Scenario for WarpQuest: WWII. 
Click here for the WarpQuest Core Rules.
Each player controls a Flight of 300 British (Halifax, Wellington, Mosquito, and 
Lancaster) Bombers on a Night Raid to bomb targets in Nazi Germany.

Module 1 represents the flight to the Target Zone.
Module 2 represents the combat over the Target Zone.
The ‘Artifact’ is the halfway point of the Mission when the Bombers must turn back.

A Bomber Flight (Group) has 300 Bombers and 6 Stats.
The Flight also has a Fuel Surplus = 6
Roll on the Stat List Table to see what stats you get:

1D6	Stat:					Notes:
1	Bombers +50				Base = 300
2	Electronic Warfare +2			Radar, Radio, Countermeasures
3	Navigation Intelligence +2		Electronics, Planning, Experience
4	Fighter Defense +2			Fighter Escort, Bomber MGs, Tactics
5	Bombing +2				Accuracy & Tonnage
6	Fuel Surplus +1				Base = 6

Every time you fail a Navigation test reduce your Fuel Surplus by one point.
You may voluntarily use up a Fuel Surplus point to ‘Search for Targets’: Instead of 
Moving forwards in Movement Phase, move your pawn (Bomber Group) backwards. 
If your Fuel Surplus = 0 you must immediately turn back and head for home.
If your Fuel = 0 and you fail a Navigation test you lose 1D6 Bombers. 
(They run out of fuel)

There are three Altitudes: Low, Medium, and High.
Start the game at Medium altitude.
Instead of moving forward during Movement phase, use up a Fuel Surplus point and 
change your Altitude to any other height. 
If you are at low altitude Navigation and Bombing tests are DM –1. 
If you are at low altitude Flak and EW tests are DM +1. 
If you are at high altitude Navigation and Bombing tests are DM +1. 
If you are at high altitude Flak and EW tests are DM -1. 

If you fail a Flak or Fighter test lose 1D10 Bombers. 
If you pass a Flak or Fighter test you lose no Bombers.
If you pass a fighter test you shoot down 1D6 enemy Fighters.
Add your Fighter Defense Stat to ‘Fighter test’ Skill rolls.

When you bomb a target, 50 of your bombers will drop their bombs. 
Add your Bombing Stat to ‘Bombing test’ Skill rolls.
If you pass the test, the target is destroyed: keep the target card in your possession.
If you fail the test, the target card remains in play in that space. 
The next Bomber group to land on the space may try to bomb the target. 
A Bomber drops all of its bombs at once. Those bombers cannot attack again. 

Add your Electronic Warfare Stat to ‘EW test’ Skill rolls.
If you pass an EW test nothing happens.
If you fail an EW test, draw another card. 
If it is a Flak or Fighter card, the card attacks with a DM +1.
If the drawn card is not a Flak or Fighter, discard it: nothing happens. 

If you pass an Visual Sighting test nothing happens.
If you fail a VS test, draw another card. 
If it is a Flak or Fighter card, the card attacks with a DM +1.
If the drawn card is not a Flak or Fighter, discard it: nothing happens. 

Get 10 Victory Points (VP) for every target you ‘destroy’. 
(The Decoy Target earns no VP, but you must bomb it.)
Get 1 VP for every enemy fighter you destroy.
Lose 1 VP for every bomber you lost.
Lose 5 VP if you run out of Surplus Fuel. 

When you go to make a Bombing test roll you may decide to attack with more than 
50 Bombers. You may choose 100, 150, or any multiple of 50. 
All Bombers you declare to attack must attack.
If the first 50 fail their attack, roll again for the next 50, and so on. 

If your pawn lands on an opponents pawn, nothing happens, there is no 
conflict, and do not draw a card.

T = Target 
N = Navigation
F = Flak 
I = Fighter 
E = Electronic Warfare
V = Visual Sighting
A = Aid
# = Number of that card in the Deck.

