Each Silver Shilling (Farthing) is worth 10 Copper Groats (Pennies)
Each Gold Crown (Ducat) is worth 10 Silver Shillings. 

A Low Class Peasant by his labor earns about 1 Gold Crown per Day. 
A Middle Class Craftsman, Trader, or Professional earns about 10 Gold Crowns per Day. 
An Upper Class Noble earns at least 100 Gold Crowns per Day by his Estates. 

Item:			Cost: 
Spear 			2 GC
Dagger			5 GC
Melee Weapon		10 GC
Short Bow		10 GC
20 Arrows or Bolts	5 GC
Light Crossbow		50 GC
Arquebus		20 GC
20 Matchlock Shots	3 GC
Fine Sword		250 GC
Light Armor		10 GC
Medium Armor		100 GC
Heavy Armor		1000 GC 
Basic Helmet		10 GC
Buckler			5 GC
Round Shield		10 GC
Kite Shield		25 GC
Mule or Donkey		7 GC
Draft Horse		10 GC
Riding Horse		50 GC
Warhorse		500 GC
Saddle			15 GC
Bit and Bridle		6 GC
Saddle Bags		3 GC
Wagon			20 GC
Cart			10 GC
One Days Rations	1 GC
50 Feet of Rope		3 GC
10 Torches		2 GC
Tinder Box		5 SS
Lantern			10 GC
Lantern Oil 1 Week	3 GC
Crowbar			6 GC
Bolt Cutters		15 GC
Grappling Hook		10 GC
Meal at Tavern		5 SS
Night at Inn		1 GC
Chicken			5 CP
Lower Class Clothes	1 GC
Middle Class Clothes	10 GC
Upper Class Clothes	100 GC
Traveling Boots		5 GC
Traveling Hat		4 GC
Traveling Cloak		3 GC
Traveling Blanket	2 GC
Belt Pouch		1 GC
Backpack		4 GC
Large Sack		5 CP
Carved Ivory Pipe	5 GC
20 Climbing Spikes	10 GC
12 Caltrops		10 GC
Gunpowder Bomb		10 GC (Grenade Size)
Bottle Common Wine	1 GC
Water Skin		1 GC
Acid Flask		5 GC
Vial of Holy Water	20 GC
Holy Symbol		2 GC (Varies)
5 Doses of Poison	10 GC
5 Medicinal Doses	10 GC (Herbs, Mushrooms)
Roll of Bandages	5 SS
Cooking Gear		5 GC
2 Man Tent		2 GC
Silver Bolts (5)	10 GC (vs Lycanthropes)
Silver Dagger 		20 GC


1D40	Tools:			Cost	Notes:
1	Lockpick Set		20	Small Case
2	Alchemical Glassware	500	Bulky, Very Delicate
3	Mining Tools		100	Picks, Shovels, Lanterns, Ropes
4	Carpentry Tools 	50	Planes, Saws, Nails, Hammers
5	Masons Tools		10	Trowels, Buckets, Scrapers
6	Farming Tools		40	Hoes, Plows, Scythes, Sickles
7	Smithy Tools		100	Anvil, Hammer, Tongs, Pails
8	Quarrying Tools 	50	Saw, Chisels, Block & Tackle
9	Wood Working Tools	40	Hammer, Glue, Saws, Adze, Knife
10	Stone Carving Tools	40	Hammer, Chisels, Drills, Saws
11	Pottery Tools		10	Cutters, Rolling Pins, Shapers
12	Painters Tools		50	Paints, Brushes, Easel, Paper
13	Trap Makers Tools	20	Cages, Rope, Wire, Nets, Springs
14	Adventuring Gear	20	Grappling Hook, Rope, Crowbar
15	Instrument Making	60	Clamps, Patterns, Tuning Tools
16	Surgeons Tools		80	Scalpels, Speculums, Forceps
17	First Aid Kit		15	Bandages, Splint, Medicinals
18	Tinkers Tools		30	Hammer, Gears, Wire, Pliers
19	Drafting Tools		20	Ruler, Compass, Protractor, Squares
20	Metal Casting Tools	40	Tongs, Kiln, Crucible, Molds
21	Tailors Tools		10	Needles, Thread, Cloth, Buttons, Pins
22	Weavers Tools		30	Loom, Yarn, Comb, Scissors, Dowel
23	Gem Cutter Tools	20	Polishing Wheel, Saws, Drills, Chisel 
24	Paper Making Tools	50	Screens, Press, Rollers, Cutters
25	Book Binding Tools	20	Drawknife, Scraper, Needles, Glues
26	Scribes Tools		20	Quills, Inks, Penknife, Chalk, Pumice
27	Gardening Tools 	15	Spades, Hoes, Shovels, Rakes, Shears
28	Bowyers Tools		20	Hatchet, Drawknife, Planes, Files
29	Clockmakers Tools	60	Calipers, Die Plate, File, Pliers, Lathe
30	Tinkers Tools		20	Solder, Rasp, Cogs, Wire, Hammer
31	Glass Blowers Tools	40	Blowpipe, Molds, Marver, Paddles
32	Cobblers Tools		10	Soles, Stock, Groover, Hammer, Rasp
33	Cooking Tools		10	Pots, Pans, Knives, Utensils, Molds
34	Fishing Tools	 	10	Rods, Nets, Hooks, Lures, Traps, Knife
35	Butchers Tools		20	Saw, Knives, Cleaver, Grinder
36	Mountaineering Tools	30	Climbing Boots, Crampons, Ice Axes
37	Spelunking Tools	40	Rope Ladders, Lamps, Compass
38	Riding Gear		20	Saddle, Stirrups, Harness
39+	Reroll			--	Or Pick One

