Two player Card Game based on the Games Workshop Warhammer Fantasy Universe.
Warhammer is a trademarked, copyrighted property.
This is merely a fan site.
Each player uses a separate individualized deck.
Each deck must contain 40 cards.
Note that every card has a Cost.
Each deck must have a total Cost of 100 points or less. (Or more points if players agree)
A player must pick his units off of one Card List (2 or more if players agree) and
the appropriate Spell Lists.
Every Army must have a Command Group consisting of at least a Wizard and a 4+ Force Hero.
A 40 card deck may have a maximum of 20 Item, Spell, Tactic, Mark, and Virtue cards.
A 40 card deck may have a maximum of 10 Wizards & Heroes.
Hero, Magic, Wizard, Archer, War Machine, Signal, Berserker, Ambush, Scout,
Monster, Beast, Cavalry, Infantry, and Spear cards are all Unit cards.
Item, Spell, Tactic, Mark, and Virtue cards are collectively
called Enhancement cards.
An enhancement card must be played with a certain type of unit card
for it to have any effects.
Note that one effect of an enhancement card is to provide an additional
unit type attribute (trait) in Battle and Blood Phase.
For example: To have a Rune Hammer (Item from Dwarf List) have any effect, you
must have a Hero unit in play. The Hammer then adds 3 Force and has the attribute
of Magic (Equivalent to having an extra unit of the Magic Type).
Note that most of the attacks in Battle phase target unit cards, not enhancement cards.
The first player to win 5 hands is the winner.
Each turn has 5 phases:
Logistics Phase
March Phase
Orders Phase
Battle Phase
Blood Phase
Players draw a hand of 15 cards from your deck.
If a deck runs out, shuffle the reserve pile & draw from it.
Players discard down to 10 cards.
The discarded cards go to a players reserve pile.
Write down on a scrap piece of paper whether you want your army to:
Charge, Advance, or Defend.
Players reveal their written orders simultaneously.
If you wrote Charge Orders, all of your Monster, Beast, Cavalry, and
Flying units get +1 force.
If you wrote Advance Orders, all of your Infantry, Spears, Hero, and
Signal units get +1 force.
If you wrote Defend Orders, all of your Magic, Scout, Archer, and
War Machine units get +1 force.
If you wrote Charge and your opponent wrote Defend you get +3 force
to your battle total.
If you wrote Defend and your opponent wrote Advance you get +3 force
to your battle total.
If you wrote Advance and your opponent wrote Charge you get +3 force
to your battle total.
Players reveal their hands by placing them face down in front of them.
Killed cards are sent to the players casualty pile.
Note that attributes provided by Item, Spell, Tactic, Mark, Ability, and
Virtue cards may only be counted if a card that can use it is also in play.
For example only Wizards can use Spells.
A card may only apply one of its traits per turn to produce an affect.
For example: A unit with the scout trait and the Archer trait must use only one.
Conduct the following contests/attacks in order:
*The Player with the most Signal units gets to draw the top card of his
deck and put it into play.
*Each Armor, Swarm, Courage, & Regenerating unit gets to negate one
kill caused by his opponent this phase on a roll of 1-3 on 1D6.
*Each Cowardly unit gets to send one killed unit to the reserve pile instead of
the casualty pile on a roll of 1-4 on 1D6.
*Each Beast unit gets to kill one enemy Scout or one
Ambush unit this turn on a roll of 1-3 on 1D6.
*The Player with the most Scout units gets to look at the next 10 cards in
his opponents deck.
*Each Ambush unit gets to kill any one opposing unit on a roll of 1-2 on 1D6.
If the Ambush unit rolls a 6, the ambusher is killed.
*Each Disaster & War Machine unit gets to reveal the top card of his opponents deck:
If it is a unit kill it, if it is an enhancement, send it to the Reserve pile.
*Each Archer unit gets to kill one Infantry, Spear, or
Flyer unit on a roll of 1-2 on 1D6.
*Each Flying & Teleport unit gets to kill any one enemy Archer or War Machine unit
on a roll of 1-2 on 1D6 or Neutralize any one unit on a roll of 1-3 on 1D6.
A Neutralized unit cannot roll for its attribute for the rest of Battle Phase.
*Each Wizard or Magic Resistance unit gets to kill one enemy Spell or Item on
a roll of 1-3 on 1D6.
*Each Fear or Magic unit gets to rout one Non-hero
opposing unit to its owners reserve pile on a roll of 1-4 on 1D6.
*Each Immobilizer unit causes any one opposing unit to be immobilized on a roll
of 1-3 on 1D6. An Immobilized unit is neutralized and has a Force = 0.
*Each Hero unit gets to kill one opposing Hero, Monster, or
Magic unit on a roll of 1-3 on 1D6.
*Each Spear unit gets to kill one opposing Monster or Cavalry on a roll of 1-3 on 1D6.
*Each Cavalry unit kills an opposing Non-hero Archer unit
or War Machine on a roll of 1-3 on 1D6.
*Each Berserker, Slay, and Monster unit gets to kill any one unit on a
roll of 1-3 on 1D6.
*Each Poison, Drain, or Disease unit gets to effect one enemy unit. Roll 1D6:
On 1-2 the unit is killed, on 3-4 it is immobilized, on 5-6 nothing.
*The Player with the most Infantry and Death units gets a +5 Force bonus in Blood Phase.
Normally the attacker chooses the target to be killed.
Units with the Martyr ability may be killed instead at the
option of the targets controller.
A Unit may attempt, once per turn, to martyr for one other unit
on a roll of 1-3 on 1D6.
Determine a Battle Total for each player.
Each card remaining from Battle Phase contributes its force rating to the Battle Total.
If you play a Leader card with a Mount card get a +1 force bonus.
If a unit has a “Versus” attribute (Such as +2 vs Orcs) the
Unit only gets the bonus if the opponent plays a unit of the appropriate type.
Items, Spells, Tactics, Marks, Abilities, and Virtues may only be counted if
a card that can use it is also in play. For example only Wizards can use Spells.
The Player with the highest Battle Total wins the Melee.
The loser puts 1D6 random cards in play into his casualty pile.
Remaining cards go into each players reserve pile.
