Card game for 2+ players. Roman Emperor theme.
Players compete for the chance to be Emperor.
The most Decadent player wins.
The player with the highest Score at the end of 7 turns wins.
Players share a common deck.
The deck has 2 main card categories:
A = Assassinations
B = Bread & Circuses
There are 2 types of Assassination Cards:
P = Political Support
M = Military Support
There are 2 suites of Political Support Cards:
I = Intrigue
C = Civic
There are 2 suites of Military Support Cards:
S = Soldiers
R = Reputation
There are 2 types of Bread & Circuses Cards:
V = Private Entertainments
U = Public Entertainments
There are 2 suites of Private Entertainments Cards:
O = Orgies
T = Tortures
There are 2 suites of Public Entertainments Cards:
G = Arena Games
D = Decrees
The board is circular track divided into 12 spaces.
One space is designated as the Palace space.
Six sided dice are needed.
Pawns are needed.
Each player is either the Emperor or a Plebeian.
Only one player at a time can be the Emperor
At the beginning of the game all players start out as Plebeian.
Setup Phase
Dice Phase
Power Phase
Score Phase
Shuffle the discard into the deck.
Place the top two cards of the deck face up on an empty space of the board.
Going clockwise draw and put two cards on every empty non-palace space.
Each player gets a pawn.
All pawns start on the Palace space.
Players take turns.
Roll high on 1D6 to see who goes first.
On his turn, a player rolls one die and moves that many spaces in either direction.
If he lands on a stack of cards, he takes it.
If he lands on an opponent’s pawn, he may take any one card belonging to that player.
Dice phase ends when all cards have been taken.
Each player gets one point for every card he holds.
Plebian players score an extra point for each Assassination card they hold.
A Plebian scores the square of the number of Political support cards he holds
A Plebian scores the square of the number of Military support cards he holds
A Plebian scores the square of the number of Intrigue cards he holds
A Plebian scores the square of the number of Civic cards he holds
A Plebian scores the square of the number of Soldier cards he holds
A Plebian scores the square of the number of Reputation cards he holds
The Emperor scores an extra point for each Bread & Circus card he holds.
The Emperor scores the square of the number of Private Entertainment cards he holds.
The Emperor scores the square of the number of Public Entertainment cards he holds.
The Emperor scores the square of the number of Torture cards he holds.
The Emperor scores the square of the number of Orgy cards he holds.
The Emperor scores the square of the number of Arena cards he holds.
The Emperor scores the square of the number of Decree cards he holds.
The player with the highest score becomes the new Emperor.
In case of a tie, the old Emperor remains in Power.
The Emperors running total score is increased by his score this turn.
Other players earn no points this turn.
Card Name: Category Type Suite
Blackmail & Bribes A P I
Rumors & Plots A P I
Betrayal A P I
Conspiracy A P I
The Emperors Madness A P I
Plebian Revolt A P C
The New Republic A P C
Great Oratory A P C
The Peoples Choice A P C
Support of the Senate A P C
Centurions A M S
Praetorian Guard A M S
March on Rome A M S
Generals A M S
Legions A M S
Conquests A M R
Victorious Campaign A M R
Defend the Frontier A M R
Tributes A M R
Triumphs A M R
Chariot Races B U G
Mock Sea Battles B U G
Gladiators B U G
Christians B U G
Lions & Beasts B U G
Distribute Bread B U D
Pay Soldiers B U D
Build Temples B U D
Public Works B U D
Declare Holiday B U D
Senators Wives B V O
Vestal Virgins B V O
Slave Girls B V O
Temple Maidens B V O
Bath Houses B V O
Crucifixions B V T
Impalements B V T
Put to the Sword B V T
Flayed Alive B V T
Beheadings B V T
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