Card and Board game for 2-4+ players.
Alpine Ski Race theme.
First player to reach the Finish line is the winner.
The board is a track 100 spaces long.
The first space is the starting gate .
The last space is the finish line.
Each space is assigned a random number from 1 to 10.
When making a board roll 1D10 for each space.
The starting space has a value of 2.
Each player has 1 pawn representing their Skier.
Use a common deck of cards.
Aces have a value of 1.
Jacks are wild cards: They are equal to the number of the space you are on.
Discard a Queen to draw 3 cards and keep 1.
Discard a King to draw a card and look at your opponent's hand.
Players cut the deck.
High cut goes first.
Each player is dealt a hand of 4 cards.
Players take turns.
Each turn has 2 phases:
1. Downhill Phase
2. Gate Phase
On your turn, you must play a card that is within 1 of the number of
The space you are on. For example, if you are on a 4, you may
Play either a 3, 4, or a 5.
Move your pawn forward a number of spaces equal to the value of
The card you just played.
If you cannot play an appropriate card, you do not move, instead
Discard your hand and Draw 4 new cards. (This is called "Missing the Gate")
If after drawing 4 cards, you still do not have one can play, you
are considered to have "crashed" and automatically lose the game.
Spaces with a value of 10 are jumps.
On a jump space, you may play a card of any value.
Draw 1 card from the deck.
If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it.
If you landed on an opponents pawn this turn, you must look at
their hand, and then immediately take another turn.
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