U = Unique Unit: only 1 per Army
L2 = Rare Unit: Limit 2 per Army
Card Name Cost Force Notes
Gotrek Gurnisson 4U 3 Hero, +2 if played with Felix
Felix Jaegar 3U 3 Hero
Anvil of Doom 7U 6 Magic, Signal, Wizard
Thorim Grudgebearer 7U 6 Hero, Armor
Dwarf Lord 6U 5 Hero, Armor
Dwarf Runesmith 3 3 Magic, Wizard
Hero 4 3 Hero, Armor
Champion 5 4 Hero, Armor
Standard Bearer 1 1 Signal
Hornblower 1 1 Signal
Clansmen 3 2 Infantry, Armor
Longbeards 2L2 2 Infantry
Dwarf Pikes 1 1 Spears
Norse Dwarves 3 3 Berserk
Troll Slayers 3 2 Infantry, +2 vs Monsters
Giant Slayers 4 3 Infantry, +2 vs Monsters
Iron Breakers 4 3 Infantry, Armor
Tunnel Fighters 3L2 3 Scouts
Hammerers 2 2 Infantry
Organ Gun 4 4 War Machine
Bolt Thrower 3 3 War Machine
Thunderers 3 3 Archers
Crossbows 2 2 Archers
Mortar 4 1D6 War Machine
Fire Thrower 2 2 War Machine
Rangers 3 2 Scouts, Ambush
Runners 1 1 Scouts
Gyrocopter 3 2 Scout, Flyer
Runestaff 2U 3 Wizard Item, Hero
Rune Hammer 2U 3 Hero Item, Magic
Rune of Cleaving 2U 3 Spell, Death
Rune of Courage 2U 3 Spell, Courage
Iron Rune 3U 4 Spell, Armor
Rune of Might 4U 5 Spell, Hero
Rune of Banishment 5U 6 Spell, +2 vs Monsters
Stalwart 1 1 Dwarf Virtue, Armor
Stubborn 2 2 Dwarf Virtue, Armor
Racial Rules: When writing orders add one attribute of Armor or Martyr.
Spells: Use spells from the Metal List.
Card Name Cost Force Notes
Arch Druid 5 5 Magic, Wizard
Druid 3 3 Magic, Wizard
Forest Lord 5U 5 Hero
Sylvan Chieftan 4 4 Hero
Guardian 3 3 Hero
Master Archer 6U 5 Hero, Archer
Archers 4 4 Archers
Hunters 3 2 Scouts, +2 vs Beasts
Falconer 2 1 Scouts, +2 vs Heroes
Scouts 1 1 Scouts
Master Scout 3U 2 Hero, Scout
Shapechangers 3 2 Scouts, Beasts
Wood Elf Spears 2 2 Spears
Glade Guards 2 2 Infantry
Warrior Kinband 3 3 Infantry
War Dancers 4 3 Infantry, Magic
Dance Master 5U 4 Hero, Magic
Dryad 4 3 Magic, Scouts
Waywatchers 3U 2 Scouts, Ambush
Treeman 6 5 Armor, Monster
Grizzly Bear 3 3 Beasts
Wain Lord Chariot 3 3 Cavalry, Mount
Great Cat 2 2 Beasts
Timber Wolves 2 2 Beasts
Warhawks 4 3 Flying, Scouts
Unicorn 3 3 Mount, Magic
Great Eagle 5 5 Mount, Flying
Forest Dragon 7 6 Mount, Flying, Monster
Glade Riders 3 3 Cavalry
Warhawk Riders 4 4 Flying
Magic Herbs 1U 1 Hero & Wizard Item, Magic
Green Blade (Sword) 2U 3 Hero Item, Magic
Hawk Bow 1U 2 Hero Item, Archer
Cloak of the Woods 1U 2 Hero Item, Scouts
Sword of Ages 3U 4 Hero Item, Signal
Bear Banner 1U 2 Infantry Item, Beast
Flail of Claws 1U 2 Hero Item, Berserk
Arrows of Slaying 1U 2 Archer Item, +2 vs Monsters
Shield of Ptolos 1U 2 Hero Item, Armor
Shapeshift 1U 2 Spell, Beasts
Plant Control 2U 3 Spell, Immobilize
Call Animals 2U 3 Spell, Swarm
Natures Visitation 3U 4 Spell, Signal
Natures Wrath 4U 5 Spell, Disaster
Racial Rules: When writing orders add one attribute of either Scout or Archer.
Spells: Use spells from any lists except Fire, Shadow, Death, and Metal.
Card Name Cost Force Notes
General T'Skot 5U 5 Hero
Verminlord 7U 6 Hero, Wizard, Magic
Skaven Champion 3 3 Hero
Skaven Beastmaster 3 2 Hero, Beasts
Plague Priest 3 2 Hero, Magic
Plague Monks 3 2 Infantry, Magic
Doom Wheel 6U 5 Magic, War Machine
Screaming Bell 7U 6 Magic, Signal
Plague Censer 4 1D6 Berserk
Warlock Engineer 3U 3 Magic, Wizard
Grey Seer 5 5 Magic, Wizard
Clan Skryre Sorcerer 4 4 Magic, Wizard
Clan Rats 2 2 Infantry
Skaven Spears 1 1 Spears
Skaven Slavemaster 2 2 Hero
Rat Slaves 1 1 Infantry
Rat Slingers 1 1 Archers
Clan Assassin 3L2 2 Scout, Ambush
Netters 2 1 Troops, Ambush
Warpfire Thrower 3 3 War Machine
Warplock Pistols 2 2 Archers
Jezzail Rifles 3 3 Archers
Gutter Runners 1 1 Scout
Ogre-Rat 5 5 Monster
Poison Wind Globadiers 4 1D6 Archers
Storm Vermin 3 3 Infantry
Battle Standard 1 1 Signal
Packmaster & Giant Rats 2 2 Beasts
Rat Swarm 3 3 Swarm
Doom Glaive 4U 5 Hero Item, Spears
Crown of Command 2U 3 Hero Item, Signal
Heart of Woe 3U 4 Hero & Wizard Item, Magic
Talisman of Ravensdark 1U 2 Hero & Wizard Item, Magic
Warpstone Armour 2U 3 Hero Item, Armor
Golden Crown of Atrazar 4U 5 Hero & Wizard Item, Signal
Cloak of Mists and Shadow 2U 3 Hero & Wizard Item, Armor
Book of Secrets 2U 3 Wizard Item, Scout
Staff of Flaming Death 3U 4 Wizard Item, Archer
Warpstone Charm 1U 2 Hero & Wizard Item, Magic
Skavenbrew 1U 1 Hero & Infantry Item, Berserk
Gouger 1U 2 Hero Item, Spears
Weeping Blade 3U 4 Hero Item, Fear
Warp Scroll 2U 3 Wizard Item, Archer
Storm Banner 2U 3 Infantry Item, Magic
Skitterleap 2U 3 Spell, Cavalry
Poison Wind 2U 3 Spell, Flying
Warp Lightning 3U 4 Spell, Archers
Vermintide 2U 3 Spell, Swarm
Curse of the Horned One 4U 5 Spell, Magic
Death Frenzy 5U 6 Spell, Berserk
Racial Rules: When writing orders add one attribute of Cowardly or Infantry.
