***************** SPOILER ALERT FOR SEASON 3 **********************

Card game for 2-4+ players. 
True Blood Book/TV Series Theme. 

True Blood is a licensed, copyrighted property. 
This is merely a fan site. 

The game ends at the end of the turn there are no 
Cards left in the Character Deck or the Recruitment Track. 

The player with the most Blood Points (BP) at the end of the game wins. 
Character Cards you control are worth varying amounts of Blood Points.
Certain Combinations of Controlled Character Cards earn Bonus BP.  

These are earned or stolen by players during play. 
Each Blood Token (BT) is worth 1 Blood Point (BP). 

These are currency used to determine Initiative and to recruit Characters. 
These come in Denominations of 1, 2, and 5 (you can make change). 
A player cannot have less than zero IT. 
Influence Tokens (IT) can be saved from turn to turn. 
You cannot pay or bid more IT than what you have. 

These are placed on your Character cards to indicate if they have been captured. 
A Captured Character earns no BP and cannot use Special Abilities. 
They do not contribute BP in end game scoring. 

These are placed on your Character cards to indicate if they have been injured. 
An Injured Character earns no BP and cannot use Special Abilities. 
Characters that are "Regulars" cannot be killed. However they can be the target of 
Kill Attempts. Instead of being killed, they are Injured. 
Injured Characters do contribute BP in end game scoring. 

Six sided dice are needed. 

This is used to keep track of which player goes first each turn. 
It has 6 spaces marked 1 to 6.
Each player has a Pawn of a unique color. 
Each space holds 1 Pawn. 
The first space (position) goes first and so on. 

This track has 5 spaces numbered 1-5. 
Each is big enough to hold 1 Face-up Character card. 
As Characters are recruited (paid for with Influence Tokens) slide the cards down from 
5 to 1 to fill in the empty spaces. 
When the fifth space is empty fill it with the top card of the Character Deck.  
Cards cost IT equal to their BP value. 
A card in the first space costs 1 less IT. 
A card in the third space costs 1 extra IT. 
A card in the fourth space costs 2 extra IT. 
A card in the fifth space costs 3 extra IT. 

There are 2 Decks: 
1. The Character Deck
2. The Event Deck

These represent various individuals, groups and locations found in the series. 
There are a number a Traits that a card can have. 

Most Event cards are played by players on their turn in Event Phase. 
Some event cards are reactionary and are played in reaction to another 
Event or aspect of play. 
Event cards are discarded when played. 
In a multi-player game you can play Negate cards to protect the Characters of 
other players. 
When you take control of a character it becomes yours: take posession of the card. 

Each player starts with 10 Blood Tokens. 
Each player starts with 5 Influence Tokens. 
Remove the Starting Characters and Second Stage Characters from the Character Deck. 
Shuffle the Decks. 
Randomly place the 5 Starting Characters onto the 5 spaces if the Recruitment Track. 
Shuffle the Second Stage Characters together and place them face down on 
top of the Character Deck.  

Each turn has 9 Phases: 
1. Influence Phase
2. Initiative Phase
3. Plotting Phase
4. Recruitment Phase
5. Event Phase
6. Action Phase
7. Capture Phase
8. Recovery Phase
9. End Phase

Each player gets 10 Influence Tokens (IT) and 2 BT. 

Determine pawn positions on the Turn Track. 
Players secretly bid IT. 
Bids are revealed simultaneously. 
High bid gets first position and so on. 
If tied, players roll high on 1D6. 
All Bid Tokens are discarded. 

Each player draws 2 Cards from the Event Deck and put them in their hands. 
For 1 IT you may discard an Event Card and draw another. 
If the Event Deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it. 

