2 player card game.
Simulates a battle between two tank formations during WW2.
The current version of the game has decks for:
Germans, British, and Americans circa 1944-5.
During play there are 3 decks.
Players share a common Tactics Deck.
Each player also has his own unique Formation Deck.
The tactics deck has 80+ cards.
The German deck has 40 cards.
The American and British decks have 50 cards.
There is one common discard pile for the Tactics deck.
Each player keeps two discard piles for his Formation deck.
One pile is the Reserve discard pile.
The other is called the Casualty discard pile.
You win if half of your opponent’s formation cards are in his casualty pile.
Your opponent’s forces break and either rout or surrender.
Other Scenario conditions are possible.
Each player starts with 3 Tactics cards in their hand.
Formation cards never go in your hand.
Players take turns.
The player taking his turn is called the active player.
The other player is referred to as the opponent or defender.
Each turn is divided up into 3 Phases with sub-phases:
I. Maneuver Phase
II. Attack Phase
1. Attacker Subphase
2. Target Subphase
3. Lost Attack Subphase
4. Modifier Subphase
5. Resolution Subphase
III. Free Attack Phase
7. Free Attack Subphase
8. Free Attacker Subphase
9. Attack Subphase
The active player draws 3 Tactics cards.
Maximum hand = 9 cards. Discard excess cards.
If the Tactics deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it.
Discard any face up units you have in play, that attacked on
your last turn, to your reserve pile.
Take the top card form your Formation deck and
Put it face up on the table in front of you.
This is the unit or support unit that is attacking this phase.
The attacker has a choice of units to attack this phase:
1. Any opposing unit that is still in play, or
2. The top card of the opponents Formation deck.
The top card is turned face up, and remains on the deck.
The target unit is also called the defending unit.
If the target is a support unit, discard it to its reserve pile, and
the phase ends immediately.
The defender may play a card from his hand that has the “Lost Action” effect.
This ends the current phase immediately.
The defender may play a card from his hand that has the “End Turn” effect.
This ends the active players turn immediately.
The defender may play a Logistics or Mine card from his hand that has
the “Out of Action” effect. This ends the current phase immediately and
the attacking unit goes to its casualty pile.
These cards cannot be played against Support attacks unless the card specifically says so.
The played card is discarded.
The attacker and defender may take turns (attacker first) playing tactics cards that
Modify the “Penetration Factor” of the attacking unit.
Only one “Range” card may be played.
Only one “Hit” card may be played.
Only one “Ammo” card may be played.
In general the attacker will play cards with a positive bonus.
The defender will play cards with a negative penalty.
If Range card is played that is farther than the Range factor of the
Attacker, the current phase ends immediately.
Range cards cannot be used by or against support attacks.
Played tactics cards are discarded.
If the attackers modified penetration factor is equal to or greater than the defenders
Defense factor, the defending unit is destroyed.
When attacking Infantry, use the Infantry factor instead of the penetration factor.
A destroyed unit goes to its casualty pile.
If the defending unit is not destroyed, it remains in play.
Whenever a phase or turn ends, discard any attacking support card, to its casualty pile.
Non-support attacking units stay in play.
If the defender was not destroyed, the attacker may play a Damage or Morale
card with an “Out of Action” effect. A target put out of action is destroyed.
The active player may play a card from his hand that has the “Free Action” effect.
This basically gives the player another attack phase.
After every attack phase, the active player may have another attack phase as long as
he plays a Free Action card.
If the Free Action card also says “Same unit”, then the attacker may be a non-
support unit that already attacked this turn. Otherwise:
Take the top card form your Formation deck and
Put it face up on the table in front of you.
This is the unit or support unit that is attacking this phase.
This is a repeat of Subphases 2-5 of the Attack Phase.
If your Formation deck ever runs out of cards, shuffle your
reserve pile, this becomes your new formation deck.
However, you cannot attack until your opponent uses up his
formation deck. Everytime both players finish going through
both their decks, this is known as a “Full Exchange”.