Card Name Cost Force Notes
Azhag the Slaughterer 7U 6 Hero, Armor
Gorfang Rotgut 6 6 Hero
Orc War Boss 5 5 Hero
Orc Shaman 4 4 Magic, Wizard
Arrer Boyz 2 2 Archers
Orc Boyz 2 2 Infantry
Gretchen Mob 1 1 Infantry
Harpy 3 3 Flying
Giant Black Orcs 5 5 Infantry
Big’uns 4 4 Infantry
Savage Orcs 3 3 Infantry
Wyvern 5L2 5 Mount, Flying
Snakebite Orks 3 2 Spears, Scouts
War Altar 5 4 Signal, Magic
Orc Man Mangler 4 4 War Machine
Scythed Battle Chariot 3 3 Cavalry
Boar Boys (Snortas) 2 2 Cavalry
Rock Lobber 4 1D6 War Machine
Stone Troll 5 4 Monster, Regenerates
Snotlings 1 1 Infantry
Snotling Pump Wagon 3 2 Cavalry, Armor
Ogre 4 4 Monster
Slagga's Sword of Slashin 3U 4 Hero Item, Hero
The Red Fang 2U 3 Hero Item, Infantry
Evil Sun Armour 2U 3 Hero Item, Armor
Daemon Staff 1U 2 Hero Item, Magic
The Crown of Sorcery 1U 2 Hero Item, Wizard
Horn of Urgok 1U 2 Hero Item, Signal
Book of Ashur 2U 3 Shaman Item, Magic
Standard of Might 1U 2 Infantry Item, Magic
Banner of Gork 2U 3 Infantry Item, Signal
Mork Save Us 2U 3 Spell, Armor
Fists of Gork 2U 3 Spell, Slay
Hand of Gork 3U 4 Spell, Flying
Ere We Go 2U 3 Spell, Cavalry
Mork wants Ya! 2U 3 Spell, Martyr
Gaze of Mork 3U 4 Spell, Death
Da Krunch 4U 5 Spell, Disaster
Waaagh! 5U 6 Spell, Signal
Frenzy 3 3 Greenskin Ability, Berserk
Hatred 2 2 Greenskin Ability, Berserk
Animosity 1 1 Greenskin Ability, Berserk
Note: You can also use the Goblin list.
Racial Rules: When writing orders add one attribute of Berserk.
Card Name Cost Force Notes
General Grom 6U 5 Hero, Regenerate
Skarsnik 5U 4 Hero, Ambush
Goblin War Boss 4 4 Hero
Goblin Champion 3 3 Hero
Goblin Shaman 3 3 Magic
Goblin Spider Riders 3 3 Cavalry
Gigantic Spider 4 4 Monster, Mount
Forest Goblins 2 1 Archers, Scouts
Night Goblins 2 2 Infantry
Cockatrice 5 3 Monster, Magic, Flying
Stickas 2 2 Archers
Doom Driver Catapult 4L2 1D6 War Machine
Ball & Chain Fanatics 4 1D6 Berserk
Squig Herders 3 2 Monsters, Infantry
Squig Hoppers 3 2 Monsters, Cavalry
Squig Catapult 3L2 2 Monsters, War Machine
Giant Squig 3U 3 Monster
Gobo Spearchuckkas 1 1 Spears
Net Chukkas 2 1 Scout, Ambush
Wolf Riders 2 2 Cavalry
Wolf Chariot 3L2 3 Cavalry, Mount
War Gong 3 3 Signal
War Drums 2 2 Signal
River Troll 5 4 Monster, Regenerates
Giant 6 6 Monster
Jabberwock 5U 4 Monster, Flying, Mount
Standard Bearer 1 1 Signal
Goblobber 3 3 War Machine
Standard of Defiance 2U 3 Infantry Item, Armor
Fellblade 2U 3 Hero Item, Death
Elfbiter Axe 3U 4 Hero Item, Slay
Lucky Banner 2U 3 Hero Item, Signal
Note: You can also use the Ork list.
Racial Rules: When writing orders add one attribute of Cowardly or Ambush.
Card Name Cost Force Notes
Lichemaster 6U 6 Magic, Wizard
Doom Lord 6U 5 Magic, Wizard, Signal
Liche 5U 5 Magic, Wizard
Necromancer 4 4 Magic, Wizard
Vampire Lord 6U 5 Hero, Magic, Flying
Vampire Count 5 4 Hero, Magic, Flying
Vampire Thrall 4 3 Hero, Magic, Flying
Wraith Champion 5 5 Hero
Banshee 4 4 Fear
Wight Lord 4U 4 Hero
Undead Champion 3 3 Hero
Skeleton Champion 2 2 Hero
Spirit Host 5 5 Magic
Grave Guard 4 3 Infantry, Magic
Nightmare 1 1 Cavalry, Mount
Winged Nightmare 1U 1 Mount, Flying
Skeleton Warriors 1 1 Infantry
Skeleton Phalanx 1 1 Spears
Zombies 3 2 Infantry, Regenerate
Skeleton Archers 2 2 Archers
Grim Reapers 3L2 3 Infantry
Bat Swarm 2 1 Flying, Swarm
Ghouls 3L2 3 Ambush
Storm Rider Chariot 3 3 Cavalry, Mount
Skull Catapult 3 3 War Machine
Wight Cavalry 2 2 Cavalry
Dire Wolves 3 3 Beasts
Doom Wolf 4 4 Beast
Zombie Dragon 7 6 Monster, Flying, Mount
Carrion 4 3 Monster, Flying
Staff of Flaming Death 3U 4 Wizard Item, Archer
Black Amulet 1U 2 Wizard & Hero Item, Regenerate
Power Scroll 1U 2 Wizard Item, Wizard
Skull Staff 2U 3 Wizard Item, Magic
Staff of Damnation 3U 4 Wizard Item, Slay
Doomraider Banner 2U 3 Infantry Item, Signal
Banemaster 2U 3 Hero Item, Slay
Unholy Chalice 2U 3 Hero Item, Regenerate
Black Axe of Krell 2U 3 Hero Item, Monster
Asp Bow 2U 3 Hero Item, Archer
Sword of the Kings 4U 5 Hero Item, Signal
Armour of Bone 2U 3 Hero Item, Armor
Gem of Blood 2U 3 Wizard & Hero Item, Regenerate
Talon of Death 2U 3 Wizard & Hero Item, Monster
Aura of Dark Majesty 3U 4 Vampire Power or Spell, Signal
Curse of Years 2U 3 Vampire Power or Spell, Magic
Summon Undead Horde 3U 4 Spell, Signal
Vanhels Danse Macabre 4U 5 Spell, Cavalry
The Dark Mist 2U 3 Spell, Armor
Fear 1 1 Undead & Monster Ability, Fear
Terror 2 3 Monster Ability, Fear
Racial Ability: When writing orders add one attribute of Regenerate or Fear.
Spells: Use spells from the Shadows and Death List.
Card Name Cost Force Notes
Tomb King 5U 5 Hero
Tomb Lord 4 4 Hero
Lich High Priest 5U 5 Wizard, Magic
Lich Priest 4 4 Wizard, Magic
Skeleton Charioteer 3 3 Cavalry, Mount
Skeleton Steed 1 1 Cavalry, Mount
Skeleton Cavalry 2 2 Cavalry
Book of Mighty Incarnations 2 3 Wizard Item, Wizard
Tomb Guard 2 2 Martyr
Mummy 4 4 Monster
Undead Scorpion Swarm 3 3 Swarm
Screaming Skeleton Catapult 3 2 War Machine, Fear
Serpent Staff 1U 2 Wizard Item, Monster
Flail of Skulls 2U 3 Hero Item, Berserk
Tomb King’s Crown 4U 5 Hero Item, Signal
The Blazing Chariot 4U 4 Cavalry, Mount
Scroll of the Vengeful Dead 2U 3 Spell, Signal
Scroll of Rightous Smiting 2U 3 Spell, Death
Scroll of Urgency 2U 3 Spell, Cavalry
Asp Arrows 2L2 3 Hero Item, Archers
Racial Ability: When writing orders add one attribute of Monster or Fear.