In Turn Order as determined in Initiative Phase, Players may buy 
Character Cards from the Recruitment Track: 
The track has 5 spaces numbered 1-5. 
Each is big enough to hold 1 Face-up Character card. 
As Characters are recruited (paid for with Influence Tokens) slide the cards down 
from 5 to 1 to fill in the empty spaces. 
When the fifth space is empty fill it with the top card of the Character Deck.  
Cards cost IT equal to their BP value. 
A card in the first space costs 1 less IT. 
A card in the third space costs 1 extra IT. 
A card in the fourth space costs 2 extra IT. 
A card in the fifth space costs 3 extra IT. 

In Turn Order as determined in Initiative Phase, Players may play Event Cards 
from their hands. When playing an Event Card roll 1D6. On 1-3 nothing happens. 
On 4+ the Event goes off as described. You may pay 1 IT once to re-roll if 
nothing happened. 
A player plays all his Events and then the next player plays all his Event 
cards and so on. 
Event cards are discarded after being played (Successful or not). 

Depending on their Traits most Characters can take an action. 
If a character has multiple types of Actions available to him he can only pick one. 
If a Character has been stolen (owner change) this turn, whether in Event Phase or 
earlier in Action Phase, it can take no action for the remainder of the turn. 

In Turn Order, as determined in Initiative Phase, Players may have their 
Characters attempt one Action each: 
Active Trait:		Result after Rolling 1D6: 
Telepath or Fairy	On 3+ Look at Opponent’s hand. 
Servant or Minions	On 6+ Capture Target Character
Ruler			On 4+ Gain 1D6 IT
Law Enforcer		On 5+ Opponent loses 2 IT
Murderer 		On 6+ Kill target Character of Indicated type
Sacrifice		On 4+ Kill Character you Control to gain 5 IT
Maenad			On 3+ Capture target Human
Businessman/Business	On 2+ Gain 1 IT
Dealer			On 5 lose 1 BT; On 6 gain 2 IT
Seducer or Obsession	On 5+ Gain Control of Specific Character
Maker			On 4+ Gain Control of Specific Vampire
Pack Leader		On 6+ Gain control of Character of same Racial Type
Informer       		On 6+ Look at next 3 cards in Character Deck
Spiritual		On 6+ Look at next 1D6 cards in Event Deck
Abductor       		On 6+ Capture Target Character of indicated type
Thief			On 5+ Steal 1 IT from Opponent
Healer			On 5+ Remove an Injury Token
Flyer			On 5+ Rescue a Captured Character
Manipulator		On 5+ Steal 1 BT from Opponent
Command Obedience	On 6+ Capture Target Character
Rescuer			On 6+ Rescue a Captured Character
Attacker       		On 6+ Injure Target Character
Decadent       		On 2+ Convert up to 2 IT into BT
Prize or Pacifist	On 4+ Gain 1 BT	
Revenge	or Nemesis	On 6+ Kill Specific Character

Some Character Traits are Passive. Always roll for all passive Traits even if the 
Character attempts a Active Trait this Phase: 
Passive Trait:		Result after rolling 1D6: 
Mayhem			On 5+ All players Draw 1 Event Card and you gain 1 IT
Psychopath		On 6+ Draw 1 event Card and lose 1 BT
Young or Stupid		On 5 Lose 1 IT; On 6 gain 1 BT
Addict			On 5 Lose 1 BT; On 6 draw 1 Event Card

Some Character abilities are Reactionary rather than Active or Passive:
Reactionary Trait:	Usage: 
Protector		On a roll of 5+ on 1D6 negate a Specific Kill or Capture
Martyr			Can Substitute for another Character on a Kill 
Survivor       		+1 To Prisoner Rolls
Old			Immune to Sex Events and Seduction
When a player has multiple Characters under their control, ALL of
the player's characters perform their actions before moving to the next player. 

For each Captured Character roll 1D6: This is called the Prisoner Roll: 
On a roll of 1 the Character comes under the control of the player that Captured him. 
On a roll of 2 the Character Reveals Secrets: The Capturer steals 1 IT. 
On a roll of 3 the Character is Tortured: The Owner loses 1 BT. 
On a roll of 4-5 Nothing Happens. 
On a roll of 6 the Character escapes Capture: Remove the Capture Token. 

