Card game for 2-4 players.
Early 19th Century Whale Hunting Theme.
Each Player represents one Whaling Ship of European/American Identity.
One Game represents one Whaling Season.
The Game ends when players have gone through the deck twice.
At the end of the game the player with the most Blubber Tokens wins.
Use change to represent Blubber Tokens.
Blubber Tokens represent all valuable parts of the
Whale including Meat and Bone.
Every time a player catches a Whale, he is awarded Blubber Tokens.
Players share a common deck.
There are 6 Card Types:
Whale, Sea, Catch, Difficulty, Event, Modifier
Shuffle the Deck.
The player with the most Blubber goes first.
Players take turns.
Each turn has 4 Phases:
Sail Phase
Event Phase
Hunt Phase
Catch Phase
Fill your hand to 7 cards.
When the deck runs out the first time, shuffle the
Discard and draw from it.
You may play (discard) 1 Event card in this Phase.
Discard 1 Catch card from your hand to go Hunting.
(If you have no catch cards you get a Mulligan and the phase ends)
To Hunt draw a random card from any opponents hand.
(The player fans out the cards in his hand face down)
If you draw a Whale card, you have caught a Whale of the indicated
Type: Gain Blubber Tokens as stated on the card.
Any player may play a Modifier card to increase or decrease the value of the catch.
If you draw a Difficulty card the Phase ends and you must Skip your next Turn.
If you draw a Sea, Catch, Event, or Modifier card nothing happens.
Discard the Catch card you played and the card you drew.
You may normally go hunting only once on your turn.
If you got a Mulligan this turn, discard your entire hand.
Fill your hand to 7 cards.
Clarification: If you did not have a Mulligan, you do not
discard your hand: Just fill your hand to 7 cards.
BT = Blubber Tokens
W = Whale
S = Sea
C = Catch
CE = Catch or Event
CM = Catch or Modifier
D = Difficulty
E = Event
M = Modifier
Card Name: Type Notes:
Sperm Whale W Worth 5 BT. 4 Copies of this card in Deck
Right Whale W Worth 4 BT. 4 Copies of this card in Deck
Finback Whale W Worth 3 BT. 4 Copies of this card in Deck
Arctic S
Horn Sound S
Beaufort Sea S
Bay of Biscay S
Greenland Fishery S
Atlantic Ocean S
North Sea S
Coastal Waters S
Tropical Waters S
Massachusetts Bay S
Nantucket S
West Indies S
Gulf of Mexico S
Cape Verde Islands S
Coast of Africa S
Guinea S
Brazil S
Spitsbergen S
Carolinas S
South Pacific S
Pack Ice D Miss next 2 Turns
Storm D
Off Course D
Bad Luck D
Over Fishing D May be used as a Catch Card
Dangerous Voyage D May be used as a Catch Card
Depleted Stocks D
Extinction D Search Deck for a Whale card & remove it from the game
Mocha Dick D Lose 2 BT
Ship Wreck D Lose 3 BT
War D Lose 3 BT
Hand Held Harpoons C
Migration CE As Event Look at Opponents Hand
Whale Oil CM As Modifier Whale worth +1 BT
Lances C
Water Spout CE As Event Get an extra Hunt Phase this Turn
Whaling Ship C
Exploitation CM As Modifier Whale worth +1 BT
Harpoon Gun C
Lookouts CE As Event Look at Opponents Hand
Expedition CE As Event Draw 2 Cards
Long Journey CE As Event Draw 2 Cards
Whale Fleet C
Hunting Grounds CE As Event Look at Opponents Hand
Whale Boats C
Capture C
Butchery CM As Modifier Whale worth +1 BT
Give Chase C
Headsman C
Prize CM As Modifier Whale worth +1 BT
Men of Sail CE As Event Look at Opponents Hand
Hunting Season CE As Event Look at Opponents Hand
Commercial Whaling CM As Modifier Whale worth +1 BT
Captain Ahab C If you use this to Hunt get an extra turn
Confiscation E Steal 2 BT from an Opposing Player
Voyage of Discovery E Draw 3 Cards
Fair Weather E Draw 2 Cards
Gam E Look at opponents Hand
Second Sighting M Get an extra Hunt Phase this Turn
Pack M Get an extra Hunt Phase this Turn
Large School M Get an extra Hunt Phase this Turn
Experienced Sailors M Negate a Difficulty Card
Dead M Whale worth –1 BT
Drift Whale M Whale worth –1 BT
Suckling M Whale worth –1 BT
Profit M Whale Worth +1 BT
Big One M Whale Worth +1 BT
Each player at the start of the game can choose 1 Nation.
English: Good Sailors: When Hunting, the first Sea Card they draw in a
Turn is discarded, and they may draw again.
Dutch: Free Trade: Every Whale they catch is worth +1 BT.
Americans: Industrious: Get an extra Hunt Phase every turn.
Norwegians: Whaling Nation: Hand Size = 8 cards.
