INTRODUCTION Dice & Card game for 2+ players. Based on the Stargate Universe. DISCLAIMER Stargate is a copyrighted, licensed property. This is merely a fan site. VICTORY The Game ends when there are no cards left to draw from the Mission Deck. At the End of the game each player calculates his Victory Score (VS): VS = TMP – PLK TMP = Total Mission Points of all Missions you have successfully completed. PLK = Personnel under your command that have been Lost or Killed. (Main Characters are worth 2 PLK each) DICE 10-sided Dice are needed. THE DECKS There are 3 common decks: 1. Personnel 2. Missions 3. Events PERSONNEL Personnel are the Characters you control. There are two types of Personnel: 1. Main Characters 2. Support Personnel In a Team, Support Personnel are always lost/killed before Main Characters. STATS There are 2 Basic Stats in the Game: 1. Brains (Logic, Intelligence, Observation, Imagination, Intuition) 2. Combat (Brawn, Fighting, Tactics, Shooting, Courage, Leadership) Every Personnel will have a score of 0-3 in each stat. Missions and Challenges (MC) will require a Dice Test in one or both Stats. SKILLS There are 4 Skills: 1. Science (Physics, Astronomy, Mathematics, Chemistry, Computers) 2. Lore (Archeology, Literature, Languages, History) 3. Medical (Medicine, First Aid, Biology, Genetics) 4. Communication (Diplomacy, Charisma, Empathy, Presence, Persuasion) Personnel with high Brains will have one or more Skills. Some Missions and Challenges (MC) will require the Team to have a specific Skill to succeed. Some MC will require double or Triple levels of Skill. For example, a Mission may require Lore X2 meaning that at least 2 Personnel on the Team must have Lore to complete the Mission. EVENT DECK There are 2 types of Event cards: 1. Actions 2. Challenges Challenges are played against other players in Challenge Phase. Action cards temporarily give skills, increase stats, and provide other benefits. SETUP Players roll high on 1D10 to see who goes first. TURN SEQUENCE Players take turns. Each turn has 6 Phases: Discovery Phase Recruit Phase Event Phase Challenge Phase Mission Phase Fate Phase DISCOVERY PHASE Draw the top card of the Mission Deck. Put it face up in front of you. This is the Active Mission. RECRUIT PHASE Your Team must have 5 Personnel cards. If your Team has less than 5 Members, you may recruit members from 2 places: 1. Your Reserve Pile 2. The top card of the Personnel Deck You may move personnel back and forth from your Reserve to your Team. EVENT PHASE Draw 3 cards from the Event Deck and put them in your hand. Max hand size is 7 cards. Discard excess cards. CHALLENGE PHASE One opponent (nearest left) may play one Challenge card against you. Resolve the Challenge as you would resolve a Mission in Mission Phase. MISSION PHASE Your Team attempts the Active Mission. The Mission may require a Brains Test or Combat Test or Both. To resolve a Test make two rolls and compare them: To the first roll add the Stat level of the Mission. This is the Mission Total. To the second roll add the combined Stat level of all the Team Personnel. This is the Team Total. The Player may play (discard) Action cards to further increase his Team Total. If the Team total is equal or higher the Test is a success. If less, the Test is a Failure. If the Team succeeds at both Tests and has the required Skills, the Mission is a success. If not, the Mission is a Failure. FATE PHASE If the Mission was a success, put the Mission card into your Victory Pile. If the Mission was a Failure, discard the Mission card and one Random Team Member. This Personnel is said to be Lost/Killed. END PHASE You may have a Maximum of 3 cards in your Reserve Pile (discard extras). PERSONNEL DECK CARD LIST Card Name Brains Combat Skills