Notes: If you pick the Tomb Kings List, you may also use the Undead List.
Spells: Use spells from the Death List.
Card Name Cost Force Notes
Count Vlad Von Carstein 8U 7 Hero, Magic, Wizard (Vampire)
Isabella Von Carstein 4U 3 Hero, +2 with Vlad (Vampire)
Black Coach 4U 4 Cavalry, Mount
Wailing Blade 3U 4 Hero Item, Magic
Carstein Ring 3U 5 Von Carstein Item, Regenerate
Undying Love 3U 5 Von Carstein Virtue, Berserk
Pure Blood 1U 2 Vampire Power, Magic
Wolf Form 2U 3 Vampire Power, Beast
Honor or Death 2U 3 Vampire Power, Hero
Unbending Willpower 4U 5 Vampire Power, Courage
Transfix 2U 3 Vampire Power, Immobilize
Summon Wolves 3U 4 Vampire Power, Beasts
Bat Form 1U 2 Vampire Power, Swarm
Racial Ability: When writing orders add one attribute of Hero or Fear.
Notes: If you pick the Von Carstein List, you may also use the Undead List.
Card Name Cost Force Notes
Grand Master Wallach 8U 7 Hero, Magic, Wizard (Vampire)
Crimson Blade 1U 2 Hero Item, Monster
Blood Chalice 2U 3 Hero & Wizard Item, Magic
Blood Dragon Standard 3U 4 Infantry Item, Signal
Undead Knights 4 3 Cavalry, Armor
Doomrider 1U 2 Vampire Power, Cavalry
Honor or Death 2U 3 Vampire Power, Hero
Might of Arms 2U 3 Vampire Power, Death
The Strength of Steel 2U 3 Vampire Power, Armor
Blademaster 3U 4 Vampire Power, Armor
Warrior Pride 2U 3 Vampire Power, Signal
Red Fury 3U 4 Vampire Power, Berserk
Killing Blow 4U 5 Vampire Power, Death
Heart Piercing 5U 6 Vampire Power, Slay
Racial Ability: When writing orders add one attribute of Hero or Berserk.
Notes: If you pick the Blood Dragon List, you may also use the Undead List.
Card Name Cost Force Notes
Melkhior the Ancient 8U 7 Hero, Magic, Wizard (Vampire)
Painbringer 3U 4 Hero Item, Magic
Grimoire Necronium 3U 4 Wizard Item, Wizard
Dark Acolyte 1U 2 Vampire Power, Wizard
Unbending Willpower 4U 5 Vampire Power, Courage
The Awakening 2U 3 Vampire Power, Death
Master of the Black Arts 3U 4 Vampire Power, Wizard
Supernatural Horror 2U 3 Vampire Power, Fear
Forbidden Lore 2U 3 Vampire Power, Magic
Curse of the Revenant 2U 3 Vampire Power, Armor
Death Incarnate 3U 4 Vampire Power, Monster
Nehekharas's Noble Blood 2U 3 Vampire Power, Hero
Racial Ability: When writing orders add one attribute of Wizard or Fear.
Notes: If you pick the Necrarch List, you may also use the Undead List.
Card Name Cost Force Notes
Neferata, Queen of Mysteries 8U 7 Hero, Magic, Wizard (Vampire)
Blood Kiss 4U 5 Vampire Power, Magic
Shadowblood 4U 5 Spell, Infantry
Dagger of Jet 2U 3 Hero Item, Slay
Ruby of Lahmia 2U 3 Vampire Item, Regenerate
Black Cloak of Lahmia 3U 4 Hero Item, Armor
Bastet the Familiar 1U 2 Wizard Item, Scout
Lightning Reflexes 2U 3 Vampire Power, Berserk
The Dead Walk Fast 1U 2 Vampire Power, Cavalry
Swiftness 2U 3 Vampire Power, Cavalry
Transfix 3U 4 Vampire Power, Immobilize
Quickblood 2U 3 Vampire Power, Armor
Innocence Lost 3U 4 Vampire Power, Slay
Mist Form 1U 2 Vampire Power, Beast
Seduction 2U 3 Vampire Power, Immobilize
Night Creature 3U 4 Vampire Power, Armor
Racial Ability: When writing orders add one attribute of Signal or Magic.
Notes: If you pick the Lahmia List, you may also use the Undead List.
Card Name Cost Force Notes
Chaos Dwarf Lord 5U 5 Hero
Chaos Dwarf Champion 4 4 Hero
Chaos Dwarf Sorcerer 4 4 Magic, Wizard
Chaos Dwarf Blunderbusses 3 3 Archers
Chaos Dwarves 2 2 Infantry
Earth Shaker Cannon 5L2 5 War Machine
Death Rocket 4L2 1D6 War Machine
Great Taurus 6 5 Mount, Flying, Monster
Chimera 5 4 Mount, Flying, Monster
Lammasu 4 3 Mount, Flying, Monster
Gorgon 5 4 Monster, Magic
Bull Centaurs 3 3 Cavalry
Bull Centaur Lord 5U 4 Hero, Cavalry
Hobgoblin Archers 2 2 Archers
Hobgoblin Wolfriders 2 2 Cavalry
Hobgoblins 2 2 Infantry
Hobgoblin Spears 2 2 Spears
Hobgoblin Bolt Thrower 3 3 War Machine
Minotaurs 4 4 Berserk
Minotaur Champion 5 5 Hero
Minotaur Lord 6U 6 Hero
Standard Bearer 1 1 Signal
Musician 1 1 Signal
Doomfire Ring 2U 3 Hero & Wizard Item, Magic
The Blade of Molten Lava 3U 4 Hero Item, Magic
The Armour of Uzkul 2U 3 Hero Item, Armor
Armor of the Furnace 3U 4 Hero Item, Armor
Dark Mace of Death 2U 3 Hero Item, Fear
Gauntlets of Bahzrakk the Cruel 2U 3 Hero Item, Berserk
Banner of Slavery 2U 3 Infantry Item, Signal
Black Gem of Gnar 2U 3 Hero & Wizard Item, Scout
Chalice of Darkness 1U 2 Hero & Wizard Item, Regenerate
Obsidian Blade 2U 3 Hero Item, Spears
Black Hammer of Hashut 2U 3 Hero Item, Infantry
Talisman of Obsidian 1U 2 Hero & Wizard Item, Magic
Doomroar 4U 5 Spell, Fear
Shadows of Hashut 5U 6 Spell, Monster
Magma Pool 2U 3 Spell, Teleport
Eruption 3U 4 Spell, Death
Flaming Hide 2U 3 Spell, Armor
Ash Cloud 2U 3 Spell, Disaster
Sorcerer’s Curse 2U 3 Spell, Hero
Flames of Azgorh 2U 3 Spell, Archer
Lava Storm 3U 4 Spell, Disaster
Fist of Fire 1U 2 Spell, Hero
Racial Ability: When writing orders add one attribute of Signal or War Machine.
