Generic Rules for Combat in any scale or era.
No Cards are used, just hex maps, dice, and counters.
The basic concept is to be able to have: 
Relatively quick battles with 20-30 units to a side.
A minimum of record keeping. Easy set up.
A very simple rules-system, easily learned, and easily modified.

Hex Maps
Counters (or Miniatures)

The designer of a scenario must determine the following:
Which Armies to use.
How many units and what types.
What map to use.
Setup- Initial Placement of Units
Victory conditions
The opponent picks which side he wants to play.

Each unit has 6 stats:
1. Movement Rating (Movement Points)
2. Range Rating (In Hexes)
3. Attack Rating
4. Defense Rating
5. Morale Rating
6. Hits Rating (Number of Kills before the Unit is Destroyed)

Each Round has 4 phases.
Initiative Phase
Player A Movement Phase
Player B Movement Phase
Morale Phase

Determine turn order by rolling high on 1D10.  Reroll ties.
The Player with the high roll chooses whether he wants to be Player A or Player B.
The Player with the low roll is left with the choice not taken.
A Player gets –2 to his roll if his Leader unit is destroyed.

All unit counters must have an arrow to indicate their direction of facing.
Units can only move in the direction they face.
After each hex moved a unit may change its facing 60 degrees.
A unit can only attack units it is facing in a 120 degree arc.
Hand to Hand attacks against the back or rear of a unit are at Attack +2. 
The Defender gets defense –3.
Routing units immediately change their facing 180 degrees.

Only one ground unit per hex, except for units that can carry other units.
This may be altered depending on the scale of the map.

MP = Movement Points.
MPs are expended upon entering an adjacent hex.
Units may move up to their movement allowance.
A unit that is not damaged, pinned, etc, can always move at least 1 hex.
A unit may spend a movement point to change its facing to any direction.
A unit may (dis)mount a vehicle in the same hex if both pay 1 MP.

All units may attack only once per turn.
Any unit may attack at any time during either Movement Phase.
Resolve attacks immediately.
If players want to attack at the same time, the attacks are simultaneous.
Each unit has an attack range in hexes.
When attacking roll 1D10. this is the Attack roll.
An Attack Hits if the roll is less than or equal to the Attack rating of the Attacker.
Natural Rolls of 1 always hit, and rolls of 10 always hit.
If an attack hits the Defender may attempt to save.
The Defender saves on a roll on 1D10 less than or equal to the Defense value 
of the Defender.
If a unit receives a number of hits equal to its Hits Rating it is killed and 
is removed from play.
Unless otherwise stated all attacks must be Line of Sight.

Every unit after the first to attack the same target unit gets Attack Rating +1.

If an attack hits, subtract the roll result from the attack rating.
This is the Overkill factor.
The defender reduces his Defense rating by this factor.
For example: the attacking tank has an Attack rating = 9. It rolls a 5. 
The overkill factor is 9 - 5 = 4. The defending infantry has a Defense rating = 6.
The Modified defense rating is 6 - 4 = 2.

A unit that has destroyed an adjacent enemy unit may move into its hex.

Units must make morale checks every time they are hit but not destroyed.
Units must also check morale if an adjacent friendly unit routs.
If they roll equal to or less than their Morale Rating on 1D10 they keep fighting.
On a higher roll they rout. They move away from enemy units at top speed. 
If they move off the board they are removed from play.
Routing units may roll to rally every turn after they rout.
If they roll equal to or less than half (round up) of their Morale 
Rating on 1D10 they rally.
Morale checks are at –2 if the Leader unit is destroyed.
Morale checks are at –1 if they are outnumbered 2 to 1.

These are attacks that are generated somewhere off map.
This usually represents Artillery batteries or Air strikes.
These can stike anywhere on the map.
They are limited in ammo and number of attacks per turn.

Some lists include spotting ranges as a unit stat.
This is the range in hexes a unit will spot enemy units.
Once spotted, any unit can attack it.

