Two player card game depicting the Russian Civil War of 1918-1922.
One player is the Reds (communists), the other is the Whites (monarchists).
There are 2 ways to win:
-- Each player starts the game with 20 Morale points.
1. If you reduce your opponent to zero Morale points, you win the game.
-- There are 3 Fronts.
-- Each player starts the game with 3 Territory Markers for each front.
2. If you ever have all 6 Territory Markers on any 2 Fronts you win.
Each player has their own unique deck.
Six sided dice are needed.
There are 3 Fronts:
1. North-Western
2. South
3. East
There are 6 Markers for each Front.
Each player starts with 3 Markers for each Front.
If either player accumulates 6 Markers at a Front, the
Front is decided; there will be no more fighting at that Front.
When a Front is claimed discard all units stationed at that Front.
Use counters to keep track of Morale.
Max Morale is 20.
Each player starts the game with 20 Morale points.
Each player starts with 3 Markers for each Front.
Each player starts with a hand of 5 cards.
Mulligan: Discard & Redraw if you drew no Leaders.
The Red player goes first.
Players take turns.
Each turn has 6 phases:
1. Rally Phase
2. Propaganda Phase
3. Event Phase
4. Attack Phase
5. Recruitment Phase
6. Reserve Phase
Max hand size is 7 cards. Discard excess cards.
Put a Rally token on one of your Leader cards that does not have one.
You may move Units in this phase:
The White player may only reattach Troops from one Leader to
another Leader within the same Front.
The Red player in addition to reattaching troops may move up to 3 Units from
one Front to another Front (Internal Lines of Communication).
Draw 2 cards from your deck.
If your deck runs out, shuffle your discard & draw from it.
Gain 1 Morale Point if you did unblocked damage to your opponent on your last turn.
Play Event cards that do not apply to other phases:
Epidemic, Sacked, Execution, Red Terrorism, Internal Lines, Railroads,
Any card that allows you to draw cards, or your opponent to discard cards,
White Terrorism, Purge, Assassination, Subversive Attack
You may play a max of one event card in this phase that allows you draw extra cards.
Some event cards are meant to be played during Attack Phase:
Subversive Attack, Confused & Divided, National Defense, Death Penalty,
Counter Attack, Peasant Insurrection, Munitions & Supplies,
Allied Firepower, Tanks & Artillery
These can be played during yours or your opponents attack phase.
Note: the card Confused & Divided causes the attacker to lose the Rally
Marker he used to start the negated attack. This is done before blocking.
If one of your Leaders is discarded you may move his troops to a different Leader.
If there is no other Leader put the troop cards in your hand.
If you are to discard a rrandom Leader roll a die to determine which.
Players may not attack on their first turn of the game.
You may attack your opponent with one or more of your armies.
An army must attack in the Front it is stationed.
Remove the Rally token from its Leader to have an Army attack.
(Each activated Army requires the expenditure of a Rally Point)
If the attackers are unblocked, take a Territory Marker from that
Front from the defender who did not block.
Your opponent may block with his Armies.
Remove the Rally token from its Leader to have an Army block.
Each Troop & Leader card has a Force point value.
The side with the higher total Force must discard 1 commited Troop card.
The side with the lower total Force must discard all units in 1 commited army.
The loser must give the winner 1D6 Morale Points.
A max of 2 White player Armies may combine to attack or block at one time.
A max of 3 Red player Armies may combine to attack or block at one time.
A Leader may defend (but not attack) by himself without attached troops.
You may discard Leader and Troop cards from your hand in Attack Phase to
increase the Force of a target Army by 1. Note that cards used for
this purpose give the +1 Force Bonus and are then discarded.
Troop and Leader cards are collectively called Units.
Put Leader & Troop cards from your hand into play.
Troops must be attached to a Leader.
A set of cards that includes a Leader & 1 or more Troops is called an Army.
A minor Leader (Force = 1) can attach up to 2 troops.
A major Leader (Force = 2) can attach up to 3 troops.
A Legendary Leader (Force = 3) can attach up to 4 troops.
