2 player Card game based on the world of Street Fighter. 
It simulates a match between 2 characters. 

Street Fighter is a licensed, copyrighted property. 
This is merely a fan site. 

Reduce the opposing fighter to zero or less hits. 

Each character starts with 20 Hits. 

Players share a common deck. 
The Deck has 52 cards: 
10 Punch cards (P)
10 Kick cards (K)
10 Grab cards (G)
10 Athletic cards (A)
6 Focus cards (F)
4 Link cards (L)
2 Warrior cards (W)

17 Characters are available.
Each player chooses one character at the beginning of the game.  
Each character has 2 Special Abilities. 
Each character has a unique list of Fighting Techniques. 

Each technique has a name, a cost, and an effect. 
Some characters can use the same technique. 
The cost is in the number and type of cards that must be played to produce the effect. 
The effects will be either offensive or defensive or otherwise. 
Offensive techniques, or Attacks, will cause Damage. 
Each point of Damage reduces the opposing character by 1 Hit. 
A Defense will reduce the damage of an attack by an indicated amount. 

Normally a Character can only make 1 attack on its turn. 
A combo effect will allow it to make an extra attack. 
The combo is prevented if the defender is able to negate or 
reduce the damage of the initial attack. 

Some Attacks also produce a Stun effect. 
When a character is stunned, there is a 50% they will not be able to 
Attack until after their next turn.  

Some Attacks also produce a Knockdown effect. 
When a character is Knocked Down, he must discard a Kick card on his next 
turn to get up (or 2 cards of any other type)

Some Attacks also produce an Injury. 
There is a 50% chance the targets Max Hand Size will be reduced by 1 for 
the rest of the Match. 

Some Attacks also produce a Hold effect. 
When a character is Held, he must discard a Grab card on his next 
turn to break the hold (or 2 cards of any other type).

Some Attacks produce a Setup effect. 
This Character's next attack cannot be negated or defended against. 

Some Attacks have the Unblockable effect. 
They cannot be negated or reduced. 

Some Attacks have the Multi-Strike effect.
For every Grab card you discard the attack does an extra 2 points of Damage. 

Some Techniques produce a Distance effect. 
If one is produced the combatants are too far away from each other except 
for ranged attacks. Either player on their turn may play 1 Athletic card 
on their turn to negate the distance effect. 

Some Techniques produce a Throw Down effect:
This is a combination of both a KD effect and a Distance effect. 

Some techniques have the sub for Jump Defensive Option: 
Instead of paying the usual cost for the Jump maneuver, you may pay 
the cost as listed for this Technique. You negate their attack and 50% 
immediately use this Attack against them. However this costs 1 extra 
Focus card to do so.

Some Techniques have the Counter Air Option:
You can use this Technique during your opponent's turn if they use an 
Air Technique against you: You negate their attack and 50% immediately use this 
Attack against them. However this costs 1 extra Focus card to do so.
Your Attack also gets the KD effect if it didn't already have it.  

If you make 2 or more combos in one turn you are stunned until the 
end of your next turn. 

You can make any Basic Attack an Aerial (Air) Attack by playing an extra 
Athletic Card: The attack does Damage +1.

There is a list of basic Techniques that all fighters are able to use. 

