Board Game for 1-4+ players.
Each player represented by his own pawn is a unique
incarnation of Xenophon and the Ten Thousand.
The 10,000 are Greek Mercenaries who have come to fight for Cyrus,
the younger brother of the Persian King Artaxerxes. Cyrus is killed in
Battle against the King leaving the Greeks abandoned, deep in hostile Territory.
The Greeks begin a long march northward to the Black Sea and Greek Territory.
The player whose Pawn reaches the Sea first and with the most men is the winner.
The game ends when all players have finally reached the
last space on the Distance Track.
Players then calculate their scores:
Player Score = (Remaining Men) Divided by (Number of Turns to Reach the Sea)
There are 2 Tracks:
The Distance Track
The Time Track
This track has 60 numbered spaces.
The first space is that of Cunaxa where Cyrus was killed.
The last space is the Coastal Greek Colony of Trapezus.
Each player has his own uniquely colored pawn which he moves along
the distance Track. Pawns may stack.
Each space represents about 10 Miles.
This track has 60 numbered spaces.
A single neutral pawn is moved a single space after all players have
completed a single turn.
When a player reaches the sea he should take his colored pawn from the
Distance track and place it on the Time track on the current space to mark
how long his journey took.
Each space represents about 2 Days.
Each player has a pawn of a unique color.
These move along the Distance track and at the
end of a journey are used as a marker on the Time Track.
Each player starts with 10,000 Men.
Men are lost during the journey due to fighting,
exposure, starvation, and desertion.
Use paper and pencil to keep track of your manpower total.
The term Army represents whatever total men you have left.
Each Food Token represents 1 days supply worth of food for the Army.
Lack of Food Tokens will result in accumulation of Starvation Tokens.
These represent dissent and despondency amongst the ranks.
These represent the accumulation of barbarian forces arrayed against you.
Six sided dice are needed.
Players share an action deck.
Most cards will increase or reduce the value of a target Dieroll.
Most improve your rolls.
Others will be to the detriment of your opponent.
Cards when played are discarded.
Players place their Pawns on the starting space of the Distance Track.
Place a Neutral Pawn on the starting space of the Time Track.
Players roll high to see who goes first.
Each player is dealt 3 cards from the Action Deck.
Each player starts with 1 Food Token.
Players take turns.
Each turn has 16 Phases:
Draw Phase
Route Phase
Weather Phase
Satrap Phase
Negotiations Phase
Attack Phase
Battle Phase
Exposure Phase
Forage Phase
Consumption Phase
Starvation Phase
Morale Phase
Rally Phase
Desertion Phase
Travel Phase
End Phase
The current player draws 3 Cards.
If the deck runs out, shuffle the discard and draw from it.
Make a Route Roll:
2D6 Route Terrain FR TR BR
2-3 High Mountains -1 -2 +1
4-5 Mountains -1 -1 +1
6 River - -2 +1
7 Desert -1 - -
8 Hills - - -1
9-10 Flat Plains +1 +1 +1
11-12 Settled Area +2 +2 -1
FR = Forage Roll Modifier
TR = Travel Roll Modifier
BR = Battle Roll Modifier
Make a Weather Roll:
1D6 Severity: FR TR
1-3 Mild - -
4-5 Cold -1 -1
6 Harsh -2 -2
FR = Forage Roll Modifier
TR = Travel Roll Modifier
Get a -1 to this roll while on the first 30 spaces of the Distance Track
Make a Strap Roll:
1D6 Meet:
1-5 Nobody
6+ Encounter a Satrap
Get a +1 to this roll if you are in a Settled Area.
If you encountered a Satrap this turn make a Negotiation Roll:
1D6 Result:
1 Confrontational: Gain 3 AT
2 Hostile: Gain 2 AT
3 Wary: Gain 1 AT
4 They Hide: Nothing
5 They Open their Markets to you: Gain 2 FT
6 Friendly: Remove all your AT and Gain 2 FT
AT = Anger Token
FT = Food Token
Make an Attack Roll:
Roll 1D6: If your result is equal to or less than the number of AT
you have, you are Attacked by Barbarians.
Note: The Term Barbarians refers to anybody who is not Greek.