Every Army List includes the:
Nationality or Era, Scale, Terrain Set

For two armies to fight they must have the same Scale, Era, and Terrain Set.
Scales can be in terms of manpower, or distances.
Some possible Scales include:
Skirmish		1 Man
Tactical		10
Brigade			100
Operational 		1,000; Countries
Strategic		10,000 Men; Continent
Small Naval		Coastal Region
Large Naval		Ocean
World War		Entire Globe
Interstellar Space	Single Solar System
Galactic Space		Light Years

For two armies to fight they must have the same Scale, Era, and Terrain Set.
The Name of the Army basically determines what Nationality and Era it belongs to. 
Some possible Eras, or Time Periods, include:
Ancients, Roman Empire, Medieval, Feudal Japan, Napoleonic, WWI, WWII, Modern, Future

For two armies to fight they must have the same Scale, Era, and Terrain Set.
The Armies Scale basically determines what Terrain Set it will use.
A Terrain Set will list what Terrain types are available and how they effect play.
A Terrain type will have one or more of the following attributes:
Defense: A bonus or penalty applied to the Defense Rating of any unit occupying the space.
MP: The number of Movement points required to enter the space.

BASIC GROUND TERRAIN SET Terrain Type MP Defense Notes Open 1 - Grass lands, plains Forest 2 +1 Woods, Defense +2 vs Ranged Attacks Water - - Impassable Shallow Water 2 -1 - Mountainous - - Impassable Buildings - - Impassable Bridge 2 -1 - Marsh 2 -1 - Desert 2 - - Low Wall 2 +1 - Fortress 3 +2 Walls, Defense +3 vs Ranged Attacks Elevation Rule- Determine the elevation of all hexes. A higher elevation costs 1 additional MP to enter. At a higher elevation get +1 Defense if being attacked from below and get +1 to attack units below. Units may not stack unless the Army List allows it. WWI GROUND TERRAIN SET Terrain Type MP Defense Notes No Mans Land 1 - Mine Field 1 -1 Units moving through receive an Attack of strength = 5. Barbed Wire 2 -2 Trenches 2 +3 Roads ½ - Pill Box 2 +4 Fortress 2 +6 3 Hits Hill 1 +1 Attack +1; Costs 2 MP to go uphill Forest 2 +1 Buildings 2 +2 Also Ruins Airfield 1 - Water - - Impassable Terrain Bonuses do not protect against gas. Indicate direction of wind. WWII SQUAD GROUND TERRAIN SET Terrain Type MP Save Clear 1 - Road 1/2 - Tall Grass 1 2 Bocage 2 4 Building 3 5 Rubble 3 6 Trees 2 3 Mud 2 - Barbed Wire 4 - Pill Box 3 7 Save = If a unit in this terrain is hit it is not killed on a 1D10 roll under this value. BASIC SPACE TERRAIN SET Terrain Type MP Defense Notes Void 1 - Empty Space Gasses 2 +1 Attack at -1 Radiation Belt 2 +2 Attack at –2 Asteroid - - Impassable Space Hulks - - Impassable (Unless Destroyed: 2 Hits) Dark Matter 2 - - Star Dust 2 - - Satellites - - Impassable (Unless Destroyed: 1 Hit)
ARMY LISTS Some sample army or unit lists are provided below:
PERSIAN WARS GREEK ARMY LIST Unit Name Move Range AH AR Defense Morale Notes Spartan Warband 2 1 8 - 8 10 Athenian Hoplites 2 1 7 - 7 8 Ionian Peltasts 3 3 4 2 4 6 Cretan Bowmen 3 6 3 2 3 5 War Chariots 4 3 5 2 5 9 Heavy Infantry 2 1 7 - 7 7 Corinthian Phalanx 2 1 7 - 8 9 Greek Archon 4 1 8 - 7 10 Army Leader Use the Basic Ground Terrain Set. Scale: Skirmish-Tactical-Brigade. All units have a Hits Rating = 1. AH = Attack Rating vs adjacent units. Hand to Hand. AR = Attack Rating vs units 2 or more hexes away. Ranged Attacks. PERSIAN WARS PERSIAN ARMY LIST Unit Name Move Range AH AR Defense Morale Notes Immortals 2 6 6 2 6 9 Persian Archers 3 6 3 2 3 7 Scythed Chariots 4 1 5 - 4 6 Scythian Horse Archers 6 5 2 1 3 4 Phrygian Javelineers 3 3 4 2 4 3 Ethiopian Tribesmen 3 4 3 1 3 2 Arabian Nomads 6 5 4 1 3 2 Indian Heavy Chariots 4 3 4 2 4 4 Egyptian Levies 2 1 4 - 5 4 Mede Cavalry 6 5 5 1 6 6 Assyrian Light Chariots 5 3 3 1 3 5 Bactrian Spearmen 2 1 4 - 5 2 King Xerxes 4 1 6 - 7 10 Army Leader Use the Basic Ground Terrain Set. Scale: Skirmish-Tactical-Brigade. All units have a Hits Rating = 1. AH = Attack Rating vs adjacent units. Hand to Hand. AR = Attack Rating vs units 2 or more hexes away. Ranged Attacks.
PUNIC WARS ROMAN ARMY LIST Unit Name Move Range AH AR Defense Morale Notes Velites Skirmishers 3 3 3 2 3 3 Hastatus Heavy Infantry 2 3 5 2 5 7 Pila Princepes Heavy Infantry 2 3 6 2 6 8 Pila Triarii Veteran Spearmen 2 1 6 - 7 9 Centurion 2 1 7 - 7 9 ArmyLeader Auxillary Light Infantry 3 3 3 2 3 2 Aux. Heavy Infantry Cohort 2 3 5 2 5 6 Pila Heavy Cavalry 5 1 4 - 4 4 Use the Basic Ground Terrain Set. Scale: Tactical-Brigade. All units have a Hits Rating = 1. Units with Pila get 2 ranged attacks, on the same turn, the very first turn they enter into HTH during the battle. They can make no other Ranged attacks. PUNIC WARS CARTHIGIAN ARMY LIST Unit Name Move Range AH AR Defense Morale Notes War Elephants 4 1 7 - 4 5 Balearic Slingers 3 4 2 1 2 3 Spanish Heavy Infantry 2 3 5 2 5 7 Pila Spanish Light Infantry 3 3 3 2 3 7 Numidian Light Cavalry 6 3 3 2 3 4 Spanish Cavalrymen 6 3 4 2 4 7 Pila African Heavy Infantry 2 1 5 - 6 7 Celt Heavy Cavalry 5 1 5 - 4 6 Celt Warbands 2 1 6 - 5 7 Hannibal 5 1 6 - 7 10 Army Leader Use the Basic Ground Terrain Set. Scale: Tactical-Brigade. All units have a Hits Rating = 1. If an Elephant unit routs, it will attack friendly units blocking its escape route. Units with Pila get 2 ranged attacks, on the same turn, the very first turn they enter into HTH during the battle. They can make no other Ranged attacks.
BARBARIAN ARMY LIST Unit Name Move Range Attack Defense Morale Notes Pathfinders 4 6 3 4 4 Short Bows Naked Warriors 4 1 5 3 8 Always Charge Swordsmen 3 1 5 4 7 Spearmen 3 1 4 4 6 +1 Defense vs Shock Cavalry Axe Throwers 3 3 4 4 6 Hunter Archers 3 8 2 3 5 Axemen 3 1 6 4 7 Heavy Cavalry 5 1 5 4 6 Berserkers 3 1 7 4 9 Always Charge Chieftain 3 1 6 5 8 Army Leader Use the Basic Ground Terrain Set. Scale: Skirmish-Tactical-Brigade. All units have a Hits Rating = 1. A unit cannot make a ranged attack and move in the same turn. Units may charge into combat: Move +1 (+2 if Cavalry), Attack +1, Defense –1. This List represents Vikings, Celts, Gauls, Visigoth tribes.
