Tile laying game for 2-4 players.
Players are constructing a city of the Roman Empire.
The player with the most Victory Tokens at the end of the game wins.
When the last square has been covered, (or if no further Tiles can be placed) or
if all players pass in the same round; The round immediately proceeds to
Scoring Phase, and then the Game ends.
Use a 8x8 Chessboard.
All squares around the outside edge of the board are called exterior squares.
Note: Historicaly many Greek and Roman cities really were designed on
a Chessboard grid plan.
Tiles represent structures and resources.
These are kept face down in a Tile Pile.
Note that there are more Tiles than squares, so not all will be used.
Each player has a set of glass stones of a unique color.
Players share a common set of Victory Tokens.
There is 1 Majority Counter for each of the 10 Tile Types: Food, Housing,
Manufacturing, Government, Culture, Water, Trade, Religion, Defense, Entertainment
There is one Governors Token.
One player is randomly assigned the Governors Token.
Shuffle the Tiles.
Each player draws 5 random Tiles.
Players keep their Hands (unplaced tiles) face-up.
Play is conducted in Rounds.
Each Round has 3 Phases:
Player Turns Phase
Majority Phase
End Phase
Players take turns starting with the Governor and going clockwise.
Each turn has 3 Segments:
Action Segment
Bonus Segment
Draw Segment
The current player may take 1 Action.
There are 6 possible actions:
1. Place 2 Adjacent Tiles: The Tiles must be adjacent to Tiles you have
already placed. The second may be placed adjacent (or not) to the first tile played.
2. Place 1 Non-adjacent Tile: This may be placed on any square on the Board.
3. Place 1 Adjacent Tile and gain 1 Victory Token (VT).
4. Place 1 Adjacent Tile and Discard Hand. Discard all Tiles from your hand.
5. Place 1 Adjacent Tile and Take 1 Tile of your choice from Opponents Hand.
6. Discard entire Hand (This is termed a "Pass")
On your first turn of the game you must pick the #2 action: Place 1 Non-adjacent tile.
Place one of your colored Stones on every Tile you place.
Exterior Tiles must be placed on squares at the edge of the board.
Interior Tiles must be placed on squares not at the edge of the board.
Defense Tiles cannot be placed Adjacent to each other.
Religion Tiles cannot be placed Adjacent to each other.
Government Tiles cannot be placed Adjacent to each other.
Entertainment Tiles cannot be placed Adjacent to each other.
(Adjacent means sharing a side)
Certain Tile placements will earn bonus Victory Tokens (VT).
Such Bonuses are only earned once, when a Tile is first played.
Housing Tiles placed adjacent to Water Tiles will earn 1 Victory Token each.
(Example: You place an Aqueduct next to 3 Housing Tiles; You gain 3 VT)
Manufacturing Tiles placed adjacent to Trade Tiles will earn 1 Victory Token each.
Government Tiles placed adjacent to Culture Tiles will earn 1 Victory Token each.
Religion Tiles placed adjacent to Entertainment Tiles will earn 1 Victory Token each.
Fill you hand to 5 Tiles by drawing random Tiles from the Tile Pile.
There will be 10 Majority Contests:
The player with the most Food Tiles gets control of the Food Majority Counter.
The player with the most Housing Tiles gets control of the Housing Majority Counter.
The player with the most Manufacturing Tiles gets control of the Manufacturing Majority Counter.
The player with the most Government Tiles gets control of the Government Majority Counter.
The player with the most Culture Tiles gets control of the Culture Majority Counter.
The player with the most Water Tiles gets control of the Water Majority Counter.
The player with the most Trade Tiles gets control of the Trade Majority Counter.
The player with the most Religion Tiles gets control of the Religion Majority Counter.
The player with the most Defense Tiles gets control of the Defense Majority Counter.
The player with the most Entertainment Tiles control of the Entertainment Majority Counter.
The current Governor gives the Governor Token to the player to his left.
For each Majority Counter you control at the end of the game get 3 Victory Tokens.
For every vertical, horizontal or diagonal line of 8 Tiles you were able to make
earns you an additional 2 Victory Tokens at the end of the game.
I = Interior Tile
E = Exterior Tile
O = Can be placed in any square
F = Food Tiles
H = Housing Tiles
M = Manufacturing Tiles
G = Government Tiles
C = Culture Tiles
W = Water Tiles
T = Trade Tiles
R = Religion Tiles
D = Defense Tiles
N = Entertainment Tiles
Tile Name: Place Type Notes:
Prefecture I G Police
Highway E T
Market O T
Port E T
Workshops O M
Granaries O F
Warehouses O T Horrea
Gatehouse E D
Vigiles I G Firemen
Barracks O D
Castrum O D Fort
Towers E D
Manors E H
Inner Walls E D
Garrison I D Urban Cohort
Triumphal Arch I C
Outer Walls E D
Vineyards E F
Wheat Fields E F
Olive Groves E F
Public Baths I W
Palace I H
Theatre I N
Aqueducts E W
Oracle O R
Republican Forum I G
Imperial Forum I G
Plaza I C
Quarries E M
Mines E M
Communal Baths I C
Mausoleum I R
Tenements I H
Shrine I R
Bath Complex I N
Basilica I G
Amphitheater O N
Circus I N
Reservoir O W
Library I C
Temple I R
Sanctuary I R
Shops I T
Apartments I H
Villas E H
Domus I H
Dormitories I H
Columns I C
Statues I C
Bridge E T
Sewers E W
Forest E M
Brick Makers E M
Bakers I F
Estates O H
Insulae I H
Catacombs O R
Lighthouse E T
Fountains I W
Altar O R
Monument O C
Fanum O R
Decumanus Maximus I T Main EW Street
Cardo I T Main NS Street
Harbour E T
Canal O W
Pastures E F
Slums I H
Odeum I N Music Hall
Pantheon I R
Colosseum O N
Suburbs E H
Town-Hall I G
Law Courts I G
Store Houses O T
Merchant Offices O T
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