Card Name:			#	Type	Test Modifiers:
Darkness       			3	N	Navigation DM+1
Cloud Cover			3	N	Navigation DM+2
Storm				3	N	Navigation x2
Headwind       			3	N	Navigation
8.8cm Flak 18			4	F	Altitude
10.5cm Flak 39			3	F	Altitude DM+1
12.8cm Flak 40			2	F	Altitude DM+2
Flak Battery			2	F	Altitude x2
Radar Station			1	E	Electronic Warfare
Radar Fence			1	E	Electronic Warfare
Radar Operator			1	E	Electronic Warfare
Freya Radar Tower		1	E	Electronic Warfare DM+2
Wurzburg Radar Dishes		1	E	Electronic Warfare DM+2
Kammhuber Line			1	E	Electronic Warfare DM+1
Radar Set			1	E	Electronic Warfare DM+1
Long Range Radar		1	E	Electronic Warfare
Radar Beacon			1	E	Electronic Warfare
Himmelbett Box			1	E	Electronic Warfare x2
Lichtenstein SN-2 Radar		1	E	Electronic Warfare x2
Flensburg Homing Device		1	E	Electronic Warfare x2 DM+1
Naxos-Z Homing Device		1	E	Electronic Warfare x2 DM+2
Visual Contact			1	V	Visual Sighting DM+2
Ground Observers       		1	V	Visual Sighting x2
Me 109 Squad			1	I	Fighter Defense DM+1
Me 110 Squad			1	I	Fighter Defense
Messerschmitt Fighters		1	I	Fighter Defense x2
Foke-Wulf 190 Squad		1	I	Fighter Defense DM+2
Night Defense Fighters		1	I	Fighter Defense 
Luftwaffe			1	I	Fighter Defense x2
JU 88 Night Fighters		1	I	Fighter Defense 
Heinkel He 219s			1	I	Fighter Defense 
Wild Boar Squad			1	I	Fighter Defense DM +1
Tame Boar Squad			1	I	Fighter Defense 
Schrage Musik			1	I	Fighter Defense DM +1
German Fighter Ace		1	I	Fighter Defense DM +2
Drop Tanks			1	A	Fuel Surplus +2
Efficient Fuel Management	1	A	Fuel Surplus +1
Window Countermeasure		1	A	Electronic Warfare +1
Aluminum Foil Strips		1	A	Electronic Warfare +1
Operation Corona       		1	A	Electronic Warfare +2
Perfectos Device       		1	A	Electronic Warfare +3
Serrate Tracking Unit		1	A	Electronic Warfare +2
Jam Radio Traffic		1	A	Electronic Warfare +3
Airborne Cigar			1	A	Electronic Warfare +2
Noise Transmitters		1	A	Electronic Warfare +2
GEE Relay Stations		1	A	Navigation +2
OBOE Electronic Guidance       	1	A	Navigation +2 or Bombing +2
Airborne Radar			1	A	Navigation +3
Mission Briefing       		1	A	Navigation +2
Landmarks			1	A	Navigation +1
Firestorm			1	A	Bombing +3
Target on Fire			1	A	Bombing +3
Blockbuster Bombs		1	A	Bombing +2
Pathfinder Force       		1	A	Bombing +2
Red Spot Flares			1	A	Bombing +2
Master Bomber			1	A	Bombing +1
Blind-Bombing Radar		1	A	Bombing +1