Spells: Use spells from the Metal or Fire lists.
Card Name Cost Force Notes
Witch King of Naggaroth 7U 6 Hero, Wizard, Magic
Captain of the Black Guard 6U 6 Hero
Master Executioner 6U 5 Hero, Berserk
Master of Assassins 5U 4 Hero, Ambush
The Hag Queen 5U 5 Magic, Wizard
Beastlord 5U 4 Hero, Beast
Darklord General 5U 5 Hero
Deathdealer 3 3 Hero
Deathshade Champion 2 2 Hero
Witch-Helm Champion 4 3 Hero, Magic
Dread Knight 4 4 Hero
Dark Elf Wizard 4 4 Magic, Wizard
Dark Elf Sorceress 3 3 Magic, Wizard
Dark Elf Assassins 3L2 2 Scouts, Ambush
Doomdrakes 4 4 Cavalry
Cold One Knights 3 3 Cavalry
Cold One 1 1 Mount, Cavalry
Cold One Chariot 3 3 Mount, Cavalry
Manticore 6U 5 Mount, Monster Flying
Black Dragon 7U 6 Mount, Monster Flying
Dark Riders 2 2 Cavalry
Whelp Master & Warhounds 2L2 2 Beasts
Dark Elf Crossbows 2 2 Archers
Repeating Crossbows 3 3 Archers
Witch Elves 4L2 3 Infantry, Magic
Dark Elf Warriors 2 2 Infantry
Dark Elf Corsiars 3 3 Infantry
Executioners 4L2 4 Berserk
Black Guard 3L2 3 Martyr
Dark Elf Spearmen 2 2 Spears
Dark Elf Shades 2L2 2 Scouts
Reaper Bolt Throwers 2 2 War Machine
Standard Bearer 1 1 Signal
Cauldron of Blood 5U 3 Magic, Regenerate, Signal
War Hydra 6U 5 Monster, Regenerate
Parasitic Blade 2U 3 Hero Item, Drain
Arcane Arrow 1U 2 Hero Item, Archer
Frostblade 2U 3 Hero Item, Magic
Executioners Axe 2U 3 Hero Item, Berserk
Deathsword 3U 4 Hero Item, Slay
Amulet of Fire 1U 2 Wizard Item, Archer
Parrying Blade 2U 3 Hero Item, Armor
Hydra Sword 2U 3 Hero Item, Infantry
Whip of Agony 2U 3 Hero Item, Fear
Galvorn Armor 2U 3 Hero Item, Armor
Sea Dragon Cloak 1U 2 Hero Item, Armor
Darkstar Cloak 1U 2 Wizard Item, Armor
Blade of Ensorcelled Iron 2U 3 Hero Item, Hero
Armour of Meteoric Iron 3U 4 Hero Item, Armor
Racial Ability: When writing orders add one attribute of Wizard or Cavalry.
Spells: Use spells from the Shadow or Death lists.
Card Name Cost Force Notes
Prince Tyrion 5U 5 Hero
Elf Lord 4 4 Hero
Mage Lord Teclis 6U 6 Magic, Wizard
Archmage 5 5 Magic, Wizard
Pegasus 1 1 Mount, Flying
Elven Steed 1 1 Mount, Cavalry
Griffon 4 4 Mount, Flying
Unicorn 4 3 Mount, Magic, Cavalry
Great Eagle 5 5 Mount, Flying
Dragon 7 6 Mount, Flying, Monster
Commander 3 3 Hero
Mage 4 4 Magic, Wizard
Priest of Isha 2 2 Magic
Sea Elf Spears 2 2 Spears
Sea Elf Archers 2 2 Archers
Light Elf Spears 1 1 Spears
Light Elf Archers 3 3 Archers
Guards of the Gates 4L2 3 Infantry, Archers
White Lion Axers 4 4 Infantry
Gales of Blades 3 3 Scouts
Shadow Worriers 3L2 2 Scouts, +2 vs Dark Elves
Lothern Seaguard 3L4 2 Infantry, Archers
Repeater Bolt Thrower 3 2 War Machine
Phoenix Guard 4 3 Armor, Spears
Sword Master 5 5 Hero
Tiranoc Chariot 4 4 Cavalry
Silver Helms 3 3 Cavalry
Ellyrian Reavers 3 2 Cavalry, Scouts
Dragon Princes 5 5 Cavalry
Dragon Kin 8 7 Flying, Monster
Earth Elemental 8U 7 Magic, Monster
Water Elemental 6U 5 Magic, Monster
Fire Elemental 7U 6 Magic, Monster
Air Elemental 6U 4 Magic, Flying, Monster
Handmaiden Guard 2L2 1 Spears, Archers
Banner of Hoeth 2U 2 Signal
High Elf Warhorn 1U 1 Signal
Staff of Power 3U 4 Wizard Item, Magic
Banisher Sword 2U 3 Hero Item, +2 vs Undead
Potion of Might 1L2 2 Hero Item, Magic
Dragonlbade Lance 3U 4 Hero Item, +2 vs Monsters
Drain Magic 2U 3 Spell, +4 vs Wizard
Vauls Unmaking 3U 4 Spell, Magic Resistance
Fury of Khaine 4U 5 Spell, Infantry
Flames of the Phoenix 5U 6 Spell, Flying
Racial Ability: When writing orders add one attribute of Wizard or Hero.
Spells: Use spells from any list.
Card Name Cost Force Notes
Emperor Karl Franz 7U 6 Hero, Armor
The Grand Theogonist 5U 5 Magic
Battle Wizard 4 4 Magic, Wizard
Champion of the Empire 6 6 Hero
Imperial Hero 5 5 Hero
Elector Counts 4 3 Hero, Cavalry
Captain 3 3 Hero
Imperial Herald 2 2 Signal
Imperial Outriders 3L2 1 Cavalry, Scouts, Archers
Knights of the Blazing Sun 3 3 Cavalry
Knights Panther 4 4 Cavalry
White Wolf Knights 5 5 Cavalry
Reiksguard 4 3 Infantry, Armor
Greatswords 3 3 Infantry
Footsoldiers 1 1 Infantry
Swordsmen 2 2 Infantry
Flagellants 2 2 Berserker
Halberdiers 3 3 Spears
Halflings 1 1 Scouts
Pistoliers 2 1 Archers, Cavalry
Crossbowmen 2 2 Archers
Handgunners 3 3 Archers
Bowmen 2 2 Archers
Imperial War Wagon 4L2 3 Armor, Cavalry
Helblaster Volley Gun 3 3 War Machine
Imperial Great Cannon 5 5 War Machine
Imperial Steam Tank 6U 5 Armor, War Machine
Halfling Hotpot 2 2 War Machine
Pegasus 2L2 2 Mount, Flying
Hippogriff 3L2 3 Mount, Flying
Armor of Brilliance 2U 3 Hero Item, Armor
Blessed Sword 1U 2 Hero Item, +2 vs Undead
Hammer of Sigmar 3U 4 Hero Item, Infantry
Banner of Wrath 2U 3 Infantry Item, Signal
Standard of Sorcery 1U 2 Infantry Item, Magic
Sword of Might 3U 4 Hero Item, Magic
Orb of Thunder 2U 3 Wizard Item, Archers
Ring of Volans 1U 2 Hero & Wizard Item, Magic
Racial Ability: When writing orders add one attribute of Infantry or Cavalry.
