Card game for 2-4+ players. 
Civ building theme. 

Click Here   BGG

Have the most Victory Tokens at the end of the game.
The game ends at the end of the turn when the last 
card is drawn from the Fourth Deck. 

Players share a common set of Victory Tokens (VT). 
Also referred to as Victory Points. 
Use poker chips with different denominations.  

The game is played in 4 Ages. 
Each Age has a unique deck. 
Each deck has 64 cards. 
The 4 decks in order of play are:
1. Ancient Deck
2. Medieval Deck
3. Revolution Deck
4. Modern Deck
Each deck should be graphically designed to be easily distinguishable
from the other decks. 

These cards are used for End of Age Scoring. 

There several card types:
Political Leader
Religious Leader
Science Leader
Art Leader

You can only have 1 Political Leader card in play at a time. 
If you play a second one, the first is discarded. 
Some card text will allow 2 friendly Political Leaders to 
be in play at the same time. 

You can only have 1 Religious Leader card in play at a time. 
You cannot play a second one.  
Some card text will allow 2 compatible Religious Leaders to 
be in play at the same time. 

You can have multiple Science, Explorer, and Art Leaders in play simultaneously. 

You can only have 1 Government card in play at a time. 
If you play a second one, the first is discarded. 
If you play a Government card, it must be the one and only card 
you play during the turn. 

You may have multiple Troop cards in play. 
Troops always provide a bonus of X to your military attribute. 
During conflicts, you may discard a Troop card from your hand to 
increase your Military level by 2X for that Conflict.

You may have multiple Advances in play.
Advance cards will increase one of your Attributes by 1 or more. 

You can have multiple Wonders in play. 
In order to play a Wonder, you must first discard 1 other 
card from your hand

These produce a special Effect according to their text and are then discarded. 

These have 2 Values:
1. Prestige Value
2. Military Bonus
If you initiate a conflict, the Prestige value is the amount of 
Victory Tokens the winner takes from the loser. 
The Military Bonus is added to your Military Level for the 
duration of the conflict. 
After a conflict is started Players may play additional Conflict cards to 
temporarily increase their Military Levels. 

There are 5 Attributes:
1. Vitality
2. Resources
3. Stability
4. Military
5. Culture
These describe your Civilization. 
Most cards when played will increase your level in one or 
more of these attributes.  

For every 3 levels of Vitality you have draw 1 extra card in fate Phase. 

For every 4 levels of Resources you have, you may play 1 extra card in
action phase. 

For every 2 levels of Stability you have, your max hand size increases by 1. 

The player with the highest military level in a conflict wins that conflict. 

For every level of Culture you have you gain 1 Victory Token in 
Destiny Phase. 

Separate out and shuffle the 4 Age decks and the Victory Deck.
Place a container of Victory Tokens where everyone can reach them.  
Each player starts with 10 VT. 
The winner of the last game (whatever it was) goes first. 
The decks are played in order: 
Ancient, Medieval, Revolution, and then Modern. 
Each player is dealt 1 random card from the Ancient deck. 
Flip over the top 7 cards of the Victory Deck. 
Place these Victory cards face up in the middle of the Table. 

Players take turns. 
Each turn has 4 Phases: 
1. Fate Phase
2. Action Phase
3. Destiny Phase
4. End Phase

Draw 1 card from the current deck. 
For every 3 levels of Vitality you have draw 1 extra card in fate Phase. 
Keep the deck in 3 even size piles. 
2 piles are face up and 1 pile is face down. 
When drawing, pick a card from any of the piles as you choose. 
When one pile is used up, draw from the remaining piles. 

You may play 1 card from your hand. 
For every 4 levels of Resources you have, you may play 1 extra card in
action phase. 
Place the card face-up in front of you. 
The card stays in play until some other rule causes it to be discarded. 
Notice how it impacts your attribute levels. 
Note that Event cards do not stay in play, they are discarded. 