Technique		Cost		Effect
Basic Punch		1 Punch 	Punch Attack of Damage = 1
Low Kick		1 Kick		Kick Attack (Low) of Damage = 1
High Kick		1 Kick		Kick Attack (High) of Damage = 1
Grapple 		1 Grab		Grab Attack of Damage = 1
Block			2 Punch 	Reduce Damage of an Attack by 1
Attack Chain		1 Link  	Draw 1 card + Combo
Counter Attack 		1 Link  	Attack on Opponents Turn after his Attacks
Mental Focus		1 Focus		Draw 2 cards and discard 1 card
Way of the Warrior	1 Warrior	Wild card: Use as any other card type
Throw			2 Grab		Grab Attack of 1 Dam + TD
Wrestle			2 Grab		Grab Attack of 1 Dam + Hold
Jab			2 Punch 	Punch Attack of 1 Dam + Combo
Jump			1A + 3K		Negate Low or Crouching or Ranged Attack
Duck			3 Athletic	Negate High or Aerial Attack
Mid-Block		2A + 2P		Negate an Attack that is neither High nor Low
Sidestep		2A + 2K		Negate Punch Attack
Evade			2A + 2G		Negate Kick Attack
Dodge			3A + 2F 	Negate an Attack
Clean Break		1A + 3G		Negate a Grab Attack
Feint			2 Punch 	Setup + Combo
Knee Strike		2 Kick		Kick Attack of Damage = 1 + Draw 1 Card
Elbow Strike		2 Punch 	Punch Attack of Damage = 1 + Draw 1 Card
Stomp			2 Kick		Kick Attack of Damage = 1 + Injure
Gouge			2 Punch 	Punch Attack of Damage = 1 + Injure
Twist			2 Grab  	Grab Attack of Damage = 1 + Injure
Strong Kick		2 Kick		2 Dam
Strong Punch		2 Punch 	2 Dam
Roundhouse Kick		1A + 2K		3 Dam
Parry			4 Punch		Reduce Punch or Kick Attack to 1 Dam
Catch			2A + 3P		Negate Punch or Kick Attack
Withdraw		4 Kick		Distance + Negate Attack unless foe plays 1 Kick
Retreat			2A + 3K		Negate Attack + Distance
Shake it Off		1 Focus		Negate all Stun effects or 50% one Injury

All Characters have a max hand size of 7. 
If they ever have more than their max, discard the excess. 

Players choose their Characters. 
Each player is dealt 7 cards. 
Flip a coin to see who goes first. 

Players take turns. 
Each turn has 4 Phases: 
1. First Refresh Phase
2. Attack Phase
3. Tactical Phase
4. Second Refresh Phase

Fill your hand to max hand size. (or less if stunned) 
If the deck ever runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it. 

Play (Discard) cards to make an attack. 
If you play a combo effect, you can make an extra attack. 
Your opponent may play cards to produce defensive effects, fully or 
Partially negating one or more of your attacks. 

You may discard any unwanted cards in your hand. 

Fill your hand to max hand size. (or less if stunned)

There are 17 characters available:

(Shotokan Karate)
SA1: Your Focus Attacks do Damage +2
SA2: Your Max Hand Size is +1
Technique:			Cost:		Effect:
Dragon Punch (Air)		2A + 3P  	5 Dam (Sub for Jump)
Power Uppercut  		3 Punch 	2 Dam + Stun (Counter Air)
Foot Sweep (Crouch)		2 Kick		1 Dam + KD
Hurricane Kick			3 Kick		2 Dam + Multi-Strike
Air Hurricane Kick (Air)	4 Kick		3 Dam + Multi-Strike (Sub for Jump)
Backroll Throw			2A + 1G		2 Dam + TD
Fireball			2 Focus		4 Dam (Energy Ranged)
Improved Fireball		3 Focus		6 Dam (Energy Ranged)
Kippup				1 Defense	Negate KD

(Shotokan Karate)
SA1: Your Max Hand Size is +1
SA2: Your Punch Attacks do Damage +1
Dragon Punch (Air)		2A + 3P  	5 Dam (Sub for Jump)
Flaming Dragon Punch (Air)	2A + 4P  	6 Dam + KD 
Power Uppercut  		3 Punch 	2 Dam + Stun (Counter Air)
Foot Sweep (Crouch)		2 Kick		1 Dam + KD
Hurricane Kick			3 Kick		2 Dam + Multi-Strike
Air Hurricane Kick (Air)	4 Kick		3 Dam + Multi-Strike (Sub for Jump)
Backroll Throw			2A + 1G		2 Dam + TD
Fireball			2 Focus		4 Dam (Energy Ranged)
Kippup				1 Athletic	Negate KD