MEDIEVAL ARMY LIST Unit Name Move Range Attack Defense Morale Notes Peasant Rabble 2 1 2 2 3 Halberdiers 3 1 6 4 6 Set Spears +1 Crossbowmen 3 14 3 3 5 Longbowmen 3 12 4 2 5 Shortbowmen 3 8 2 2 4 Pikemen 2 1 5 4 6 Set spears +2 Swordsmen 3 1 5 5 6 Footmen 3 1 4 4 5 Shield Men 2 1 3 6 5 +1 Defense vs Ranged Attacks Mntd Crossbows 7 14 2 3 5 Horsemen 7 1 5 4 5 Mounted Knights 6 1 6 6 7 Knights on Foot 2 1 6 6 7 Nobility 6 1 6 6 6 Army Leader Use the Basic Ground Terrain Set. Scale: Skirmish-Tactical-Brigade. All units have a Hits Rating = 1. A unit cannot make a ranged attack and move in the same turn. Units may charge into combat: Move +1 (+2 if Cavalry), Attack +1, Defense –1. Units with Set Spears get +X Defense vs Shock Cavalry and they get to attack first in any HTH. Ranged units always get to make missile attacks before an enemy attacks in HTH.
FEUDAL JAPAN ARMY LIST Unit Name Move Range Attack Defense Morale Notes Ashigaru Spearmen 3 1 3 3 4 Set Spears +1 Ashigaru Gunners 3 12 2 1 3 Bushi Spearmen 3 1 4 4 6 Set Spears +1 Bushi Musketeers 3 16 3 2 5 Bushi Spear Cavalry 8 1 3 3 5 +1 Attack vs Routers Buddhist Monks 4 1 5 5 7 Ninja 4 1 5 3 5 Samurai Swordsmen 3 1 6 5 8 Samurai Naginata 3 1 5 6 8 Set Spears +1 Samurai Archers 3 12 4 3 7 Samurai Heavy Cavalry 6 1 4 4 8 Samurai Horse Archers 7 10 3 3 7 Daiyamo 6 1 6 7 9 Army Leader Use the Basic Ground Terrain Set. Scale: Tactical-Brigade. All units have a Hits Rating = 1. A unit cannot make a ranged attack and move in the same turn. Units may charge into combat: Move +1 (+2 if Cavalry), Attack +1, Defense –1. Units with Set Spears get +X Defense vs Shock Cavalry and they get to attack first in any HTH. Ranged units always get to make missile attacks before an enemy attacks in HTH.
NAPOLEONIC ERA ARMY LIST Unit Name Move Range A1 A2-5 A6+ Morale Defense Guard Infantry 3 3 7 3 - 9 6 Elite Infantry 3 3 6 3 - 8 5 Line Infantry 3 3 5 2 - 7 4 Light Infantry 4 5 5 3 - 8 6 Militia 3 3 2 1 - 4 3 Heavy Cavalry 5 3 5 2 - 8 5 Dragoons 6 2 4 2 - 7 6 Shock Cavalry 5 1 6 - - 8 4 Field Pieces 2 12 8 6 3 6 3 Howitzers 2 8 6 3 1 5 2 General & Staff 5 1 3 - - 9 6 Use the Basic Ground Terrain Set. Scale: Company (1 Hex = 100 yards) A unit may only have one Formation marker at a time. A unit without a formation marker is considered to be in line in close order. A unit must make a morale check to change its formation or else it does nothing. Units may instead of attacking put on or take off a Column Formation marker. A unit with a column marker is Attack -1, Defense -1, Move +1. Heavy Infantry (Line, Elite, Guard) may instead of attacking put on or take off a Square Formation Marker. Infantry in Squares are Move = 0, Attacks -1, Defense +5 vs Cavalry, and Defense -2 vs other troop types. Units that are hit recieve a 'Disrupted Formation' counter. Disrupted Units get a -1 to all ratings except Range. A unit that recieves a second 