INTRODUCTION Card game depicting a Wizard Duel in the Harry Potter Universe Game for 2+ players. Each Player & Deck represents a single Character. BATTLES A Battle consists of two groups of Wizards fighting each other. DISCLAIMER Harry Potter is a copyrighted, licensed property. This is merely a Fan site. VICTORY Defeat the Opposing Wizards (Combatants). A Wizard is Defeated under the Following Circumstances: 1. Killed 2. Immobilized 3. Memory Lost 4. Heavily Wounded or Knocked Out (Reduced to zero Hits) DICE Six and Ten sided Dice are used. WIZARD DECK DESIGN Each player will have to make a deck for his Wizard (Character). A Wizard can be one from the stories or one you make up. The card list contains a list of every possible card. Choose cards appropriate to your Character (According to his Stats). A Deck should have a minimum of 40 cards. A Deck may contain no more than 1 copy of any single card. CHARACTERS Each Character has 12 Stats: Alignment House Age Race Knowledge Courage Endurance (Hits) Speed (To Dodge) Aim (To Hit) Experience (Draw) Intellect (Hand Size) Power All Characters are Unique. ALIGNMENT Wizards are either Good or Evil. HOUSE Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, or Hufflepuff. AGE Wizards are either Students or Adults. RACE Human, House Elf, Goblin, Half-Giant, Centaur, etc. KNOWLEDGE Level: Notes: 1 Basic Magic 2 OWL Magic 3 NEWT Magic 4 Advanced Magic 5 Arcane Magic 6 Legendary Magic COURAGE Level Notes: 3 Cowardly 4 Normal Bravery 5 Courageous, Determined 6 Heroic, Mad, Obsessed, Fearless, Stupid, Fanatic, Undaunted ENDURANCE Hits Notes: 10 Child, Frail Adult, House Elf, Goblin 15 Teenager, Weak Adult 20 Adult 25 Strong Adult 30 Vampire 35 Centaur 40 Werewolf 50 Half Giant SPEED Level Notes: Modifier: -1 Big and Slow –1 to Dodge Rolls 0 Normal Adult No change to dodge Rolls +1 Teenager, Quick Adult +1 to Dodge Rolls +2 Small and Fast +2 to Dodge Rolls AIM Level Notes: Modifier: -1 Clumsy –1 to Hit Rolls 0 Normal Dexterity No change to Hit Rolls +1 Good Shot +1 to Hit Rolls +2 Highly Accurate +2 to Hit Rolls EXPERIENCE Level Notes: Modifier: 1 Inexperienced, Inept Draw 1 Card in Draw Phase 2 Slow, Shakey, Hesitant Draw 2 Cards in Draw Phase 3 Normal Reaction Time Draw 3 Cards in Draw Phase 4 Fast Acting Draw 4 Cards in Draw Phase 5 Cool Thinking Draw 5 Cards in Draw Phase 6 Great Experience Draw 6 Cards in Draw Phase 7 Master Wizard Draw 7 Cards in Draw Phase INTELLECT Level Notes: Modifier 4 Weak Mind Max hand Size = 4 Cards 5 Average Mind Max hand Size = 5 Cards 6 Clever Mind Max hand Size = 6 Cards 7 Brilliant Mind Max hand Size = 7 Cards 8 Visionary Mind Max hand Size = 8 Cards POWER Level Notes: 0 Muggles 1 Squib 2 Minor Magics 3 Able Focus 4 Strong Concentration 5 Great Will, Mighty Magics SETUP Roll high on 1D10 to see who goes first. TURN SEQUENCE Players take turns Each turn has 3 phases: Draw Phase Action Phase End Phase DRAW PHASE Draw X cards. X = your Experience Level. If your deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it. ACTION PHASE Play cards from your hand. To play a Card you must discard other cards = to the effort cost of the card you are playing. ATTACKS An Attack requires that an Attack card be discarded and a target chosen. The Attacker rolls to Hit and adds his Aim Stat Modifier. 1D10 Result: 1-5 Miss 6+ Hit An Attacked Character or Creature may attempt to Dodge. The Defender rolls to Dodge and adds his Speed Stat Modifier. 