FA = Free Action
ATK = Attacking
Card Name: Type: Effect:
Point Blank Range P +2
500 yards Range P -1
750 yards Range P -2
1000 yards Range P -3
1500 yards Range P -4
2000 yards Range P -5
Underside Hit Hit P +10 Cannot be used by support
Topside Hit Hit P +8
Rear Hit Hit P +6
Flank Hit Hit P +4
Shot Trap Hit P +8
HEAT Round Ammo P +2
AP Round Ammo P +3
Flame Thrower Ammo P & I +3 ATK Tanks and Infantry. Max range = PB
Panzerschrek/faust Ammo P +5 ATK German Infantry vs Vehicles
Bazooka/PIAT Ammo P +5 ATK Anglo Infantry vs Vehicles
Satchel Charge Ammo P +6 ATK Infantry vs Tanks
Machine Gun Ammo I +3 ATK Tanks and Infantry
Grenade down the Hatch Damage OOA, ATK Infantry vs Tanks
Barrel Damaged Damage OOA, Vehicle or Gun only
Treads Damaged Damage OOA, Vehicle only
Commander Killed Damage OOA
Turret Jammed Damage OOA, Tank only
Buttoned Down Morale Lost Action, Target Tank only
Suppressed Morale Lost Action
Veteran Unit Morale FA
Green Unit Morale Lost Action
Pinned Down Morale Lost Action
Shaken Morale Lost Action
Abandon Tank Morale Out of Action, Target Tank only
Rally Morale Negate Morale card just played
Professionalism Morale Negate Morale card just played, German only
Entrenched Armor P -3
Sloping Armor Armor P -1, Target Tank only
Skirt Armor Armor P –2, Target Tank only
Out of Fuel Logistics Lost Action
Out of Ammo Logistics Lost Action
Air Drop Supplies Logistics FA , Anglo only
Supply Depot Logistics FA
Breakdown Logistics Out of Action
Repairs Logistics Negate Hit card or Breakdown card
Reserves Logistics Put top casualty card onto bottom of reserve deck
Reinforcements Logistics Put top casualty card onto bottom of reserve deck
Anti-Tank Mine Mine Out of Action, vehicles only
Forward Observer Command FA
Radio Command FA
Quick Kill Command FA , Same unit
Fast Turret Traverse Command FA , Same unit, Anglo Tank
High Rate of Fire Command FA , Same unit
Crossfire Command FA
Air Superiority Command Lost Action, Anglos use vs Germans
Seasoned Commander Command FA
Combat Engineers Command FA
Indirect Fire Command FA
Reconaissance Command FA
Opportunity Fire Command FA
Tracers Command P +1
Rugged Defense Command P -8
Unit Separated Command Lost Action
Fog of War Command Lost Action
Missed by a Mile Command Lost Action, Can be used vs Support
Take Cover Command Lost Action, Can be used vs Support
Awaiting Orders Command Lost Action
Formation Disorder Command Lost Action
Counter Attack Command End Turn
Surprise Contact Command End Turn
Ambush Command End Turn
Tanks vs Infantry Command Lost Action, Tank Attacking Inf
Infantry vs Tanks Command FA , Inf attacking Tank
Fast Tank Maneuver FA , ATK Light/Med Tank
Overrun Maneuver FA , ATK Light/Med Tank
Surrounded Maneuver FA , ATK Light/Med Tank
Breakthrough Maneuver FA , ATK Light/Med Tank
Blitzkrieg Maneuver FA , ATK Light/Med Tank, Germans only
Outmaneuver Maneuver FA , ATK Light/Med Tank
Concentrate Force Maneuver FA
Trapped Terrain FA
Burning Wreck Terrain Lost Action
Hilltop Vantage Terrain P +2
Camouflage Terrain Lost Action, Can be used vs Support
Road Block Terrain Lost Action
Mud Terrain Lost Action
Tank Traps Terrain Lost Action
Smoke Terrain Lost Action
Roads Terrain FA
Broken Ground Terrain Lost Action
Soft Ground Terrain Lost Action, Target Heavy Tank
Trees Terrain Lost Action
Buildings Terrain Lost Action
Bocage Terrain Lost Action
Bridge Crossing Terrain FA
Poor Visibility Terrain Lost Action, Can be used vs Support
Each card is an abstraction that could mean several things but
still just having one game effect.