SA1: You may convert 1 card to a Grab card on your turn
SA2: You have 5 extra Hits
Ear Pop	(High)			2 Punch 	1 Dam + Stun
Head Bite (High)		1A + 1G 	1 Dam + Hold
Iron Claw			2G + 1P 	2 Dam + Hold
Spinning Clothesline		1A + 2P 	2 Dam + KD (High)
Turbo Spinning Clothesline	2A + 2P 	3 Dam + KD (High)
Foot Sweep (Low)		2 Kick		1 Dam + KD
Double Hit Kick			3 Kick		2 Dam High + 2 Dam Low
Back Breaker			3 Grab		2 Dam + Injure
Pile Driver			1A + 3G		3 Dam + KD
Spinning Pile Driver		1A + 4G		4 Dam + TD (Sub for Jump)
Siberian Suplex 		2A + 3G		4 Dam + TD
Siberian Bear Crusher		5 Grab		4 Dam + KD
Grappling Defense		2 Grab		Negate Grab Attack
Air Throw			2A + 2G		Counter Air Only: 2 Dam + TD

(Native American Wrestling)
SA1: All your Grab attacks do +1 Damage 
SA2: You have 5 extra Hits
Thunder Clap			2 Focus		3 Dam + Stun (Energy Ranged)
Buffalo Punch			4 Punch 	4 Dam
Thunder Strike (Air)		2A + 1K 	2 Dam + Stun
Storm Hammer			4 Grab  	3 Dam + TD (Sub for Jump)
Diving Hawk (Air)		2K + 2A		3 Dam + Combo (Sub for Jump)
Wounded Knee			3 Kick		2 Dam + Injure
Neck Choke (High)		3 Grab		2 Dam + Hold
Bear Hug			4 Grab		3 Dam + Hold
Brain Cracker (High)		2G + 1P		1 Dam + Hold + Multi-Strike

(Kung Fu)
SA1: You may convert 1 card to a Punch card on your turn
SA2: You may use 1 Grab card as a Athletic Card during your Opponents turn
Monkey Grab Punch		2P + 1G 	2 Dam + Unblockable
Rekka Ken			1F + 2P 	3 Dam + Multi-Strike
Double Hit Kick			3 Kick		2 Dam High + 2 Dam Low
Dragon Kick			2F + 2K		6 Dam (Energy Ranged)
Foot Sweep (Crouch)		2 Kick		1 Dam + KD
Stepping Front Kick (Low)	2 Kick		1 Dam + Combo
Deflecting Punch		2 Punch		Negate 1 Dam + Inflict 1 Dam
Punch Defense			2 Punch		Negate Punch Attack
Hair Throw (Air)		1A + 2G		2 Dam + TD
Drunken Monkey Roll		2A + 1G 	Negate Low, Crouching or Ranged Attack
Kippup				1 Athletic	Negate KD
SA1: You may convert 1 card to a Focus card on your turn
SA2: Your Max Hand Size is +1
Slide Kick (Low)		2 Kick		1 Dam + KD
Brain Cracker (High)		2G + 1P		1 Dam + Hold + Multi-Strike
Flying Body Spear		2A + 2K		4 Dam (Sub for Jump)
Extendable Limbs		3 Punch 	2 Dam + Unblockable 
Fireball			2 Focus		4 Dam (Energy Ranged)
Improved Fireball		3 Focus		6 Dam (Energy Ranged)
Telepathy			1 Focus		Draw 2 Cards + Look at Opponents Hand
Yoga Flame			1 Focus		2 Dam (Energy Ranged)
Yoga Teleport			3 Focus		Negate Attack + Distance