Card Name:			#	Type	Test Modifiers:
Ball Bearing Factory		1	T	Bombing x2 DM+1
Airplane Factory       		1	T	Bombing x2
Rail yard			1	T	Bombing
V2 Launch Site			1	T	Bombing DM+2
Air Field			1	T	Bombing 
Synthetic Petroleum Plant	1	T	Bombing x2
Refinery       			1	T	Bombing x2
City				1	T	Bombing
Shipyard       			1	T	Bombing
Industrial Complex		1	T	Bombing
Decoy Target			1	T	Bombing 
Hydro-Electric Dam		1	T	Bombing DM+1
Darkness       			3	N	Navigation DM+1
Cloud Cover			3	N	Navigation DM+2	
Storm				3	N	Navigation x2
Headwind       			3	N	Navigation
8.8cm Flak 18			4	F	Altitude
10.5cm Flak 39			3	F	Altitude DM +1
12.8cm Flak 40			2	F	Altitude DM +2
Flak Battery			2	F	Altitude x2
Radar Station			1	E	Electronic Warfare
Radar Fence			1	E	Electronic Warfare
Radar Operator			1	E	Electronic Warfare
Freya Radar Tower		1	E	Electronic Warfare DM+2
Wurzburg Radar Dishes		1	E	Electronic Warfare DM+2
Radar Set			1	E	Electronic Warfare DM+1
Long Range Radar		1	E	Electronic Warfare DM+1
Radar Beacon			1	E	Electronic Warfare 
Himmelbett Box			1	E	Electronic Warfare x2
Lichtenstein SN-2 Radar		1	E	Electronic Warfare x2
Flensburg Homing Device		1	E	Electronic Warfare x2 DM+1
Naxos-Z Homing Device		1	E	Electronic Warfare x2 DM+2
Visual Contact			1	V	Visual Sighting DM+2
Shilouette			1	V	Visual Sighting DM+1
Ground Observers       		1	V	Visual Sighting x2
Search Lights			1	V	Visual Sighting 
Me 109 Squad			1	I	Fighter Defense DM+1
Me 110 Squad			1	I	Fighter Defense 
Messerschmitt Fighters		1	I	Fighter Defense x2
Foke-Wulf 190 Squad		1	I	Fighter Defense DM+2
Night Defense Fighters		1	I	Fighter Defense 
Luftwaffe			1	I	Fighter Defense x2
JU 88 Night Fighters		1	I	Fighter Defense 
Heinkel He 219s			1	I	Fighter Defense 
Wild Boar Squad			1	I	Fighter Defense DM +1
Tame Boar Squad			1	I	Fighter Defense 
Schrage Musik			1	I	Fighter Defense DM +1
German Fighter Ace		1	I	Fighter Defense DM +2
Drop Tanks			1	A	Fuel Surplus +2
Efficient Fuel Management	1	A	Fuel Surplus +1
Window Countermeasure		1	A	Electronic Warfare +1
Aluminum Foil Strips		1	A	Electronic Warfare +1
Operation Corona       		1	A	Electronic Warfare +2
Perfectos Device       		1	A	Electronic Warfare +3
Serrate Tracking Unit		1	A	Electronic Warfare +2
Jam Radio Traffic		1	A	Electronic Warfare +3
Airborne Cigar			1	A	Electronic Warfare +2
Noise Transmitters		1	A	Electronic Warfare +2
GEE Relay Stations		1	A	Navigation +2
OBOE Electronic Guidance	1	A	Navigation +2 or Bombing +2
Airborne Radar			1	A	Navigation +3
Mission Briefing       		1	A	Navigation +2
Landmarks			1	A	Navigation +1
Firestorm			1	A	Bombing +3
Target on Fire			1	A	Bombing +3
Blockbuster Bombs		1	A	Bombing +2
Pathfinder Force       		1	A	Bombing +2
Red Spot Flares			1	A	Bombing +2
Master Bomber			1	A	Bombing +1
Blind-Bombing Radar		1	A	Bombing +1

This is a variant of the above Card lists.
The Americans preferred to use their B-17 Flying Fortresses & B24 Liberators in 
daylight raids with Fighter Escorts.
Add the Following cards to Modules 1 & 2 

Card Name:			#	Type	Test Modifiers:
P-38F Lightnings       		1	A	Fighter Defense +2
P-47C Thunderbolts		1	A	Fighter Defense +3
P-51B Mustangs			1	A	Fighter Defense +3
Fighter Escort			2	A	Fighter Defense +2
Bomber Boxes			1	A	Fighter Defense +1
MG Crossfire			1	A	Fighter Defense +1
Norden Bombsight       		1	A	Bombing +2
Me 262 Jet Fighters		1	I	Fighter Defense, DM +2
Combat Fighters			1	I	Fighter Defense 
WDr-21 Rockets			1	I	Fighter Escort
Pulk-Zerstorer Bombs 		1	I	Fighter Defense 
Head on Pass Tactics		1	I	Fighter Defense 
Jagdgruppen 			1	I	Fighter Defense 
Smokescreens			1	N	Navigation

Notes: Remove all Night cards.
Remove all Electronic Warfare cards.
Navigation and Bombing tests are DM -1. 
Flak tests are DM +1. 