Spells: Use spells from any 2 lists.
Card Name Cost Force Notes
Duke 5 5 Hero
The Green Knight 5U 4 Hero, Magic
Champion 4 4 Hero
Paladin 4 3 Hero, Magic
Squire 1 1 Hero
Gamekeeper 2L2 1 Hero, Scout
Fey Enchantress 5U 5 Magic, Wizard
Damsel of the Lady 3 3 Magic, Wizard
Barded Warhorse 1 1 Mount, Cavalry
Pegasus 2L2 2 Mount, Flying
Hippogriff 3L2 3 Mount, Flying
Ribaud Organ Gun 3 3 War Machine
Table Mounted Cannon 4 4 War Machine
Ballista 2 2 War Machine
Bretonnian Lords 5 4 Cavalry, Armor
Grail Knights 4 4 Cavalry
Knights of the Realm 3 3 Cavalry
Knights Errant 2 2 Cavalry
Bowmen of Bergerac 3 3 Archers
Bretonnian Archers 2 2 Archers
Foot Knights 3 3 Infantry
Retainers 2 2 Infantry
Bretonnian Pikes 2 2 Spears
Men-at-arms with Halberds 3 3 Spears
Sergeant 2 1 Hero, Signal
Standard Bearer 1 1 Signal
Musician 1 1 Signal
Amber Amulet 1U 2 Hero & Wizard Item, Magic
Blade of Couronne 2U 3 Hero Item, +2 vs Undead
Morning Star of Fracasse 2U 3 Hero Item, +2 vs Items
Armor of Brilliance 2U 3 Hero Item, Armor
Lance of the Quest 2U 3 Hero Item, Cavalry
Mithril Great Helm 1U 2 Hero Item, Armor
Ruby Goblet 2U 3 Hero & Wizard Item, Magic
Holy Icon 3U 4 Hero & Wizard Item, Magic
Tress of Isoulde 3U 4 Hero Item, +2 vs Heroes
Crown of Bretonnia 4U 5 Hero Item, Signal
Banner of Righteous Retribution 2U 3 Infantry Item, +2 vs Archers
Valorous Standard 2U 3 Infantry Item, Signal
The Silver Mirror 1U 2 Wizard Item, +2 vs Wizards
Errantry Banner 1U 2 Cavalry Item, Signal
Lance Formation 1U 2 Cavalry Tactic, Signal
Knight's Virtue 1U 2 Hero Virtue, Cavalry
Questing Virtue 2U 3 Hero Virtue, Scout
Grail Virtue 3U 4 Hero Virtue, Signal
Lady of the Lake Blessing 4U 5 Hero Virtue, Hero
Plate-Mail 1U 2 Hero or Knight Virtue, Armor
Racial Ability: When writing orders add one attribute of Hero or Armor.
Spells: Use spells from any 2 lists except Shadows & Death.
Card Name Cost Force Notes
The Ice Queen of Kislev 7U 7 Magic, Wizard
Frost Mage 4 4 Magic, Wizard
Kislev Horse Archers 3 2 Cavalry, Archers
Kislev Winged Lancers 3 3 Cavalry
Kislev Youths 2 2 Infantry
Kislev Veterans 3 3 Infantry
Kislev Crossbows 2 2 Archers
Kislev Spears 2 2 Spears
Kislev Scouts 1 1 Scouts
Polar Bears & Trainer 3 3 Beast
Crystal Cloak 2U 3 Spell, Ambush
Freeze 2U 3 Spell, Infantry
Death Freeze 3U 4 Spell, Death
Ice Shards 4U 5 Spell, Archers
Fear Frost 5U 6 Spell, Fear
Chill Wind 5U 6 Spell, Immobilize
Racial Ability: When writing orders add one attribute of Berserk or Cavalry.
Card Name Cost Force Notes
Slann Mage-Priest 5U 5 Magic, Wizard
Palanquin 3U 3 Mount, Signal
Cold Blooded 1 1 Lizardman Virtue, Hero
Saurus Hero 3 3 Hero
Cold One 1 1 Mount, Cavalry
Skink Hero 2 2 Hero
Shield of the Old Ones 3 3 Lizardman Virtue, Armor
Thick Skinned 2 2 Lizardman Virtue, Armor
Scaly Skinned 1 1 Lizardman Virtue, Armor
Skink Shaman 1 1 Magic, Wizard
Stegadon with Giant Bow 5 4 Monster, War Machine
Stegadon 4 4 Mount, Monster
Saurus Warriors 3 3 Infantry
Skink Skirmishers 2 2 Archers, Scout
Poisoned Arrows 1 2 Archers & Scout Item, Poison
Poisoned Javelins 2 3 Archers & Scout Item, Poison
Aquatic 1 1 Skink Virtue, Ambush
Jungle Swarm 3 3 Swarm
Temple Guards 2 2 Infantry, Martyr
Saurus Cavalry 3 3 Cavalry
Kroxigors 4 4 Berserkers
Salamander 4L2 3 Cavalry, Monster
Skink Runners 1 1 Cavalry
Terradon Riders 3 2 Flying, Archers
Chameleon Skinks 3L2 2 Ambush, Scouts
Chameleon 2 2 Lizardman Virtue, Ambush
Piranha Blade 2U 3 Hero Item, Infantry
Dagger of Sotek 1U 2 Hero & Wizard Item, Poison
Sword of the Hornet 3U 4 Hero Item, Hero
Bitametl 2U 3 Hero Item, Armor
Stegadon Helm 3U 4 Hero Item, Armor
Glyph Necklace 2U 3 Hero & Wizard Item, Regenerate
Amulet of Itzl 1U 2 Hero & Wizard Item, Armor
Amulet of Xapati 1U 2 Hero & Wizard Item, Magic
Cloak of Feathers 1U 2 Hero & Wizard Item, Flying
Bane Head 2U 3 Hero Item, +2 vs Heroes
Plaque of Dominion 3U 4 Wizard Item, Wizard
Totem of Prophecy 1U 2 Infantry Item, Fear
Sun Standard of Chotec 2U 3 Infantry Item, Armor
Totem of the Crested Ones 1U 2 Infantry Item, Armor
Jaguar Standard 1U 2 Infantry Item, Cavalry
Mark of the Old One 2U 3 Hero & Wizard Mark, Armor
Mark of Tlaxcotl 2U 3 Hero & Wizard Mark, Signal
Mark of Chotec 2U 3 Hero & Wizard Mark, Infantry
Mark of Sotec 2U 3 Hero & Wizard Mark, Berserk
Mark of Topec 2U 3 Wizard Mark, Wizard
Mark of Huanchi 2U 3 Hero & Wizard Mark, Cavalry
Mark of Tzunki 2U 3 Hero & Wizard Mark, Spears
Racial Ability: When writing orders add one attribute of Scout or Armor.