SA1: You may discard cards immediately before First Refresh Phase 
SA2: You may convert 1 card to an Athletic card on your turn
Head Butt (High)		2 Punch 	1 Dam + Stun
Power Uppercut  		3 Punch 	2 Dam + Stun
Turbo Spinning Clothesline	2A + 2P 	3 Dam + KD (High)
Back Flip Kick			3 Kick		2 Dam + Distance
Foot Sweep (Low)		2 Kick		1 Dam + KD
Head Bite (High)		1A + 1G 	1 Dam + Hold
Rolling Attack (Air)		2A + 1G 	2 Dam + Distance 
Beast Roll (Air)		3A + 1G 	4 Dam (Sub for Jump)
Vertical Rolling Attack (Air)	2A + 1G  	3 Dam (Counter Air)(Sub for Jump)
Shock Treatment 		3 Focus		5 Dam + Stun
Musical Accompaniment 		1 Focus		Draw 2 cards

(Special Forces)
SA1: You may use 1 Grab card as an Athletic Card during your Opponents turn
SA2: You may convert 1 card to a Link card on your turn
Spinning Backfist		2 Punch 	1 Dam + Stun
Flash Kick (Air)		1F + 2K		4 Dam 
Flying Knee Thrust		1A + 2K		2 Dam + Injure
Foot Sweep (Crouch)		2 Kick		1 Dam + KD
Spinning Foot Sweep (Crouch)	1A + 2K		2 Dam + KD
Air Throw			2A + 2G		Counter Air Only: 2 Dam + TD
Kippup				1 Athletic	Negate KD
Sonic Boom			2 Focus		3 Dam + Stun (Energy Ranged)
Pile Driver			1A + 3G		3 Dam + KD 
Hyper Fist			3 Punch 	2 Dam + Multi-Strike

(Secret Agent)
SA1: Your Kick attacks do Damage +1 
SA2: You may use 1 Grab card as a Defense Card during your Opponents turn
Spinning Backfist		1A + 1P 	1 Dam + Stun
Spinning Knuckle		1A + 2P 	2 Dam + Combo or Negate Ranged Attack
Power Uppercut  		3 Punch 	2 Dam + Stun (Counter Air)
Flying Thrust Kick (Air)	1A + 3K		4 Dam  (Sub for Jump)(Counter Air)
Flash Kick (Air)		1F + 2K		4 Dam 
Handstand Kick			1A + 2K		3 Dam  (Counter Air)
Spinning Foot Sweep (Crouch)	3 Kick		2 Dam + KD
Air Throw			2A + 2G		Counter Air Only: 2 Dam + TD
Suplex				4 Grab		3 Dam + KD
Thigh Press			3 Grab		2 Dam + KD
Cannon Drill (Low)		2 Focus		4 Dam 

(Sumo Wrestling)
SA1: Your Punches do Damage +1
SA2: You have 5 extra Hits
Sumo Slap			3 Punch 	3 Dam
Head Butt (High)		2 Punch 	1 Dam + Stun
Hundred Hand Slap		4 Punch 	3 Dam + Multi-Strike
Double Hit Kick			3 Kick		2 Dam High + 2 Dam Low
Foot Sweep (Crouch)		2 Kick		1 Dam + KD
Spinning Foot Sweep (Crouch)	1A + 2K		2 Dam + KD
Bear Hug			4 Grab		3 Dam + Hold
Air Smash			2A + 1K 	2 Dam + KD (Sub for Jump)
Knee Basher			3 Kick		2 Dam + Injure
San He				2 Focus		Negate 3 Dam + Negate KD 

(Wu Shu)
SA1: You may convert Punch cards to Kick or Athletic cards on your turn 
SA2: Your Kick attacks do Damage +1
Back Flip Kick			3 Kick		2 Dam + Distance
Forward Flip Knee (Air) 	1A + 2K		3 Dam
Lightning Leg (Air)		3 Kick		2 Dam + Multi-Strike
Whirlwind Kick (Air)		2A + 2K		3 Dam + Multi-Strike
Flying Heel Stomp (Air) 	1A + 3K 	3 Dam + Distance (Sub for Jump)
Air Throw			2A + 2G		Counter Air Only: 2 Dam + TD
Wall Spring 			3 Athletic	Negate Attack + Distance
Fireball			2 Focus		4 Dam (Energy Ranged)
Spiked Bracelets		3 Punch 	2 Dam + Combo