You may initiate a conflict by playing a conflict card. 
You must have at least 1 Troop in play to start a conflict. 
This is called the Aggression card. 
You are the attacker. Pick a target player to be the defender. 
The attackers Base Total Military Value is equal to the sum of the Military values of his 
cards in play plus the military bonus of the Aggression card. 
The defenders Base Total  = the sum of the Military values of his cards in play.  
The player with the lower Total may discard a conflict card or troop card from 
his hand to add its bonus value to his Total. 
The other player may do likewise. This continues until both players pass. 
The player with the highest total is the winner. 
The winner steals Victory tokens from the loser equal to the prestige value of 
the Aggression card. 
The winner keeps the Aggression card with his Victory Tokens. 
If tied, neither player wins; discard the Aggression card. 

For every level of Culture you have you gain 1 Victory Token. 

Max hand size is 3 cards. 
Discard excess cards. 

At the end of the turn in which the last card is drawn from the 
current deck, the current age ends. 
Players discard their hands. 
All current Leaders in play are discarded.  
Note if the deck is used up on your turn, and you don't get to draw your full 
allotment of cards, too bad. 
Advances, Troops, Governments, and Wonders from the previous 
Age remain in play. Cards older then that are discarded.  
Do End of Age Scoring. 
After scoring discard Aggression cards. 
After scoring discard the current Victory cards, shuffle them into the 
Victory deck and flip over the top 7 cards for the new Age. 
Place these current Victory cards face up in the middle of the Table. 

Do this at the end of each Age. 
X = 3 at the end of the Ancient Age. 
X = 6 at the end of the Medieval Age. 
X = 9 at the end of the Discovery Age. 
X = 12 at the end of the Modern Age. 
Score for each of the 7 current, Face-up Victory cards.  

Name:			Notes:
Vitality High		The player with the highest Vitality Level gets X VT
Resource High		The player with the highest Resource Level gets X VT
Stability High		The player with the highest Stability Level gets X VT
Vitality Low		The player with the lowest Vitality Level loses X VT
Resource Low		The player with the lowest Resource Level loses X VT
Stability Low		The player with the lowest Stability Level loses X VT
Military High		The player with the highest Military Level gets X VT
Military Low		The player with the lowest Military Level loses X VT
Most Wonders		The player with the most Wonders gets X VT
Most Advances		The player with the most Advances gets X VT
Fewest Advances		The player with the fewest Advances loses X VT
Current Wonder		Any player without a current Wonder loses X VT
Fewest Leaders		The player with the fewest Leaders loses X VT
Current Government	Any player without a current Government loses X VT
Most Aggressions       	The player with the most Aggression cards gets X VT
Most Leaders		The player with the most Leaders gets X VT
Culture High		The player with the highest Culture Level gets X VT
Culture Low		The player with the lowest Culture Level loses X VT

LP = Political Leader
LR = Religious Leader
LS = Science Leader
LA = Art Leader
LX = Explorer Leader
T = Troops
X = Conflict
A = Advance
W = Wonder
E = Event
G = Government
M = Military
V = Vitality
C = Culture
S = Stability
R = Resource
B = Boon: Gain 3 VT if you also play the indicated card
J = Join: You may have both of these cards in play at the same time
MB = Military Bonus: Adds to Military Value in Conflicts if Discarded 
PV = Prestige Value
Destroy = Discard Target Card in Play