Basques: Traditional Expertise: When Hunting, if they draw a Catch
Card they may keep it and put it in their hand.
Whale Hunters Solo Dice Version
Original 2 player dice game by Lloyd Krassner
Adaption to solo play by Rob Dey
A whaling cruise from Nantucket to the south pacific. Game ends when boat and
crew reach the south pacific or ship and/or crew is lost at sea.Voyage is
profitable if BT is twice the origional crew. Will you and your crew turn a
profit or never return to tell your tales?
Set Up
Die result tables (below)
tokens for keeping track of Hull, Rigging, Crew and cargo (Blubber Tokens ref to
in doc as BT)
Ship and crew
Determine your ship and crew stength as noted on the ship chart below. If any
stat falls to Zero, your Ship sinks (hull) is dead in the water and you and crew
starve (rigging) or the ship becomes derilect (crew)
The Cruise
Each ground has two turns each. A turn starts with 1d6 roll. if result is 1, a
d20 result is compared to the event chart for event resolution. A 1d6 of 2-3 is
calm sailing alowing repairs. +1 to any rigging and hull damage. 5-6 is
a whale sighting.
The hunt
Apon sighting a whale, ID your target with a 1d4 on the Whale ID chart. Next
Determine the Hunt modifier with a 1d20 roll on the hunt modifier chart.
Resolving the hunt is done with a 1d8 roll for whale strenght and a 1d10 roll
for crew strenth, also adding the modifier where called for. Higher roll wins
and kill, if made is scored. If tied, add to origional rolls 1d4 each. Repeat
1d4 until tie is broken.
Cruise can be rearranged to suit your taste of home port or can be shortened by
reducing number of hunting grounds.
Also Whale can be changed to any other type of sea life as to better suit your
Hull (1d20)
Rigging (1d20)
Crew (1d20)
Additional crew can be taken in first turn in port areas. Number taken is a 1d6
roll. Recruiting cost is 1 turn and total crew can not excede 20. Port areas are
Nantucket, Brazil, Bay of Biscay and spitsbergen.
Hunting Route
Massachusetts Bay
Coastal Waters
Gulf of Mexico
West Indies
Tropical Waters
Cape Verde Islands
Coast of Africa
Bay of Biscay
North Sea
Atlantic Ocean
Greenland Fishery
Horn Sound
Beaufort Sea
South Pacific
1,4 1d6 Event
2-3 1d6 No Event
5-6 1d6 Whale Sighting
Whale Sighting ID 1d4
1 Sperm Whale W Worth 5 BT.
2 Right Whale W Worth 4 BT.
3 Finback Whale W Worth 3 BT.
4 Beluga Whale W Worth 2 BT
Whale Strenght 1d8
Crew Strenght 1d8
01 Hand Held Harpoons +1d4 Catch roll
02 Migration If whale sighted, false sighting. If no whale
sighted no whales this or next turn
03 Whale Oil As Modifier Whale worth +1 BT
04 Barbless Lances +1d4 Whale roll
05 Water Spout +1d6 Whale strenght roll
06 Whale boats Struck 1d4 crew lost
07 Harpoon Gun +1d6 Catch roll
08 Whale Fleet +2 Catch roll
09 Whale Boats +1d4 Catch roll
10 Capture Whale Captured regarless of catch roll
11 Butchery Whale worth +1 BT
12 Give Chase Second roll if first catch roll fails
13 Prize Whale worth +1 BT
14 Commercial Whaling in area Whale worth -1 BT
15 Captain Ahab Second roll if first catch roll fails
16 Second Sighting Get an extra Hunt Phase this Turn
17 Large School Get an extra Hunt Phase this Turn
18 Dead Whale worth –1 BT
19 Suckling Whale worth –1 BT
20 Big One Whale Worth +1 BT
-EVENTS- 1d20
01 Pack Ice d4 damage hull
02 Storm d4 damage rigging 1d4 Crew lost
03 Off Course Lose 1d6 turns
04 Bad Luck 1d8 1-4 1d4 Crew 5-8 1d4 BT lost
05 Over Fishing No catch next this or next fishing ground
06 Dangerous Voyage 1-3 1d6 1d4 BT lost 4-6 1d6 1d4 crew lost
07 Depleted Stocks No catch this area
08 Extinction Remove one Whale species from game
09 Recruitment Gain 1d6 Crew
10 Salvage cargo +1d4 BT
11 War Lose 3 BT
12 Whaling Ship Repair 1d6 damage Rigging and Hull
13 Confiscation Lose all BT
14 Fair Weather Repair 1d4 Damage Rigging and Hull
15 Experienced Sailors All damage repaired
16 Pirates Lose all BT plus 1d4 crew
17 Shoals 1d6 Hull damage
18 Loose cargo lose 1d6 BT
19 Whale strike 1d4 Hull damage
20 Illness 1d4 Crew
NOTE- Event rolls 9, 12, 14, 15 can be saved for later use at the cost of one
turn per roll used
Whaling Wikipedia

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