1D8	Instrument:	Cost:
1	Ocarina		5
2	Flute		5
3	Pan Flute	10
4	Harp		50
5	Lyre		20
6	Horn		25
7	Drum		20
8	Fiddle		15


1D20	Type:		Value in Gold per Karat: 
1	Diamond 	50 - 100
2	Ruby		50
3	Emerald 	50
4	Opal		20
5	Sapphire	20
6	Amethyst	10
7	Jade		10
8	Pearl		10
9	Cats Eye	5
10	Amber		5
11	Garnet		4
12	Aqua Marine	4
13	Lapis Lazuli	3
14	Turquoise	3
15	Moonstone	2
16	Onyx		2
17	Topaz		2
18	Sunstone	1
19	Coral		1
20	Peridot		1
Notes: A Gem will usually be 1D10 Karats in Size. 


1D20	Type:		Notes:
1-5	Ring		Or Toe or Belly Ring
6	Brooch		-
7-8	Necklace	Or Chain
9-10	Bracelet	Or Bangle or Arm Band
11-12	Earrings	-
13	Toe Ring	Or Belly Ring
14	Choker		Or Torc
15	Pendant 	-
16	Anklet		-
17	Charm		-
18-19	Amulet		-
20	Crown 		Or Diadem or Tiara


1D20	Type: 
1	Tech Item
2	1D2 Runestones
3-4	1D3 Scrolls with Mage Spells
5	Charm
6	Invention
7	Fetish
8-9	Cache of 1D4 Bombs
10-11	1D4 Dried Herbs
12-13	1D4 Dried Mushrooms
14-16	1D2 Potions
17	Minor Item
18	Cursed Item
19	Magic Item List 1
20	Magic Item List 2


this includes all manner of Flying Ships, Airships, Sky Ships, Wind Ships

Several types of Mage have various spells or resources at their 
disposal that can facilitate the Means of Levitation. Crafting a Flying Ship 
is a lengthy commitment. In the Chart below, the type of Mage is listed, along 
with what spell must cast, and how many times it must be cast to get the 
ship to move at slow Speed (It must be cast more for Medium and Fast Speeds). 
Finally the most common form of such ships is listed. 

Geomancer - Earth repulsion spell x 500 shard ship
Hydromancer - Water repulsion spell x500 skiff
Aeromancer - Breeze spell x1000 airship, zephyr, blimp
Wizard - Animation spell x1000 converted Sailing ship
Wizard - Levitation spell x1000 throne, barge, platform
Alchemist - Flying Potion x500 catamaran
Artificer - Create spell x500 ornithopter, whirlygig, flying machine
Technomancer - Found and repaired vehicle
Artificer - Power stone spell on Large Battery: Falling Star, Crystal Geode
Priest - (Un)Holy Aura spell - chariot, personal cloud
Gnome Inventor - Invention x500 contraption
Dwarf Rune Master - Rune Stone spell x1000 Ironclad
Elder Elf Mage - Tree spell x500 Glider Wind ship
Force Mage - Forcefield spell x500 Globe, Dome, Cone

Remember all the Living and Undead flying mounts, steeds made 
available by Druids, beast masters, necromancers, etc. 

In addition to a few flyers there are many times more waterborne 
ships and boats that ply the Middle Ocean. In every, Sea, River, 
and Lake they can be found. The great majority of these are 
non-magical, but their appearance can be quite fantastical, with 
every kingdom and Nation producing their own unique styles. Having 
a Mage, with the right Spells, onboard (Seamancers, Water Wizards, 
Air Mages) can greatly improve the performance of such a ship, in 
terms of speed and survivability. 

These are quite rare. The presence of friendly water-breathing Demi-
Human races make these mostly unnecessary. The only race that 
consistently produces and experiments with these are the few clans 
of Diving Gnomes with their Island Outposts. They use them for 
exploration, aquatic archeology, collecting, fishing, and trade. 
There are a handful of famous Pirates that have used submarines to 
great effect. 


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