Name			Type	Notes
Aristotle		LS	V+1 C+1 B: Philosophy
Hammurabi		LP	S+1 R+1 B: Code of Laws
Caesar			LP	M+1 R+1
Sun Tzu			LA	M+1 C+1
Jesus			LR	V+1 C+1 B: Monotheism
Cleopatra		LP	C+1 R+1 J: Caesar
Buddha			LR	C+2 J: Confucius
Confucius		LR	C+1 S+1
Alexander the Great	LP	M+2
Great Wall		W	M+2 S+1 B: Confucius
Parthenon		W	C+2 V+1 B: Aristotle
Pyramids       		W	S+2 C+1 B: Cleopatra
Hanging Gardens		W	R+2 C+1 B: Hammurabi
Colossus       		W	V+1 R+2
Library of Alexandria	W	V+2 C+1 B: Alexander the Great
Terracotta Army		W	M+1 C+1 S+1 B: Sun Tzu
Warriors       		T	M+1 MB+2
Cavalry			T	M+1 MB+2
Legions			T	M+1 MB+2 B: Caesar
Archers			T	M+1 MB+2
Phalanx			T	M+1 MB+2 B: Alexander the Great
Spearmen       		T	M+1 MB+2
Chariots       		T	M+1 MB+2
Horse Archers		T	M+1 MB+2
War Galleys		T	M+1 MB+2
Biremes			T	M+1 MB+2
Democracy		G	C+1 B: Aristotle
Republic       		G	R+1 B: Caesar
Dynasty			G	S+1 B: Cleopatra
Empire			G	V+1 B: Alexander the Great
Oligarchy		G	M+1 J: Democracy
Sands of Time		E	Destroy Wonder
Disease			E	Destroy Troop
Early Death		E	Destroy Leader
Barbarians		E	Destroy All Troops in Play
Golden Age		E	Gain 5 VT
Music			A	C+1
Architecture		A	C+1
Code of Laws		A	S+1
Irrigation		A	R+1
Animal Domestication	A	R+1
Metal Working		A	R+1
Mysticism		A	C+1
Mythology		A	C+1
Monotheism		A	C+1
Seafaring		A	V+1
Coinage			A	V+1
Alphabet       		A	V+1
Medicine       		A	S+1
Astronomy		A	S+1
Philosophy		A	V+1
Mathematics		A	S+1
Engineering		A	S+1
Pottery			A	R+1
Invasion       		X	PV=6 MB+1
Annexation		X	PV=5 MB+2
Attack			X	PV=3 MB+4
Conquest       		X	PV=6 MB+1
Incursion		X	PV=2 MB+5
Occupation		X	PV=5 MB+2
War			X	PV=4 MB+3
Expansion		X	PV=4 MB+3
Raiding			X	PV=2 MB+5
Domination		X	PV=3 MB+4

Name			Type	Notes
Martin Luther		LR	V+1 C+1 B: Reformation
Charlemagne		LP	M+1 S+1
Ivan the Great		LP	S+1 M+1 B: Red Square
Genghis Khan		LP	M+2 J: Kublai Khan
Mohammed       		LR	V+1 C+1 B: Dome of the Rock
Marco Polo		LX	V+1 C+1 B: Silk Road
Christopher Columbus	LX	V+1 R+1 B: The New World
Leonardo da Vinci       LS	V+1 C+1
William the Conqueror	LP	M+1 S+1
Cortez			LX	M+1 R+1
Shakespeare		LA	C+2
Joan of Arc		LP	M+1 C+1 J: Charlemagne
Roger Bacon		LS	V+1 R+1 B: Shakespeare
Kublai Khan		LP	C+1 R+1 B: Forbidden City
Machiavelli		LA	M+1 C+1
The Medici		LP	V+1 S+1 B: Trade Empire
Sistine Chapel		W	C+2 V+1 B: Renaissance
Dome of the Rock	W	C+1 S+1 V+1
Notre Dame Cathedral	W	C+2 S+1
Red Square		W	C+1 S+1 R+1
Forbidden City         	W	C+1 S+1 M+1
Trade Empire		G	V+1 R+1
Electoral Empire       	G	S+1 V+1
Theocracy		G	M+1 C+1B: Mohammed
Feudalism		G	S+1 C+1
Monarchy       		G	S+1 R+1
Knights			T	M+1 MB+2 B: Feudalism
Crossbowmen		T	M+1 MB+2
Longbowmen		T	M+1 MB+2
Pikemen			T	M+1 MB+2
Crusaders		T	M+1 MB+2
Harquebusiers		T	M+1 MB+2
Artillerists		T	M+1 MB+2
Mounted Archers		T	M+1 MB+2 B: Genghis Khan
Armada			T	M+1 MB+2
Conquistadors		T	M+1 MB+2
Viking Raiders		E	Destroy Troop
Black Plague		E	Destroy All Troops in Play
Dark Ages		E	All players discard their Hand
Excommunication		E	Destroy Leader
Magellan’s Journey	E	Gain 5 VT
Reformation		A	C+1 
Renaissance		A	V+1
Printing Press		A	V+1
Crop Rotation		A	R+1
Windmills		A	R+1
Chivalry       		A	C+1 B: Knights
Universities		A	V+1
Credit & Banks		A	R+1
Monasticism		A	S+1
Gothic Style		A	C+1
The New World		A	R+1
Gunpowder		A	M+1
Silk Road		A	R+1
Caravels       		A	R+1
Paper Manufacture       A	R+1
Alchemy			A	V+1
Magnetic Compass       	A	V+1
Crusade			X	PV=8 MB+3
Jihad			X	PV=7 MB+4
Religious Strife       	X	PV=6 MB+5
Reconquest		X	PV=5 MB+6
Invasion       		X	PV=9 MB+2
Capture			X	PV=2 MB+9
Colonization		X	PV=4 MB+7
Conquer			X	PV=10 MB+1
Great Siege		X	PV=1 MB+10
Long War		X	PV=3 MB+8

