Players a rival kings in the land of Sumeria.
2-4+ Players.
The first player to control six of the ten city-states is the winner.
Use a hex map to depict:
The Fertile Crescent (The lands around and between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers).
There are 10 City states:
Kish, Larak, Nippur, Umma, Lagash, Uruk, Ur, Eshnunna, Khafaje, and Eridu.
There are 9 Terrain types: Fertilty Value:
1. Fully Green with River 5
2. Partial Green with River 4
3. Fully Green w/o River 3
4. Partial Green w/o River 2
5. River with no Green 1
6. City in same hex as River 5
7. City in hex next to River 4
8. City not next to River 3
9. Desert 0
Each player gets a set of double sided counters of a unique color.
about 100 counters per person should be sufficient.
The front side of the counter represents an Army.
The back side is used as a control marker.
Each Army represents about 1,000 men.
In addition, each player gets one special Leader counter that is their
Kingly personification.
The War Deck has 6 types of cards:
Phalanx, Javelins, Chariots, Morale, Strategy, Terrain.
For each type of card there are 10 such cards in the deck numbered 1 through 10.
The Harvest Deck is a seperate deck.
Shuffle the deck.
Each player gets a counter set.
Roll high on 1D6 to determine placement order.
Each player places his Leader counter on one of the City-states.
Place a control marker on your city-state and all of the surrounding adjacent spaces.
Neutral City states contain 3 Armies which must be defeated to gain control of the city.
Neutral city-states will retake adjacent unoccupied spaces in Planting Phase.
Any number of armies may stack in one space.
Each turn consists of 6 phases:
1. Order Phase
2. City Phase
3. Harvest Phase
4. Event Phase
5. War Phase
6. Planting Phase
Players roll high on 1D6 to determine turn order. Reroll ties.
Each player gains armies for each City hex they control.
Gain armies equal to the fertility value of the hex.
If a player lost a Leader last turn, he gains a new one.
He places the new leader in one of his City-States.
Each Player is dealt 4 cards face up from the Harvest Deck and
resolves them in turn order.
Discard all harvest cards.
Each player gains armies for each Non-City hex they control.
Gain armies equal to the fertility value of the hex.
Always place new Armies into a City or Cites you control.
This phase is divided into 10 segments.
Each player gets one segment turn during each segment.
Players take their segment turns in the order determined during Harvest Phase.
Each segment turn is divided into 3 sub-segments:
1. Movement Sub-segment
2. Fighting Sub-segment
3. Conquest Sub-segment
A player may move each of his armies 2 spaces.
A Leader may move 4 spaces.
In river spaces denote which side of the river the stack is on.
It costs 1 space to cross a river.
Armies & Leaders may not enter Sea spaces.
An army must stop upon entering a City-state, or a space occupied by enemy armies.
If two stacks of opposing armies occupy the same space there will be a battle.
Exception: The armies are on either side of the river and the moving player
does not want to attack.
Each player is dealt 7 cards from the War deck.
If the deck runs out shuffle the discard and draw from it.
Players may then discard up to 6 cards and draw replacements.
Each player may play up to one card of each of the six types of cards.
(For Example: a player could not play 2 chariot cards.)
Each player calculates his battle total:
Add the numeric value of all cards played + 1D6 per Army present and +2D6 if
your Leader is Present.
If the defending stack was in a City-state, the defender adds 2D6.
If the attacking stack just crossed a river the defender may add 1D6.
The player with the higher Battle Total wins.
Roll high on 1D6 to break ties.
The losing stack is destroyed utterly. The winner takes no casualties.
If your leader is destroyed, all of your armies on the board disband.
Discard all war cards.
On any space you have an army add a control marker if you didn’t already have one there.
Replace enemy control markers with your own in any space you occupy.
All players discard all their army counters!
The men return home to plant their fields.
Place your Leader counter into a City-state you control.
L = Lose 1D6 Armies
G = Gain 1D6 Armies
X = Lose 1D6 Control Markers (pick ones that are furthest from you not on Cities)
Card Name: Effect: Notes:
Revolt L
Flood X
Dust Storms X
Draught X
Flash Floods X
River changes Course X
Swamps X
Wild Jackasses L
Semite Invaders L
Martu Invaders L
Elamite Invaders L
Plague L
Pestilence X
Piracy X
Locusts X
Disease L
Rebellion L
Bloody Coup L
Corruption L
Heresy L
Famine L
Uprising L
Banditry X
Class Warfare L
Tax Reform L
Epidemic L
Food Shortage L
Anarchy L
Unrest L
Trade for Wood G
Trade for Metal G
Trade for Exotic Foods G Spices
Surplus Grain G Exported
Good Harvest G
Sumerian Beer G Favorite Drink
Bread & Onions G Staple Foods
Blessing of Innanka G The Goddess of Fertility
Blessing of En-Lil G The Wind God
Semite Migrations G
Elamite Mercenaries G Renowned archers
Martu Mercenaries G Semitic Desert Nomads
Trade for Gold G
Cuneiform Script G Written on Clay Tablets
Temple Festivals G Music & Sports
Trade Pottery G Clay was abundant
Livestock G Sheep, Oxen, and Swine
Build Ziggurat Temple G Step Pyramids
Irrigation Ditches G
Immigrant Workers G
Artisans & Craftsmen G Carpenters, Bricklayers, Jewelers, Weavers
Fishing G
Conquer Foreign Tribes G
Slavery G
Great Leader G Gilgamesh
Sacred Marriage G Yearly Ritual Orgy
Good Omens G Astrology, Reading Sheep’s Livers
Raise Taxes G Silver Shekels
Peace Treaty G
Thanks to Janne Thörne for making a Great map!
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