Card game for 2-4 players. 
SF Theme. Based on the 1996 PC game.  

War Wind is a licensed, copyrighted property. 
This is merely a fan site. 

Eliminate opposing players by doing 20 or more damage to 
Their Settlements. 

Each player has a unique Settlement Card. 
Each player has a unique Clan Deck. 
Players also share a common World Deck. 

There are 4 Clans: 
1. Tha’Roon
2. Obblinox
3. Eaggra
4. Shama’Li

Imperialistic, Cruel, Serpentine, Psychic Overlords.

Warlike, Brutish, Elephantine Behemoths. 

Nature-Loving, Tough, Numerous, Plant-like Rebels.

Wise, Ancient, Mystical, Martial-Artist Monks. 

Players keep both Clan cards and World cards together in their hand.
Clan Decks and the World deck each keep their own discard pile.  
Basic Hand size is 6 cards. 

Units, Structures, Resources, and Settlements are represented by cards. 
Units, Structures, Resources, and Settlements are collectively referred to as Permanents. 
Units are living creatures that can attack and defend. 
When put into play,  permanents are kept face up in front of you. 
Structures include Buildings, Roads, Walls, Vehicles, and Robots. 
Resources and Buildings do not have Hits and cannot attack or be attacked. 
Walls have Hits and may Block, but they cannot attack. 
Walls, Vehicles, and Robots are treated like Units in Attack Phase. 

Use tokens to represent Resource Points (RP). 
These are used to buy units and structures. 
Resource points are saved from turn to turn. 

Use counters to keep track of Damage Points (DP)
Damage counters are placed on Units, Structures and Settlement cards. 
Each Permanent has a number of Hits. 
If a Permanent has equal or more DP than it has hits, it is destroyed. 

A card is turned sideways to show it is exhausted. 
A card is turned right side up to show it is ready. 
Exhausted Permanents cannot take actions until they are made ready. 

Each player starts with its Settlement card in play. 
Each player draws 4 World cards and 3 Clan cards. 
Each player starts with 20 Settlement Points. 
Each player starts with 5 Resource Points. 

Players take turns. 
Each turn has 8 Phases: 
1. Ready Phase
2. Fate Phase
3. Production Phase
4. Recruit Phase
5. Event Phase
6. Attack Phase
7. Heal Phase
8. End Phase

Make all of your exhausted cards ready. 

Draw 1 card from the World Deck and 1 card from your Clan Deck. 
If a deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it. 

Gain 1 Resource Point (RP)
Each Resource card and Worker card you exhaust gains you 1 extra RP. 
Play (discard) Bioslag cards for 3 RP. 

Most permanents have a cost in RP to play. 
You may put permanents into play by paying their cost. 
You may put 1 Resource card into play.

Many Spell and Stealth cards are played in this phase. 

You may attack with some, none, or all of your units in Attack phase. 
The defending player may choose some of his units to Block. 
Attacking exhausts a Unit. 
Each Blocker can block only one attacker. 
Multiple Blockers can block the same attacker (attacker assigns damage).  
Units do Damage to each other equal to their attack scores. 
If an attacker is not blocked, he does his damage to the defenders Settlement. 
Units with excessive DP (greater/= to their hits) are discarded at the end of this phase. 
Unblocked Workers do +3 Damage to Settlements. 

Each living unit heals 1 Hit, that is, removes 1 Damage Point. 
A permanent with the Healing Ability may remove 1 DP from any target living unit. 
Repairs: You may remove 1 DP from a structure or settlement by paying 2 RP. 

Discard to maximum hand size (Base Max = 7). 

If you ever have 20 or more DP on your settlement, you may 
discard 1 permanent you control to remove 1 DP from your settlement. 
You may keep doing this until you run out of Permanents. 

These cards are attached to a target unit and remain until the Unit is destroyed. 

Some units have spell casting ability. 
You can only play a Spell card if you have one of these units in play. 

Some units have stealth ability. 
You can only play a Stealth card if you have one of these units in play. 

A Unit with First Strike inflicts its Damage before a unit it is blocking or is blocked by. 

A defense bonus negates the first X Damage done to a unit during the turn. 

These are Units only found in the World deck. 
They are example of wildlife on the world of Yavaun. 
They must attack if possible, and they cannot Block. 

