Heavily modified variant of the board game Diplomacy. 
Card play replaces written orders. 
Players should be familiar with basic concepts of the standard game 
such as Supply Centers, Provinces, Units, and Great Powers. 
Special movement rules (Kiel & Constantinople, etc.) still apply. 
Rules for Retreats, Building, Occupation, Civil Disorder, and 
Convoys still work in the spirit of the original game. 

Diplomacy is a copyrighted, trademarked property. 
This is merely a fan site. 

Control of 18 Supply Centers. 

A standard Diplomacy Board and Pieces are used. 
Additionally 3 special Decks are used: 
1. Event Deck
2. Land Battle Deck
3. Sea Battle Deck

Standard setup of the Great Powers. 
Additionally each player is dealt 4 Event cards. 

Turns are not simultaneous. Players take turns. 
Germany goes first, followed around the table going clockwise. 

Players take turns. 
Each turn has 6 Phases: 
1. Planning Phase
2. Logistics Phase
3. Movement Phase
4. Battle Phase
5. Advance Phase
6. End Phase

Draw 4 Event Cards. 
If you have 10 or more Supply centers, draw an extra card. 
If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it. 

Discard any 2 Event cards to build 1 Unit. (Not in excess of your supply limit) 
Some cards allow you to build a unit for the cost of that card only. 

Discard any Event card to move 1 Unit 1 Space. 
Some cards will allow you to move 1 Unit additional spaces or 
to move several units for the cost of that card only. 
Discard any 1 Event card to convoy 1 Army as described in the regular rules. 
An Army may convoy on allied ships if those players allow. 
An Army can only be convoyed into an unoccupied Province. 
A single unit may only normally be moved once per turn. Additional 
movement requires an Event card to specify that it is an extra move. 

Discard any Event card to have 1 Unit attack an enemy unit in an adjacent space. 
Some cards will allow you to attack with several units for the cost of that card only. 
Armies in Coastal Provinces cannot attack Fleets in Sea Spaces. 
Fleets in Coastal Provinces cannot attack inland Armies. 
A single unit may only normally attack once per turn. Additional 
attacks requires an Event card to specify that it is an extra attack. 

To resolve an attack the Sea and/or Land Battle decks are used. 
If you have an Army in the battle draw 5 cards from the Land deck. 
If you have an Fleet in the battle draw 5 cards from the Sea deck. 
Each player may then discard up to 2 cards and draw replacements. 
If a deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it. 
Add up the Force value of the playable cards in your hand. 
A Defending Army cannot use Attacker cards. 
An Attacking Army cannot use Defender cards. 
A Fleet can use up to 3 Ship cards, 1 Weapon, and 1 Tactics card. 
Support: A unit adds 1 to its Force value for every friendly unit adjacent to 
itself and adjacent to the enemy unit it is fighting.  
If one sides Force total is 3 or greater than his opponents, the loser, if he 
is the defender, must retreat. If he cannot retreat, he is destroyed.
If the attacker loses, nothing happens.  
If a defending unit has already retreated once this turn, and it must 
retreat again, it is destroyed. 
If a unit loses by 6 or more it is destroyed. 
A unit gets -1 to its Force for every time it already attacked/defended this phase. 
Discard all Battle cards after each attack. 

If a defending unit is destroyed, the attacker that destroyed it may move into the space 
previously occupied by the destroyed (removed) unit. 

Maximum Event card hand size is 3 cards. Discard excess cards. 