1D10 Result: 1-5 Fail to Dodge 6+ Dodge Succeeds Certain cards can be played to further Modify the Rolls. DISCARD PHASE Max hand size = your Intellect. Discard excess cards ATTACK CARDS Attacks are generally made in your own Action Phase. DEFENSIVE CARDS Many defense cards can be cast at any time to counter a card just played. STUN TABLE 1D10 Result: Notes: 1 Hurt -1 Aim for 1D6 turns 2 Winded 1D6 Hits Damage 3 Dazed Discard Hand 4 Disarmed See Disarmed Rules 5 Confused Cannot attack next turn 6 Limping -1 Speed for 1D6 turns 7 Stupefied Draw no cards next turn 8 Discouraged Save vs Courage or Flee 9 Shaken -1 to all Stats until end of next turn 10 Knocked Out Immobilized for 1D6 Turns DISARMED RULES A Wizard that is disarmed cannot cast spells. Instead he must try to retrieve his lost Wand: 1D10 Result: 1-5 Wand not Retrieved 6+ Wand Retrieved ENCHANTMENTS An Enchantment lasts until it is removed by another spell, or The Wizard who cast the Enchantment is defeated. ITEMS Items can be Single Use or Multiple Use. Each Item is described individually in detail. SUMMONING CREATURES Creatures can make a special attack once on your turn. Each Creature is described individually in detail. Creatures cannot cast spells but are otherwise treated like Wizards. A Creature is a Blocker. Opponents must defeat your Creatures before they can attack you. STARTING CARDS Some Characters have Starting cards in their description. Such a Character may always include those cards in their Starting Hand. CARD LIST NOTATION G = Good V = Evil Ad = Adult St = Student K = Knowledge C = Courage H = Endurance (Hits) S = Spell X = Experience (Draw) I = Intellect (Hand Size) P = Power A = Attack U = Unique (Only one in play at a time) D = Defense NSA = Non-Spell Attack NSD = Non-Spell Defense DR = Dodge Roll SDF = Search Deck for SDCF = Search Discard for APIIYH = And put it in your Hand VSO = vs Spells only E = Enchantment HS = Healing Spell OMD = Opponent must Discard RC = Random Card DTI = Discard Target Item EFASIB1FO = Effort for all Spells increases by 1 for Opponent ROST = Roll on Stun Table FD6T = for 1D6 turns OCA = Opponent cannot Attack NEFST = Negate effects from Stun Table CARD LIST Card Name: Type Requires Effort Effect: Apparate D Ad/K3/P3 3 +5 to DR Wand Jab NSA St/C5 1 1D6 Hits Damage Stunning Spell A K2 1 ROST once Stunner A K2 1 ROST once Ennervate HS - 1 NEFST Restoring Charm HS - 2 SDCF Item APIIYH or NEFST Dodge NSD - - +1 to DR Duck NSD - 1 +2 to DR Hide NSD St 2 +3 to DR Accio S K2 2 SDF Item APIIYH or Steal Item Conjuration S K2 3 SDF or SDCF Item APIIYH Stupefy A K2 1 ROST once Petrificus Totalus AE K3 3 Immobilized for FD6T Body Bind AE K3 3 Immobilized for FD6T Incarcerous AE K3 3 Immobilized for FD6T Magical Ropes AE K5 4 Immobilized for 2D6 Turns Bewitched Sleep AE K5 4 Immobilized for 2D6 Turns Concentration S - - Counts as 2 Cards for Effort Costs Protego D K2 1 +3 to DR VSO Shield Charm D K2 1 +3 to DR VSO Defensive Charm D K3 2 +4 to DR VSO Counter Spell D K2 1 +3 to DR VSO Repelling Charm D K3 2 +3 to DR or OCA you next turn Avada Kedavra A Ad/V/P4/C5 5 Target Killed Killing Curse A Ad/V/P4/C5 5 Target Killed Heroics NS G 1 Reroll Target Dieroll Crucio AE V/P4/C5/K3 4 All Stats –3 FD6T Pain Charm AE V/P4/C5/K3 4 All Stats –3 FD6T Imperious Curse AE Ad/V/P4/C5 5 Control Character Imperio AE Ad/V/P4/C5 5 Control Character Possession AE V/P5/X4 5 Control Character Transmogrifian