitch
9 Energy Shield 4 Negate one Deletion from this turn
10 Game Stats 2 +6 vs Game
11 Homing Signal 2 Engage Glitch
12 Med-Gun 4 Negate one Deletion of a Hero from this turn
13 System Scan 3 +4 in Non-Mainframe Location
14 Portal 3 Reroll Location
15 Cutter 5 Delete Plot
16 Mend 4 +3 vs Web
17 Probe 3 Reroll one result from the Hero Table
18 Line and Hook 3 Bob gets +5
19 Vid Windows 2 Roll once on the Ally Table
20 Multi-Tool 2 Pick one Additional Result on this Table
Asset: Power Notes:
Wellman Matrix 3 Enzo, Matrix, and Dot get +2
Mainframe Rebellion 6 Matrix and Dot get +3
Guardian Power = Combined Power of all Heroes, Allies, and Key Assets.
Threat Power = Combined power of all Game, Viral, and Web Assets.
If the Threat Power is greater than the Guardian Power, the Guardians fail and
You score no points.
If the Guardian Power is greater, score Victory points equal to the Threat Power.
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