SA1: You may convert Grab cards into Punch or Kick cards
SA2: You may convert 1 card to a Link card on your turn
Hyper Fist			3 Punch 	2 Dam + Multi-Strike
Power Uppercut  		3 Punch 	2 Dam + Stun (Counter Air)
Triple Strike			2P + 1K		3 Dam 
Double Dread Kick		4 Kick		3 Dam + Stun
Double Hit Kick			3 Kick		2 Dam High + 2 Dam Low
Slide Kick (Low)		3 Kick		2 Dam + KD
Wounded Knee			3 Kick		2 Dam + Injure
Back Roll Throw (Low)		1A + 2G		2 Dam + TD
Max Out 			2 Focus		3 Dam + Stun (Energy Ranged)
Musical Accompaniment 		1 Focus		Draw 2 cards

SA1: Convert Grab or Kick cards to Punch
SA2: You have 5 extra Hits 
Fist Sweep			2 Punch 	1 Dam + KD
Turn Punch			1F + 3P 	5 Dam 
Power Uppercut  		3 Punch 	2 Dam + Stun (Counter Air)
Dashing Punch			1A + 3P 	3 Dam + Unblockable
Dashing Uppercut		1A + 4P 	3 Dam + Stun + Unblockable
Head Butt (High)		2 Punch 	1 Dam + Stun
Head Butt Hold (High)		3 Grab		2 Dam + Hold
Jumping Shoulder Butt (High)	1A + 2K		3 Dam 
Punch Defense			3 Punch		Negate Punch Attack

(Spanish Ninjitsu)
SA1: Convert Kick cards to Grab or Punch
SA2: Your Punch Attacks do Damage +1
Short Backslash			3 Punch 	3 Dam
Back Slash			4 Punch 	4 Dam
Rolling Crystal Flash		2 Focus		3 Dam + Stun
Flying Barcelona Attack(Air)	3A + 1G 	4 Dam (Sub for Jump)
Izuna Drop (Air)		1A + 1G		1 Dam + KD
Rolling Izuna Drop (Air)	2A + 1G		2 Dam + KD	
Sky High Claw (Air)		1A + 2P 	2 Dam + Combo
Scarlet Terror			3 Kick		3 Dam
Rainbow Suplex (Air)		3 Grab		2 Dam + Stun
Dive Fake			2 Athletic	Setup + Combo
Star Dust Drop (Air)		2A + 2G		3 Dam + Stun

SA1: Convert Punch cards to Athletic or Kick
SA2: Your Kick Attacks do Damage +1
Psycho Crusher			3 Focus		6 Dam (Energy Ranged)
Double Knee Press		3 Kick		2 Dam + Hold
Knee Press Nightmare		4 Kick		3 Dam + Hold
Head Press (Air)		2 Kick		1 Dam + Hold
Somersault Skull Driver (Air)	2A + 1P 	2 Dam + Injure
Devil Reverse (Air)		1A + 1P 	1 Dam + Combo
Deadly Throw			4 Grab		3 Dam + TD
Fake Slide			1A + 1K		Setup + Combo
Psycho Reflect			1 Focus		Negate Focus Attack

(Muy Thai) 
SA1: Convert Punch to Kick or Kick to Punch
SA2: You have 5 extra Hits
Tiger Shot			2 Focus		4 Dam (Energy Ranged)
Tiger Cannon			3 Focus		6 Dam (Energy Ranged)
Tiger Uppercut			3 Punch 	2 Dam + Stun
Tiger Knee Crush		3 Kick		2 Dam + Injure
Tiger Genocide			4 Kick		3 Dam + Combo
Tiger Carry			3 Grab		2 Dam + Hold
Tiger Raid			2A + 1G 	3 Dam
Tiger Destruction		4 Punch 	3 Dam + Combo

