Card game for 2 players.
The action takes place in the world of Virtual World of Tron.
Tron is a licensed, copyrighted, trademarked property.
This is merely a fan site.
There are 2 separate, unique decks:
One for the Tron player, and one for the MCP (Master Control Program).
The Tron deck has 6 types of cards:
Programs (Characters)
Skill (Needed to defeat Games and Security)
Escape (Needed to go Rogue)
Activation (Needed to become Activated)
Transport (Needed to reach the Mesa)
Sub-Routines (Special Effects)
The MCP deck has 4 types of cards:
Control (Needed to Win)
Games (Used to Destroy Programs on the Game Grid)
Security (Used to Destroy Programs off the Game Grid)
Sub-Routines (Special Effects)
The MCP wins when all 10 Control cards have been downloaded (put into play).
Tron wins by Derezzing (Deresolution = Destroy) the MCP in Program Delete Phase.
Both players start with a hand of 6 cards.
The Tron player may call a Mulligan and redraw if he has no Program cards.
Important concept to game play.
The Tron player controls Programs (characters) such as Tron, Flynn, Ram, etc.
Depending on their location and experiences the ‘status’ of the programs will change.
Use dice, coins or markers to represent status changes.
The normal progression of Status is as follows:
Game Grid à Rogue à Activated à Mesa
Certain phases of the turn sequence only apply to programs with the indicated status.
There are 8 phases in each turn:
1. Data Input Phase
2. Program Execute Phase
3. Game Grid Phase
4. System Escape Phase
5. User Interface Phase
6. File Transfer Phase
7. Program Delete Phase
8. Sub-Routine Phase
Each player draws 2 cards.
If a deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it.
Max hand size is 8 cards. Discard excess cards.
The MCP may download (put into play) one Control card.
The Tron player may download one Program (Character).
Program and Control cards remain in play face-up on the table.
(Note: all other types of cards are discarded when played)
Programs start in Game Grid Status. Exceptions:
In order to download Flynn (a User) the Tron player must also play (discard) a
‘Matter Transform Sequence’ card.
Clu when downloaded starts in Rogue Status.
Yori may be downloaded in Rogue status if Tron is currently in Rogue status.
Uniqueness Rule: You may only have one Program of one type in
Play at a time. (You can’t have 2 copies of Tron out at once)
Skip this phase if there are no programs with Game Grid Status in play.
The MCP may play a Game card.
The Game card has a Power Level (number).
The Tron player may counter the Game card by playing Skill cards with total Power
Level that is equal to or higher than the power level of the game card.
If the Tron player does not counter the Game card, then one program with
Game grid status is derezzed (discarded).
Skip this phase if there are no programs with Game Grid Status in play.
The Tron player may play one ‘Escape’ type card.
This changes the status of all Game Grid programs to Rogue status.
The MCP may play a Security card.
The Security card has a Power Level (number).
The Tron player may counter the Security card by playing Skill cards with total Power
Level that is equal to or higher than the power level of the Security card.
If the Tron player does not counter the Security card, then one program with
Rogue status is derezzed (discarded).
Skip this phase if there are no programs with Rogue Status in play.
The Tron player may play one ‘Activation’ type card.
This changes the status of all Rogue programs to Activated status.
The MCP may play a Security card.
The Security card has a Power Level (number).
The Tron player may counter the Security card by playing Skill cards with total Power
Level that is equal to or higher than the power level of the Security card.
If the Tron player does not counter the Security card, then one program with
Activated status is derezzed (discarded).
Skip this phase if there are no programs with Activated Status in play.
The Tron player may play one ‘Transport’ type card.
This changes the status of all Activated programs to Mesa status.
The MCP may play a Security card.
The Security card has a Power Level (number).
The Tron player may counter the Security card by playing Skill cards with total Power
Level that is equal to or higher than the power level of the Security card.
If the Tron player does not counter the Security card, then one program with
Mesa status is derezzed (discarded).
