Warcraft Empires Module for the Warp Empires system Warp Empires system must be used to play this module 2-8 players You will need: An Action Deck (used by all players) A unit chit pile for each player A Leader chit pile for each player An Upgrade chit pile for each player A Mercenary Unit chit pile (used by all players) A Magic Item chit pile (used by all players) The map 40 control markers for each player Coins or some other marker for revenue MAP The map consists of one large continent surrounded by sea. The continent is divided into territories, roughly 60. VICTORY Player will win if they have rulership over half the territories, or all other players have been eliminated. SET UP Each player rolls a dice; the highest score goes first, then clockwise around the table, picking a territory to be their starting territory Each player in turn order takes 9 random unit chits and 1 random leader chit, and places them in their starting territory. No player may be within 3 territories of another. ACTION DECK Players share a common action deck. REVENUE PHASE Revenue points are called Gold Each territory produces 1 Gold. If a player has a fortification in a territory, then it produces an additional Gold. RECRUIT PHASE Leader chits may only be recruited if a player plays the appropriate action card. Leader units are Heroes. Each territory may produce 1 unit. Magic items can only be purchased if the player plays the appropriate action card, and they can only be attached to a leader unit. A leader unit can only have two magic items attached. Upgrades can be purchased if the player plays the appropriate action card. They apply to all listed factors. Mercenaries are also purchaesed in this phase in the same way as troops, but the placement restrictions of 1 per territory do not apply. MOVE PHASE Magic items can be swapped between leaders if the occupy the same territory at the beginning of the phase. BATTLE PHASE Spell cards can be played only if there is a Magic unit in the stack. If a leader is slain, their magic items are also discarded. Special Attributes These affect the way certain units function in battle. They are listed as follows: ATTRIBUTE Notes Cavalry Unit gains +1 force if they are attacking Brute Opponent loses 1 extra unit after battle for each Brute unit in stack. Max 3 Missile Unit gains +1 force if they are defending Raiders Add 1 Gold to player’s total for each unit killed if a stack containing raiders wins a battle Water Can only be recruited in coastal territories. Unit can only enter sea or coastal territories. Transport (x) Unit can carry (x) other units, moving at it’s own speed. Flying Unit can move over sea territories or territories containing enemy units. Flying units cannot end their move in sea territories. Protect If a Protect unit is on the losing side in a battle, reduce the number of casualties suffered by 1, to a maximum reduction of 3. A minimum of 1 unit must be lost. Besieger +2 force if Fortifications are in the opposing stack. Magic Unit may cast 1 spell per turn. Fortification Remains in the territory it was recruited in. No more than 1 per territory. Scout Controlling player may look at 1 adjacent stack per turn. Only 1 scout unit in a stack may perform this function per turn. Invisible Unit may not be attacked, so long as all units in its stack are invisible. May move through enemy conrolled territories without attacking. The scout ability negates this ability. Human Units # Force Move Attributes Footmen 15 2 M Imfantry Dwarf Riflemen 15 2 M Missile Knights 10 3 F Cavalry Dwarf Mortar Team 10 3 S Besiegers Dwarf Flying Machine 10 3 F Flying, scout Elf Priest 10 2 M Protect Elf Sorceress 10 3 M Magic Steamtank 5 4 M Brute, Missile Dwarf Griffon Riders 5 3 M Flying, Cavalry Paladin 1 5 M Hero Archmage 1 5 M Hero, Magic, Missile Dwarf Mountain King 1 5 M Hero Town Hall 5 6 - Fortification Ship 5 0 F Water, Transport (4) Upgrades Cost Effect Steel Forged Swords: 6 All Infantry and Cavalry +1 Force Refined Gunpowder: 6 All Missile units are +1 Force Improved Masonry: 6 Fortifications are +1 Force Hero Advancement: 6 All Heros +1 Force Improved Harvest: 6 Any territory with a Town Hall produces twice the normal amount of Gold Militia: 6 Footmen cost 1 less Gold to recruit Orc Units Orc Grunts 15 3 M Infantry Troll Headhunters 15 2 M Missile, scout Demolisher 10 3 S Besiegers Orc Raiders 10 3 F Cavalry, Raiders Kodo Beasts 5 3 M Cavalry, Brute Orc Shaman 10 3 M Magic Troll Witchdoctor 10 2 M Protect Tauren Warrior 5 4 S Infantry, Brute Orc Windriders 10 3 M Flying, Cavalry, Missile Orc Blademaster 1 5 M Hero Orc Farseer 1 5 M Hero, Magic, Missile Tauren Chieftain 1 5 M Hero, Brute Great Hall 5 6 - Fortification Ship 5 0 F Water, Transport (4) Upgrades Cost Effect Berserker Strength: 6 Orc Grunts are +1 Force Thorium Melee Weapons: 6 All Infantry and Raiders +1 Force Thorium Missile Weapons: 6 All Missile units +1 Force Wardrums: 6 Orc stacks recieve an additional +1 force when attacking Pulverize: 6 All Brute units are +1 force Hero Advancement: 6 All Heros +1 Force Night Elf Units Archers 15 3 M Missile Huntress 15 3 F Cavalry, Missile Dryad 10 3 F Protect, Scout Druid of the Talon 10 2 M Flying, Magic Druid of the Claw 10 3 M Brute, Magic Hippogryphs 10 3 F Flying Chimerae 5 4 M Flying, Brute Glaive