Torture A V/K4/C5 5 7D6 Hits Damage Invisibility Cloak I - 5 See Item Rules Counter Curse HS K4/P3 3 Negate Enchantment Counter Charm HS K4/P3 3 Negate Enchantment Finite HS K4/P3 3 Negate Enchantment Deletrius HS K4/P3 3 Negate Enchantment Reparo S K2 2 SDCF Item APIIYH Prior Incantato S K3 3 SDCF Spell APIIYH Animate Statue S K6/P4 5 See Summoning Rules Distraction NSD - - OMD 1 RC Reducto A K3 2 ROST twice Diffindo S K3 3 2D6 Hits Damage or DTI Escape NSD - 3 +4 to DR Leg-Locker Curse A K2 2 Speed –2 FD6T Obliviate AE Ad/K4 4 Character’s Memory Lost Memory Charm AE Ad/K4 4 Character’s Memory Lost Conjunctivitis Curse A K3 2 Aim –2 FD6T Summon Fawkes S G 5 See Summoning Rules Summon Fang S G 2 See Summoning Rules Unforgivable Curse S V 1 SDF Evil Spell APIIYH Expelliramus A K2 1 See Disarmed Rules Entrail-Expelling Curse A V/K3/P4 2 4D6 Hits Damage Disarming Charm A K2 1 See Disarmed Rules Disillusionment Charm S K3 2 Speed +1 FD6T Hex-Deflection D C5/P4 3 Reflect Spell back on Caster Crossbow I - 3 See Item Rules Silencio AE - 1 EFASIB1FO Entrancement A K3 3 Opposite Sex OCA you FD6T Evanesco D K3 3 +4 to DR or DTI Vanishing Spell D K3 3 +4 to DR or DTI Colloportus D K2 1 +3 to DR Sorting Hat I G 3 See Item Rules Marauders Map I Stu/G 3 See Item Rules Buckbeak S G/C4 4 See Summoning Rules Episky HS K3 1 Heal 2D6 Hits Damage Legilimens S K3/I7 1 Look at Opponents Hand Alohomora S K2 1 +2 to DR or Negate D Switching Spell S K3 1 Draw 3 cards Impedimenta S K3 2 ROST once or +2 to DR Broom Stick I - 3 See Item Rules Blasting Curse A K3 2 Roll twice on Stun Table Incendio A K2 2 1D6 Hits Damage & OCA next turn Confundus Charm A K3/P3 3 Opponent cannot attack FD6T Delirium AE K4 3 Intellect & Experience –1 FD6T Tarantallegra AE K3 1 Aim & Speed –1 for 1D6 turns Great Stun A P5 3 Roll three times on Stun Table Sword of Gryffindor I G/C6 4 See Item Rules Wingardium Leviosa A K1 1 Steal Item or OMD 1 RC Sectumsepra A K3/P3 1 3D6 Hits Damage Wand Sparks A K1 1 Friendly Wizards may draw 1 card Jinx AE K1 1 Aim or Speed –1 for 1D6 turns Hex AE K2 2 Intellect or Experience –1 FD6T Interrupt Curse NSD St 3 Negate Target Spell Banishing Charm A K3 1 OCA you next turn Felix Felicis I - 3 See Item Rules Bat-Bogey Hex A St/K3/P3 2 OCA next turn & OMD 1 RC Engorgio A St/K3 2 Speed –3 FD6T Summon Dementor S V/K4 3 See Summoning Rules Summon Serpent S V/K2 2 See Summoning Rules Levicorpus A K2 2 Aim & Speed –2 FD6T Summon Basilisk A V/K5 5 See Summoning Rules ITEM RULES A list of Items and their Stats: INVISIBILITY CLOAK Opponent’s are Aim –2 vs this Character. CROSSBOW Discard 2 Cards to attack. Max 1 Attack per turn. If the Attack hits, it does 2D6 Damage. FELIX FELICIS Single use. Remove from game after being used. Character get +1 to all his Dice Rolls. BROOM STICK Speed +2 SWORD OF GRYFFINDOR Unique. Discard 2 Cards to attack. Max 1 Attack per turn. If the Attack hits, it will Kill a Creature. SORTING HAT Unique. While in your possession gain: +1 Experience and Intellect and Courage and Knowledge. MARAUDERS MAP Unique. While in your possession: Aim +1 & Dodge +1 (You always know where your opponents are) CREATURE RULES A list of Creatures and their Stats: DEMENTOR 20 Hits. Kiss of Death Attack does 2D6 damage and target must discard 1 card. Any Spell Attack card with a Knowledge or Power of 3 or greater can be used as a Expecto Patronum Attack Spell. If the Attack Hits, the Dementor is Discarded. FAWKES Unique. 