Scenario for WarpQuest.
Click here for the WarpQuest Core Rules.
Based loosely on the old D&D Expert Rules system.
This is a conversion of Dungeon Module X1 “The Isle of Dread”. 
Each player has an Adventuring Party in search of Adventure & Fortune.
Each party is represented by a pawn on the track. 

D&D and the Isle of Dread are copyrighted properties.
This is merely a fan site.

The map spaces represent distance and time.
There are 3 Modules.
Each Module track is 30 spaces long.
There is no “Artifact” 

The player with the most gold at the end of the game wins.
The game ends when one party reaches the last space of the third module.

Each Party has 6 adventurers.
All Party members are 6th level.
Roll on the Adventurers Table for each adventurer to see what class he is.
The party has skills in 3 attributes: Stealth, Magic, and Fighting.
Add the bonuses from all adventurers to get a grand bonus for that attribute.

1D8	Type:		Stealth		Magic		Fighting	Hits
1	Fighter		+2		-		+4		18
2	Thief		+4		-		+2		12
3	Cleric		-		+4		+2		12
4	Magic User	-		+6		-		6
5	Elf		+2		+2		+2		12
6	Dwarf		-		-		+6		18
7	Halfling	+6		-		-		6
8	Pick one

Thieves are +4 Stealth vs Traps.
Clerics are +2 Magic & Fighting vs Undead and Demons.
Use a card to represent each Character.

Challenges will be of two types: Traps & Foes.

If you encounter a Foe, you have to make several challenge Test Rolls:
1. Make a test vs Stealth. 
If successful, you defeat the Foe. Discard it. If not…
2. Make a test vs Magic.
If successful, you defeat the Foe. Discard it. If not…
3. Make a test vs Fighting.
If successful, you defeat the Foe. Discard it. If not…
1D3 random party members are wounded for 1D6 Hits each.
When making a challenge roll the Foe rolls 6D6 and 
adds its DM (Difficulty Modifier) if any.
When making a challenge roll the Party rolls 2D6 and adds its Attribute bonus.
If you defeat the foe get 1D6 Gold. 

If you encounter a Trap, you have to make several challenge Test Rolls:
1. Make a test vs Stealth. 
If successful, you avoid the Trap. Discard it. If not…
2. Make a test vs Magic.
If successful, you avoid the Trap. Discard it. If not…
1D3 random party members are wounded for 1D6 Hits each.

Encounters that are “Poison” do an extra 1D6 Hits of damage. 
If a party member has zero or less hits left he is killed.
Instead of rolling to see how many hits a wound does you may discard a retainer.
At the end of each module the party heals 1D6 Hits.

If your pawn lands on the same space as an opponent’s party you will fight.
Each player makes challenge rolls for stealth, magic and fighting.
The side that wins the most challenges wins the encounter.
If you lose a fight with another players Pawn you get 1D3 randomly distributed 
Wounds and your opponent gets to take one “Aid: Item” card from you.

At the beginning of the game draw 6 cards from the Item table.
Each Item must be attached to one character.
Each character can only use one weapon during a Foe encounter.
Items are played face up partially under the attached Character card.
Magic users can only use daggers and staves as weapons and cannot use armor.
Thieves cannot use metal armor or shields.
Clerics cannot use edged weapons.

At the beginning of each Module you may draw spell cards:
Draw one for each elf and three for each MU.
Attach the Spells to the characters.
A Character can have a number of spells attached equal to its Magic bonus.

At the beginning of each Module you may draw cleric cards:
Draw two for each cleric.
Attach the cards to your clerics.
A Cleric can have a number of cleric cards attached equal to its Magic bonus.

At the beginning of each Module you may draw thief cards:
Draw two for each thief and Halfling.
Attach the cards to your thieves and halflings.
A Character can have a number of thief cards attached equal to its Stealth bonus.