For each Injured Character roll 1D6: This is called the Recovery Roll: 
On a roll of 1-4 the Character remains incapacitated. 
On a roll of 5+ the Character is Healed: Remove the Injury Token. 
Add 1 to the roll if the Character is a Vampire. 

Max hand size is 5 Event Cards. 
Discard excess cards. 

At the end of the game add up the BT value of all your characters. 
Most Characters also give bonus BT if you control certain other Characters. 
Also add to this total Blood Tokens you have collected/stolen during play. 

Name: Notes
Sookie Stackhouse: 10BT. Regular. Human Fairy. Telepath. Rescuer. Seduce Bill. 
+5 BT if you control Bill.  Nemesis Lorena. Starting Character.
Bill Compton: 10BT. Regular. Male Vampire. Seduce Sookie. +5 BT if you control Sookie. 
Rescuer. Protector.  Maker of Jessica. Starting Character.
Jason Stackhouse: 9BT. Regular. Male Human. Seduce Human Females. 
Rescuer. Stupid. Starting Character. +1 BT per Female Character you control. 
Eric Northman: 9BT. Regular. Male Vampire. Seduce Sookie. Manipulator. Maker of Pam. 
Revenge Russell or Talbot. Businessman. +2 BT if you control Sookie, Godric, Pam. 
Second Stage. Command Obedience. Flyer. 
Sam Merlotte: 9BT. Regular Male Shapeshifter. Businessman. Rescuer. 
Nemesis Maryanne. Rescuer. +2 BT if you control Tara, Daphne, Tommy. Starting Character 
Tara Thornton: 9BT. Regular Human Female. Rescuer. Starting Character. Survivor. 
+2 BT if you control Eggs, Sam, Lafayette, Lettie Mae
Godric: 6BT. Male Vampire. Pacifist. +3 BT if you control Eric. Gain 10 BT if you play 
the Suicide Card successfully on Godric. Rescuer. Maker of Eric. Command Obedience. 
The Magister: 4BT. Male Vampire. Immune to Sexual Events. +5 BT if you control the 
Authority. Law Enforcer. Command Obedience. 
Franklin Mott: 4BT. Male Vampire. Servant. Psychopath. Obsession for Tara. +5 BT if you 
control or capture Tara. 
Maryanne Forrester: 6BT. Female. Maenad. +5 BT if you control Sam. Old. Mayhem. 
Sacrifice of Human or Shifter. Can only be killed if killer controls a Shapeshifter. 
+5 BT if you control Sam. 
Sophie Ann the Queen: 6BT. Regular Female Vampire. Ruler. Prize. Decadent. Command 
Obedience. +3 BT if you control Hadley. 
Rene Lanier: 3BT. Male Human. Murderer of Human Females. Psychopath. 
+5 if you control Arlene. 
Lafayette Reynolds: 7BT. Regular. Human Male. Second Stage. Dealer. Prize. 
+2 BT if you control Tara, Jesus, or Eric. 
The Authority: 6BT. Group. Regulars. Rulers. Manipulators. Minions
+1 BT for each Vampire you control. 
Hot Shot: 2BT. Location. +3 BT for each Werepanther you control. 
Werewolf Pack: 3BT. Group. Servants. +2 BT for each Werewolf you control. 
Talbot: 4BT. Male Vampire. Decadent. Prize. +5 BT if you control Russell. 
Eggs Benedict: 3BT. Male Human. +3 BT if you control Tara, Maryanne. 
Merlotte Waitress: 1 BT. Female Human. Martyr. +3 BT if you Control Sam, Merlotte’s Bar
Fellowship of the Sun: 2BT. Group. +2 BT for each Church Character you control. 
Andy Bellefleur: 4BT. Law Enforcer. Regular. Second Stage. +1 BT for each Human you Control
Adele Stackhouse: 4BT. Old Human Female. Second Stage. +3 BT if you control Sookie, Jason. 
