Card game for 2-4+ players. 
Modern Combat Theme. 

Wargasm is a licensed, copyrighted property. 
This is merely a fan site. 

Players are eliminated when they have accumulated 
20 or more points of Damage. 
Be the last player standing. 

Each player starts with zero Damage. 
Use (fake) bullets to keep track of Damage.  

Players share a common deck. 

Each card can be used in up to 3 ways:
--- As a Unit 
--- To Attack
--- As a Special Event

Each card will list 1 type of Unit. 
There are 4 types of Military Units: 
--- Infantry
--- Vehicles
--- Artillery
--- Air
In addition to these Units there are Intel cards. 
These Intel cards do not have the Unit Function.
Intel cards will list an Attack and an Event, or 2 Events.  
Cards being used as Units are kept face-up on the table in
Front of the controlling player. 
Cards put into play as units are said to be Deployed. 

The Attack function of a card will specify attacker type and target type. 
When a card is being used to attack, you must have the 
Appropriate type of Unit in play that can make the Attack. 
The Attack Targets either the opponent’s Base or a specific 
Type of Unit that the opponent has in play. 
As a result of the Attack, the Attack card is discarded and the 
Target unit is discarded, or if the Base was attacked, the target 
Player will gain 1 Damage for each Unit that attacked.  
The attacking Unit(s) remain in play. 

Each card describes a Special Event. 
Most of these are played in your Event Phase, but some are meant 
To be played at other times, even during an opponent’s turn. 
In general, Event cards are discarded immediately after being played. 

Shuffle the Deck. 
The biggest War Monger goes first.
Play proceeds clockwise.  
The first player is dealt 1 card. 
The second player is dealt 2 cards and so on. 

Players take turns. 
Each turn has 5 Phases:
--- Logistics Phase
--- Deploy Phase
--- Attack Phase
--- Event Phase
--- Friction Phase

Draw 4 cards from the deck. 
If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it. 

You may put 1 Unit card into play from your hand. 

You may make 1 Attack this Phase:
To do this, you must play a card for its attack function.  
The Attack function of a card will specify attacker type and target type.
Example Terminology: Infantry attacks Vehicle.   
When a card is being used to attack, you must have the 
Appropriate type of Unit in play (deployed) that can make the Attack. 
The Attack Targets either the opponent’s Base or a specific 
Type of Unit that the opponent has in play. 
As a result of the Attack, the Attack card is discarded and the 
Target unit is discarded, or if the Base was attacked, the target 
Player will gain 1 Damage for each Unit that attacked.  
The attacking Unit(s) remain in play. 
Some Event cards will allow the defender to negate the Attack.
Attack Cards targeting Units allow a single attacking unit to 
attack a single target Unit.  
Attack Cards targeting Bases allow all units of the indicated 
type to Attack. So if you had 4 Infantry deployed and played 
Occupy, you would do 4 Damage. 

You may play 1 Event card this Phase. 
Unless otherwise specified, Event cards are played only in this Phase. 
Discard the event card when played. 

Max hand size is 5 cards. 
Give excess cards to one or more opponents. 

Unit:		Attack:			Event:
Infantry       	Sniper			Cover
Infantry       	Sniper			Minefield
Infantry       	Rockets			Ambush
Infantry       	Rockets			Patrol
Infantry       	Infiltrate		Special Forces
Infantry       	Infiltrate		Cover
Infantry       	SAMS			Minefield
Infantry       	SAMS			Ambush
Infantry       	Occupy			Patrol
Infantry       	Occupy			Special Forces
Vehicle		Overrun			Armor
Vehicle		Overrun			Tank Traps
Vehicle		TK			Exploitation
Vehicle		TK			Scout Car
Vehicle		Outflank       		Reserves
Vehicle		Outflank       		Armor
Vehicle		Air Defense		Tank Traps
Vehicle		Air Defense		Exploitation
Vehicle		Breakthrough		Scout Car
Vehicle		Breakthrough		Reserves
Artillery	Barrage			Camouflage
Artillery	Barrage			Deception
Artillery	ATG			Forward Observer
Artillery	ATG			Convoy
Artillery	Artillery Duel		Reinforcements
Artillery	Artillery Duel		Camouflage
Artillery	Flak			Deception
Artillery	Flak			Forward Observer
Artillery	Bombardment		Convoy
Artillery	Bombardment		Reinforcements
Air		Strafing       		Air Superiority
Air		Strafing       		Weather
Air		Missiles       		Air Lift
Air		Missiles       		Ariel Recon
Air		Bombing Run		High Altitude
Air		Bombing Run		Air Superiority
Air		Interceptors		Weather
Air		Interceptors		Air Lift
Air		Air Strike		Ariel Recon
Air		Air Strike		High Altitude
Intel		Counter Attack		Tactics
Intel		Surprise Attack		Espionage
Intel		Ground Assault		Propaganda
Intel		Envelopment		Rally
Intel		Major Offensive		Defense in Depth
Intel		Night Attack		Retreat
Intel		Fog of War		Friendly Fire

