Card & Dice Game for 2-5 players.
Theme: War & Politics in 10th -11th Century Ireland.
The player with the most Gold at the end of the Game Wins.
The Game ends after each player has had 13 Turns.
Use Coins to represent Gold.
Players share a common deck.
There are 4 Card Types:
Faction Cards
King Cards
Event Cards
Battle Cards
Factions & Kings are collectively referred to as Unit cards.
Six Sided Dice are needed.
Ireland at this time is divided up into many small Kingdoms & sub-Kingdoms.
These are represented by Faction Cards.
At Setup each player must pick their Identity from one of 5 Main Clans:
1. Ulster
2. Connacht
3. Meath
4. Leister
5. Munster
Each player starts with 5 Gold.
Each player is dealt a Hand of 5 Cards.
The most Irish player goes first.
Players may not conduct Raids or Sieges on their first turn.
Players take turns.
Each turn has 8 Phases.
1. Tribute Phase
2. Fate Phase
3. Recruit Phase
4. Declaration Phase
5. Raid Phase
6. Battle Phase
7. Siege Phase
8. Destiny Phase
Gain 1 Gold for each Faction you control.
If you are the High King, each other player must
Give you 1Gold in Tribute.
Draw 4 cards from the deck.
Draw 1 less card if you have no Kings in play.
If the Deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it.
You may put Faction & King cards from your hand into play.
They are placed face up in front of you, and
Remain in play until removed by battle or some card action.
You are considered to be in control of these Factions.
Note: Other players may play Faction cards of the Clan you belong to.
This indicates they have allied with some group within your
Clan that is hostile to you.
Note: If you control a Faction card of your own Clan, it gets Force +1.
The Player with the Most Factions is the “High King”
You may declare that you are going to Raid or Siege an opposing player.
That player may immediately draw 1 card from the deck.
You may raid the Lands of one opposing player.
Declare which of your Units you are looting with.
The Units that did not go are called your Reserve.
Loot (Take) 1D6+X Gold from that player. (X = Number of Units you sent)
This is the Raid Roll.
That player may attempt to block you by declaring that he is seeking Battle.
If you refuse battle, you do not get the Loot.
If you agree to battle, go to Battle Phase.
Skip this phase unless sent here by Raid or Siege Phase.
The current player is the Attacker. His target opponent is the Defender.
Other players are called Neutrals.
You and your opponent may invite other players to Ally with you.
These Invitations may include gifts of Gold or Cards, and Promises of Peace or Aid.
An ally player may choose to send some or all of his Factions & Kings to the Battle.
Each Faction and King card has a Force Value.
The side with the highest Force gains the Strength Advantage (SA).
If a side has the higher total force by a Factor of 2 it gains the Might Advantage (MA).
Players may play Battle (Not Siege or Fortification) cards to increase their Total Force.
Players may play Event cards to steal or discard enemy Factions & Kings.
Each Player makes a Battle Roll: Roll 2D6
Roll 3D6 if you have the Strength Advantage.
Roll 4D6 if you have the Might Advantage.
The Higher Total Wins the Battle.
Each player makes a Survival Roll for each of his Factions & Kings (Units).
The Winner must roll a 3 or better for each of his Units to Survive.
The Loser must roll a 5 or better for each of his Units to Survive.
If the Winner has no surviving Units, the loser becomes the winner if
He has at least 1 Unit left.
If the Attacker wins, has Units left, and all of his Opponents Units are
destroyed, he may take all of his opponent’s Gold. (Otherwise, he gets nothing)
If you decided to Lay Siege to an opposing player, he may decide to
Meet you on the field of Battle instead. In that case, go to Battle
Phase. If not, proceed with the Siege...
Declare which of your Units you are conducting the Siege with.
The Units that did not go are called your Reserve.
The Siege is handled exactly like Battle Phase except:
Maneuver & Terrain (Battle) Cards are not used.
The Attacker may use Siege (Battle) cards.
The Defender may use Fortification (Battle) Cards.
The Defender gets to add extra 1 Die to his Battle Roll.
If the Defender Loses he must roll a 6 or better for each of his Units to Survive.
If the Defender Wins he must roll a 2 or better for each of his Units to Survive.
The Attacker must roll a 2 or better for each of his Units to Survive.
If the Attacker wins, has Units left, and all of his Opponents Units are
destroyed, he may take all of his opponent’s Gold. (Otherwise, he gets nothing)
Your Max hand size is 5 + the number of King Cards you Control
Discard down to Max hand size.