'Disrupted Formation' counter is destroyed. Militia and Light Infantry can never inflict a second Disrupted counter, instead, the unit that was hit must check morale. Artillery cannot move and attack in the same turn. Howitzers may make indirect attacks over the heads of friendly troops. Non-artillery units may make bayonet/saber charges at adjacent enemy units. Charging units get Attack +2 and Defense –2. A1 = Attack Rating at Range = 1 A2-5 = Attack Rating at Ranges = 2-5 A6+ = Attack Rating at Ranges = 6+ Guard Infantry- Old Guard, Young Guard Elite Infantry- Musketeers, Grenadiers, Highlanders Line Infantry- Fusiliers, Sappers, Gendarmes, Legere, Jagers Light Infantry-(Rifles) Skirmishers, Cacadores, Voltigeurs, Zouaves Militia- Landwehr, Blunderbussars, Partisans Heavy Cavalry- Cuirassiers, Carabiners, Chasseurs Dragoons- Also Hussars, Cossacks Shock Cavalry- Lancers, Uhlans, Mamelukes Howitzers fire shells. Field pieces fire canister and round shot. Round Shot attacks every unit it passes through in a straight line.
WORLD WAR I UNIT LIST Unit Name Move Range Attack Defense Notes Infantry 2 2 6 5 Snipers 2 4 4 6 Flame Throwers 2 1 6 2 Attack +5 vs Pillboxes Cavalry 4 1 4 1 Cannot enter Barbed Wire Machine Guns 1 2 7 5 Mustard Gas - 4 8 - All units have a Def = 5 vs Gas Tanks 2 4 6 8 Mortars 1 6 2 5 Light Artillery 1 12 2 4 Medium Artillery 1 20 3 3 Siege Guns 1 32 4 2 Attack +5 vs Fortresses Headquaters 1 1 1 2 Army Leader Airplane 40 1 2 5 Attack +5 vs other planes Flak Guns 1 6 5 4 Use the WWI Terrain Set. Scale: Tactical-Brigade. All units have a Hits Rating = 1. Only Infantry, Snipers, Flame Throwers, Airplanes, Cavalry, and Tanks can move and attack in the same turn. Siege guns attack every other turn. Mustard gas is an attack chit carried by some infantry. It is discarded when used. Gas affects all units in a line of 4 hexes. Attacks must be in direction of the wind. Airplanes must land at a friendly airfield at the end of every other turn. Only Flak guns and Airplanes may attack Airplanes. Airplanes ignore terrain when moving and when being attacked. All units have a Morale Rating = 7.
WORLD WAR II SQUAD UNIT LIST Unit R5 R4 R3 R2 R1 OA MP Sniper Rifle - 2 3 3 2 - 6 Rifle - 1 2 2 2 - 6 SMG - - 1 2 3 - 6 Officer - - 1 2 2 - 6 Flamethrower - - - 1 4 10 4 Machinegun - 1 2 3 3 10 4 Mortar 2 2 2 1 1 10 4 Use the WWII Terrain Set. Scale: Tactical. All units have a Hits Rating = 1. RX = Attack value at range = X OA = Unit is out of ammo when an attack roll of this value is made. All units have a Morale Rating = 7. A squad without a officer has Morale -2.
