Card Game for 2 (or more) players.
Common Deck CCG Format.
Fantasy Theme.
A Fight breaks out at Ye Olde Dragon Tavern (& Inn).
Recruit Characters to “your side” to knock out your opponent’s
Characters and drink all his beer.
Reduce your opponent to zero Beers.
Use coins for damage and bottle caps for beers.
Each player starts with 10 Bottles of Beer on the Wall.
Players share a common Deck.
The deck contains 1 copy of each card listed.
Characters have 2 Stats: Hits & Strength
Each Character has one or more traits, such as Mage or Fighter.
Each player draws 7 cards.
The biggest player goes first.
Players take turns.
Each turn has 3 phases:
Quaff Phase
I’ll get you for that Phase
Brawling Phase
Draw 3 cards.
Max hand size is 7 cards. Discard excess cards.
If the Deck runs out, shuffle the discard & draw from it.
Put characters from your hand into play face up onto the table.
You may attach positive modifier cards (from your hand) to new characters.
Your opponent may attach negative modifier cards to your new characters.
You may attach weapon cards to your characters.
A Character may only have one Weapon attached.
(Note all weapons are makeshift. Swords & such were checked at the door)
Only Fighters may attach Armor cards.
You may attack with your Characters.
Assign each of your Characters to attack 1 target opposing Character.
Each of your Characters can only make 1 attack.
Each target opposing Character can only be attacked by 1 of your Characters.
(If you have more characters, some will not be able to attack.)
Your Character does damage equal to the characters Strength.
An attached Weapon will increase a Character’s Strength.
You may play up to 1 Attack card on a Character to increase his Strength for this turn.
Your opponent may play a Defense card to completely negate an Attack.
Record damage on Character cards with coins (1 cent = 1 point of damage).
If (& only if) all of you opponent’s Characters have been attacked, your remaining
Non-attacking Characters may drink 1 Bottle of Beer off the Wall.
Your opponent loses 1 Beer for each drinking Character.
If your opponent is reduced to zero beers (start total = 10) he loses the game.
Stunned Characters cannot Attack or use Defense cards.
At the end of the phase, Discard Attack & Defense cards that were played during the phase.
Employees may not attack each other.
Instead of attacking, or Drinking Beer, a Character may eat Food (Discard Food card)
Instead of attacking, drinking, or eating, a Mage may cast a spell (Discard Spell card)
When attacking a base 1/10 Character, flip a coin. If Tails the attack is negated.
Str/Hits = Strength & Hits
C = Character
W = Weapon
O = Modifier
A = Attack
D = Defense
XI = Special card played in your own "I’ll get you for that Phase"
XR = Special card played in response to an opponent's attack
XA = Special card played in your own attack phase
XQ = Special card played in Quaff phase
G = Girl
E = Employee
S = Strong
F = Fighter
T = Thief
M = Mage
Z = Spell
N = Opponent is Stunned for 2 turns by this attack
Y = Food
Card Name: Str Hits Type Notes:
Old Red the Bartender 3 30 CES
Trish the Tavern Wench 2 20 CEG
Boris the Bouncer 4 40 CES
Ed the Stable Boy 1 10 CET
Fun Gus the Cook 2 20 CE
Dolly the Barmaid 2 20 CEGS
Cluso the Constable 2 20 CFES
Gimpy the Mercenary 3 30 CFS
Karloff the Blacksmith 4 40 CS
Hammy the Half Ogre 4 40 CFS
Nanook the Half Orc 3 30 CTFS
Freddy Fingers the Rogue 2 20 CT
Ludite the Dwarf 4 40 CFS
Little Nicky the Halfling 1 10 CT
Tuck the Cleric 3 30 CMF
Atroshus the Magician 1 10 CM
Keebler the Elf 2 20 CM
Snodgrass the Goblin 1 10 CT
Woody the Ranger 3 30 CS
The Warrior Princess 4 40 CFGS
The Mysterious Stranger 3 30 CMF
Hide - - D Thief only
Backstab +3 - A Thief only
Mighty Blow +3 - A Strong only
Throw Opponent +3 - A Strong only
Slide Down Counter +1 - AN Strong only
Slippery - - D Thief only
Burning Torch +1 - W Discard to negate an attack
Live Bird Soup - - Y Heal 5 Damage
Grit Cake - - Y Heal 5 Damage
Dragon Steak - - Y Heal 10 Damage
Bowl +1 - W Discard to negate an attack
Heal Spell - - Z Heal 20 Damage
Paralyze Spell - - Z Target is stunned for 3 turns
Charm Spell - - Z Take control of target Character
Bar Stool +1 - W Discard to negate an attack
Wooden Chair +1 - W Discard to negate an attack
Hurl Table +3 - A Strong only
Beer Mug +1 - W
Chain Mail - +10 O Armor
Ring Mail - +5 O Armor
Splint Mail - +15 O Armor
Plate Mail - +20 O Armor
Fling Plates +2 - A Any Character
Tankard of Ale +1 - W Discard to negate an attack
Swing on Chandelier +3 - A Any Character
Jump from Rafters +3 - A Any Non-Strong Character
Wine Bottle +1 - W Discard to negate an attack
Breaks - - XI Discard target weapon card
Slip & Fall - - XI Target stunned for 2 turns
Fireberry Wine +1 - O
Tipsy -1 - O
Drunk as a Skunk -1 - O
Thrown out of Window - - XI Target Character discarded
Uppercut +2 - A Any Character
Knee to the Groin +3 - A vs Male Character
Backhand +2 - A Any Character
Elbow to the Gut +3 - A Any Character
Knock the Wind Out +3 - A Any Character
Hit Wrong Guy - - XR Choose any new Target for Attack
Head Lock +1 - AN Any Character
Arm Lock +1 - AN Any Character
Head Butt +3 - A Any Character
Dark & Frothy Mead - +5 O
Shake it Off - - D Strong only
Business Elsewhere - - XI Target Character discarded
Hard Head - - D Fighter only
Switch Sides - - XI Take control of target Character
Tug of War - - XI Steal target Weapon
Gang Up - - XA 2nd Character may attack target
Look Behind You +3 - A Any Character
Knock Down +2 - AN Strong only
Bite +2 - A Any Character
Box Ears +3 - A Any Character
Trip +1 - AN Any Character
Bang Heads +3 - A Divide damage among 2 targets
Body Slam +3 - A Any Character
Thigh Press +3 - A Girl only
Show some Skin - - D Girl only
Wouldn’t hit a Girl - - D Girl only
Beg for Mercy - - D Thief only
Shocking Grasp +4 - AZ Mage only
Mailed Fist +1 - O Fighter only
Gauntlet +1 - O Fighter only
Berserker +3 - A Fighter only
Bear Hug +3 - A Strong only
Throw Barrel +3 - A Strong only
Choke Hold +3 - AN Any Character
Duck - - D Any Character
2 Lefts & a Right +3 - A Any Character
Chug - - XQ Character drinks 2 Beers