U = Unit
E = Event
R = Resource
RP = Resource Point
M = Modifier
SX = Settlement
SB = Structure Building
SU = Structure Unit (Vehicles, Robots, Walls)
B = Beast
ES = Event requiring a Unit with Stealth ability
X = Exhaust to get the following effect
D = Discard to get the following effect
FED = From either deck (World or Clan)
GTU = Give target Unit
Shoot = Exhaust unit to do X damage to target unit or Settlement
Deathmark = When attacking the UWS targets a Unit instead of the Settlement  
DB = Defense Bonus
Discover = Draw 2 cards and discard 2 cards FED
SC = Spell Caster
S = Spell
A = Attack Rating (Damage unit inflicts)
H = Hits (Damage unit can sustain)
UWS = Unit with Stealth
Leader = All units of that clan get A+1 and DB +1
LAOH = Look at Opponents hand
Control = Take control of target unit until the end of the turn. 
Search Deck = Search either deck for a target card and put it in your hand. 
APIIP = And Put it in Play
# = copies of card in deck

Name:			#	Type	Cost 	Notes:
Crystals       		12	R	-	X = gain 1 RP; D = gain 1 RP
Forest			12	R	-	X = gain 1 RP; D = draw 1 card FED
Bioslag			6	E	-	Discard in production Phase for  3 RP
Solid Wall		2	SU	2	A = 0; H = 10
Offensive Wall		2	SU	3	A = 2; H = 8
Mine Field		2	SU	2	A = 9; H = 1; Treat as Wall
Transport		2	SU	2	A = 0; H = 3; X = GTU First Strike
Cruiser			2	SU	7	A = 6; H = 8
Scout Drone		2	SU	2	A = 0; H = 2; X = LAOH
Attack Drone		2	SU	2	A = 3; A = 3; First Strike
Research       		2	E	2	Search Deck
Dirge Vermin		1	B	-	A = 1; H = 1
Snipethorn		1	B	-	A = 2; H = 2
Ionic Brakus		1	B	-	A = 3; H = 1
Bonca			1	B	-	A = 2; H = 4
Assassination		1	ES	-	UWS gets A+2 and Deathmark
Sabotage       		1	ES	-	Destroy target Structure
Hidden			1	ES	-	Negate attack vs. UWS
Masked			1	ES	-	UWS gets A+2 and DB +2
Invisible		1	ES	-	UWS cannot be blocked
Disguise       		1	ES	-	Negate target card played by opponent
Steal			1	ES	-	Steal 3 RP from opponent
Ambush			1	ES	-	Defending UWS gets A+3
Spy			1	ES	-	LOAH & discard target card
Sniper			1	ES	-	Shoot = 4

Name:			#	Type	Cost 	A	H	Notes:
Settlement		1	SX	-	-	20	Start game with +10 RP
Minister       		1	U	4	2	4	Leader; SC; Stealth
Servant			3	U	1	1	1	Worker
Architect		1	U	2	1	2	Structures cost 1 less	
Manor			1	SB	5	-	-	X = Heal x2
Laboratory		1	SB	5	-	-	X = Discover
Academy        		1	SB	5	-	-	X = Gain 2 RP
Grande Parlour		1	SB	5	-	-	X = Draw 1 card FED
Citadel			1	SB	5	-	-	Defending Units DB+2
University		1	SB	5	-	-	Hand Size +2
Rover			2	U	2	2	1	First Strike
Executioner		2	U	3	3	2	
Destroyer		2	U	5	5	4	
Rogue			2	U	4	3	3	Stealth; Shoot = 1
Assassin       		2	U	5	5	3	Stealth; Deathmark
Psychic			2	U	2	2	1	SC
Psionic			2	U	4	4	4	SC
Jump Troop		1	U	6	6	6	Stealth; First Strike
Mesh-Exo-Skel		1	M	1	+2	-	
Cloaking Skin		1	M	1	-	-	DB+1; Stealth
Infra-Visor		1	M	1	+1	-	Deathmark
Reactionary Muscles	1	M	1	+1	-	First Strike
Vitua-Ventrical		1	M	1	-	-	DB+2
Clairvoyance		1	S	-	-	-	LAOH then Discover
Fear			1	S	-	-	-	Target cannot Attack or Block
Mind Blast		1	S	-	-	-	Kill Target Unit
Mind Shield		1	S	-	-	-	Target Unit gets DB+6
Command Voice		1	S	-	-	-	Control