Warp Quest is an abstract game system that depicts goal driven 

Each player controls a collection of Units who are attempting to 
be the first to reach an objective and bring it back to the start. 

The units could be a party of adventuring archeologists hoping 
to recover a lost artifact, a squadron of bombers attempting to 
hit a military target and return home, a band of samurai seeking 
to vanquish marauding bandits or a company of mixed creatures 
seeking to destroy a piece of evil ornamental jewelry that has 
the nasty habit of trying to control the minds of all free creatures.

The scenarios that use the Warp Quest engine will hold the details.

· Six and ten sided dice are needed.
· Each player has a pawn to represent his or her group of Units
(adventuring party, fleet, etc.) on the board. 
· Use a small trinket to represent the Objective. 
· There is only one Objective.

· The board is a single winding path of connected spaces 
with a Start Space and an End Space. The path should be 30 Spaces long.
· The First Space represents the start.
· Spaces 2-15 represents travel through the first scenario module.
· Spaces 16-29 represents travel through the second scenario module.
· The End Space is the final destination where the Objective is found.

· There are 2 decks for each scenario:
· The Module 1 Deck and the Module 2 Deck.
· Each deck has one of each card in its card list.
· There may also be an Aid deck.

· Each player controls a group of units called a Party. 
The scenarios will detail the make up of the units in the party, 
their attributes (Skills, Traits) and starting dispositions.

· Players take turns.
· Each turn consists of 3 phases:
1. Move Phase
2. Draw Phase
3. Challenge Phase

· Roll 1D6. Move your pawn that number of spaces towards the end space.
· You automatically stop when you enter the end space.
· If you are the first to land on the end space your party acquires the Objective.
· Once a party has acquired the Objective then all other 
players may move their parties in either direction on the path. 
· The party with the Objective must move towards the start space. 
· The first pawn with the Objective to reach the start space wins the game.

· If you land on an empty space in spaces 2-15 draw a card from the Module 1 deck.
· If you land on an empty space in spaces 16-29 draw a card from the Module 2 deck.
· If you land on an opponent’s party do not draw a card.
· If a deck ever runs out, shuffle its discard and draw from it.
· Cards are of 2 types: Challenge cards & Aid cards.
· Place Aid cards in your hand.
· Challenge cards are encounters your party faces immediately in Challenge Phase.

Each challenge card lists one or more skills.
Your party will have to make a skill check vs each skill listed.  
(The same skill may be listed twice or more, requiring that many skill checks)
A Skill check consists of a Skill roll and Challenge Roll:
Roll 1D10. This is the Skill roll.
Add the skill bonuses of your party members to the roll. 
You may discard Aid cards for further bonuses to the skill roll. 
Next roll 1D10. This is the Challenge roll. 
Some Challenges have a DM (Difficulty Modifier). Add the DM to the Challenge Roll. 
If the challenge roll is less than or equal to the skill roll you win the Skill check.
If the challenge roll is greater than the skill roll you fail the Challenge.
If you win all the Skill Checks, you win the Challenge. 
The adventure card may say what happens if you win or lose the Challenge. 
If the card does not give directions, then roll on the following table:
If you lose the challenge: Roll 1D6: (Challenge Loss Table)
1-4	Go back 1D6 spaces
5-6	Lose 1 Unit (Man, Ship, Hit Point, etc., depending on the Scenario)
If you Win the challenge gain 1 Experience Token. 
You may spend an Experience Token to let you reroll a Move Roll or a Skill Roll.

· If you land on an opponent’s pawn there will be a fight.
· The current player rolls on the Skill List Table to determine 
which skill will decide the confrontation. 
· Both players make Skill Rolls. In case of a tie nothing happens.
· The loser rolls on the Challenge Loss Table.
· The winner takes the Artifact from the loser if the loser was 
in possession of the Artifact.

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