Name				Type	Notes
Napoleon Bonaparte		LP	M+1 C+1
Mozart				LA	C+2
Rembrandt			LA	C+2
Newton				LS	V+2 B: Galileo
Galileo Galilei			LS	V+1 S+1
Voltaire       			LA	C+1 V+1
Frederic the Great		LP	M+2 J: Bismark
Bismark				LP	M+1 S+1
Abraham Lincoln			LP	C+1 V+1
Ben Franklin			LS	V+1 C+1 B: Lincoln 
Darwin				LS	V+1 C+1
Taj Mahal			W	S+1 C+2
Suez Canal			W	R+2 S+1
Transcontinental Railroad       W	R+2 V+1
Statue of Liberty       	W	V+1 S+1 C+1
Eiffel Tower			W	S+2 C+1
Representative Democracy       	G	V+1 R+1 C+1
Dynastic Regime			G	S+2 R+1
Colonial Empire			G	R+2 V+1
Constitutional Monarchy		G	S+2 C+1
New Republic			G	V+2 C+1
Musketeers			T	M+1 MB+2
Ships of the Line       	T	M+1 MB+2
Frigates       			T	M+1 MB+2
Riflemen       			T	M+1 MB+2
Ironclads			T	M+1 MB+2
Cavalry				T	M+1 MB+2
Hussars				T	M+1 MB+2
Dragoons       			T	M+1 MB+2
Cannons				T	M+1 MB+2
Gun Ships			T	M+1 MB+2
Steam Engine			A	R+1
Trading Companies       	A	R+1
Slave Trade			A	R+1
Baroque Era			A	C+1
Nationalism			A	V+1
Microscopes 			A	V+1
Telescopes			A	V+1 B: Galileo
Sea Power			A	R+1
Hot Air Balloons        	A	V+1
Scientific Revolution		A	V+1 B: Newton
Pendulum Clock			A	S+1
Enlightenment			A	V+1
Phonograph & Photography       	A	C+1
Telegraph			A	R+1
Industrial Revolution		A	R+1
Light Bulb 			A	V+1
Romanticism			A	C+1
Impressionism			A	C+1
Victorian Age			A	S+1
Dynamite       			A	R+1
Gilded Age			E	Gain 5 VT
Reform				E	Destroy Government
Mutiny				E	Destroy Troop
Revolution			X	PV=8 MB+3
Civil War			X	PV=4 MB+7
Great Game			X	PV=6 MB+5
Balance of Power       		X	PV=6 MB+5
Imperialism			X	PV=5 MB+6
Overseas Possessions		X	PV=7 MB+4
Little Wars			X	PV=4 MB+7
Continental War			X	PV=8 MB+3
Dynastic Rivalries		X	PV=7 MB+4
Unification			X	PV=5 MB+6