SPACE FLEET UNIT LIST Unit Name Move Range Attack Defense Hits Notes Interceptor Fighter 7 5 2 6 1 Attack +5 vs Fighters Assault Fighter 6 6 6 4 1 Fighter Bomber 5 3 2 3 1 Attack +5 vs Ships Heavy Fighter 5 6 5 5 1 Light Fighter 8 4 4 6 1 Escort Corvette 4 8 3 6 2 Attack +4 vs Fighters Hunter Corvette 5 9 5 5 2 Gunship Corvette 4 10 4 4 2 Attack +2 vs Ships Destroyer Ship 4 12 5 4 3 Attack +2 vs Fighters Cruiser Ship 3 14 6 5 4 Battle Ship 2 16 7 6 5 +1 vs Ships Use the Basic Space Terrain Set. Scale: Skirmish-Tactical. All units have a Morale Rating = 10. All Fighters have Defense +3 vs Ships All Ships have Attack +2 vs Corvettes All Corvettes have Attack +2 vs Fighters Ships & Corvettes have –1 Move, Attack, and Defense per hit lost. Use Damage counters to designate hits. Players pick one of their vessels to be their leader unit.
STAR WARS GALACTIC EMPIRE FLEET UNIT LIST Unit Name Move AD Hull Shields Cargo Notes Star Galleon 2 0/1/1 1 2 -/3 Point Defense Carrack Light Cruiser 5 1/1/2 1 2 -/- Attack Rating = 5 Republic Dreadnaught 2 1/1/1 1 2 1/2 Bombardment Imperial Escort Cruiser 3 1/1/1 1 2 6/- Point Defense Galleon 3 - 1 1 -/2 - Super Star Destroyer 3 7/3/5 6 12 12/9 Bombardment Lancer Frigate 3 2/2/2 1 3 -/- Point Defense Strike Cruiser 3 2/1/2 2 6 1/- Bombardment Assault Transport 4 2/0/1 1 3 -/1 Point Defense Interdictor Cruiser 3 1/1/1 1 6 -/- Attack Rating = 5 Victory Destroyer 3 2/0/2 2 2 2/2 Bombardment Victory II Star Destroyer 3 2/2/2 2 6 2/- Bombardment Imperial Star Destroyer 3 2/1/2 3 3 6/3 Bombardment Imperial II Star Destroyer 3 4/1/3 4 8 6/3 Bombardment Death Star 1 8/8/8 12 18 24/18 Bombardment Use the Basic Space Terrain Set. Scale: Skirmish-Tactical. All units have a Morale Rating = 10. All ships have a Defense Rating = 0. Shields & Hull are the same as Hits. Shields are lost before Hull points. Cargo: The first value is the number of fighter squads carried. The second Cargo value is the number of troop regiments carried. Surviving Troop regiments may count towards victory objectives. Ships with the Bombardment ability may count towards victory objectives. Ships with Point Defense have an Attack Rating = 6 vs Fighters Ships with Point Defense have an Attack Rating = 4 vs Ships Ships with Bombardment have an Attack Rating = 4 vs Fighters Ships with Bombardment have an Attack Rating = 6 vs Ships All attacks have a Range = 1. AD = Attack Dice: The number of Attacks the unit can make per turn in 4 arcs: Front/ Aft/ Sides (Port & Starboard) The Death Star can make 1 Special Attack every other turn at Range = 5. This attack automatically destroys any target it hits. As it move, any ship may hyper jump out of the battle. Enemy ships may attack first. Interdictor Cruisers have Gravity Wells that prevent all ships on the map from hyper jumping. Use Damage counters (or change) to designate hits. Ships reduced to half hull points have half AD and Movement. Players pick one of their vessels to be their leader unit. STAR WARS GALACTIC EMPIRE FIGHTER UNIT LIST Unit Name Move AD Defense Notes Tie Fighter Squad 7 1 6 Point Defense Tie Interceptor Squad 8 2 7 Attack Rating = 5 Tie Defender Squad 7 3 6 Attack Rating = 5 Tie Bomber Squad 6 2 5 Bombardment Slave-1 (Boba Fett's Ship) 6 2 7 Attack Rating = 7 All fighter Squads have only 1 hit, but notice, they do have a Defense Rating. All Attacks are into the forward