Dice and board game for 2-4+ players
Theme: The Race to the North Pole undertaken by various explorers in the early 1900’s.
Players move their pawn from the Start space to the North Pole and back again.
Get the most Victory Points (VP).
1 VP for reaching the North Pole.
An extra 2 VP for being first to reach the North Pole.
1 VP for getting back (Surviving).
1 VP for being the first to get back.
1 VP for never failing a Morale Check.
Each player has a Pawn of a unique color.
The Pawn represents their expedition.
Six sided and Ten sided dice are needed.
The board is a track 30 spaces long including a start space at one end and
The North Pole space at the other end.
Players share a 50 card common Travel Deck.
If the Deck ever runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it.
Each player has 9 stats:
Men, Dogs, Food, Gear, Skill, Will, Ship, Time, and Hoax.
This is how many men are on the expedition.
Each point of Manpower can represent 1 or several men.
If an expedition is ever reduced to zero men, that players game
ends immediately (They all perished).
The Base number of Men is 5.
This is how many dog teams are on the expedition.
If there are more Dogs than Men you get +1 to Movement Totals.
If there are less Dogs than Men you get -1 to Movement Totals.
If there are no Dogs remaining you get -2 to Movement Totals.
The Base number of Dogs is 7.
This is how much food is being carried by the expedition.
At the end of every turn, your expedition uses up 1 Food.
If there is no Food left, roll once on the Casualty Table instead.
The Base number of Food is 10.
This represents supplies other than food.
It is used in tests against cold weather.
The Base number of Gear is 5.
This represents the knowledge needed to make the journey.
It is used in tests involving navigation and assailing rough terrain.
The Base number of Skill is 5.
This represents the courage and determination needed to make the journey.
It is used in tests involving morale and leadership.
The Base number of Will is 5.
This represents how close your ship is to the North Pole.
For every point of Ship move your pawns starting space forward by 2 Spaces.
The Base number for Ship is 0.
This is how much sooner your expedition starts than your opponents.
For every point of Time start 1 turn earlier than your opponents.
The Base number for Time is 0.
Historians believe your claim is a Hoax.
For every point of Hoax you have, you may reroll one die-roll on your turn or
Get an extra round of discarding and redrawing during Travel Phase.
The Base number for Hoax is 0.
1D10 Stat: Base:
1 Men 5
2 Dogs 7
3 Food 10
4 Gear 5
5 Skill 5
6 Will 5
7 Base 0
8 Time 0
9 Hoax 0
10 Choice Pick One
Either choose one of the 6 Expeditions listed at the end or use the random method.
To do the random method, roll a ten sided die 5 times on the Stat Table.
When you roll on a Stat it increases from its base by 1.
For example: if you roll Skill, your skill score is increased from Base 5 to 6.
If you roll Time, your Time score is increased from Base 0 to 1.
Food is increased by 2 not 1, so if you roll Food, your Food score is increased from 10 to 12.
Create your expedition (Pick one or use the random Method).
Place your pawn on its starting spot according to its Ship score.
Roll high on 1D10 to see who goes first. Play proceeds clockwise.
Remember that players with a positive Time score get 1 or more extra turns of
Movement before their opponents.
Players take turns.
Each turn has 3 Phases:
1. Event Phase
2. Travel Phase
3. End Phase
Roll once on the Event Table.
Except for the Blizzard result, all other results will require you to make a
Test against either Gear, Will, or Skill.
Resolve a Test by rolling 1D10. If the number rolled is equal to or less
Than the value of the Stat, you pass the Test.
If it is less, you fail the test.
Failed tests will usually result in a permanent loss of a stat or a penalty to your
Move Total in Travel phase.
Draw 5 Travel Cards. You may discard up to 2 cards and draw replacements.
Add up the Move values of all 5 cards. This is your Move Total.
Move that many spaces forward.
You must stop upon reaching the North Pole.
If you land on an opponent’s pawn that is not on its
starting space, move it back 1 Space.
If you have 2 or more Dog cards move an extra +1.
Max number of Dog cards you can play is equal to your Dog Stat.
If you have 4 or more Trek cards move an extra +1.
Consume 1 Food Point.
If there is no Food left then -1 Dog.
If there is no Food or Dogs roll on the Casualty Table.
Keep track of changing Stat scores.
Every time you fail a test make an additional test against Will:
If you fail by 4 or more points, your expedition immediately
Gives up and starts heading back to your starting space.
1D10 Event: Test Notes:
1 Blizzard - No Move. Skip Travel Phase this turn
2 Difficult Terrain Skill If Fail: Next Move Total -2
3 Hardships Will If Fail: -1 Will
4 Crevasse Skill If Fail: Roll once on Casualty Table
5 Sub-Zero Temps Gear If Fail: Roll once on Casualty Table
6 Lost Supplies Will If Fail: -1 Gear and -1 Food
7 Frost Bite Gear If Fail: Roll once on Casualty Table
8 Fatigue Will If Fail: Next Move Total -2
9 Eskimo Guides Skill If Pass: Next Move Total +2
10 Bitter Cold Gear If Fail: -1 Will
1D6 Losses:
1 -1 Man
2 -1 Dog (-1 Man if no Dogs)
3 -1 Will (Fear)
4 -2 Dogs (-2 Men if no Dogs)
5 -1 Will (Defeatism)
6 -1 Skill (Increasingly bad decisions)
Card: # Move Notes:
Trek 10 +1 -
Dogs 10 +1 -
Ice 5 +1 -
Snow 5 0 -
Hunting 5 0 (Gain 1 Food)
Cracked Ice 5 -1 -
Open Water 5 -2 -
Some Real. Some Hoaxes. All Fascinating:
Robert Peary
Hoax +2
Time +1
Men +1
Will +1
Frederick Cook
Hoax +1
Time +1
Gear +1
Will +1
Skill +1
Fridtjof Nansen
Ship +1
Dogs +2
Time +2
Roald Amundsen
Ship +2
Food +2
Gear +1
Men +1
Robert Falcon Scott
Time +1
Skill +1
Will +3
Ernest Shackleton
Ship +2
Will +1
Men +1
Skill +1
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