Amy Burlee: 3BT. Human Female. Addict. Abductor of Vampires. +5 BT if you control Jason. 
Hoyt Fortenberry: 4BT. Regular. Male Human. Second Stage. +5 BT if you control Jessica. 
Seduce Jessica. 
Jessica Hamby: 6BT. Regular. Female Vampire. Second Stage. Young. 
+3 BT if you control Hoyt, Bill. 
Arlene Fowler: 4BT. Regular. Human Female. Second Stage. 
+2 BT if you control Terry, Sam, Merlotte’s Bar 
Terry Bellefleur: 4BT. Regular. Human Male. Second Stage. 
+2 BT if you control Arlene, Sam, Merlotte’s Bar 
Lettie Mae: 2BT. Old Human Female. Second Stage. +3 BT if you control Tara, Lafayette. 
Merlotte’s Bar: 4BT. Location. Business. +5 BT if you control Sam
Fangtasia: 4BT. Location. Business. +5 BT if you control Eric. Decadent. 
Pam: 4BT: Regular Female Vampire. Servant. +5 BT if you control Eric. 
Nan Flannigan: 5BT. Regular Female Vampire. Minions. Command Obedience. Law Enforcer. 
+5 BT if you Control the Authority. 
Lorena: 6BT. Female Vampire. Second Stage. Maker of Bill. 
+5 BT if you Control or Capture Bill. 
Reverend Steve Newlin: 3BT. Human Male. Minions. Church. Manipulator. 
+2 BT if you control Sarah, Jason, Godric
Sarah Newlin: 3 BT. Human Female. Church. Seduce for Jason. 
+3 BT if you control Steve, Jason. 
King Russell Edgington: 7BT. Male Vampire. Ruler. Minions. Command Obedience. 
+3 BT if you control Talbot, The Queen. 
Rednecks: 1 BT. Human Males. Stupid. Murderers of Vampires
Thug in Disguise: 1 BT. Human Male. Servant. 
Alcide: 5 BT. Male Werewolf. Regular. Servant. Protector. Rescuer. 
+2 BT if you control Sookie, Eric, Debbie. 
Vampire Nest: 2 BT. Group. Mayhem. 
Police Officer: 1 BT. Law Enforcer. 
Blood Drainer Gang. 1 BT. Humans. Murderers of Vampires. Dealers. 
Jesus: 4 BT. Human Male. Spiritual. Seducer of Lafayette. 
+5 if you control Lafayette. 
Dallas Vampires: 3 BT. Group. Vampires. Minions. 
Fay Colony: 4 BT. Faeries. Group. Regulars. Protectors of Sookie. 
Barry the Bellhop: 3 BT. Human Male. Telepath. 
Longshadow: 2 BT. Male Vampire. Thief. 
Girl Fangbanger: 1 BT. Female Human. Martyr. 
Boy Fangbanger: 1 BT. Male Human. Martyr. 
Tommy Mickens: 4 BT. Regular. Male Shapeshifter. Young. 
+5 BT if you control Sam. 
Debbie: 3 BT. Female Werewolf. Stupid. Attacker. Addict. 
+3 BT if you control Alcide, Cooter 
Cooter: 2 BT. Male Werewolf. Stupid. Servant. 
+3 BT if you control Russell, Debbie. 
Claudine: 5 BT. Regular. Female Fairy. Informer. 
+5 BT if you control Sookie. 
Crystal Norris: 4 BT. Regular. Female Werepanther. Survivor. Seducer of Jason. 
+5 if you control Jason. 
Sheriff Bud Deerborn: 3 BT. Old Male Human. Law Enforcer. 
Miss Jeanette: 2 BT. Human Female. Voodoo Priestess. Thief. Healer. 
Hadley. 3 BT. Human Female. Informer. +3 BT if you control Sookie, the Queen.  
Daphne Landry: 3 BT. Female Shapeshifter. Seducer of Sam. 
+3 BT if you Control Sam, Maryanne. 
Holly the Wiccan: 2 BT. Human Female. Witch. Spiritual. 
+2 BT if you control Tara, Arlene, Sam. 
Eddie: 2 BT. Male Vampire. Dealer. +5 BT if you control Lafayette. 
Street Prostitute: 1 BT. Human Male. Businessman. Martyr. 
Bar Hussy: 1 BT. Human Female. Seduce Jason. Martyr. 