Arc. STAR WARS REBEL ALLIANCE FLEET UNIT LIST Unit Name Move AD Hits Shields Cargo Notes Corellian Frigate 3 1/1/2 1 3 -/- Attack Rating = 5 Dauntless Cruiser 3 2/2/4 3 8 4/2 Bombardment Corellian Gunship 5 2/1/2 1 2 -/- Point Defense Liberator Cruiser 4 2/1/2 2 6 6/3 Bombardment Bulwark Battlecruiser 3 8/2/5 5 11 10/4 Bombardment Nebulon-B Frigate 3 2/1/1 1 3 2/- Attack Rating = 5 Alliance Dreadnaught 3 1/1/1 1 2 1/2 Bombardment Mon Calamari Cruiser 3 2/2/2 2 3 3/1 Bombardment Bulk Cruiser 3 1/0/1 1 2 -/- Bombardment Bulk Transport 2 - 1 2 -/6 - Medium Transport 3 0/0/1 1 1 -/2 Point Defense Alliance Escort Carrier 3 1/0/1 1 2 6/- Point Defense Corellian Capitol Ship 3 2/1/2 2 6 -/1 Bombardment Corellian Corvette 3 2/1/2 1 2 -/- Point Defense Assault Frigate 3 3/0/2 2 6 -/- Bombardment Millennium Falcon 6 1/1/1 1 1 -/- Point Defense Corellian Frigates have Gravity Wells that prevent all ships on the map from hyper jumping. The Millennium Falcon has a Defense Rating = 5. STAR WARS REBEL ALLIANCE FIGHTER UNIT LIST Unit Name Move AD Defense Notes A-Wing Squad 8 1 7 Point Defense B-Wing Squad 6 3 5 Bombardment X-Wing Squad 7 2 6 Attack Rating = 5 Y-Wing Squad 6 2 6 Attack Rating = 5 One of a Y-Wings Attack Dice may be fired into any arc. Squads with a Jedi pilot have Attack and Defense Ratings +2. Any Fighter Squad that hits the Death Star has 1 in 1D10 chance of Destroying it. Jedi Squads have a 1-5 in 1D10 chance of destroying the Death Star.
MIDDLE EARTH - WAR OF THE RING - DARK POWERS - ARMY LIST Unit Name: Move AM AR Defense Morale Notes Sauron the Dark Lord* 0 7 - 9 10 Magic = 20 Saruman the White* 4 2 - 8 7 Istari, Maiar, Magic = 10 Witch King of Morgul* 4 9 - 8 10 High Nazgul Nazgul Ring Wraiths* 4 8 - 8 10 Black Riders Barrow-Wights 2 6 - 7 10 Undead Mouth of Sauron* 4 4 - 6 8 Orcs 2 3 2 2 4L Goblins Uruk-hai 2 5 3 4 6L Hobgoblins Half Orcs 2 4 3 3 5L Trolls 3 6 - 5 8L Giants Olog-hai 3 7 - 6 9L Great Trolls Balrog Demon 4 9 - 8 10 2 Hits Shelob the Great 3 8 - 6 10 Spider Great Spiders 3 6 - 4 9 Cold-Drake 4 7 - 7 7 Dragons Winged Fire-Drake 8F 8 5 8 9 2 Hits Black Numenoreans 2 5 2 4 7L Men Umbar Corsairs 2 4 2 3 5L Attack +1 at Sea Easterlings of Rhun 2 4 3 3 4L Men Men of Harad 2 4 3 3 5L Southrons Balchoth Barbarians 2 5 3 3 6L Men Wargs 4 6 - 5 8L Great Wolves Wolf Riders 4 6 2 4 7L Orcs & Wargs Great Bats 8F 3 - 2 9L Vampires 8F 7 - 6 8 Undead Gaurhoth Werewolves 4 6 - 6 9 Shapeshifters Fell Beasts 8F 5 - 4 8 Carry Nazgul Wainriders 4 4 2 3 6L War Chariots Flies of Mordor 6 3 - 6 10L Swarms Dunlendings 2 4 2 3 4L Men Haradrim Mumakils 3 7 2 8 8L War Elephants Hillmen 2 3 2 3 7L Smeagol Gollum 3 1 - 8 3 Kraken 1 9 - 8 9 3 Hits, Water Only Variags of Khand 2 4 3 4 5L Men Siege Towers 1 4 3 6 9L Catapults 1 1 3 2 5L Breach = 2, Range = 3 Battering Rams 1 1 - 4 7L Breach = 4 Ships 6 4 2 6 6L Carry = 1 Use the Basic Ground Terrain Set. Scale: Skirmish-Tactical-Brigade. All units have a Hits Rating = 1. AM = Attack Rating Melee. Used