Dagger +1				Aid: Item: Fighting +1
Long Bow +1				Aid: Item: Fighting +1
Arrow of Slaying			Aid: 1 use Item: Fighting +2
Cloak of Invisibility			Aid: Item: Stealth +2
Longsword +1				Aid: Item: Fighting +1
Potion of Healing			Aid: 1 use Item: Heal 1D6 Lost Hits
Scroll of Protection			Aid: 1 use Item: Magic +2
Leather Armor +1			Aid: Item: Hits +1
Chain Mail +1				Aid: Item: Hits +2
Platemail +1				Aid: Item: Hits +3
Shield +1				Aid: Item: Hits +1
Potion of Diminution			Aid: 1 use Item: Stealth +3
Potion of Growth			Aid: 1 use Item: Fighting +3
Potion of Gaseous Form			Aid: 1 use Item: Stealth +3
Spell Scroll				Aid: Discard to draw 1 Spell card
Ring of Protection +1			Aid: Item: Hits +1
Ring of Fire Resistance			Aid: Item +4 vs Fire Encounters
Snake Staff				Aid: Item: Fighting +1 (+2 for Cleric)
Rope of Climbing			Aid: Item: Stealth +1
Gauntlets of Ogre Power			Aid: Item: Fighting +1
Bag of Holding				Aid: Item: +1 to Gold rolls
Staff of Healing			Aid: 3 use Item: Heal 1D6 Hits. 

Fireball Spell				Aid: Spell: Magic +3
Detect Trap				Aid: Spell: Negate Trap
Magic Missile				Aid: Spell: Magic +1
Charm					Aid: Spell: Magic +3
Sleep					Aid: Spell: Magic +3
Read Languages				Aid: Spell: Negate Trap
Hold Portal				Aid: Spell: Discard to negate (not Defeat) one Foe
Shield					Aid: Spell: Fighting +1
ESP					Aid: Spell: Stealth +3
Invisibility				Aid: Spell: Stealth +3
Mirror Image				Aid: Spell: Fighting +1
Phantasmal Force			Aid: Spell: Magic +2
Web					Aid: Spell: Magic +3
Fly					Aid: Spell: Stealth +3
Lightning Bolt				Aid: Spell: Magic +3
Haste					Aid: Spell: Fighting +3

Climb Steep Surfaces			Aid: Action: Stealth +3
Backstab				Aid: Action: Fighting +3
Narrow Escape				Aid: Action: Discard to negate (not Defeat) one Foe
Scout					Aid: Action: Look at next 2 cards in Module deck
Hide in Shadows				Aid: Action: Stealth +2
Move Silently				Aid: Action: Stealth +1
Dexterity				Aid: Action: Stealth +2
Open Locks				Aid: Action: Stealth +2 (underground)
Spy					Aid: Action: Look at next 2 cards in Module deck
Hear Noise				Aid: Action: Stealth +2
Pick Pockets				Aid: Action: Stealth +4 vs Humans
Find/Remove Traps			Aid: Action: Negate Trap

Turn Undead				Aid: Action: Magic +3 vs Undead
Cure Light Wounds			Aid: Spell: Heal 1D6 Lost Hits
Cure Serious Wounds			Aid: Spell: Heal 2D6 Lost Hits
Neutralize Poison			Aid: Spell: Heal Hits caused by Poison
Blessing				Aid: Spell: Magic +1
Detect Evil				Aid: Spell: Stealth +2
Detect Magic				Aid: Spell: Stealth +2
Light					Aid: Spell: Magic +1
Wisdom					Aid: Action: Magic +1
Protection from Evil			Aid: Spell: Magic +2
Remove Fear				Aid: Spell: Fighting +2
Hold Person				Aid: Spell: Magic +2