(Shotokan Karate)
SA1: Convert Athletic cards to Punch or Focus
SA2: You have Hand Size +1
Great Surge Fist		2 Focus		4 Dam (Energy Ranged)
Air Slashing Surge Fist (Air)	3 Focus		6 Dam (Energy Ranged)
Sorching Heat Surge Fist	4 Focus		8 Dam (Energy Ranged)
Tornado Kick			3 Kick		3 Dam
Dragon Fist (Air)		2A + 3P  	5 Dam (Sub for Jump)
God of War Air Flash		2 Focus		Negate Attack
Raging Demon			4 Punch 	4 Dam
Demon Flip			1A + 2G		2 Dam + TD
Sky Demon Leg Blade (High)	2A + 2K 	3 Dam + Injure

All Minor Minions know the Basic Techniques except Jump and Throw 
Some know more Advanced Techniques. 
MHS = Max Hand Size

Type (Hits/MHS) Advanced Techniques:
Thug (5/4) 
Gangster (10/5)	
Warrior	 (15/6)	Head Butt/Power Uppercut/Foot Sweep
Cop (5/4) Brain Cracker
SWAT (10/5) Power Uppercut/ Spinning Backfist
Ninja Genin (10/5) Slide Kick/ Handstand Kick/ Jump
Ninja Jonin (15/6) Slide Kick/ Back Kick Flip/ Back Roll Throw/ Wall Spring
Green Soldier (5/4) 
Veteran Soldier (10/5) Spinning Back Fist/ Suplex/ Jump
Lifer Soldier (15/6) Spinning Back Fist/ Suplex/ Jump/ Brain Cracker
Special Agent (10/5) Head Butt/ Throw
Secret Agent (15/6) Monkey Grab Punch/ Double Dread Kick/ Knee Basher/ Jump
Martial Artist Acolyte (10/5) Throw/ Jump/ Foot Sweep 
Martial Artist Adept (15/6) Throw/ Jump/ Foot Sweep/ Spinning Backfist

Brain Cracker (High)		2G + 1P		1 Dam + Hold + Multi-Strike
Suplex				4 Grab		3 Dam + KD
Power Uppercut  		3 Punch 	2 Dam + Stun
Head Butt (High)		2 Punch 	1 Dam + Stun
Wall Spring 			3 Athletic	Negate Attack + Distance
Monkey Grab Punch		2P + 1G 	2 Dam + Unblockable
Double Dread Kick		4 Kick		3 Dam + Stun
Knee Basher			3 Kick		2 Dam + Injure
Slide Kick (Low)		3 Kick		2 Dam + KD
Back Roll Throw (Low)		1A + 2G		2 Dam + KD
Foot Sweep (Crouch)		2 Kick		1 Dam + KD
Spinning Backfist		2 Punch 	1 Dam + Stun

If a Character has a weapon they automatically have the basic attack 
Technique for that Weapon. 
If you have a hand weapon you also get the Weapon Parry Technique. 
All Ranged Weapon Attacks have a 50% chance of missing outright
Note: If you have an Automatic Rifle, you can use it as a rifle also. 
These are referred to as Projectile attacks or Hand Weapon attacks as 
Opposed to punches, kicks, or grabs.  Players may agree that some 
Defensive techniques may or may not be used vs these types of attacks. 
Note: Guns with rubber bullets do 3 less damage and stun instead of injure.
Note: The Grenade can only be used if the foes are distant from each other. 
Note: Most Projectile Weapons can also be used as a club.  