against adjacent opponents. AR = Attack Rating Ranged. Used against opponents 2 hexes away. Units with an AR rating have a Range Rating = 2. Units with a * are ‘Heroes’. Heroes may stack unlimited on other Units. Units with an L after their Morale rating are Legions. Heroes cannot attack Legions. Legions cannot attack Heroes stacked on a Legion. Legions adjacent to or stacked with heroes get +1 on all their ratings. On a roll of 1-5 on 1D10, Ships, Siege Towers, Catapults, and Rams are captured, not destroyed. The letter F after the move rating indicates the unit can fly. Each Ship can carry one non-ship Legion and any number of Heroes. Sauron never moves from his Lair in Mordor. Units with Magic points can cast spells. Units with breach ability use this as an attack rating to destroy walls and Fortifications. Units get no terrain bonus when attacked by Siege Towers. MIDDLE EARTH - WAR OF THE RING - FORCES OF LIGHT - ARMY LIST Unit Name: Move AM AR Defense Morale Notes Gandalf the Grey* 6 5 -- 9 10 Istari, Maiar, Magic = 8 Radagast the Brown* 5 4 -- 9 9 Istari, Maiar, Magic = 6 Aragorn* 5 8 5 9 10 Strider Legolas the Elf Lord* 4 6 6 8 10 Glimli the Dwarf Lord* 4 7 -- 8 10 Frodo the Ring Bearer* 4 -- -- 9 9 Eomer* 4 7 -- 9 10 Faramir* 4 5 -- 7 9 Eowyn* 4 7 -- 8 10 King Theoden* 4 5 -- 6 10 Gwaihir the Windlord* 8F 6 -- 9 10 Carry 1 Hero Eagles 8F 6 -- 4 8L Carry = 1 Treebeard* 2 9 -- 9 10 Treefolk Ents 2 8 -- 9 10L Treefolk. Hits = 2 Huorns 1 7 -- 8 10L Treefolk Grey Mountain Dwarves 2 6 -- 6 10L Khazad Iron Hill Dwarves 2 6 -- 6 10L Khazad Rivendell Grey Elves 4 6 5 5 9L Sindar Lothlorien High Elves 4 6 5 5 9L Noldor Mirkwood Silvan Elves 4 6 5 5 9L Laiquendi Teleri Sea Elves 4 4 4 4 8L Attack +1 at sea Half Elves 4 5 4 5 8L Shire Hobbits 2 2 2 4 7L Men of Gondor 2 5 3 4 8L Dunedain Men of Arnor 2 4 3 4 7L Dunedain Lakemen of Esgaroth 2 4 3 3 7L Northmen Horsemen of Rohan 4 5 2 4 8L Rohirrim Bardings of Dale 2 4 4 3 8L Northmen Beorning Bear Men 3 6 -- 5 9L Northmen Rangers of the North 4 6 4 5 9L Northmen Woses of Druadan 3 5 3 5 6L Pukel Men Woodmen of Mirkwood 3 4 4 4 7L Northmen Dead Men of Dunharrow 2 8 -- 7 10L Undead Ships 6 4 2 6 6L Carry = 1 MIDDLE EARTH MAGIC Magic Spell: Effect Haste 1D10 Target Adjacent units get Move Rating +1D10 this turn. Barrier Designate 1D10 connected hexes that enemy units may not enter this turn. Aid Any rating of any Target Unit +/- 1D5 this turn. Cast before roll is made. Fear 1D5 Target Adjacent units must make a Morale Check at –2. A Spellcaster can use one spell per turn. The Aid spell can be cast during the opponents turn. Each spell cast uses up one Magic Point. MIDDLE EARTH SCENARIO OUTLINE Battle of Morannon, outside the Black Gates of Mordor. GAME DESIGNERS NOTES More Army Lists and Terrain Sets are on their way. DISCLAIMER ‘Star Wars’ and ‘Middle Earth/Lord of the Rings’ are copyrighted/trademarked properties. This is just a fan site. LINKS ROW

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