F = Faction card
K = King card
V = Event card
B = Battle card
Card Name: Type Force Notes:
Ulster F 3 Muirtheimhne
Ulster F 4 Dal Riada
Ulster F 5 Dal Fiatach
Ulster F 6 Eathach
Ulster F 7 Leth Cathail
Ulster F 8 Cruithne
Ulster F 9 Ulaid
Munster F 3 Gabhran
Munster F 4 Limerick
Munster F 5 Corca
Munster F 6 Dalcassians
Munster F 7 Dal Cais
Munster F 8 Desmond
Munster F 9 Eoganacht
Connacht F 3 Fiachrach
Connacht F 4 Airrtir
Connacht F 5 Tuaiscirt
Connacht F 6 Teora
Connacht F 7 Irthair
Connacht F 8 Firbolg
Connacht F 9 Cruachan
Meath F 3 Delbna
Meath F 4 Cetach
Meath F 5 Brega
Meath F 6 Tulach
Meath F 7 Slaine
Meath F 8 Cholmain
Meath F 9 Ui Neill
Leister F 3 Fáeláin
Leister F 4 Muiredaig
Leister F 5 Dúnchada
Leister F 6 Cheinnselaig
Leister F 7 Ui Drona
Leister F 8 Ui Dega
Leister F 9 Domnann
Vikings F 3 Danes
Vikings F 4 Norwegians
Vikings F 5 Norse Raiders
Vikings F 6 Scandinavian Pagans
Vikings F 7 Dragon Ships
Vikings F 8 Heathen Ostmen
Vikings F 9 Foreign Occupiers
Petty King K 1 Steward
Petty King K 2 Warlord
Petty King K 3 Sub-King
Petty King K 4 Lesser King
Petty King K 5 Chieftain
Petty King K 6 Provincial King
Minor Clan F 1 Families
Minor Clan F 2 Loyal Warriors
Minor Clan F 3 Irish
Minor Clan F 4 Celtic Tribes
Minor Clan F 5 Kinsmen
Minor Clan F 6 Septs
Minor Clan F 7 Tuatha
Great Steward K 5 -
Great Lord K 6 -
Crown Prince K 7 -
Warrior King K 8 -
Mighty King K 8 -
Over King K 9 -
Political Cauldron V - Draw 3 cards; Other players draw 1 card
Infighting V - Discard target Faction
Dynasty V - Search Deck for a King card & Keep it
Weak Successor V - Opponent must discard 2 cards from hand
Truce V - Opponent cannot attack you this turn
Peace Treaty V - Opponent cannot attack you this turn
Coalition V - Steal all cards from 1 Faction from Neutral
Rebellion V - Discard all Cards in play of 1 Faction
Alliance V - Steal all Factions from 1 Clan from Opponent
Establish Ties V - Steal all Factions from 1 Clan from any Player
Treachery V - Steal 1 Faction card from Opponent
Marriage Bond V - Steal 1 Faction card from any Player
Negotiate V - Neutral cannot ally this turn
Common Enemy V - Force target Neutrals Unit to Ally
No Friends V - Opponent cannot Ally with any Neutrals
Intrigue V - Steal random Card from opponents hand
Turn on Friends V - Steal target Unit
Promises V - Draw 2 Cards
Troubled Times V - Draw 3 cards; Other players draw 1 card
Unwavering Loyalty V - Negate card that Steals a Faction
Vassal Kingdoms V - Steal all cards from 1 Clan from Neutral
Hostages V - Steal 1 Faction card from any Player
Mutiny V - Discard Target Faction
Diplomacy V - Neutral cannot ally with opponent this turn
Oath of Obedience V - Negate card that Discards a Faction
Betrayal V - Steal 1 King card from Opponent
Punitive Raid V - Get +1D6 to Raid Roll
Intimidation V - Neutral cannot ally with opponent this turn
Kinsmen V - Steal Faction card that is same as your Clan
Hunted Down V - Losing King gets -2 to Survival Roll
Hiding V - Kill Target King
Submission V - Steal losing Faction after battle
Fortress B 6 Fortification
Easily Defended B 7 Fortification
Formidable Walls B 8 Fortification
Intercept B 5 Maneuver
High Ground B 7 Terrain
Battle Honors V - If you won Battle draw 3 Cards
Forced March B 3 Maneuver: Reserve Unit may join Battle
Reinforcements B 3 Maneuver: Reserve Unit may join Battle
Superior Cavalry B 6 Maneuver
Gold & Silver V - If you won Battle Gain 1D6 Gold
Cattle Tribute V - Gain 1D6 Gold in Tribute Phase
Iron & Brass V - Gain 1D6 Gold in Tribute Phase
Omen V - Look at next 7 cards in deck
Assassination V - Kill Target King
Crippling Defeat V - Losing Side Survival Rolls at -1
Valor B - Target King gets +5 Force
Silk & Spices V - Trade: You & 1 other Player Gain 1D6 Gold
Slaves & Concubines V - Trade: You & 1 other Player Gain 1D6 Gold
Murder of Kings V - Kill Target King
Viking Merchants V - Discard 2 Cards: Gain 2D6 Gold
Severe Raids V - Get +1D6 to Raid Roll
Plunder Lands V - Get +1D6 to Raid Roll
Butcher & Burn B 7 Siege
Slaughter B 6 Battle
Assault B 5 Siege
Starve them Out B 6 Siege
Rally to Banner B 4 Battle: Side with fewer Factions
Sack City V - Gain extra 1D6 Gold from Successful Siege
Sanctuary V - Unit gets +3 to Survival Roll
Pillage V - Gain extra 1D6 Gold from Raid or Siege
Ambush B 7 Maneuver: Defender
Hatred B 6 Battle
Rumors V - Look at Opponents Hand
Guerilla Warfare V - Discard Target Unit in Raid Phase
Forest B 4 Terrain
The Vikings may be used as a Major Clan.
History in Maps
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