If you are attacked by Barbarians remove 1 Anger Token and
Make a Battle Roll:
1D6 Casualties:
1 (1D6+ 4) x100 Men
2 500 Men
3 400 Men
4 300 Men
5 200 Men
6 100 Men
7+ None
If the Weather was Harsh this turn make an Exposure Roll:
Lose 1D6-1 x100 Men.
Add 1 to this roll if you were attacked this turn.
Add 1 to this roll if it was also harsh last turn.
You may choose not to Forage, if so skip this turn.
Otherwise make a Forage Roll:
1 0 0
2 1 0
3 2 1
4 3 1
5 4 2
6 5 2
FT = Number of Food Tokens you gain
AT = Number of Anger Tokens you gain
If you currently have a Food Token, discard all your Starvation Tokens.
Discard 1 Food Token.
If you have no Food Tokens to lose gain 1 Starvation Token.
If you have Starvation Tokens make a Starvation Roll:
Lose (1D6 -4 +Z) x100 Men
where Z = the number of Starvation Tokens you have.
Make a Morale Roll:
1D6 Result
1-5 Nothing
6+ Gain 1 Mutiny Token
Add 1 to this roll if you were Attacked this turn.
Add 1 to this roll if the Weather is Harsh.
Add 1 to this roll if you have a Starvation Token
If you have Mutiny Tokens make a Rally Roll:
1D6 Result
1-4 No Effect
5-6 Remove 1 Mutiny Token
If you have Mutiny Tokens make a Desertion Roll:
1D6 Result
1-5 No Deserters
6+ Lose 1D6 x100 Men
Add 1 to this roll for each Mutiny Token you have.
Make a Travel Roll:
Move your pawn forward 1D6 Spaces on the Distance Map.
Note Weather and Route Modifiers.
Subtract 2 from this roll if you Foraged this turn.
Subtract 1 from this roll if you have any Starvation Tokens.
Subtract 2 from this roll if you Negotiated with a Satrap this turn.
Subtract 2 from this roll if you were Attacked this turn.
Max hand size is 7 cards.
Discard excess cards.
X = May work to either sides benefit
FT = Food Token
AT = Anger Token
MT = Mutiny Token
ST = Starvation Token
BR = Battle Roll
RR = Rally Roll
ER = Exposure Roll
SR = Satrap Roll
AR = Attack Roll
NR = Negotiation Roll
DR = Desertion Roll
WR = Weather Roll
TR = Travel Roll
ZR = Starvation Roll
Card Name = Effect:
Corn = Gain 1 FT
Muddy Road = TR -1
Eat only Meat = ZR -2
Narrow Road = TR -1
Fodder = Gain 1 FT or TR +1
Quarrel = MR +2
Date Wine = Gain 1 FT
Scorched Earth = FR -1
Buy Provisions = Gain 1 FT
Traitor = MR +3
Market = Gain 1 FT
Swayed by Persians = DR +1
Intervene = Get 1 extra RR
Tissaphernes = AR -3
Begging = Get 1 extra RR
Greek Invaders = AR -2
Thracian Troops = BR +1
Block Crossing = AR -2
Greek Cavalry = BR +1
Despondency = MR +2
Call for Action = BR +1
Reprisals = AR -2
Reconciliation = Get 1 extra RR
Herald = SR +3
Pledge of Friendship = NR +1
Messenger = SR +3
Consultation = Reroll Target Roll
Delegates = SR +3
Trial = Get 1 extra RR
Short of Supplies = Lose 1 FT
Greek Generals = BR +1 or RR +1
Enemy Cavalry = AR -2
Greek Captains = BR +1 or RR +1
Fear = MR +2
Promises = Get 1 extra RR
Panic = MR +2
Bribes = Get 1 extra RR
Generals Killed = MR +4
Wagons = Gain 1 FT
Mutual Suspicion = NR -1
Baggage = Gain 1 FT
Canals = TR -1
Ambush = Reroll BR
Burn Villages = Gain 1 AT
Prisoners = Reroll BR
Treachery = Gain 1 AT & 1 MT
Retreat = Reroll BR
Intrigue = NR -1 or MR +2
Soothsayer = Reroll Target Roll
Slander = NR -1 or MR +2