Spells: Use spells from any list.
Card Name Cost Force Notes
Bloodthirster 9U 7 Monster, Berserk, Flying
Bloodletters 3 3 Berserk
Khorne Juggernaut Riders 4 4 Cavalry
Khorngor Beastmen 2 2 Infantry
Khorne’s Favor 1 1 Demonic Gift, Berserk
Spellbreaker 1U 1 Demonic Gift, Wizard
Blood Greed of Khorne 2U 2 Demonic Gift, Berserk
Armor of Khorne 2U 2 Demonic Gift, Armor
Mark of Khorne 2 2 Chaos Mark, Berserk
Notes: If you pick a Demon List, you may also use the Chaos List.
Racial Ability: When writing orders add one attribute of Infantry or Berserk.
Card Name Cost Force Notes
Great Unclean One 9U 7 Monster, Regenerate, Wizard
Plaguebearers 3 3 Regenerate
Beast of Nurgle Riders 4 3 Cavalry, Monster
Beast of Nurgle 3 3 Monster
Pestigor Beastmen 2 2 Infantry
Nurglings 1 1 Martyr
Nurgle’s Cloud of Flies 1 1 Demonic Gift, Swarm
Pillar of Putrefaction 3U 4 Spell, Flying
Rancid Visitation 3U 4 Spell, Poison
Plague Wind 4U 5 Spell, Disease
Shrivelling Pox 4U 5 Spell, Death
Stench of Nurgle 5U 6 Spell, Immobilize
Plague Flail 3U 4 Hero Item, Death
Death Head of Nurgle 1 2 Hero or Wizard Item, Archer
Stream of Corruption 2 2 Chaos Gift, Poison
Miasma of Pestilence 3 3 Chaos Gift, Disease
Immensity 2 2 Chaos Gift, Armor
Biting Tongue 1 1 Chaos Gift, Spears
Face of Nurgle 2 2 Chaos Gift, Fear
Nurgling Infestation 2 2 Chaos Gift, Berserk
Nurgle's Rot 1 1 Chaos Gift, Disease
Mark of Nurgle 1 1 Chaos Mark, Fear
Notes: If you pick a Demon List, you may also use the Chaos List.
Racial Ability: When writing orders add one attribute of Fear or Magic.
Spells: Use spells from any list.
Card Name Cost Force Notes
Lord of Change 9U 6 Monster, Magic, Wizard, Flying
Horrors 3 3 Magic
Flamers of Tzeentch 3 2 Flying, Archers
Tzaangor Beastmen 2 2 Infantry
Disc of Tzeentch 1 0 Flying, Mount, Magic
Tzeentch’s Will 2U 2 Demonic Gift, Magic
Blue Fire of Tzeentch 2U 3 Spell, Archer
Shield of Fire 3U 4 Spell, Armor
Pink Fire of Tzeentch 3U 4 Spell, War Machine
Boon of Tzeentch 4U 5 Spell, Magic
Touch of Tzeentch 4U 5 Spell, Death
Glean Magic 5U 6 Spell, Wizard
Mark of Tzeentch 2 2 Chaos Mark, Wizard
Notes: If you pick a Demon List, you may also use the Chaos List.
Racial Ability: When writing orders add one attribute of Wizard or Magic.
Spells: Use spells from any list.
Card Name Cost Force Notes
Keeper of Secrets 9U 7 Monster, Magic, Wizard
Daemonettes 3 3 Spears
Fiends of Slaanesh 3 3 Infantry
Steed of Slaanesh Riders 3 3 Cavalry
Slangor Beastmen 2 2 Infantry
Soporific Musk 2 2 Demonic Gift, Infantry
Aura of Slaanesh 2U 2 Demonic Gift, Signal
Pain of Slaanesh 2U 3 Spell, Immobilize
Cacophonic Choir 3U 4 Spell, Signal
Bondage of Slaanesh 3U 4 Spell, Immobilize
Acquiescence 4U 5 Spell, Fear
Cursed Caress 4U 5 Spell, Slay
Succour of Chaos 5U 6 Spell, Signal
Mark of Slaanesh 2 2 Chaos Mark, Magic
Notes: If you pick a Demon List, you may also use the Chaos List.
Racial Ability: When writing orders add one attribute of Signal or Magic.
Spells: Use spells from any list.
Card Name Cost Force Notes
Demon Prince 7U 5 Hero, Flying, Wizard
Exalted Demon 5 5 Hero
Chaos Lord 5U 5 Hero
Chaos Sorcerer Lord 6U 5 Hero, Magic, Wizard
Exalted Champion 4L2 4 Hero
Chaos Champion 3 3 Hero
Chaos Sorcerer 3 3 Magic, Wizard
Chaos Warriors 4 3 Infantry, Armor
Chaos Knights 4 3 Cavalry, Armor
Chaos Bowmen 2 2 Archers
Familiar 1 1 Wizard "Item", Wizard
Chaos Cultists 1 1 Infantry
Chaos Thugs 2 2 Infantry
Chaos Marauders 2 2 Ambush
Marauder Chieftan 2 2 Hero
Aspiring Champion 1 1 Hero
Chaos Steed 1 1 Cavalry, Mount
Chaos Chariot 3 3 Cavalry, Mount
Marauder Cavalry 2 2 Cavalry
Chaos Tomb Blade 2 3 Hero Item, Fear
Demon Sword 2 3 Hero Item, Infantry
Crimson Armor of Dargan 3 4 Hero Item, Armor
Chaos Runeshield 2 3 Hero Item, Armor
Banner of Wrath 2 3 Infantry Item, Archer
Skull of Katam 1 2 Wizard Item, Archer
Blade of the Ether 2U 3 Hero Item, Hero
Spellcaster 1 2 Hero Gift, Wizard
Magic Resistance 1 1 Demonic Gift, Magic Resistance
Soul Hunger 1U 1 Demonic Gift, Infantry
Chaos Disruption 1U 1 Demonic Gift, Armor
Radiance of Dark Glory 2U 2 Demonic Gift, Armor
Diabolic Splendor 1U 1 Demonic Gift, Magic
Cause Fear 1 1 Demonic Gift, Fear
Racial Ability: When writing orders add one attribute of Fear or Berserk.
Notes: You may also use the Beastmen List.
Spells: Use spells from Beast, Metal, Shadows, Fire, Heavens, and Death Lists.