Name                            	Challenge:
Land on White Sandy Beach		(Starting Space)
The Village of Tanara			No Challenge: Gain 1D6 Gold from Trade.
Native Guide				Aid: Retainer: Discard to negate (not Defeat) 1 Foe
Sailors					Aid: Retainers: Fighting +1
Native Warriors				Aid: Retainers: Fighting +1
Zombie Master				Foe: Magic DM +4. Undead
The Great Wall				Foe: DM +0
Bull Sharks (Bay)			Water Foe: DM +0
Sea Snakes (Coral Reef)			Water Foe: DM +0
Oyster Bed (Pearl Diving)		No Challenge: Gain 1D6 Gold			
Crumbling Stone Cliff			Trap: DM +0
Tribe of Rock Baboons			Foe: DM +0
Giant Squid (Rocky Cave)		Water Foe: Stealth DM +2
Phanaton Settlement			Foe: Stealth DM +2 (Flying Monkeys)
Pirates Camp 				Foe: Fighting DM +2
Hippogriff Nest				Foe: DM +0
Lizardmen (Dense Swamp)			Foe: DM +0
Rakasta Camp				Foe: DM +1 (Cat Men)
Aerie of the Gargoyles			Foe: DM +2
Aranea Lair				Foe: DM +2 (Intelligent Magic using Spiders)
Treant Forest				Foe: Fighting DM +3
Potion of Poison			Trap: Stealth DM +2 (Poison)
Rocs’ Roost				Foe: DM +0
Bury Dying Native			No Challenge: Gain 1D6 Gold
Ogre’s Lair				Foe: Fighting DM +2
Treasure Chest				No Challenge: Gain 2D6 Gold
Abode of the Green Dragon		Foe: Fighting DM +3
Wretched Troglodytes			Foe: DM +1
Sea Dragon				Water Foe: DM +3 
Potion of Water Breathing		Aid: 1 use Item +4 vs Water Foe
Shipwreck				Gain 1 Adventurer if you have less than 6
Rescue Prisoner				Gain 1 Adventurer if you have less than 6

Name                            	Challenge:
Rope Bridge				(Starting Space)
Gold Vein				No Challenge: Gain 1D6 Gold
Cave Bears				Foe: DM +1
Woolly Rhino 				Foe: DM +0
Dimetrodon Terror			Foe: DM +0
Neanderthals				Foe: DM +0
Tremors (Earthquake)			Trap: DM +0
Deranged Ankylosaurus			Foe: DM +0
Sabre-tooth Tigers 			Foe: DM +1
Plesiosaur Menace			Foe: DM +0
Pteranodan Terror			Foe: DM +0
Pterodactyls				Foe: DM +0
Stegosaurus				Foe: DM +1
Triceratops				Foe: DM +2
Tyrannosaurus Rex			Foe: DM +4
Dire Wolves				Foe: DM +1
Mastodons				Foe: DM +0
Cliff Wall				Foe: DM +0
Village of Mantru			No Challenge: Heal 1D6 Hits

Name                            	Challenge:
Temple Entrance 			(Starting Space)			 
Spear +1				Aid: Item: Fighting +1
Guard Post				Foe: DM +0
Living Statues				Foe: DM +2
Main Chamber (Tribesmen)		Foe: DM +0
Room of Unmarried Girls			No Challenge: Miss next turn
Warriors with Poison Arrows		Foe: DM +0 (Poison)
Headhunter Chief			Foe: Fighting DM +1
Witchdoctor				Foe: Magic DM +2
Yellow Mold (Viewing Chamber)		Foe: Stealth DM +2
Trap Door (Priests Quarters)		Trap: DM +0
Blocked-Up Passage			No Challenge: Miss next turn
Weakened Floor				Trap: DM +0
Private Altar (Kopru Statuette)		Trap: Stealth DM +4
Water-Filled Chamber			No Challenge: Discard all Metal Armor
Chamber of the Great One		Water Foe: DM +0 (Mako Sharks)
Lair of Guardians			Foe: DM +0 (Poison) Spitting Cobras
Piranha Pool				Water Foe: DM +1
Bone Handled Mace 			Aid: Item: Fighting +1 (+2 for Cleric)
Rat Lair				Foe: DM +0
Burning Oil				Fire Trap: DM +1
Boiling Well				Fire Trap: DM +1
5 Headed Hydra				Foe: DM +3
Geyser					Fire Trap: DM +0
Cloud of Steam				Fire Trap: DM +0
Kopru (Amphibian Men)			Foe: Magic DM +2 (Charm Spells)
Sword +2				Aid: Item: Fighting +2
Ring of Telekinesis			Aid: Item: Stealth +1 & Magic +1
Mineral Encrusted Throne		(Last Space)

Each adventurer (Character) has a starting level of 3-7 (1D5 +2).
Fighters & Dwarves get 3 Hits for each level.
Elves, Thieves, and Clerics get 2 Hits for each level. 
Magic Users get 1 Hit for each level.
Each level gives a +1 bonus in one attribute.
A Magic user must get his bonuses in Magic.
A Dwarf must get his bonuses in Fighting. 
(A 3rd level Dwarf has Fighting +3, A 7th level MU has Magic +7)
An Elf must distribute his bonuses as evenly as possible.
A Fighter must pick +1 in Stealth for every +2 in Fighting.
 A Thief must pick +1 in Fighting for every +2 in Stealth.
A Cleric must pick +1 in Fighting for every +2 in Magic.