Omens = Reroll Target Roll
Conspiracy = NR -1 or MR +2
Sacrifices = Reroll Target Roll
Perjury = NR -1 or MR +2
Barley = Gain 1 FT
Misery = MR +2
Plunder = FR +2
Camp Followers = TR -1 or lose 1 FT
Spartan Hoplites = BR +1
Slings & Arrows = BR -1
Arcadian Soldiers = BR +1
Ambassadors = SR +3
Theban Cohort = BR +1
Carduchi = Gain 1 AT
Athenian Peltasts = BR +1
Violent Attacks = BR -1 or AR -1
Arms & Courage = BR +1
Falling Rocks = BR +1
Resolution = BR +1 or RR +1
Armenians = AR -2
Advice = Get 1 extra RR
Mercenaries = AR -1
Honor = NR +1 or RR +1
Downhearted = MR +2
Shelter = ER -1
Deep Snow = TR -1
Truce = NR +1
Snowstorm = WR +2
Oaths to the Gods = NR +1
North Wind Blowing = WR +1
Escort = TR +2
Freezing Cold = WR +1
Allies = TR +2
Snow Blindness = ER +1
Long March = TR +2
Frostbite = ER +1
Pursuit = Reroll BR
Exhaustion = ER +1
Scouts = BR +1 or TR +2
Colchians = AR -1
Vanguard = BR +1
Defensive Position = TR -2
Make Camp = ER -2
Food Poisoning = TR -2
Command Silence = MR -2
Proclamation = MR -2
Treaty = NR +1
Discuss Terms = NR +1
Patrols = BR +1 or TR +2
Battle Order = NR +1 or BR +1
Flooded Plain = TR -2
Foreign Foods = Gain 1 FT
Safe Conduct = NR +1 or TR +2
Argument = Get 1 extra RR
Firewood = ER -1
Pontoon Bridge = TR +1
Permanent Bridge = TR +1
Warning = BR +1
Guards = BR +1
Big City = Gain 2 FT
Sheep & Goats = Gain 1 FT
Bread & Cheese = Gain 1 FT
Compact = NR +1
Sensible Speech = NR +1 or RR +1
Achean Contingent = BR +1
Thessalian Forces = BR +1
Inspiring Speech = Get 1 extra RR
Bravery = BR -1 or Get 1 extra RR
Council of War = Draw 3 Cards
Sign of the Gods = Get 1 extra RR
Sing the Paen = BR +1
Vows = BR -1 or Get 1 extra RR
Glorious Hopes = Get 1 extra RR
Square Formation = BR +1
Rearguard = BR +1
Cretan Archers = BR +1
Rhodian Slingers = BR +1
Mutilate the Corpses = AR +2
Initiative = BR +1 or TR +2
Flanking Companies = BR +1
High Ground = Reroll BR
Doctors = BR +1 or ER -1
Wheat Flour = Gain 1 FT
Defend Encampment = BR +1
Picked Men = BR +1
Race to the Summit = Reroll BR
Deception = Reroll Target Roll
March to the Sea = TR +2
Night March = TR +2 or BR +1
Captive Guides = TR +2
Seize the Pass = BR +1 or TR +2
Trumpet Signal = Draw 3 Cards
Assault = BR +1
Ford = TR +2
Battle Cry = Reroll BR
Relieving Party = BR +1
Interpreter = NR +1
Ointments = ER -1
Question Prisoner = Draw 3 Cards
Attack Enemy Camp = BR +1
Quarter in Villages = ER -1
Village Headman = Remove 1 AT
Night Maneuver = BR +1 or TR +2
Mountain Pass = TR +2
Oxen & Cattle = Gain 1 FT
Chalybes = Gain 1 AT
Fortifications = FR -2
Ravages = FR +2
Climb Mountain = BR +1
Macrones = NR +1
Advance in Columns = BR +1
Support = BR +1
Advance at the Double = BR +1
If you have a card in your hand that would penalize you, and
the opportunity comes up, you must play it.
At the beginning of the game each player picks one Leader:
Xenophon the Athenian - Reroll 1 Target Dieroll on each of your turns
Chirisophus the Spartan - Max Hand Size +1
Clearatus the Spartan - Get +1 or -1 to 1 Target Dieroll on each of your turns
Menon the Thessalaian - All your Negotiation Rolls are at +1
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