Each player is a Senator of the Roman Empire. 
Players compete for Gold, Influence, and Prestige. 

The first player to accumulate 100 or more Prestige Points is the Winner. 

Players share a common deck. 

Use Red Tokens for Gold. 
Use White Tokens for Influence. 
Use Blue Tokens for Prestige. 
The terms tokens and points are synonymous. 
There are no limits to the number of Tokens. 
A player keeps all his Tokens in his Treasury. 

The oldest player goes first. 
Shuffle the deck. 
Flip over the top 5 cards of the deck face-up in a row on the table. 
These are called the Bid Cards. 
Each player starts owning 1 Villa Rustica Card. 
Owned cards are kept on the table face-up in front of the owning player. 

Players take turns clockwise. 
Each turn has 3 Phases: 
1. Revenue Phase
2. Availability Phase
3. Acquisition Phase

Each card you own generates revenue in the form of 
Gold, Influence, and Prestige on every one of your turns in Revenue Phase. 
Collect Tokens for each card you own of the indicated type and number. 

The current player may discard 1 to 3 Bid cards of his choice. 
Flip over new cards from the deck to replace the discarded ones. 
If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it. 

The current player may purchase 1 Bid card. 
All Bid cards have a cost in either Influence or Gold. 
Discard the indicated number of Tokens in payment. 
The player owns the card and places it face up in front of himself. 
The player may choose not to buy a Bid card. In this case, 
He may take 1 Token of any type and add it to his Treasury. 
If a Bid card was purchased, flip over another card from the 
Deck to replace it. 
If you do not have enough Tokens to buy a card, you cannot 
Purchase it. You cannot go negative or borrow Tokens. 

These cards as Bid cards cost nothing to buy. 
They provide Tokens as soon as they are acquired and then these
Cards are immediately discarded. 

Any time a Villa is built by any player, you get 2 Gold for each 
Quarry and Tile Works you own.  

I = Cost in Influence to buy this card
G = Cost in Gold to buy this card
# = Copies of that card in the deck
Infl = Influence
Prst = Prestige

Name:			#	Cost	Gold	Infl	Prst
Villa Rustica		6	16G	2	1	1
Villa Suburbana		3	9G	-	2	1
Villa Urbana		3	16G	-	3	1
Imperial Villa		2	25G	-	3	2
Vineyards		5	16G	2	-	2
Olive Groves		6	9G	2	1	-
Wheat Fields		7	1G	1	-	-
Livestock		4	4G	2	-	-
Fishing Grounds		4	4G	1	1	-
Tile Works		2	9G	1	-	1
Quarry			2	9G	2	-	-
Orchards       		3	9G	2	-	1
Merchant Traders       	3	16G	3	1	-
Regiments		5	16G	-	2	2
Gladiators		2	9G	1	1	1
Slaves			6	-	(4)	-	-
Senatus Consultum	4	-	-	(5)	-
Magistrate		6	4I	-	1	1
Quaestor       		5	9I	-	2	1
Aedile			3	9I	-	1	2
Praetor			4	16I	-	1	3
Governor       		3	25I	3	1	1
Censor			3	25I	-	2	3
Tribune			2	36I	-	2	4
Consul			1	49I	-	2	5

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