Name				Type	Notes
Albert Einstein			LS	V+1 C+1 B: Nuclear Arsenal
Hitler				LP	M+1 R+1 B: Fascism
Stalin				LP	M+1 R+1 B: Communism
Churchill			LP	R+1 V+1 J: Roosevelt
Roosevelt			LP	V+1 R+1
John F Kennedy			LP	V+1 C+1 J: Roosevelt
Freud				LS	V+1 C+1
Gandhi				LP	V+1 S+1
Picasso				LA	C+2
Nuclear Arsenal			W	M+3 
Panama Canal			W	R+2 S+1
Hoover Dam			W	R+2 V+1
Moon Landing			W	V+2 C+1
Pentagon       			W	M+2 S+1
Empire State Building		W	R+1 C+1 S+1
Fascism				G	S+1 M+1 R+1 V+1
Communism			G	S+1 R+2 V+1
Parliamentarianism		G	S+2 V+1 C+1
Modern Democracy       		G	S+1 V+1 C+1 R+1
Dictatorship			G	M+1 S+2 R+1
Socialism			G	S+3 R+1 
Artillery			T	M+1 MB+2
Infantry       			T	M+1 MB+2
Tanks				T	M+1 MB+2
Mechanized Infantry		T	M+1 MB+2
Fighter Planes			T	M+1 MB+2 B: Airplanes
Bombers				T	M+1 MB+2 B: Airplanes
Missiles       			T	M+1 MB+2 B: Rocket Science
Air Cavalry			T	M+1 MB+2
Submarines			T	M+1 MB+2
Aircraft Carriers       	T	M+1 MB+2
Internal Combustion Engine	A	R+1 B: Tanks
Airplanes			A	R+1
Oil Economy			A	R+1
Radio				A	V+1
Radar				A	M+1
Computers			A	V+1
Antibiotics			A	S+1
Plastics       			A	R+1
Mass Production			A	R+1
Television			A	C+1
Civil Rights Movement		A	C+1
Rock and Roll Music		A	C+1
Professional Sports		A	C+1
Green Revolution       		A	R+1
Abstract Art			A	C+1 B: Picasso
Rocket Science			A	V+1 B: Moon Landing
Sexual Revolution       	A	C+1 B: Freud
Great Depression       		E	All Other players lose 3 VT
Global Warming			E	All Other players lose 3 VT
Holocaust			E	Target Player loses 5 VT
Revolution			E	Destroy Government
Assassination			E	Destroy Leader
New World Order			E	Steal 2 VT from each other Player
World War			X	PV=10 MB+5
Great War			X	PV=10 MB+5
Police Action			X	PV=7 MB+8
Cold War			X	PV=9 MB+6
Civil War			X	PV=7 MB+8
Regional War			X	PV=6 MB+9
War on Terror			X	PV=6 MB+9
Invasion       			X	PV=8 MB+7
Insurgency			X	PV=8 MB+7
Occupation			X	PV=9 MB+6

LP = Political Leader
LR = Religious Leader
LS = Science Leader
LA = Art Leader
LX = Explorer Leader
T = Troops
X = Conflict
A = Advance
W = Wonder
E = Event
G = Government
M = Military
V = Vitality
C = Culture
S = Stability
R = Resource
B = Boon: Gain 3 VT if you also play the indicated card
J = Join: You may have both of these cards in play at the same time
MB = Military Bonus: Adds to Military Value in Conflicts if Discarded 
PV = Prestige Value
Destroy = Discard Target Card in Play


Players may find it useful to create record keeping mats: 
A Mat would have a track for each of the 5 Attributes. 
Each Track would also have demarcations indicating when an 
Attribute would give its additional benefits and how much. 
Each player would also need 5 markers, one for each track. 

You may discard a Leader card at any time from your hand to look at the 
next 7 cards in any pile.  

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