Ability:       		Notes:
Sniper			Infantry Attacks Infantry
Minefield		Event: Negate Attack by Infantry
Rockets			Infantry Attacks Vehicles 
Ambush			Event: Negate Attack & Destroy Attacking Unit
Patrol			Event: Draw 1 Card and Look at Enemy Hand
Infiltrate		Infantry Attacks Artillery
Special Forces		Event: Opponent discards 2 random cards from Hand
Cover			Event: Negate Attack Targeting Infantry
SAMS			Infantry Attacks Air	
Occupy			All Infantry Attack Base
Overrun			Vehicle Attacks Infantry
Armor			Event: Negate Attack Targeting Vehicle
Tank Traps		Event: Negate Attack by Vehicle 
TK			Vehicle Attacks Vehicle
Exploitation		Event: Attacks vs. Base do Double Damage
Scout Car		Look at Enemy Hand. Deploy 1 Unit from your Hand
Outflank       		Vehicle Attacks Artillery
Reserves       		Event: In Logistics Phase Deploy 1 Unit or Draw 2 Cards
Air Defense		Vehicle Attacks Air	
Breakthrough		All Vehicles Attack Base
Barrage			Artillery Attacks Infantry
Camouflage		Event: Negate Attack Targeting Artillery
Deception		Event: Negate Attack by Artillery
ATG			Artillery Attacks Vehicles	
Forward Observer       	Event: Look at Next 7 Cards in Deck
Convoy			In Logistics Phase Draw 1 Card and Deploy 1 Unit
Artillery Duel		Artillery Attacks Artillery	
Reinforcements		Event: Draw 3 Cards in Logistics Phase
Flak			Artillery Attacks Air
Bombardment		All Artillery Attack Base	
Strafing       		Air Attacks Infantry
Air Superiority		Event: If you have most Air Units take another turn
Weather			Event: Negate Attack by Air
Missiles       		Air Attacks Vehicles
Air Lift		Event: Deploy 2 Units in Deploy Phase
Ariel Recon		Event: Look at All Enemy Hands. Play Another Event
Bombing Run		Air Attacks Artillery
High Altitude		Event: Negate Attack Targeting Air
Interceptors		Air Attacks Air
Air Strike		All Air Attacks Base
Counter Attack		Event: Play 1 Attack Card at end of Enemy Attack Phase 
Tactics			Event: In Logistics Phase Draw 5 cards and Discard 3
Surprise Attack		Any Unit Attacks Any Unit or Base. Discard 1 Card 
Espionage		Event: Steal 1 Random Card from Enemy Hand
Ground Assault		All Infantry & Vehicles Attack Base 
Propaganda		Event: Steal 1 Enemy Unit
Envelopment		Event: Enemy takes 2 Damage
Rally			Event: Take Unit from top of Discard and Deploy it
Major Offensive		All Units Attack Base
Defense in Depth       	Event: Base takes half Damage from Attack (Round down)
Night Attack		Event: Play 1 extra Attack Card in your Attack Phase 
Retreat			Event: Return 1 Deployed Unit to your Hand
Fog of War		Event: Negate Event Card just played
Friendly Fire		Event: Redirect Attack to different Enemy Unit 

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