Name:			Notes:
Kidnapping		Capture Character
Staked			Kill Vampire
Wooden Bullet		Kill Vampire
Dirty Vampire Sex	Control Character
Silver Chains		Capture Vampire
Vampire Hotel		Gain 2D6 IT
Compton Residence	Gain 2D6 IT
Stackhouse Residence	Gain 1D6 BT
Graveyard		Gain 2D6 IT
Mainstreaming		Spend 2X IT Gain X BT
Leverage       		Control Character
Vampire Sex Dreams	Control Human 
Threats			Control Character
Suicide			Kill Character
Vampire Politics       	Control Character
Prisoner       		Capture Character
All Tied Up		Capture Character
Fight			Injure Character
Tortured       		Capture Character
Rape			Injure Human Female
Beheaded       		Kill Vampire
Supernatural		Remove Capture Token
Vampire Blood		Negate Kill or Remove Injury Token
The True Death		Kill Vampire
Daylight Escape		Remove Capture Token
Tru-Blood 		Gain 2D6 IT
Immortal       		Remove Injury Token from Vampire
Missing Persons		Kill or Capture Character
Maker			Gain 2D6 IT
Revenge			Kill Vampire
Silver Door		Capture Vampire
Manhunt			Steal 1D6 IT from Opponent
Madness			Injure Character
Tear Out Heart		Kill Character
V High			Control Human
Loyalty			Negate Control Event
Healing Powers		Negate Kill
Murder			Kill Character
Daylight Escape		Remove Capture Counter
Mind Control		Control Human
Voodoo Ritual		Control Human
Out of the Coffin	Gain 2D6 IT
God Hates Fangs		Opponent Loses 1D6 IT
Vampire Law		Opponent Loses 1D6 IT
Marriage Proposal	Control Female Character
Gay Sex			Control Male Character
Go To Ground		Negate Vampire Kill
Arson 			Kill Vampire or Location
Ritual Sacrifice       	Kill Character
Transformation		Negate Kill Event vs. Super
Slaughter		Kill Group
Massacre       		Kill Group
Poisoned Wound		Kill Human
Learn Secret		Look at next 4 cards in Character Deck
Sucked Dry		Kill Character
Hepatitis		Vampire is Injured
Light of Day		Kill Vampire
Colloidal Silver       	Injure Vampire
Vampiric Speed		Retarget Event Card
Leadership		Control Group
Investigate		Use as 5 IT in Initiative Phase
Bad Press		Capture Group
Fresh Blood		Gain Control of Character on Recruit Track 
Glamour			Control Human
Mutiny			Control Group
Disapear       		Shuffle target Character back into Deck
Bon Temps		Gain 1 BT per 2 Characters you Control
Makeup Sex		Gain 1D6 BT
Wild, Naked, & Free	Gain 3 BT per Shapeshifter you Control
Howl at the Moon	Gain 3 BT per Were you Control
Kings Mansion		Gain 1 BT per Vampire you Control
Queens Palace		Gain 1 BT per Vampire you Control
The Hunger		Control Injured Vampire
Dungeon			Capture Character
Mayhem			Control Character
Blood Tie		Control Human or Vampire
Seduction		Control Character
Sex in the Woods	Control Character
Vampire Rights		Gain 2D6 IT
Make a Deal		Control Character
Intrigue       		Draw 2 Event Cards
Sell V			Gain 2D6 IT


Skip the Action Phase. 


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