The Interface of Time Science Fiction Miniature Game


C. Gerard Luft



            This game is based off of the short story A Prayer Answered Just in Time published in Gateway Science Fiction Magazine.  The Interface of Time, Virtue and Kris Maynard are copyright © 2002 C. Gerard Luft.  Their inclusion herein is happily granted to Warpspawn Games.


            The game mechanics herein are derived from the Open Gaming License of the D20 Systems Reference Document.




Nestled in the six extra dimensions of the Calabi-Yau Manifold (which is a plane higher than the four spatial dimensions of Hyperspace) every event in space in time meets with the Interface.  The Interface of Time is a great ten dimensional construct which consists of archways that lead to any world at any point in that planet’s history.  Humans can only perceive the first three spatial dimensions of the Interface.  Thus it allegorically appears to them as a contemplative cloister with seemingly endless arcades leading forth from a monumental courtyard.


In this game one player plays the mysterious Virtue and his human friends.  The other player plays the infamous Vice and his company of evil time travelers. 


Victory Conditions


The goal is to control the Interface. The only way to do this is to defeat each opponent miniature.




You will need a twenty sided die in order to play this skirmish game.




            Each character listed below has suggested miniatures listed that would ideally represent the character.  But there is nothing wrong with using good “old fashioned” counters instead of miniatures.



            You can obtain a map of the Interface of Time for use as your game board at:


            If you can not reach it by this link, copy and paste the URL directly to your browser.

Starting Positions


            If you are using the map you can place each band on one of the “x” in the Interface’s arcades.  Alternatively, if you have a 30 sided die, you can randomly place each warband by rolling 1d30 for the x-axis, and 1d30 for the y-axis.


            One square equals five feet.




Alternatively you can use a 15” by 15” area to represent the courtyard, the heart of the Interface. Movement and ranges listed can easily be converted from grid to inches (example, Virtue’s movement of 12 squares becomes 12 “).


If you are not using the map each warband should be placed on opposite sides of the 15”x15” battlefield.  Figures can be set up from the edge of the battlefield to 4” in from the edge.


The Round


  1. Initiative: Each player rolls 1d20.  The highest roll has initiative and can move on of the miniatures first.  Reroll ties.


  1. The Turn: Starting with the player who won initiative and then alternating between the two players, each miniature gets to take a turn.


a.       Movement: The miniature may move up to their speed. 

b.      Melee Attack: If the miniatures movement brings it base to base with an opponent miniature, that miniature can attack its target. 

                                                               i.      Roll 1d20 and add your melee attack score to the die roll.  If it is equal or greater than the opponent’s Armor score, then it is a hit.

                                                             ii.      The opponent receives damage equal to your Melee Damage score.  This damage is removed from the opponent’s Health score.  If any creature’s health falls to 0 or less it is defeated and removed from the game.

c.       Range Attack: If the miniatures movement brings it within Range of an opponent miniature, that miniature can attack its target.  However the miniature can not make a ranged attack if it already made a melee attack during its turn.

                                                               i.      Roll 1d20 and add your range attack score to the die roll.  If it is equal or greater than the opponent’s Armor score, then it is a hit.

                                                             ii.      The opponent receives damage equal to your Ranged Damage score.  This damage is removed from the opponent’s Health score.  If any creature’s health falls to 0 or less it is defeated and removed from the game.

                                                            iii.      Save: If an opponent miniature is hit by either Virtue’s or the Dragon of Oltan’s ranged attack, it is allowed a Saving Throw in order to take half damage from a successful hit:

1.      The miniature rolls 1d20 and adds its Save score to the roll.  If the modified roll is equal to or greater than attacker’s Ranged DC than it takes half as much damage.


  1. Subsequent Turns: After the player who won initiative finishes his turn with his miniature, it then becomes the other players chance to take a turn with one of his miniatures.  The Turn sequence is repeated back and forth until each player has taken a turn with each of his miniatures. Then a new Round begins and each player starts by rolling for initiative.





Virtue’s Warband


Name: Virtue

Type: Good Outsider

Level: Immortal 21

Speed: 12

Armor: 40

Health: 136

Melee Attack: +30

Melee Damage: Holy Strike 25

Ranged Attack: +30

Ranged Damage: Divine Light 120

Range 12

Ranged DC: 35

Miniature: Any Celestial Miniature, any slim auburn haired modern male miniature, or a counter.

