Card Game for 2 players.
Moors vs Christians. Spain 939 A.D.
The Christian forces are an alliance between
The Kingdoms of Leon, Navarre, and Castille.
The Moors are attacking the mountainous north with an army of 100, 000 men.
In 3 days and during a solar eclipse the outnumbered Christian
Army utterly destroys the invaders.
One player is the Christians, the other is the Moors.
Players share a unique common deck.
Some cards can ony be used by one side or the other.
The first player to win 5 hands is the winner.
Shuffle the deck.
1. Fate Phase
2, Strategy Phase
3. Battle Phase
4. Retreat Phase
-Each player is dealt 9 cards.
-Each player may discard up to 4 cards and draw replacements.
-If the deck ever runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it.
-Each player may discard one card to get its Strategic effect.
-The Muslim player goes first.
-Strategic Effects:
-Discard a Leader card to draw 3 cards and discard any 2.
-Discard a Strategy card to look at the next 5 cards in the deck and keep one.
-Discard a Terrain card to draw 2 cards.
-Discard a Cavalry card to draw a card and look at your opponents hand.
-Discard a Skirmisher card to cause your opponent to discard a random card from his hand
-Infantry do not have a Strategic effect.
-Discard a Weapon card search for a Cavalry, Skirmisher, or Infantry card in the
Discard pile and put it in your hand.
Players take turns either:
1. Placing one card down face up from their hand to the Table for its Force Value OR
2. Discarding one card for it’s Tactical effect.
-Note if you have an opponent’s card in your hand, you cannot place it, you
Can only use it for its tactical effect.
-The Muslim player goes first.
Tactical Effects:
-Discard a Skirmisher to destroy a placed Infantry
-Discard a Cavalry to destroy a placed Skirmisher
-Discard a Strategy card to draw 1 card and look at your opponent’s hand
-Discard an Infantry to destroy a placed Terrain
-Discard a Terrain to destroy a placed Cavalry
-Discard a Leader to draw 2 cards
-Discard a Weapon to destroy another placed Weapon
Note that some placed cards will give Force bonuses to other placed cards
When both players have finished playing cards add up the Force value of all
The placed cards they have that were not destroyed.
The higher Force value wins the hand.
In case of a tie, neither player wins.
Both players discard all remaining cards in their hands.
L = Leader
K = Skirmisher (Troops)
C = Cavalry (Troops)
I = Infantry (Troops)
T = Terrain
S = Strategy
W = Weapons
M = Only Moorish player may place
X = Only Christian player may place
B = Both players may place
Name: Type: Force: Use: Notes:
Caliph Abd al-Rahman III L 5 M Draw 1 card when placed
Count Fernan Gonzalez L 5 X (Castille) All your Troops get +2
King Ramiro II L 5 X (Leon)
Garcia Sanchez I L 4 X (Navarre)
Christian Saints L 3 X All your Troops and Weapons get +2
Large Army I 5 M Also Counts as Skirmishers
Great Host I 5 M Also Counts as Cavalry
Cavalry Detachments C 4 M All Your other Cavalry get +1
Jund Cavalry C 5 M -
Andalusian Cavalry C 4 M -
Arab Cavalry C 3 M -
Bedouin C 2 M Your Strategy cards get +3
Military Order C 5 X -
Knights C 4 X -
Men-at-Arms C 3 X -
Caballeros C 2 X Your Strategy cards get +3
Nobility C 5 B Also counts as Leader
Lancers C 4 B -
Raiders C 3 B Enemy discards 1 random card when placed
Horsemen C 2 B Your Strategy cards get +3
Berber Light Cavalry K 5 M Also counts as Cavalry
Horse Archers K 4 M Also counts as Cavalry
Basque Light Cavalry K 5 X Also counts as Cavalry
Crossbowmen K 4 X Your Terrain cards get +1
Artillery K 5 B -
Light Cavalry K 5 B Also counts as Cavalry
Bowmen K 4 B -
Javelinmen K 4 B Also counts as Infantry
Slingers K 3 B -
Light Infantry K 3 B All Enemy Infantry get -1
Archers K 2 B Enemy discards 1 random card when placed
Light Troops K 2 B All Enemy Infantry get -1
Gorge T 5 X Your Skirmishers get +2
Cliffs T 5 B Your Skirmishers get +2
Fortress T 4 X -
City Walls T 4 X -
River T 3 B Enemy Troops get -1
Hills T 3 B Your Skirmishers get +1
Woods T 2 B All Cavalry get -1
Countryside T 2 B -
Invasion Route T 1 M Draw 1 card when placed
Plains T 1 M Draw 1 card when placed
Eclipse T 2 B All Troops in play get -1
Jihad S 5 M -
Campaign S 4 M Draw 1 card when placed
Treason S 5 X Enemy discards 1 random card when placed
Logistics S 4 X Enemy discards 1 random card when placed
Holy War S 5 B -
Rout S 5 B When Placed discard 1 placed Enemy Troop
Weak Points S 4 B All Enemy Troops get -1
Ambush S 4 B Your Terrain cards get +1
Counterattack S 3 B All Your Troops get +1
Outflank S 3 B Your Cavalry get +2
Charge S 2 B Your Cavalry get +3
Melee S 2 B Your Infantry get +3
Blackguard I 5 M -
Eunuchs I 3 M -
Garrisons I 3 X Draw 1 card when placed
Militia I 2 X Your Terrain cards get +1
Army I 5 B -
Corps I 5 B -
Troops I 4 B -
Soldiers I 4 B -
Spearmen I 3 B -
Footmen I 3 B -
Mercenaries I 2 B You may place an Enemy Troop
Levies I 2 B -
Scimitars W 4 M Your Infantry and Cavalry get +1
Axes and Flails W 4 X Your Infantry and Cavalry get +1
Swords W 5 B Your Infantry and Cavalry get +1
Spears W 5 B Your Infantry get +1
Lances W 4 B Your Cavalry get +2
Shields W 4 B Your Infantry and Cavalry get +1
Chainmail W 3 B Your Infantry and Cavalry get +1
Bows W 3 B Your Skirmishers get +2
Arrows W 2 B Your Skirmishers get +2
Javelins W 2 B Your Skirmishers get +2
Slings W 1 B Your Skirmishers get +2
Daggers W 1 B All Your Troops get +1
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