Card Name Cost Force Notes
Beastlord 5 5 Hero
Beastman Chieftan 4 4 Hero
Beastman Champion 4 3 Hero, Berserk
Beastman Shaman 3U 3 Magic, Wizard
Ungor Beastmen 1 1 Scout
Gor Beastmen 2 2 Infantry
Beastmen Spears 2 2 Spears
Bestigor Beastmen 3 3 Berserk
Standard Bearer 1 1 Signal
Musicians 2 2 Signal
Flesh Hounds 2 2 Beasts
Chaos Spawn 4 4 Monster
Chimera 6 5 Monster, Flying, Mount
Minotaurs 4 4 Berserk
Centaurs 4 3 Cavalry, Archers
Harpies 2 2 Flying
Chaos Trolls 5 4 Monster, Regenerate
Chaos Ogres 4 4 Monster
Dragon Ogre 5U 5 Monster
Chaos Dragon 7 6 Monster, Flying, Mount
Beastmen Chariot 2 2 Cavalry, Mount
Scimitar of Skultar 2U 3 Hero Item, Hero
Great Fang 2U 3 Hero Item, Spears
Axes of Khorgor 2U 3 Hero Item, Infantry
Black Maul 1U 2 Hero Item, Monster
Armor of Bones 2U 3 Hero Item, Armor
Shield of Korag 1U 2 Hero Item, Armor
Helm of the Minotaur 1U 2 Hero Item, Fear
Blood Drinker Armour 2U 3 Hero Item, Berserk
Horn of Gungrak 3U 4 Hero Item, Signal
Cursing Bones 1U 2 Wizard or Hero Item, Magic
Spell Totem 2U 3 Wizard Item, Wizard
Iron Collar 1U 2 Hero Item, Armor
Heart of Chaos 2U 3 Hero Item, Berserk
Shaman Staff 1U 2 Wizard Item, Wizard
Beast Banner 1U 2 Infantry Item, Signal
Racial Ability: When writing orders add one attribute of Beast or Berserk.
Spells: Use spells from Beast, Shadows, and Death Lists.
Card Name Cost Force Notes
Fireball 2U 3 Spell, Archers
Flaming Sword of Rhuin 2U 3 Spell, Death
Fiery Blast 3U 4 Spell, Slay
Burning Head 4U 5 Spell, Fear
Conflagration of Doom 5U 6 Spell, Disaster
Wall of Fire 5U 6 Spell, Armor
Card Name Cost Force Notes
Second Sign of Amul 2U 3 Spell, Magic
Portent of Far 2U 3 Spell, Scout
Forked Lightning 3U 4 Spell, Spears
Uranons’s Thunderbolt 4U 5 Spell, Slay
Storm of Cronos 4U 5 Spell, Death
The Comet Casandora 5U 6 Spell, Disaster
Card Name Cost Force Notes
Rule of Burning Iron 1U 2 Spell, Slay
Commandment of Brass 2U 3 Spell, Immobilize
Transmutation of Lead 3U 4 Spell, Cavalry
Distillation of Molten Silver 3U 4 Spell, Archers
Law of Gold 4U 5 Spell, Magic Resistance
Bane of Forged Metal 5U 6 Spell, Magic Resistance
Card Name Cost Force Notes
Pha’s Illumination 2U 3 Spell, Scout
Shem’s Burning Gaze 2U 3 Spell, Archers
Urru’s Dazzling Brightness 2U 3 Spell, Spears
Ulzah’s Healing Hand 3U 4 Spell, Regenerate
Karu’s Guardian Light 3U 4 Spell, Courage
Amshu’s Blinding Light 4U 5 Spell, Immobilize
Card Name Cost Force Notes
Steed of Shadows 1U 2 Spell, Mount, Cavalry
Creeping Death 2U 3 Spell, Swarm
Pelt of Midnight 3U 4 Spell, Armor
Shades of Death 3U 4 Spell, Hero
Unseen Lurker 4U 5 Spell, Ambush
Pit of Shades 5U 6 Spell, Death
Card Name Cost Force Notes
Father of the Thorn 3U 4 Spell, Immobilize
The Howling Wind 3U 4 Spell, Fear
Master of the Wood 3U 4 Spell, Ambush
Master of Stone 3U 4 Spell, Death
The Rain Lord 4U 5 Spell, Armor
Mistress of the Marsh 1U 2 Spell, Immobilize
Card Name Cost Force Notes
The Oxen Stands 2U 3 Spell, Immobilize
The Eagle’s Cry 2U 3 Spell, Scout
The Bear’s Anger 2U 3 Spell, Beast
The Crow’s Feast 3U 4 Spell, Flying
The Beast Cowers 3U 4 Spell, Fear
The Wolf Hunts 4U 5 Spell, Cavalry
Card Name Cost Force Notes
Dark Hand of Death 2U 3 Spell, Death
Death Dealer 2U 3 Spell, Ambush
Steal Soul 3U 4 Spell, Drain
Wind of Death 3U 4 Spell, Poison
Drain Life 4U 5 Spell, Drain
Doom & Darkness 5U 6 Spell, Fear
Card Name Cost Force Notes
The Green Eye 1U 2 Spell, Scout
The Jade Shroud 1U 2 Spell, Regenerate
The Emerald Fountain 2U 3 Spell, Archer
Hand of Decay 2U 3 Spell, Drain
The Cloak of Dainne 2U 3 Spell, Armor
The Pool of Many Places 3U 4 Spell, Flying
The Jade Casket 3U 4 Spell, Regenerate
The Thousand Cuts 3U 4 Spell, Spears
Mist of Speed 3U 4 Spell, Cavalry
The Emerald Waterfall 4U 5 Spell, Disaster
50 card decks would have a cost limit of 125.
Doing Research… Will add more:
Spells, Magic Items, Units, Army Lists
Possible rules revisions.
Each turn has 4 phases:
Orders Phase
March Phase
Battle Phase
Blood Phase
Players draw a hand of 10 cards.
If a deck runs out, shuffle the reserve pile & draw from it.
Players may discard up to 5 cards to their reserve piles and draw replacement cards.
Players reveal their hands.
Determine a Battle Total for each player.
Each card contributes its force rating to the Battle Total.
The Player with the most Archer units gets a +2 bonus.
The Player with the most Infantry units gets a +2 bonus.
The Player with the most Spears units gets a +2 bonus.
The Player with the most War Machine units gets a +2 bonus.
The Player with the most Cavalry units gets a +2 bonus.
The Player with the most Flying units gets a +2 bonus.
The Player with the most Leader units gets a +2 bonus.
The Player with the most Hero units gets a +2 bonus.
The Player with the most Magic units gets a +2 bonus.
The Player with the most Scout units gets a +2 bonus.
The Player with the most Monster units gets a +2 bonus.
The Player with the most Beast units gets a +2 bonus.
The Player with the most Spears units gets a +2 bonus.
If you play a Leader card with a Mount card get a +1 bonus.
If a unit has the Ambush trait roll 1D6:
On 1-3 the units Force is +2. On 4-6 there is no bonus.
If a unit has a “Versus” attribute (Such as +2 vs Orcs) the
Unit only gets the bonus if the opponent plays a unit of the appropriate type.
Items may only be played if a card that can use it is also played.
The Player with the highest Battle Total wins the hand.
The loser puts his 1D6 random cards into his casualty pile.
Remaining cards go into each players reserve pile.
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