            Virtue is a powerful being from a continuum five universes before our own.  He is Time’s Guardian for our Universe.



Name: Kris Maynard

Type: Good Far Future Human

Level: Space Scout 21

Speed: 6

Armor: 32

Health: 52

Melee Attack: +20

Melee Damage: Empowered Battle Armor 15

Ranged Attack: +25

Ranged Damage: Fusion Blaster Rifle 60

Range: 12

Special Abilities: Two Attacks per Round

Miniature: Sci-fi figure in armor or space suit, any dark haired female sci-fi miniature, or a counter.

            Kris Maynard is a space scout with the Interstellar Scour Service of the Galactic Empire (of the Milky Way in 15th Millennia after the Birth of Christ).  Virtue has taken Kris under his tutelage to train her to take over his role as Time’s Guardian.


Name: Emperor Redgar of Thaltos

Type: Good Antediluvian Human

Level: Paladin 94

Speed: 6

Armor: 36

Health: 148

Melee: +25

Melee Damage: Long Sword Artifact 35

No Ranged Attacks

Special Abilities: Three Attacks per Round

Miniature: Any Fantasy or Medieval Warrior in Full Plate Armor, or a counter.

            Emperor Thaltos rules the Antediluvian Empire of Thaltos which lies east of Atlantis. Virtue had taken Redgar as a companion in reward for the great good he had performed in founding the Empire of Thaltos.


Name: Duke Charles

Type: Good Far Distant Future Human

Level: Knight 21

Speed: 6

Armor: 32

Health: 63

Melee Attack: +25

Melee Damage: Fusion Lance 75

Ranged Attack: +25

Ranged Damage: Fusion Lance 75

Miniature: any noble sci-fi miniature, any fantasy or medieval knight, or a counter          

Duke Charles is a young nobleman from an Intergalactic Empire one million years after the birth of Christ.  Virtue is helping Duke Charles liberate the Universe from a Tyrant Emperor.


Vice’s Warband


Name: Vice

Type: Evil Outsider

Level: Immortal 21

Speed: 12

Armor: 40

Health: 136

No Melee Attack

Ranged Attack: +30

Ranged Damage: Darkness 120

Range 12

Miniature: Any humanoid fiend miniature, any miniature of a creepy little man, or a counter.

            Vice is a powerful being who has survived the destruction of the five previous universes.



Name: The Dragon of Oltan

Type: Evil Abomination

Level: Dragon 10

Armor: 40

Health: 148

Melee Attack: +30

Melee Damage: 30

Ranged Attack: +30

Ranged Damage: “dragon fire” 75

Range: 12

Ranged DC: 35

Miniature: Any dragon or draconic miniature, or a counter.

            The Dragons were a transcendentally advanced race who was destroyed at the end of the previous universe.  However, their consciousness was persevered from the Big Band that created our present universe.  As conceptual entities they “wrote themselves” into our time continuum as dreadful dragon-like creatures.   In the previous universe they were the masters of all time and space.  The Dragon of Oltan, like all those of his Paradoxal race, seeks to take that role in the present Universe.


Ladek Marine Robot

Type: Evil Construct

Level: Space Marine 21

Armor: 32

Health: 52

Melee Attack: +25

Melee Damage: 15

Ranged Attack: +25

Ranged Damage: Fusion Blaster canon 75

Range: 12

Miniature: As alien-looking of a robot miniature as you have, or a counter

            The Ladek are a collective of artificial intelligences.  The Marine Robots, like all other automatons of the Ladek hive mind, are simply extensions of the great singular consciousness of the Ladek. 



Type: Evil Abomination

Level: Aristocrat 21

Armor: 32

Health: 63

Melee Attack: +25

Melee Damage: 15

Ranged Attack: +25

Ranged Damage: Fusion Blaster rifle 60

Range: 12

Miniature: Any alien humanoid miniature (preferably with blue skin), or a counter.

            The Andromedans of Duke Charles’ time are a nanite reliant species which has lost sense of personal identity.  While outwardly they appear to be like any other organic humanoid species, inside a vast number of nanobots controls every aspect of their life functions, including thought.