For example: The 'Trees' card might mean your opponent is slowed down
by moving through forest, or that your unit has found cover in the woods.
Anglos = British or Americans.
OOA = Out of Action
Type = Formation cards can be of two types: Units or Support
LT = Light Tank Unit
MT = Medium Tank Unit
HT = Heavy Tank Unit
TD = Tank Destroyer Unit
AT = Anti-Tank Gun Unit
Inf = Infantry Unit
FA = Field Artillery Unit
SP = Self Propelled Gun
AC = Armored Car Unit
APC = Armored Personnel Carrier Unit
M = Mortar
MI = Mechanized Infantry Unit
AA = Anti-Aircraft Unit
Air = Air Support
Art = Artillery Support
Pen = Penetration Factor: Used for attacking vehicles.
Inf = Infantry Factor: Used for attacking Infantry
Def = Defense Factor: Used to determine if the card survives an attack.
Rng = Maximum Range: Range cards can be used to negate attacks.
# = Number of that card in the deck.
Card Name Type Pen Inf Def Rng #
PzIVh MT 9 4 6 2000 6
Panther MT 12 4 8 2000 6
JpzIV TD 12 3 8 2000 2
JpzV TD 15 3 8 2000 2
StgIIIf SP 9 3 5 2000 4
Hetzer SP 9 3 7 2000 2
Tiger HT 10 4 9 2000 2
Tiger II HT 15 4 12 2000 1
Panzergrenadiers Inf 1 3 3 PB 2
Fallschirmjaeger Inf 4 5 4 PB 2
Panzerschrek Team Inf 7 1 2 PB 2
50mmPaK AT 7 2 2 2000 2
75mmPak AT 12 2 1 2000 2
88mmPak43 AT 15 3 1 2000 1
150mm s IG 33 Art 2 8 -- 2000 2
150mm s FH 18 Art 4 16 -- 2000 2
Card Name Type Pen Inf Def Rng #
M4 Sherman MT 7 4 6 2000 6
M4-76 MT 12 4 6 2000 8
M4-105 MT 6 5 6 2000 2
M5 LT 4 3 4 1000 2
M24 Chaffe LT 7 4 5 2000 2
M10 MT 9 3 5 2000 6
M36 MT 13 3 5 2000 2
M8 AC 4 2 3 1000 2
M7 SP 2 6 2 2000 2
Infantry Platoon Inf 3 3 3 PB 4
M-Gun Platoon Inf 2 6 2 PB 2
M1 81mm Mortar M 1 7 2 2000 1
57mm AT 6 2 2 2000 2
M8 Rocket Salvo Art 3 10 -- 2000 1
155mm Howitzers Art 4 10 -- 2000 2
240mm Howitzers Art 6 16 -- 2000 2
B-25 Mitchells Air 10 12 -- 2000 2
P-51 Mustangs Air 12 4 -- 2000 2
Card Name Type Pen Inf Def Rng #
M4 Sherman MT 7 4 6 2000 6
M4 Firefly MT 11 2 6 2000 4
Comet MT 9 3 9 2000 2
M3 Stuart LT 4 3 4 1000 4
Archer SP 11 3 5 2000 4
Achilles TD 12 3 6 2000 2
Humber AC 4 3 2 1000 2
6 Pounder AT 8 1 1 2000 4
British Infantry Inf 2 3 3 PB 4
Bren Gun Platoon Inf 1 5 2 PB 2
155mm Howitzers Art 4 10 -- 2000 2
240mm Howitzers Art 6 16 -- 2000 2
Hawker Typhoons Air 10 10 -- 2000 2
Spitfire V Air 12 4 -- 2000 2
Requires use of dice.
When attacking add 1D6 - 1D6 to the penetration factor.
Note that negative results are possible.
Thank you Janne Thörne (jan.thorne@mail.bip.net) for this work of art.
Click here to get the Card Set
I originally planned doing a game with maps and chits, however
there is at least 300+ games that already fit this description, so I decided
it would be better as a light, quick, filler card game.
You'll notice the American units are mostly inferior to
the German units. Historically, this is more than made
up for by the fact that as the war progressed, Allied
manpower and production of materials swamped that of the Axis.
To make things more fair, you may want to add cards to the Allies decks.
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