Skip this phase if there are no programs with Mesa Status in play.
The MCP may play a Security card.
The Security card has a Power Level (number).
The Tron player may counter the Security card by playing Skill cards with total Power
Level that is equal to or higher than the power level of the Security card.
If the Tron player does not counter the Security card, then one program with
Mesa status is derezzed (discarded).
Only if the Tron player has defeated the Security card, he may now discard one last
Skill card. This erases the MCP and Tron wins.
Play Sub-routine cards in this phase unless otherwise instructed by the card.
S = Skill
P = Programs
E = Escape
A = Activation
T = Transport
R = Sub-Routines
X = Sub-Routine played immediately in response to an effect
U = This card can only be played if Flynn (a user) is in play
# = Number of Copies of this card in the deck.
Card Name # Type Power Notes
Tron 2 P - All Skill cards played get +1 Power
Flynn 2 P - User
Ram 2 P - Draw one card if Derezzed
Clu 2 P - Look at opponents hand when played
Yori 2 P - Draw two cards when played
Timing 5 S 1
Balance 5 S 2
Aim 5 S 3
Speed 5 S 4
Coordination 5 S 5
Reflexes 5 S 6
Divert Beam 1 SU 3 Use only in File Transfer Phase
User Sacrifice 1 SU 7 Use only in Program Delete Phase
Reassemble Recognizer 1 TU -
Light Cycles 1 T -
Reach I/O Tower 1 T -
Solar Sailor 1 T -
Steal Simulation 1 T -
Captive aboard Carrier 1 T -
Game Tank 1 T -
Alan-1 1 A -
Break In 1 A -
Password 1 A -
Forge Group 6 Access 1 A -
Hacking 1 A -
Code Disc 1 A -
Dumont the Tower Guardian 1 A -
Escape Game Grid 1 E -
Illegal Exit 1 E -
Lose Visual Contact 1 E -
Renegade Programs 1 E -
Reach the Canyons 1 E -
Breach Arena Wall 1 E -
Minus One Tank 1 E -
Location Query 1 R - Put any 1 deck card into your hand
Matter Transform Sequence 2 R - Play in Program Execute Phase
Bit 1 R - Shuffle Discard into the deck
Pool of Pure Power 1 R - Draw 2 cards
Re-Energize 1 XU - Prevent program from being derezzed
Inoperative Data Systems 1 R - Opponent must discard 2 random cards
Bugs in the System 1 R - Opponent must discard 2 random cards
C = Control
G = Games
S = Security
R = Sub-Routines
# = Number of Copies of this card in the deck.
Card Name # Type Power Notes
Cesta 1 G 1
Discs 1 G 2
Vice Blasters 1 G 3
Space Paranoids 1 G 4
Light Cycles 1 G 5
Warrior Elite 1 G 6
Guards 4 S 1
Grid Bugs 2 S 2
Recognizers 4 S 3
Sector Search 3 S 4
Tank Pursuit Force 3 S 5
Sark 2 S 6
Deflector Shields 1 S 7 Use only in Program Delete Phase
Giant Sark 1 S 7 Use only in Program Delete Phase
Appropriate Outside Systems 1 C -
Chinese Language Files 1 C -
Access the Pentagon 1 C -
Access the Kremlin 1 C -
Shutdown Group 7 Access 1 C -
Renounce Belief in the Users 1 C -
Assimilate Useful Programs 1 C -
Blackmail Dillinger 1 C -
Control INCOM 1 C -
Increase Intelligence 1 C -
Command Carrier 1 R - Draw 2 Cards
Dead Zone Conscripts 1 R - Draw 2 Cards
Progress Report 1 R - Look at next 10 cards in own deck
End of Line 1 R - Opponent must discard 2 random cards
Null Unit 1 R - Shuffle Discard into the deck
Logic Probe 1 R - Look at opponents hand
Transport Disorientation 1 X +1 Game gets Power +1