Name:			#	Type	Cost 	A	H	Notes:
Settlement		1	SX	-	-	20	X = Draw 1 Card
Prime Maker		1	U	4	2	4	X = Gain 2 RP
Scrub			3	U	1	1	1	Worker
Artisan			1	U	2	1	2	Structures cost 1 less	
Greenhouse		1	SB	5	-	-	X = Heal x2
Plant			1	SB	5	-	-	X = Discover
Plantation		1	SB	5	-	-	X = Gain 2 RP
Watering Hole		1	SB	5	-	-	X = Draw 1 card FED
Garrison       		1	SB	5	-	-	Defending Units A+1
Conservatory		1	SB	5	-	-	Hand Size +2
Weed			2	U	2	1	2	First Strike; Stealth
Squire			2	U	3	2	3	X = Give Target Unit DB+1
Knight			2	U	4	3	4	Leader
Scout			2	U	2	2	2	Stealth; Shoot = 1
Ranger			2	U	3	3	3	Stealth; Shoot = 2
Druid			2	U	2	2	2	SC
Arch Druid		2	U	3	3	3	SC
Grenadier		1	U	6	4	4	Shoot = 3
Hyperbold Injector	1	M	1	+2	-	
Pigment Modifier       	1	M	1	-	-	DB+1; Stealth
Sensory Taper		1	M	1	+1	-	Deathmark
Adrenal Accelerator	1	M	1	+1	-	First Strike
Invigora Juice		1	M	1	-	-	DB+2
Land Vision		1	S	-	-	-	All your Units get First Strike
Ground Friend		1	S	-	-	-	Your Defending units get DB+3
Regenerative Touch	1	S	-	-	-	Heal x5
Tree Growth		1	S	-	-	-	Take Forest from Deck APIIP
Meteor Swarm		1	S	-	-	-	Destroy all Units in Play
Natures Voices		1	S	-	-	-	Control

Name:			#	Type	Cost 	A	H	Notes:
Settlement		1	SX	-	-	20	X = Target Unit A+1
War General		1	U	6	6	6	Leader
Worker			3	U	2	2	2	Worker
Engineer       		1	U	2	1	2	Structures cost 1 less	
Dormitory		1	SB	5	-	-	X = Heal x2
Garage			1	SB	5	-	-	X = Discover
Mead Hall		1	SB	5	-	-	X = Gain 2 RP
Cathedral		1	SB	5	-	-	X = Draw 1 card FED
Stronghold		1	SB	5	-	-	Defending Units DB+2
Military Base		1	SB	5	-	-	Hand Size +2
Biker			2	U	2	2	3	First Strike
Veteran			2	U	3	3	4	
Captain			2	U	5	5	5	Leader
Agent			2	U	2	2	3	Stealth
Spy			2	U	3	3	3	Stealth
Sorcerer       		2	U	2	1	2	SC
Warlock			2	U	3	2	3	SC
Colossus       		1	U	7	7	7	
Mech-Arm		1	M	1	+2	-	
Blur Pack		1	M	1	-	-	DB+1; Stealth
TeleOptic		1	M	1	+1	-	Deathmark
Iron Stump		1	M	1	+1	-	First Strike
Armored Chest		1	M	1	-	-	DB+2
Fiery Bolt		1	S	-	-	-	Shoot = 5
Crumble			1	S	-	-	-	Destroy Target Structure
Boil Blood		1	S	-	-	-	All Attacking Units get A+2
Phantasm       		1	S	-	-	-	Exhaust target Living Unit

Name:			#	Type	Cost 	A	H	Notes:
Settlement		1	SX	-	-	20	X = Discover
Shadow Dancer		1	U	5	3	3	Leader; SC; Stealth
Initiate       		3	U	1	1	1	Worker
Designer       		1	U	2	1	2	Structures cost 1 less	
Shelter			1	SB	5	-	-	X = Heal x2
Sanctuary		1	SB	5	-	-	Settlement gets +10 Hits
Hostel			1	SB	5	-	-	X = Gain 2 RP
Guild House		1	SB	5	-	-	X = Draw 1 card FED
Outpost			1	SB	5	-	-	Attacking Units A+2
Temple			1	SB	5	-	-	Hand Size +2
Cavalier       		2	U	3	3	3	First Strike
Defender       		2	U	4	4	4	
Templar			2	U	5	4	6	
Disciple       		2	U	3	3	3	Stealth
Grand Master		2	U	5	4	4	Stealth; SC; Shoot = 2
Shaman			2	U	2	1	2	SC; Heal
Guru			2	U	3	1	3	SC; Heal
Elemental		1	U	6	5	7	
Lode Stone		1	M	1	+2	-	
Mystic Root		1	M	1	-	-	DB+1; Stealth
Crystal Eye		1	M	1	+1	-	Deathmark
Feather Rods		1	M	1	+1	-	First Strike
Focus Stone		1	M	1	-	-	DB+2
Healing			1	S	-	-	-	Heal x5
Seer			1	S	-	-	-	Draw 1 card then LAOH 
Insight			1	S	-	-	-	Draw 1 card then Discover
Vision Quest		1	S	-	-	-	Target Shama’Li A+2 DB +2
Summoning		1	S	-	-	-	Search Deck

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