A Symposion is a Greek word meaning a Wine drinking party.
These were popular in ancient Greece.
Depending on the Host (Symposiarch), the emphasis of the gathering could
range from purely Intellectual discussion to Hedonistic debauchery.
The game ends when the Deck has been run through three times and no one has any Symposion left to play.
The player with the most points at the end of the game wins.
Players share a common deck.
Each card will have a point value in 3 different categories:
W = Wine (For example: 1W, 2W, 3W…)
I = Intellectual (For example: 1I, 2I, 3I…)
H = Hedonistic (For example: 1H, 2H, 3H…)
E = Either Intellectual or Hedonistic (For example: 1E, 2E, 3E…); Players Choice
Additionally some cards will have the “Woman” property.
Historical Note: The participants of Symposions were all non-slave, voting men.
Women only participated as servants or entertainment.
Some Wine cards have the “Container” property.
Some Wine cards have the “Vintage” property.
Players are dealt a hand of 9 cards.
The oldest man goes first, followed by the next oldest man and so on.
Women, children, and slaves are not allowed to play.
Players take turns.
Each turn has 4 Phases:
Amphorae Phase
Symposiarch Phase
Symposion Phase
Komos Phase
Fill your hand to 9 cards from the top of the deck.
If the deck ever runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it.
You may discard up to 4 cards and draw replacements.
You may trade cards with other players.
They may trade with each other as well.
You may make a Symposion.
A Symposion is a set of cards that you play (discard) for points.
To make a Symposion you don’t have to use all the cards in your hand.
You must declare a Symposion to be one of 3 types:
Intellectual, Social, or Hedonistic.
A Social Symposion may have both Intellectual & Hedonistic (& Either) Cards
An Intellectual Symposion may have only Intellectual (& Either) Cards
A Hedonistic Symposion may have only Hedonistic (& Either) Cards
All Symposiums must have a certain amount of Wine Points.
An Intellectual Symposion must have exactly 3 Wine points.
A Social Symposion may have between 3 and 5 Wine points.
A Hedonistic Symposion must have 5 or more Wine Points.
All Wine points in a Symposion cannot come from only Container cards.
A Symposion can only have 1 Vintage card.
Some cards can only be played for certain types of Symposion.
If you made a Symposion this turn score points equal to the
Point values you applied of the cards you played.
This includes points from Wine, Intellectual, Hedonistic, and Either Categories
Keep track of points you earn with pen and paper.
You may make a max of 1 Symposion per turn.
At the end of the phase Discard all Symposion cards you played.
Discard your hand down to 8 cards.
If you play a social Symposion and the number of Intellectual & Hedonistic
Points are equal, score an extra 2 Points.
If you play a social Symposion and the number of Intellectual & Hedonistic
& Wine Points are equal, score an extra 3 Points.
IO = Intellectual Symposion Only also No WC or MW may be played
HO = Hedonistic Symposion Only
NI = Cannot be played in an Intellectual Symposion
NH = Cannot be played in a Hedonistic Symposion
MW = May be a Woman card (Players choice)
WC = Woman Card
* = The drawn card may be used in the current Symposion
Card Name: Notes:
Amphorae 1W or 2W, Container
Wine Jars 2W, Container
Krater 1W, Container
Golden Drinking Vessels 1W and 1E, Container
Dionysus 1W or 2E
Viticulture 1W, Vintage
Grapes 1W
Vines 1W
Wine of Lesbos 1W (Worth 2W for Scoring) Vintage
Wine of Chios 1W (Worth 2W for Scoring) Vintage
Thasian Wine 1W (Worth 2W for Scoring) Vintage
Inhibitions Removed 1W or 2W
Drinking Horn 1W, Container
Cantharos 1W, Container
Rhyton 1W, Container
Overindulgence 3W; NI
Moderate Drinking 1W; NH
Old Wine 1W or 1E; Vintage
Fine Wine 1W or 2E; Vintage
Libation to the Gods 1W or 2E
Libation to Zeus 1W or 2E
Libation to Fallen Heroes 1W or 2E
Strong Wine 2W; Vintage
Wine Mixed with Water 1W
Shallow Wine Bowls 1W; Container
Cylix 1W; Container
Hydria 1W; Container
Intoxication 2W; NI
Flutist 2E, WC
Singers 2E, WC
Dancers 2E, WC
Musicians 2E; WC
Young Women 1E, WC
Apply Perfume 1E, MW
Servers & Slaves 1E, MW
Flowers & Garlands 1E, MW
Orgy 5H; HO, Requires 3+ WC
Drunken Revelry 4H; HO, Requires 7+ Wine Points
Komos 4H
Ritual Exhibitionism 3H
Kottabos 3H
Drinking Games 3H
Unruly Passions 3H
Challenges 3H
Bad Behavior 2H
Shouting 2H
Pleasure 2H
Sing Hymns 2E; Social Symposion Only
Andron 1E; Draw 1 card when Played*
Symposiarch 1E; Draw 1 card when Played*
Civilization 1E
Sophistication 1E
Food 1E
Wit 2E
Repartee 2E
Drinking Club 2E
Test of Character 2E
Poetry 2E
The Subject of Love 2E
Adversarial Discussion 2E
Debate 2I
Oratory 2I
Philosophy 3I
Law 3I
Politics 3I
Theories 3I
Pursuit of Truth 3I
Literature 3I
Virtuous Behavior 2I; IO
Formal Occasion 2I; IO
Learned Discourse 3I; IO
Education 3I; IO
Science 3I; IO
Mathematics 4I; IO
Plato 5I; IO
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