Card game for 2 players.
Star Wars Universe Fleet Actions.
Rebel Fleet vs Imperial Fleet.
Star Wars is a copyrighted, licensed, trademarked property.
This is merely a Fan site.
Each player has their own unique deck.
There are 4 types of cards:
Capitol Ships
Fighter Squads
Personalities (captains or pilots)
Action Cards
Note: Capitol Ships & Fighter Squads are collectively referred to as spacecraft.
Reduce your opponent to zero Fleet Points.
Each player starts the game with 100 Fleet Points (FP).
Each player draws a hand of 7 cards.
Draw a card to see who goes first. The highest Force ship wins.
Players take turns.
Each turn has 3 Phases:
Maneuver Phase
Deployment Phase
Attack Phase
Draw 3 Cards from your deck.
Max hand size is 10 cards. Discard excess cards.
If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it.
Put Capitol Ships, Fighter Squads, and Personalities into play.
Cards in play are put face up onto the Table.
The cost in Fleet points to deploy a card is equal to its Force.
[For Example: to deploy the Death Star (Force = 25) would drop the
Imperial players FP total from 100 to 75.]
Personality cards must be attached to a spacecraft.
Captains can only be attached to Capitol Ships.
Pilots can only be attached to Fighter Squads.
If you deploy a Transport, draw a card.
Spacecraft cannot attack the same turn they are deployed.
You may attack with some, all, or none of your spacecraft in play.
Each unblocked spacecraft does damage to your opponents FP Total equal to the
Spacecraft’s modified Force Total (Modified by Action cards and attached Personalities)
Your opponent may block with his spacecraft in play.
Several spacecraft may combine to block one attacking spacecraft.
Compare the Force total of an attacker and a blocker.
The Spacecraft with the smaller Force is destroyed (discarded).
Action cards are discarded after they are used.
Instead of targeting the opponents FP Total, spacecraft that are unblocked may do
damage to any one enemy spacecraft (now considered to be blocking) in play.
C = Capitol Ship
F = Fighter Squad
P = Personality
J = Jedi
A = Action Card
# = Number of that card in the deck
Name: # F Type Notes
Star Galleon 1 2 C Transport
Carrack Light Cruiser 1 3 C +3 if Unblocked
Republic Dreadnaught 1 3 C
Imperial Escort Cruiser 1 2 C +3 if Blocking
Galleon 1 1 C Transport
Super Star Destroyer 1 15 C
Lancer Frigate 1 5 C +3 vs Fighter Squads
Strike Cruiser 1 4 C +3 if Attacking
Assault Transport 1 3 C Transport
Interdictor Cruiser 1 2 C +3 vs Capitol Ships
Victory Destroyer 2 4 C
Victory II Star Destroyer 1 6 C
Imperial Star Destroyer 1 5 C
Imperial II Star Destroyer 1 8 C
Death Star 1 25 C
Tie Fighter Squad 7 2 F
Tie Interceptor Squad 4 2 F +2 vs Fighter Squads
Tie Defender Squad 3 3 F
Tie Bomber Squad 3 1 F +3 vs Capitol Ships
Darth Vader 1 +7 PJ
Emperor Palpatine 1 +6 PJ Captain
Grand Moff Tarken 1 +5 P Captain, All Capitol Ships get +1
Boba Fett & The Slave-1 1 4 F Cannot be Blocked
Veers 1 +4 P Captain, +2 if Attacking
Piet 1 +3 P Captain, +2 vs Capitol Ships
Jerjerrod 1 +2 P Captain, +2 if Unblocked
Turbolasers 2 - - Capital Ship gets +5
Ion Cannons 2 - - Target Capital ship does no damage
Laser Cannons 2 - - Destroy blocked Fighter Squad
Critical Hit 2 - - Destroy blocked/-ing Capitol Ship
Stand Off 2 - - Blockers get +2 each
Close Assault 2 - - Attackers get +2 each
Strafing Run 2 - - Fighter Squad gets +5
Use the Force 2 - - Jedi gets +7
Surprise Attack 2 - - Spacecraft just deployed can attack
Reinforcements 2 - - Gain 7 Fleet Points
Strategic Maneuver 2 - - Draw 3 cards
Encirclement 2 - - Opponent discards 3 random cards
Treachery 2 - - Personality gets +5
Shields 2 - - Negate target attack vs Capitol Ship
Evasion 2 - - Negate target attck vs Fighter Squad
Breakthrough 2 - - Target spacecraft cannot be blocked
Name: # F Type Notes
Corellian Frigate 1 4 C
Dauntless Cruiser 1 8 C
Corellian Gunship 1 4 C +3 vs Fighters
Liberator Cruiser 1 5 C
Bulwark Battlecruiser 1 15 C
Nebulon-B Frigate 1 3 C +3 vs Fighters
Alliance Dreadnaught 1 3 C +3 if Blocking
Mon Calamari Cruiser 2 6 C
Bulk Cruiser 1 2 C
Bulk Transport 1 1 C Transport
Medium Transport 1 1 C Transport
Alliance Escort Carrier 1 2 C All your Fighters get +1
Corellian Capitol Ship 1 4 C +3 vs Capitol ships
Corellian Corvette 1 4 C +3 if Unblocked
Assault Frigate 1 4 C +3 if Attacking
Millennium Falcon 1 3 F Cannot be Blocked
A-Wing Squad 4 2 F +2 vs Fighter Squads
B-Wing Squad 3 4 F
X-Wing Squad 5 3 F
Rogue Squadron 1 5 F Cannot be Blocked
Y-Wing Squad 4 2 F +2 vs Capitol Ships
Luke Skywalker 1 +7 PJ Pilot
Han Solo 1 +5 P Captain
Princess Leia 1 +3 P Captain
Admiral Akbar 1 +4 P Captain, All Capitol Ships get +1
Obi-Wan-Kenobi 1 +6 PJ Captain
Lando Calrissian 1 +2 P Captain, +2 if Attacking
Turbolasers 2 - - Capital Ship gets +5
Ion Cannons 2 - - Target Capital ship does no damage
Laser Cannons 2 - - Destroy blocked Fighter Squad
Critical Hit 2 - - Destroy blocked/-ing Capitol Ship
Stand Off 2 - - Blockers get +2 each
Close Assault 2 - - Attackers get +2 each
Strafing Run 2 - - Fighter Squad gets +5
Use the Force 2 - - Jedi gets +7
Surprise Attack 2 - - Spacecraft just deployed can attack
Reinforcements 2 - - Gain 7 Fleet Points
Strategic Maneuver 2 - - Draw 3 cards
Encirclement 2 - - Opponent discards 3 random cards
Heroism 2 - - Personality gets +5
Shields 2 - - Negate target attack vs Capitol Ship
Evasion 2 - - Negate target attck vs Fighter Squad
Breakthrough 2 - - Target spacecraft cannot be blocked
Thanks Jose!!!
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