Card:			Notes:
Industrial Might       	Build 1 Unit
Conscription		Build 1 Army
Shipyards		Build 1 Fleet
Man Power		Build 1 Army
Naval Arms Race		Build 1 Fleet
Surplus			Build 1 Unit
Militarism		Build 1 Army
Blood and Iron		Build 1 Unit
Marching Orders		Move 2 Armies 
Grand March		Move 3 Armies 
Mobilization		Move 2 Units
Major Mobilization	Move 3 Units
Grand Plan		Move/Convoy 4 Units
Launch Ships		Move 2 Fleets
Out to Sea		Move 3 Fleets
Grand Strategy		Discard to draw 2 Event cards
Propaganda		Discard to draw 2 Event cards
Offensive		Attack with 2 Units
Major Offensive		Attack with 3 Units
Grand Offensive		Attack with 4 Units
Naval Operations       	Move or Attack with 2 Fleets
Fleet Action		Move or Attack with 3 Fleets
Attrition		Attack with 2 Armies
General Advance		Attack with 3 Armies
Wide Front		Attack with 4 Armies
Marine Landings		Convoy up to 2 Armies
Logistics		Move or Attack with up to 2 Units
Resupply       		Attack with 1 unit and draw 1 Event card		
Reserve Movement       	Up to 2 units may move 1 extra space
Rail Network		1 Army may move up to 2 extra spaces
Expedition		1 Fleet may move up to 2 extra spaces
Push			1 Unit may make 1 extra attack
Big Push		2 Units may make 1 extra attack each
Zeppelin Raid		Opponent discards 2 Event Cards 
Sortie			Move and attack with 1 Unit
Limited Objectives	Move and attack with 1 Unit
Invasion       		Move and attack with 2 Units
Salient			Move and attack with 1 Army
Seek & Destroy		Move and attack with 1 Fleet
General			Move and attack with up to 2 Armies
Admiral			Move and attack with up to 2 Fleets
Exploitation		Move 1 Unit 1 extra space in Advance Phase
Overrun			Move 1 Unit 1 extra space in Advance Phase
Spies			LOAH; Draw 1 card from the Event Deck
Diplomats		LOAH; Draw 1 card from the Event Deck
Intelligence		LOAH; Draw 1 card from the Event Deck
Peace Talk		POOT; Opponent cannot attack you this turn
Treaty			POOT; Opponent cannot attack you this turn
Mutiny			POOT; Opponent cannot attack this turn
Revolution		POOT; Opponent cannot attack this turn
Reforms			Discard your hand and draw 3 Event cards
Influenza Epidemic	POOT; Negate a Build Action
Delays			POOT; Negate a Movement Action
Ammo Shortages		POOT; Negate an Attack Action
Alliance       		POOT; Opponent cannot attack target Player
Entente			POOT; Opponent cannot attack target Player
LAOH = Look at Opponents Hand
POOT = Play on Opponents Turn

D = Defender Only
A = Attacker Only
B = Both Defender and attacker

Card:			Type	Force
Barbed Wire		D	2
Trenches       		D	3
Poison Gas		A	3
Tanks			A	3
Machine Guns		D	4
Rolling Barrage		A	4
Mine Fields		D	2
Fortress       		D	3
Artillery		B	3
Infantry       		B	2
Storm Troopers		A	3
Biplanes       		B	2
Regiments		B	1
Battalions		B	2
Divisions		B	3
No Mans Land		D	2
Bombardments		B	1
Blunder			D	4
Snipers			B	1
Officers       		B	1
Breakthrough		A	4
Counterattack		D	2
Surprise       		A	3
Defense in Depth       	D	4
Over the Top Boys!	A	2
Ariel Reconnaissance	B	2
Reinforcements		B	2
Siege Guns		B	2
Cavalry			B	1
Trap			D	4
Frontal Assault		B	2

S = Ships
W = Weapons
T = Tactics

Card:			Type	Force
Engagement		T	2
U-Boats			S	2
Submarines		S	2
Destroyers		S	2	
Light Cruisers		S	2
Heavy Cruisers		S	3
Gunnery			W	2
Battle Cruisers		S	3
Standoff       		T	1
Mine Layer		S	1
Biplanes       		W	1
Aircraft Carrier       	S	2
Battleships		S	4
Salvos			W	2
Dreadnaughts		S	4
Pocket Battleships	S	3
Squadron       		T	3
Night Battle		T	3
Turrets			W	2
Smoke			T	1
Armored Cruisers       	S	3
Old Battleships		S	3
Torpedo Boat		S	1
Mine Sweeper		S	1
Depth Charges		W	1
Torpedoes		W	1
Gun Boats		S	1
Blockade       		T	2
Captain			T	2
Big Guns		W	3
Storm			T	1
Pursuit			T	2
Flotilla       		T	2
Auxiliaries		S	1
Surface Raiders		T	2
Outmaneuver		T	2
Escape			T	1

The standard game takes place in the relatively peaceful (historically) period between the 
Franco Prussian War (also Russo-Turkish) and WWI.  However, it will be noticed that the card 
flavor of the Battle Decks in this variant has a distinctly WWI flavor.  


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