Geopolitical Sessions occur when characters are high enough 
Level to have their own holdings. This can also be done quickly 
At the beginning or ending of an evening involving a more 
Typical Quest or Dungeon Crawl. If a War is being fought, this 
Could easily take up a whole evening. Roll once on the Geo-Political 
Event table to see what is happening in the Kingdom. In general 
Roll once per month per Superhex (1 Hex and surrounding 6 Hexes). 
Some results are innocuous. Others can lead to the downfall of 
A once prosperous kingdom. 

1D20	Event:
1	Goblin Raiders becoming a major nuisance
2	Orc Marauders Terrorizing Countryside
3	Flooding: 1 Hex from River or Sea
4	Blight: 1 Hex
5	Plague: Entire Region
6	Pestilence: 1 Hex
7	Drought: Entire Region
8	Harvest Time: Food and Income
9	Holy Day: Major Religion
10	Festival: Minor Holiday
11	Peace in our Time
12	Prosperity
13	Barbarian Raiders: 1D3 Hexes
14	Pirate Raids: All Coastal Hexes
15	Bandits: 1 Hex
16	Brigands: 1 Hex
17	Minor Monster on the loose: 1 Village
18	Major Monster running Amok: 1 Hex
19	A Minor Hero offers Services
20	Horse People Invasion
21	Earthquake: 1 Hex
22	Volcano: 1 Mountain Hex
23	Tidal Wave: 1 Coastal Hex
24	Blizzard or Heat Wave or Storms: 1D6 Hexes
25	Tribal Migrations: Tens of Thousands of People
26	Receive Trade Delegation
27	New Trade Route Opportunity
28	Merchant Shipping getting Pirated
29	Trade Caravans getting Attacked
30	Assassination attempt on major Personage
31	New Dungeon Discovered
32	New Portal Discovered
33	A New Major Foe Sets-Up Shop
34	Peasant Uprising: 1 Hex
35	Heresy in Major Religion
36	Land Dispute: Neighboring Kingdom
37	Trade Dispute: Trade Partner
38	Major Raids: Nearby Nation
39	Border Skirmishes: Neighboring Kingdom
40	Major Artifact Unearthed: Continent
41	Major Fire: One City
42	Feuding Noble Families: Internal
43	Major Foe Attacks
44	Declaration of War: By Neighboring Kingdom
45	Regional War: Two Nearby Kingdoms
46	Asked to Join War as Ally: Nearby Kingdom
47	Nearby Kingdom Destroyed/Conquered
48	Court Intrigue
49	Royal Wedding
50	Promising Noble comes of Age
51	A Noble is Born
52	Crusade or Jihad is Called
53	Technological Improvement
54	New Fashion
55	A Great Work of Art/Literature/Music is Produced
56	A New Temple is built
57	A New Religion gains many followers
58	Factional Warfare: City
59	A New Guild Arises: Trade, Crafts, Thief, Assassin 
60	A New Warrior achieves Knighthood
61	A Noble or Hero Dies
62	A Well-known Hero goes on a Quest
63	A Magic User builds a Tower
64	Receive Diplomats seeking Alliance
65	Tax Collector with Taxes Robbed
66	Duel between Nobles
67	Infamous Criminal Caught
68	Fair Weather: Good Crops in 1D6 Hexes
69	Scandal: Blackmail
70	Neighboring Kingdom demands Tribute
71	Usurper make his Move
72	Great Injustice
73	Rebellion of the Nobles
74	Zombie Outbreak: 1 Hex
75	Popular Unrest: Entire Kingdom
76	Kidnapping of Important personage 
77	Insurgency
78	Agitators decrease Loyalty in 1D3 Hexes
79	Major Astronomical Event
80	Omen: Important Prophecy Revealed
81	Sabotage Revealed: Fire, Poison, Disease
82	Noble Cursed
83	Location Hexed
84	Espionage: Enemy Spy Uncovered
85	Treasure or Relic Stolen
86	Storms at Sea: Loss of Ships
87	Threatening Enemy Troop Movements
88	Enemy sues for Peace
89	Plot Revealed
90	New Relic Forged
91	Subversion: Troops join Enemy
92	Refugees: Increase your population
93	Emigration: Population losses
94	Land is Degraded: Becomes Desert, Swamp
95	Racial Tension: Riots, Killings
96	Religious Tension: Riots, Killings
97	Economic Downturn: Depression, Recession
98	Madness: Noble goes mad
99	Spoilage: Stored Crops
00	Haunting: Castle, Countryside

Besides from dealing with events and Crises, you get to 
Collect Taxes! Basically you get 1 Gold per Population per 
Year in taxes. A village will have average 300 people.
A County (1 Hex) will have around 60,000 people. 
Severe Taxes would be double this or More.  
A Basic Soldier is paid 1 Gold per Month. 
Gold can be used to build Armies, Fleets, Castles, Arenas, 
Aqueducts, Irrigation, Harbors, Lighthouses, Libraries, 
Bridges, Roads, Walls, Outposts, etc. as well as paying 
For soldiers, officials, and other retainers. This can also 
Go to the funding of the Magical manufacture of Relics. 
Other possibilities include: 
-Throwing Parties and Feasts
-Hosting Tournaments, Jousts, and Contests
-Spending quality time in your Harem
-Bribing the Masses with Bread and Circuses
-Holding Lavish Courts to impress Nobles and Foreign Dignitaries 
-Deploying Spies, Moles, Saboteurs, and Assassins
-Training Troops and Underlings
-Raiding your Neighbors
-Going to War with your Neighbors
-Resolving Judicial Matters
-Signing Papers 
-Arguing with your Advisors
-Purging Traitors and Banishing Undesirables 
-Improving Basic Services: Law, Fire, Sewage
-Improving your Agriculture and Industry
-Issuing Decrees of questionable merit
-Granting Titles and Lands to new or existing Nobles
-Hiring Retainers for important court positions
-Adding to the Aviary or Bestiary or Trophy Room 
-Brooding, Fiddling, or Ranting and Raving


