Card game for 2+ players. 
Star Trek Space Combat Theme. 
Each player controls 1 Ship. 

Star Trek is a licensed, trademarked, copyrighted property. 
This is merely a fan site. 

Destroy your opponent’s Ships. 

A Ship is destroyed if it has accumulated as many or more 
hits than Structure Points. 
Use coins to represent Hits. 

Players share a common deck. 

Each player picks an Empire and a Ship Class. 
Empires include: Federation, Klingon, Romulan, Etc. 
Ship Classes include: Gun Ship, Frigate, Cruiser, Capitol Ship
In a 2 player game, players should pick same size ships. 
Each player is dealt a hand of 5 cards.
Flip a coin to see which side goes first. 

Ship Class:		SP	MHS
Gun Ship	        4	5
Frigate			6	6
Cruiser			8	7
Capitol Ship		10	8
SP = Structure Points
MHS = Max Hand Size

When you “play” a card, it is discarded. 

Players take turns. 
Each turn has 10 Phases: 
1. Tactics Phase
2. Sensors Phase
3. Declaration Phase
4. Surprise Phase
5. Attack Phase
6. Evasion Phase
7. Damage Phase
8. Security Phase
9. Event Phase
10. Bridge Phase

Draw 3 Cards. 
If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it. 

You may play an Examine card to look at your opponent’s hand. 
You may play an Analysis card to look at the next 7 cards in 
The deck and either put them back in the same order or reshuffle the deck. 

You may declare you are attacking. 
(You must have a Weapons Card or a Sabotage Card in your hand) 
Specify the opposing player you are going to attack. 
If the target player has less than 4 cards in his hand, he may draw 2 cards. 
Normally, you may only make one attack per turn. 
If you are not attacking, skip to Bridge Phase. 

You may play Surprise cards. 
Your target opponent may play Detect cards to counter you. 
If the value of the Detect cards is equal or greater than the 
Surprise cards, the Surprise is negated. 
If the value of the Surprise cards is greater, the opponent is 
Surprised, and cannot play Evasion cards this turn. 

Play a Weapons Card or a Sabotage Card. 
If you play a Sabotage card, skip to Sabotage Phase. 

Note that the Weapon Cards have a built in Accuracy Rating. 
You may play additional Accuracy (but not Weapon) cards. 
Your opponent may play Evasion Cards. 
If the value of the Evasion cards is greater than the 
Accuracy/Weapon cards, the Attack Misses. 
If the value of the Accuracy/Weapon cards is greater, the Attack Hits. 
If the Values are equal, flip a coin and call it in the air. 
If the attack misses, skip to Bridge Phase.  

Note that the Weapon Cards have a built in Damage Rating. 
You may play additional Damage (but not Weapon) cards. 
Your opponent may play Shield Cards. 
If the value of the Shield cards is equal to or greater than the 
Damage/Weapon cards, the Attack causes no damage. 
If the value of the Damage/Weapon cards is greater, the Attack 
Does a number of Hits (of Damage) equal to the difference between 
The Damage and Shield Values. 

Skip this Phase if you attacked with a Weapon this turn. 
Your Sabotage card has a value. 
You may not play additional Sabotage Team cards. 
Your target opponent may play Security cards to counter you. 
If the value of the Security cards is equal or greater than that of the 
Sabotage cards, the Sabotage attempt fails. 
If the value of the Sabotage cards is greater, the Sabotage  
Does a number of Hits (of Damage) equal to the difference between 
The Sabotage and Security Values. 

If you inflicted any Damage this turn, you may play a 
Critical Hit card on the damaged Opponent. 
You may play Engineering cards in this Phase. 

Max hand size is determined by Ship Class. 
Discard down to Max hand size. 

# = The number of copies of that card in the deck. 
Only one Terrain card can be played per turn. 
The security officer card can allow you to make a second attack on 
Your turn, with a Weapon or Sabotage card. 
Teams also count as Crew. 

Card Name:			#	Notes: 
Impulse Power			1	Shields =1 or Damage =1 or Evasion =2
Full Power			1	Shields =1 or Damage =1 or Evasion =2
Auxiliary Power   		1	Shields =2 or Damage =2
Divert Power			1	Shields =3 or Damage =2
Primary Weapon			12	Special: See Empire Lists
Secondary Weapon	        8	Special: See Empire Lists
Primary Defense			4	Special: See Empire Lists
Empire Special One		1	Special: See Empire Lists
Empire Special Two		1	Special: See Empire Lists
Side Shields			2	Shields =2
Forward Shields			2	Shields =3
Engines Damaged			1	Critical: Evasion -1 for rest of game
Bridge Hit			1	Critical: Opponent must discard his hand
Secondary Explosions		1	Critical: Damage =2
Damage Control			1	Engineering: Repair 2 Hits
Small Moon			1	Terrain: Surprise =2 or Evasion =2
Space Station			1	Terrain: Surprise =2 or Evasion =2
Nebula				1	Terrain: Surprise =2 or Evasion =2
Ion Storm			1	Terrain: Surprise =2 or Evasion =2
Tractor Beam			1	Accuracy =3
Boarding Party			1	Team: Sabotage =4 or Security =2
Marine Squad			1	Team: Sabotage =4 or Security =3
Security Personnel		1	Team: Sabotage =3 or Security =3
Away Team			1	Team: Sabotage =3 or Security =2
Tactics				1	Surprise =2 or Evasion =2
Sensors				1	Detect =2 or Accuracy =2
Scanners	         	1	Detect =2 or Accuracy =2
Probe				1	Detect =3 or Examine
Evasive Maneuver  		1	Evasion =2
High Speed			1	Evasion =3
Captain				1	Crew: Security =3 or Draw 3 Cards
Security Officer	        1	Crew: Security =4 or Get an Extra Attack
Chief Engineer			1	Crew: Shields =3 or Damage =3 or Repair =2
Helmsman	         	1	Crew: Evasion =3
First Officer			1	Crew: Security =3 or Accuracy =2
Science Officer			1	Crew: Detect =2 or Analysis
Communications Officer		1	Crew: Detect =2 or Examine
Ships Computer			1	Crew: Analysis or Examine

Several cards in the list have alternate meanings depending on the 
Empire of the player that is using them. 

Card Name:		Title			Notes:		
Primary Weapon		Phasers			Accuracy = 3 and Damage = 2
Secondary Weapon	Photon Torpedoes  	Accuracy = 1 and Damage = 5
Primary Defense		Strong Shields		Shields = 3
Empire Special One	Precision		Detect = 2 or Accuracy = 2	
Empire Special Two	Adaptability		Draw 2 Cards

Card Name:		Title			Notes:		
Primary Weapon		Disruptors		Accuracy = 2 and Damage = 3
Secondary Weapon	Antimatter Missiles	Accuracy = 2 and Damage = 4
Primary Defense		Speed 			Evasion = 2	
Empire Special One	Aggression		Get an Extra Attack
Empire Special Two	Warriors	        Team: Sabotage = 5

Card Name:		Title			Notes:	
Primary Weapon		Disruptors		Accuracy = 2 and Damage = 3		
Secondary Weapon	Plasma Torpedoes	Accuracy = 1 and Damage = 5	
Primary Defense		Cloaking	        Surprise = 3 or Evasion = 3
Empire Special One	Intrigue	        Examine or Analysis
Empire Special Two	Sneaky			Surprise = 3 

Players can play on teams. 
For lots of players use 2 copies of the deck. 

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