10 Hits. If killed put him back in your hand. Successful Attack blinds Target: Target is Aim –3 Any Healing Spell will restore Sight. Instead of Attacking Fawkes may Heal 1D6 Hits or cure any Poison SERPENT 5 Hits. Attack Poisons Victim: Victim looses 1D6 Hits at the end of each of his turns. Any Healing Spell will neutralize poison. ANIMATED STATUE 25 Hits. Defender: Statue must be attacked before a target of your choice. Attacks by Statue do 1D10 damage. BASILISK Unique. 40 Hits. Gaze Attacks by un-blinded Basilisk cause Petrification (permanent Immobilization) Bite Attacks by a blinded Basilisk cause Poisoning like the Serpent. BUCK BEAK Unique Gryphon. 30 Hits. Ride him and receive Speed +1. Beak attack does 2D6 Hits Damage. FANG Unique Giant Mastiff. 25 Hits. Bite attack does 2D6 Hits Damage. CHARACTER LIST A list of Wizards and their Stats: HARRY POTTER Stat: Level/Notes: Alignment Good House Gryffindor Age Student Race Human Knowledge 3 Courage 6 Endurance (Hits) 15 Speed (To Dodge) +1 Aim (To Hit) +2 (Seeker) Experience (Draw) 5 Intellect (Hand Size) 6 Power 5 Starting Cards: Invisibility Cloak, Marauders Map Due to a Blood Binding Enchantment, Harry automatically deflects back on the Caster any spell that would Kill him. DRACO MALFOY Stat: Level/Notes: Alignment Evil House Slytherin Age Student Race Human Knowledge 3 Courage 3 Endurance (Hits) 15 Speed (To Dodge) +1 Aim (To Hit) +1 Experience (Draw) 3 Intellect (Hand Size) 5 Power 3 ALBUS DUMBLEDORE Stat: Level/Notes: Alignment Good House Gryffindor Age Adult Race Human Knowledge 6 Courage 6 Endurance (Hits) 15 Speed (To Dodge) - Aim (To Hit) - Experience (Draw) 7 Intellect (Hand Size) 8 Power 5 LORD VOLDEMORT Stat: Level/Notes: Alignment Evil House Slytherin Age Adult Race Inhuman Knowledge 5 Courage 6 Endurance (Hits) 25 Speed (To Dodge) - Aim (To Hit) - Experience (Draw) 7 Intellect (Hand Size) 7 Power 5 SEVERUS SNAPE Stat: Level/Notes: Alignment Evil House Slytherin Age Adult Race Human Knowledge 5 Courage 5 Endurance (Hits) 20 Speed (To Dodge) - Aim (To Hit) - Experience (Draw) 6 Intellect (Hand Size) 7 Power 4 Notes: Master of Legillamacy: Snape can at any time (Effort cost = 1) look at the Hand of another player. RUBEUS HAGRID Stat: Level/Notes: Alignment Good House Gryffindor Age Adult Race Half-Giant Knowledge 2 Courage 6 Endurance (Hits) 50 Speed (To Dodge) -1 Aim (To Hit) - Experience (Draw) 4 Intellect (Hand Size) 5 Power 2 Notes: Giant Resistance: If hit by a Spell roll 1D10: On a Roll of 6+ the Spell bounces off Harmlessly. Hagrid can (Effort Cost = 4) on a Roll of 6+ on 1D10 take control of a target Creature (not including: Dementors, Basilisks or Serpents) Starting Cards: Fang, Crossbow, Buck Beak HERMONIE GRANGER Stat: Level/Notes: Alignment Good House Gryffindor Age Student Race Human Knowledge 4 Courage 5 Endurance (Hits) 10 Speed (To Dodge) +1 Aim (To Hit) - Experience (Draw) 5 Intellect (Hand Size) 7 Power 3 Notes: The Cleverest Witch her age: Once on her turn Heromonie can discard 2 cards to search her deck for any 1 card and put it in her hand. RON WEASLEY Stat: Level/Notes: Alignment Good House Gryffindor Age Student Race Human Knowledge 2 Courage 5 Endurance (Hits) 15 Speed (To Dodge) +1 Aim (To Hit) +1 Experience (Draw) 2 Intellect (Hand Size) 5 Power 3 NOTES More Characters coming soon. LINKS Lexicon Excellent Reference Site. HP Gaming Yahoo Group

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