During Regular Combat (Not the direct result of Spells or Magic) Characters and Troops 
may Panic (25% Surrender 25% Fighting Withdrawal 25% Flee 25% Rout). 
Morale Checks can be made multiple times during a Battle and for different reasons: 
1. Facing Overwhelming Odds. 
2. Foes are Monstrous or Magical. Immune to Normal Weapons 
3. Your Side has taken many Casualties. 
4. Allies are Fleeing or Routing. 
Commanders may make Leadership Skill Checks to Rally Panicked Troops. 
Panicked Troops will lose Cohesion and become Disordered. They lose Formation Bonuses. 

CF	Unit Type:
4	Peasant Rabble, Kobold
5	Levied Troops, Imp, Halfling, Gnome, Goblin, Wolf
6	Militia, Dwarf, Elf
7	Soldiers, Orc, Hobgoblin
11	Sprite
12	Gnoll, Lizard Man, Human Cavalry
17	Clay Golem, Zombie
18	Bugbear
20	Hero, Spellcaster
20	Minotaur
22	Ogre, Treant, Werewolf, Medusa
24	Hill Giant
25	Centaur, Warg, Unicorn
27	Mountain Troll
30	Manticore
32	Vampire
42	Young Dragon
44	Stone Giant
47	Lich
49	Sphinx
52	Fire Giant, Frost Giant
62	Tentacle Monster
64	Adult Dragon
75	Cloud Giant
85	Large Hydra
89	Storm Giant
99	Pit Fiend
115	Titan
120	Legendary Dragon
148	Kraken



Mass Battles are Fights between large numbers of Combatants. 
An individual Combatant is referred to as a Troop. 
A group of Troops is referred to as a Unit. 
Each Troop has a Combat Factor (CF). Refer to the Unit List. 
In General, all Troops in a Unit are identical and have the same CF.  
The Total CF (TCF) of a Unit is equal to the ((Number of Troops in the Unit) x (Their CF)) 

Example: A Unit of 1000 Soldiers. Each Soldier has a CF of 7. 
The TCF of the Unit = 7000. 

Example: A Unit of 200 Ogres. Each Ogre has a CF of 22. 
The TCF of the Unit = 4400. 

Battles take place in Battle Turns. 
Two opposing Units face off in a Battle Turn. 
In this example the Soldiers are Fighting the Ogres. 

During a Battle Turn each Fighting Unit makes a 1D10 x 10 Battle Roll and converts this to 
A Percentage. They then multiply this with the TCF to get a Battle Damage Total (BDT). 
Subtract the BDT from the Foe’s TCF to get a new TCF for the Foe. 

For example: The Soldiers make a Battle Roll of 70%. Their BDT = 0.7 x 7000 = 4,900. 
This BDT is more than the TCF of the Ogres, so they are completely wiped out. 

The Ogres make a Battle Roll of 50%. Their BDT = 0.5 x 4400 = 2200. 
The TCF of the Soldiers is reduced to 7000 – 2200 = 4,800. 
In terms of numbers of Troops they are reduced from 1000 Troops to 686 Troops. 

Players Roll high on 1D20 to see which side moves its Units first each Battle Turn. 
Add the Leaders Strategy Skill to the Strategic Initiative Roll.  
Units can Move up to 2 Spaces per Battle Turn. 
Fast Units can move 3 Spaces. 
Flying Units can move 4 Spaces and ignore Terrain Modifications. 
A Unit can Fight any Adjacent Enemy Unit at the cost of 1 Movement Point. 
A Space containing Difficult Terrain costs 2 Movement Points to Enter. 
It costs 1 Movement Point to Change a Formation or put a Unit in Formation. 
Defensive Formations cannot Move. 

Troops that are capable of it can form up in Formations.
Formations are usually established at the beginning of a Battle  
Each Troop gets +2 CF when in an Attack Formation. 
Each Troop gets +3 CF when in a Defense Formation.
Formations must have a minimum of 30 Troops.  
A Unit that fails a Morale Check becomes Disordered and goes out of Formation. 
Sample Attack Formations: Attack Column, Marching Phalanx, Skirmish Line, 
Advance by Ranks, Wedge, Checkerboard, Pincer, Assault
Sample Defense Formations: Square, Circle, Defensive Line, Fortified Position

Before the Battle Rolls are made, opposing Leaders may make a 1D20 Strategy Roll. 
Add the Leaders Strategy Skill to the Strategy Roll. 
The Winner gets +10 to his own Battle Rolls. 
The Loser gets -10 to his Battle Rolls. 
Make a New Strategy Roll at the beginning of each Battle Turn. 


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