Launcher 10 3 S Besiegers Demon Hunter 1 5 M Hero Priestess of the Moon 1 5 M Hero, Cavalry, Missile Keeper of the Grove 1 5 M Hero, Magic Tree of Life 5 6 - Fortification Ship 5 0 F Water, Transport (4) Upgrades Cost Effect Uproot: 6 Tree of Life may now move at Slow movement Marksmanship: 6 All missile units are +1 Force Strength of the Wild: 6 All Brute units are +1 Force Ancient Protectors: 6 Tree of Life gains Missile Woodland Stealth: 6 player can pay 3 Gold at the start of the movement phase to make all archer units Invisible until end of turn. Hero Advancement: 6 All Heros +1 Force Undead Units Ghoul 15 2 F Infantry Gargoyle 10 2 M Flying Crypt Fiend 10 3 M Brute Shade 5 1 S Scout, Invisible Necromancer 15 3 M Magic Banshee 10 3 M Missile Abomination 10 4 S Infantry, Brute Meatwagon 10 3 S Besiegers Frost Drake 5 4 M Flying, Brute Death Knight 1 5 M Hero, Cavalry Dread Lord 1 5 M Hero, Magic Lich 1 5 M Hero, Magic Necropolis 5 6 - Fortification Ship 5 0 F Water, Transport (4) Upgrades Cost Effect Unholy Strength: 6 All Infantry units are +1 Force Necromancy Training: 6 All Magic units are +1 Force Spirit Towers: 6 Necropolis gains +1 Force and Magic Hero Advancement: 6 All Heros +1 Force Frost Breath: 6 Give Frost Drakes Besieger Cannibalize: 6 An undead stack will do 1 extra casualty on a defeated enemy Mercenary Units Forest Troll Berserker 3 3 M missile Ogre Mauler 2 4 S Brute Ogre Magi 2 4 S Brute, Magic Gnoll Brute 5 2 M Scout, Raider Furbolg Warrior 2 4 M Brute, Protect Centaur Outrunner 3 3 F Cavalry, Raider Rock Golem 2 4 S Brute Razormane Medicineman 3 2 M Magic Harpy Rogue 3 2 F Flying Murloc Huntsman 5 2 M Scout Magic Items Item # Cost Effect Scroll of town portal 2 3 move stack to any friendly fortification, Can be used to avoid a battle at any time before the battle is worked out. Discard after use Cloak of Invisibility 2 4 Hero gains the invisibility trait Boots of Speed 2 3 hero's speed becomes Fast Belt of Giant Strength 2 4 Hero gains Brute Claws of Attack 2 3 Hero has +2 Force in battle Robe of the Magi 2 4 Hero gains Magic Ankh of Reincarnation 2 5 If Hero is killed in a battle they are returned to the stack in the Control phase. If stack completely destroyed, place hero in any friendly territory. Discard after use Horn of Plenty 2 5 Adds 5 gold every revenue phase. Scroll of Summoning 2 3 Summons one summonable creature to fight for 1 battle, as per race. Discard after use Crystal Ball 2 4 May look at an opponent's hand once per turn Bow of Quel'Thalas 2 3 Hero gains Missile Cloak of Wings 2 4 Hero gains Flying Scroll of Protection 2 3 Hero's stack suffers no casualties in 1 battle. Discard after use Staff of Negation 2 3 Hero can negate 1 spell affecting his stack per turn. Action Deck Cards # Effect March 10 Move 1 stack, or 3 units Grand March 6 Move 2 stacks, or 6 units Great March 3 Move 3 stacks or 9 units Hero 5 May recruit another Hero (max=3) Assassin 1 Discard target Leader Killing Blow 1 Battle: Hero Action: Discard target Leader Thieves 1 Take target Magic Item and attach to one of your Leaders Espionage 1 Look at target player’s hand Scouts 1 Look at target stack Run Them Down 1 Battle: Target losing stack loses 1 extra unit Storms 1 Target stack in a coastal or sea territory cannot move on their controller’s next turn. Ruin 1 Discard target enemy keep Dragon Attack 1 Target player must discard 3 units or 1 hero Battle Hardened 1 Battle: Your Infantry units gain +1 force Eagle Eye 1 Battle: Your Missile units gain +1 force Outflank 1 Battle: Your Cavalry units gain +1 force Terror 1 Battle: Your Undead units gain +1 force Rage 1 Battle: Your Orc units gain +1 force Woodcraft 1 Battle: Your Night Elf units gain +1 force Discipline 1 Battle: Your Human units gain +1 force Ambush 1 Battle: Your Raiders units gain +1 force Assail 1 Battle: Your Flying units gain +1 force Overbear 1 Battle: Your Brute units gain +1 force Maelstrom 1 Target stack in a sea or coastal territory must discard one unit. If this unit is a transport, all transported units are lost as well. Transported units cannot be chosen. Magic Item 10 Play to take a random chit from the magic items pile Upgrade 10 Play to take a random chit from your race's upgrades pile. Mercenaries 5 Play to take 3 random chits from the mercenary units pile. Windfall 1 Gain 15 Gold in the revenue phase Earthquake 1 Spell: Battle: caster’s stack gains +5 force Divination 1 Spell: Look at target stack or opponent’s hand Invulnerability 1 Spell: Battle: caster’s stack suffers no casualties this battle. Infuse 1 Spell: Battle: All other units in caster’s stack gain +1 force. Fireball 1 Spell: Battle: caster’s stack gains +6 force summon 1 Spell: Battle: Place one of the caster's race's summonable units directly into play in the caster's stack. Discard summoned creature after battle Finger of Death 1 Spell: Battle: Discard target Leader Chain Lightning 1 Spell: Battle: caster’s stack gains +7 force Meteor Storm 1 Spell: Battle: caster’s stack gains +9 Destruction 1 Spell: Destroy target non-leader unit in an adjacent territory Haste 1 Spell: All units in caster’s stack become fast Immobilize 1 Spell: Battle: Target non-leader unit does not add to the force total this battle Good Year 1 All territories you control produce 1 extra Gold this turn