Pistol			1 Punch 	4 Dam + Injure (Revolver) (Projectile Ranged)
Sub Machine Gun 	1 Punch 	4 Dam + Combo (Projectile Ranged)
Rifle			2 Punch 	6 Dam + Injure (Projectile Ranged)
Automatic Rifle		2 Punch 	6 Dam + Combo (Projectile Ranged)
Shotgun			2 Punch 	5 Dam (Projectile Ranged)
Taser			1 Focus 	Stun x2 (Projectile Ranged)
Spray Mace		1 Punch 	Stun + Injure  
Grenade 		2 Punch 	10 Dam (Single Use) (Projectile Ranged)
Bow & Arrow		2 Focus		5 Dam + Injure (Crossbow) (Projectile Ranged)
Throwing Star		1 Focus		1 Dam + Injure (Projectile Ranged)
Thrown Knife		1 Focus		2 Dam + Injure (Projectile Ranged)
Thrown Axe		1 Focus		4 Dam + Injure (Thrown Spear, Sword, etc.)(PR)
Knife			1 Punch 	3 Dam + Injure (Dagger, Broken Bottle)
Sword			2 Punch 	5 Dam + Injure (Katana, scimitar, etc.)
Axe			2 Punch 	4 Dam + Injure
Battle Axe		3 Punch 	6 Dam (Maul, Heavy War Hammer, 2-Handed Sword)
Shield			1 Grab		2 Dam (Bash) or Negate 2 Dam
Num Chucks (Pair)	3 Punch 	3 Dam + Combo (Pair of Sticks)
Club			2 Punch 	3 Dam + Stun (Bat, Hammer, Nightstick, etc.)
Electric Cattleprod	2 Punch 	2 Dam + Stun x2
Brass Knuckles		Modifier 	Adds 1 Dam to any Punch Attack
Staff			2 Athletic 	3 Dam + Stun
Spear			3 Athletic 	5 Dam (Bayonet, Pike)
Chain			2 Athletic 	3 Dam + Hold
Whip			2 Athletic 	2 Dam + Combo
Tonfa (Pair)		2 Grab  	3 Dam or Negate 2 Dam
Sai (Pair) 		3 Punch 	3 Dam or Negate Hand Weapon Attack
Kama (Pair)		2 Punch 	4 Dam or Negate 2 Dam
Weapon Parry		1F + 2P 	Negate Hand Weapon Attack

Thug- Brass Knuckles, Knife, Lead Pipe (Club), Chain 
Gangster- Revolver, SMG
Warrior- Num Chucks, Sword, etc. 
Cop- Pistol, Taser, Tonfa, Truncheon (Club), Shutgun, Spray Mace
SWAT- Rifle, Automatic Rifle, Pistol
Ninja- Throwing Stars, Knife, Kama, Sword, Bow & Arrow
Soldier- Pistol, Rifle, Automatic Rifle, Grenade 
Agent- Knife, Pistol, Rifle
Martial Artist- Sai, Staff, Spear, Num chucks 

Flying Head Butt 	1A + 2P 	2 Dam + Stun (Air)
Dim Mak (Death Touch)	4 Focus		6 Dam + Injure x2
Maka Wara		2 Focus 	Negate 1 Dam & Inflict 3 Dam
Missile Reflection	3 Grab 		Turn Projectile Attack to any target
Energy Reflection	3 Grab 		Turn Energy Attack to any target
Shockwave (Low)		1F + 2P 	3 Dam + KD (Ranged Energy)
Great Wall of China	1F + 3K 	5 Dam
Acid Breath		2 Focus 	3 Dam + Injure
Chi Kung Healing	2 Focus 	Negate 1 Injury
Cobra Charm		3 Focus 	Opponent cannot attack next turn
Ghost Form		3 Focus 	Negate all attacks this turn
Ice Blast		3 Focus 	5 Dam + Stun (Ranged Energy)
Regeneration		1 Focus 	Regain 2 Lost Hits
Stunning Shout		2 Focus 	3 Dam + Stun (Ranged Energy)
Toughskin		1 Focus 	Negate 1 Dam & Inflict 1 Dam
Zen No Mind		1 Focus 	Draw 2 Cards


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