When assigning units, you must assign them to one of the 3 Fronts.
Units that must be Played in the North-West:
Yudenich, Americans, Serbs, Baltic Forces, Finns, Germans, Latvians
Units that must be Played in the South:
Wrangel, Denkin, Nestor Makhno, Ukranians
Units that must be Played in the East:
Kolchak, Siberians, Czech Army
Units that cannot be Played in the North-West: Cossacks
You may discard a card to do one of the following:
1. Draw a card
2. Put a Rally Token on a Leader
3. Gain 2 Morale Points (Max 20)
You may do this up to 2 times per turn.
L = Leader
T = Troops
E = Event
# = Number of Copies of that card in the deck
Card Name: # Type Force Notes:
Trotsky 1 L 3 Troops get +1
Lenin 1 L 3 Soviet Troops get +1
Stalin 1 L 3 Bolshevik Troops get +1
General Tuhatsevski 1 L 2 -
Red Generals 2 L 1 Red Army Troops get +1
Revolutionary Commissars 4 L 1 Partisan Forces get +1
Red Partisans 10 T 1 -
Bolshevik Forces 5 T 1 -
Soviet Forces 5 T 1 -
Red Army 5 T 2 -
Subversive Attack 2 E - Take control of Target Troop
Epidemic 1 E - Opponent must discard 2 Troops
Confused & Divided 2 E - Negate Attack of target Army
National Defense 2 E - All your Troops get +1
Manpower 1 E - Discard to draw 3 cards
Communist Ideology 1 E - Discard to draw 3 cards
Revolutionary Spirit 1 E - Discard to draw 3 cards
Peasant Conscripts 2 E - Discard to draw 3 cards
Death Penalty 1 E - Troops in target Army get +1
Counter Attack 1 E - Blocking Troops get +1
Red Terrorism 1 E - Opponent must discard 3 cards
Internal Lines 2 E - Put Rally Token on 2 Leaders
Railroads 1 E - Put Rally Token on Leader
Sacked 1 E - Discard target Leader
Execution 1 E - Discard target Leader
Card Name: # Type Force Notes:
Czar Nicholas II 1 L 3 Troops get +1
General Pjotr Wrangel 1 L 3 -
Admiral Kolchak 1 L 2 -
General Anton Denikin 1 L 2 -
General Michael Alexeyev 1 L 1 Cossack Troops get +1
General Kornilov 1 L 1 Cossack Troops get +1
Nestor Makhno 1 L 1 Ukranian Troops get +1
General Yudenich 1 L 1 Russian Troops get +1
General Nikolai Judenits 1 L 1 -
General Krasnov 1 L 1 -
Czech Army 2 T 2 -
Ukranian Anarchists 2 T 1 -
Russian Whites 4 T 1 -
Germans 1 T 2 -
Serbs 1 T 1 (And Italians)
Baltic Forces 2 T 1 -
Finns 1 T 1 -
Poles 3 T 2 -
French & Romanians 1 T 1 -
Siberian Forces 2 T 1 -
Latvians 1 T 1 -
Don Cossacks 3 T 2 (And Ural Cossacks)
British Forces 1 T 2 (Entente Fleets)
American Forces 1 T 2 (And Canadians)
Epidemic 1 E - Opponent must discard 2 Troops
White Terrorism 1 E - Opponent must discard 3 cards
Japanese Occupation 1 E - Opponent must discard 3 cards
Allied Intervention 1 E - Discard to draw 3 cards
Entente Powers 1 E - Discard to draw 3 cards
Social Revolutionaries 1 E - Discard to draw 3 cards
Monarchists 1 E - Discard to draw 3 cards
Nationalists 1 E - Discard to draw 3 cards
Peasant Insurrection 1 E - Opponent cannot attack this turn
Munitions & Supplies 2 E - Troops in target Army get +1
Allied Firepower 2 E - Troops in target Army get +1
Tanks & Artillery 2 E - Target Troop gets +2
Purge 2 E - Discard Random Enemy Leader
Assassination 2 E - Discard Random Enemy Leader
Cards BGG
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