Archeologist 3 0 Lore/Communication Doctor 3 0 Medical/Communication Scientist 3 0 Medical/Science Jaffe Rebel 2 3 Lore/Support Combat Team 0 2 Support Infantry Squad 0 2 Support Security Detachment 0 2 Support Marines 0 2 Support Commandos 0 2 Support Astrophysicist 3 0 Science Air Force Captain 2 2 Communication Air Force Colonel 2 3 Communication Major 1 3 Communication/Support Lieutenant 1 2 Support Sergeant 1 2 Support Combat Medic 1 1 Medical/Support Abydos Companion 1 1 Lore/Support Family Member 1 0 Communication/Support Cimmerian Companion 1 3 Lore/Support Tok’Ra Rebel 2 2 Lore/Support Scholar 3 0 Lore/Science Nox Healer 3 0 Lore/Medical Researcher 3 0 Science/Communication Diplomat 3 0 Communication Theorist 3 0 Science MISSION DECK CARD LIST Card Name Brains Combat Skills Required The Enemy Within 10 5 Medical Invisible Threat 10 - Science Retrieve Touchstone 5 5 Science Suicide Mission 10 10 - Rescue Survivors 10 - Communication Diffuse Time Bomb 10 - Science Confront Apothis 10 10 Lore Confront Tantalus 10 - Lore Confront Hathor 10 5 Lore Capture Goa’uld Larva 5 5 Medical Rescue Professor 5 5 Science Look for Allies 10 - Communication God Complex 5 10 Communication Alternate Earth 10 - Science Emancipation 5 5 Communication Children of the Gods 5 5 Lore Treat Plague Victims 10 - Medical Save Refugees 5 5 Communication Stop Goa’uld Invasion - 10 - Hostage Trade 5 5 Communication Negotiations 10 - Communication EVENT DECK NOTATION Reserve = Put Personnel Card in Discard into your Reserve Heal = Prevent Personnel Card from being Discarded; Requires Medical Replace = Replace Mission Card with next Mission Card in Deck All cards not described as Challenge cards are Action cards EVENT DECK CARD LIST Card Name: Brains Combat Notes: Mark V Tac Nuke - - Negate Mission Send Message thru Gate - - Draw 2 Event Cards Reconnaissance - - Draw 2 Event Cards Remote Transmitters - - Draw 2 Event Cards Remote Probe - - Draw 2 Event Cards Aided by Local Militia +1 +1 Lore Base Camp Attacked - 5 Challenge MacGuyver +3 - Science Rescue - - Reserve Emergency Medical - - Heal Heavy Weapons - +3 Ambush - +3 Rocket Launcher - +3 Claymore Mines - +3 Sacrifice - +3 Discard 1 Personnel Translate Ancient Runes +3 - Lore Decipher Star Chart +3 - Lore When in Rome +3 - Communication Accept Hospitality +3 - Communication Give Gift +3 - Communication Language Barrier 5 - Challenge: Communication Honor - +3 Communication Signs & Symptoms +3 - Medical Operation +3 - Medical Parasite - - Discard target Personnel Stargate Map - - Replace Team Effort +2 +2 Foreign Guide +3 - Communication Fight to the Death - 10 Challenge Save the Day +2 +2 Fight Goa’uld Battalion - 10 Challenge Goa’uld Death Glider - 5 Challenge Close the Gate - - Negate Mission SG Politics - - Opponent Skips his next turn Disobey Orders +2 +2 Stranded 10 - Challenge: Science Last Chance - - Reroll target Dieroll Viral Infection 10 - Challenge: Medical Seduced 10 - Challenge: Communication Unstable Double 5 5 Challenge Find Cure +3 - Medical Safe Passage +3 - Impostor 5 5 Challenge Trial 5 5 Challenge: Communication Vicious Beasts - 10 Challenge Peace Loving Nox - - PPIDIYR Stargate Malfunction 10 - Challenge: Science Mind Games 10 - Challenge: Lore Stealth - +3 Solve Mystery +3 - Lore Discover Secret +3 - Lore Plan B +2 +2 Signal +2 +2 Secret Society 5 5 Challenge: Lore Trapped - 10 Challenge New Weapons - +3 Interrogation +3 - Communication Heroics +2 +2 Romance 10 - Challenge: Communication Ancient Riddle 10 - Challenge: Lore Brainwashed 5 5 Challenge: Communication Diplomacy 5 - Communication Traitor 5 5 Challenge Time Travel 10 - Challenge: Science Body Swapping 5 5 Challenge: Medical LINKS Gate World Fan Page

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