Card game for 2 players.
Theme: The US Mogadishu Operation in Somalia on October 3, 1993.
One player is the Americans.
The other player is the Somalis.
One player uses the American Deck.
The other player uses the Somali Deck.
Each deck has 45 cards.
Each deck has 3 suites and 15 cards in each suite.
The 3 suites in the American deck are:
S = Soldiers
W = Weapons and Vehicles
T = Tactics
The 3 suites in the Somali deck are:
C = Combatants
F = American Friction (& Blunders)
T = Tactics & Weapons
Each card has a Force Value from 1 to 5.
Each turn has 5 phases:
Logistics Phase
Deployment Phase
Contact Phase
Combat Phase
Casualty Phase
Each player draws 7 cards from his own Deck.
If the deck runs out, shuffle the Reserve pile and draw from it.
Each player may discard up to 5 cards to their Reserve pile and draw replacement cards.
If the deck runs out, shuffle the Reserve pile and draw from it.
Both players reveal their hands.
They place their cards face up on the table.
Each player determines their Combat Force Total (CFT) for their hand:
The American Player adds up the Force Values of all Soldier cards and adds 1.
This is the Soldier Total (ST).
The American Player adds up the Force Values of all Weapon cards and adds 1.
This is the Weapon Total (WT).
The American Player adds up the Force Values of all Tactics cards and adds 1.
This is the Tactics Total (TT).
American CFT = ST x WT x TT
The Somali Player adds up the Force Values of all Combatant cards and adds 1.
This is the Combatant Total (CT).
The Somali Player adds up the Force Values of all Friction cards and adds 1.
This is the Blunder Total (FT).
The Somali Player adds up the Force Values of all Tactics cards and adds 1.
This is the Tactics Total (TT).
Somali CFT = CT x FT x TT
If the Somalis have a higher total, the Americans suffer 8 casualties.
If the Americans have a higher total, they suffer 2 casualties.
Flip a coin if there is a tie.
If the Americans win 3 hands in a row, they are able to extract their comrades and escape.
The game ends when this happens.
Count the total number of American casualties.
Compare this to the actual number of casualties (91).
The American player “wins” if his total is less.
The Somalis “win” if the total is more.
The American player draws 8 cards in the first 2 turns because of surprise.
The Somali player draws 8 cards on turns 5-14 because of superior numbers.
On turns 15+ the American player draws 9 cards because of the arrival of the Armored Column.
Card Name Type Force
Medics S 3
Sergeant S 2
Sniper S 4
US Rangers S 4
Squad Leader S 2
Delta Force S 5
Special Forces S 4
Navy SEAL S 3
Assault Force S 3
Veteran Commandos S 5
D-Boys S 5
Ground Commander S 1
Night Stalkers S 1
Drivers S 1
Light Infantry S 2
Radio Communications T 1
Ariel Reconnaissance T 1
Suppression Fire T 4
Small Unit Tactics T 5
Heroics T 3
Mow Down Crowds T 4
Defensive Perimeter T 3
Shoot Everything T 5
Disciplined Fire T 3
Gung Ho T 2
Leapfrogging T 2
Covering Positions T 4
Return Fire T 2
Hand Signals T 1
Camaraderie T 5
M-60 Pig Gunner W 5
Minigun W 4
Grenade Launcher W 2
SAW Gunner W 2
Body Armor & Helmets W 1
Flash Bang Grenades W 1
50 Cal Machine Gun W 3
M 16 Rifles W 5
Thrown Grenades W 1
Helicopter Gunships W 5
Five-Tons W 2
Humvees W 3
Ground Convoy W 3
Blackhawks W 4
Little Bird Helicopters W 4
Card Name Type Force
Skinny Bandits C 3
Veteran Street Fighters C 5
Warlords Bodyguard C 5
Armed Civilians C 1
Angry Mob C 1
Pick Up Trucks C 1
Clan Militias C 4
Tripod Mounted HMG C 2
Irregulars C 2
Adid Supporters C 2
Somali Gunmen C 4
Hired Guns C 3
Revengers C 3
Militia Leader C 4
Hordes of Gunmen C 5
Ambush T 4
City Warfare T 5
Roadblocks & Barricades T 2
Pot Shots T 1
Blackhawk Down T 5
RPG Fire T 5
Automatic Weapons T 4
Burning Tires T 2
Shooting from Rooftops T 1
AK-47’s T 3
Civilian Shields T 1
Crossfire T 3
Punish the Invaders T 2
Heavy Small Arms Fire T 4
Overrun Position T 3
Chaos & Panic A 3
Trapped in Shooting Gallery A 1
Stranded in Killing Zone A 1
Exhaustion & Wounds A 4
Communication Breakdown A 3
Leadership Crisis A 2
Unit Integrity Collapse A 3
Missing Equipment A 1
Mishaps & Accidents A 2
Leave No Man Behind A 5
Navigation Errors A 5
Lost Convoy A 5
Pinned Down A 4
American Casualties A 4
Shock & Horror A 3
The Inquirer

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