For every module you finish, 2 random party members gain 1 level each.


Warp Quest is an abstract game system that depicts goal driven 

Each player controls a collection of Units who are attempting to 
be the first to reach an objective and bring it back to the start. 

The units could be a party of adventuring archeologists hoping 
to recover a lost artifact, a squadron of bombers attempting to 
hit a military target and return home, a band of samurai seeking 
to vanquish marauding bandits or a company of mixed creatures 
seeking to destroy a piece of evil ornamental jewelry that has 
the nasty habit of trying to control the minds of all free creatures.

The scenarios that use the Warp Quest engine will hold the details.

· Six and ten sided dice are needed.
· Each player has a pawn to represent his or her group of Units
(adventuring party, fleet, etc.) on the board. 
· Use a small trinket to represent the Objective. 
· There is only one Objective.

· The board is a single winding path of connected spaces 
with a Start Space and an End Space. The path should be 30 Spaces long.
· The First Space represents the start.
· Spaces 2-15 represents travel through the first scenario module.
· Spaces 16-29 represents travel through the second scenario module.
· The End Space is the final destination where the Objective is found.

· There are 2 decks for each scenario:
· The Module 1 Deck and the Module 2 Deck.
· Each deck has one of each card in its card list.
· There may also be an Aid deck.

· Each player controls a group of units called a Party. 
The scenarios will detail the make up of the units in the party, 
their attributes (Skills, Traits) and starting dispositions.

· Players take turns.
· Each turn consists of 3 phases:
1. Move Phase
2. Draw Phase
3. Challenge Phase

· Roll 1D6. Move your pawn that number of spaces towards the end space.
· You automatically stop when you enter the end space.
· If you are the first to land on the end space your party acquires the Objective.
· Once a party has acquired the Objective then all other 
players may move their parties in either direction on the path. 
· The party with the Objective must move towards the start space. 
· The first pawn with the Objective to reach the start space wins the game.

· If you land on an empty space in spaces 2-15 draw a card from the Module 1 deck.
· If you land on an empty space in spaces 16-29 draw a card from the Module 2 deck.
· If you land on an opponent’s party do not draw a card.
· If a deck ever runs out, shuffle its discard and draw from it.
· Cards are of 2 types: Challenge cards & Aid cards.
· Place Aid cards in your hand.
· Challenge cards are encounters your party faces immediately in Challenge Phase.

Each challenge card lists one or more skills.
Your party will have to make a skill check vs each skill listed.  
(The same skill may be listed twice or more, requiring that many skill checks)
A Skill check consists of a Skill roll and Challenge Roll:
Roll 1D10. This is the Skill roll.
Add the skill bonuses of your party members to the roll. 
You may discard Aid cards for further bonuses to the skill roll. 
Next roll 1D10. This is the Challenge roll. 
Some Challenges have a DM (Difficulty Modifier). Add the DM to the Challenge Roll. 
If the challenge roll is less than or equal to the skill roll you win the Skill check.
If the challenge roll is greater than the skill roll you fail the Challenge.
If you win all the Skill Checks, you win the Challenge. 
The adventure card may say what happens if you win or lose the Challenge. 
If the card does not give directions, then roll on the following table:
If you lose the challenge: Roll 1D6: (Challenge Loss Table)
1-4	Go back 1D6 spaces
5-6	Lose 1 Unit (Man, Ship, Hit Point, etc., depending on the Scenario)
If you Win the challenge gain 1 Experience Token. 
You may spend an Experience Token to let you reroll a Move Roll or a Skill Roll.

· If you land on an opponent’s pawn there will be a fight.
· The current player rolls on the Skill List Table to determine 
which skill will decide the confrontation. 
· Both players make Skill Rolls. In case of a tie nothing happens.
· The loser rolls on the Challenge Loss Table.
· The winner takes the Artifact from the loser if the loser was 
in possession of the Artifact.

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