Solo Board Game.
Multiplayer Rules for 2-4 players.
Game based on the X-Com universe.
X-Com is a licensed copyrighted property.
This is merely a fan-site.
World Map (WM)
Region Counters (RC)
Panic Tokens (PT)
Loyalty Tokens (LT)
Satellite Tokens (ST)
Base Markers (BM) (Numbered)
Interceptor Figures (IF)
Carrier Figures (CF)
Squad Figures (SF)
Research Tokens (RT)
Erilium Tokens (ET)
Experience Tokens (ET)
Time Token (TT)
Damage Counters (DC)
Mission Markers (MM) (Numbered)
Invasion Markers (IM)
Credits (CR) (Denominations of 1, 5, 10, and 50)
Training Card Deck (TC or TD)
Hero Card Deck (HC or HD)
Research Card Deck (RC or RD) (3 Stages)
Mission Card Deck (MC or MD) (3 Stages) (Includes Alien Tech Cards)
Base Card Deck (BC or BD) (Rooms or Facilities)
Alien Tactical Cards (AT) (3 Groups)
Starting X-Com Tactical Deck (XD)
Alien Weapon Cards (AW)
Acting Director Token (ADT) (Multiplayer)
Victory Tokens (VT) (Multiplayer)
The game is divided into 3 Stages in order: I, II, III.
Certain Events will trigger the move from one Stage to the next.
Often you will be directed to use decks, cards, or rules for the appropriate Stage.
This is used to mark the locations of bases, satellites, missions, invasions, and
panic markers. There are 25 Countries and Blocks (of Countries) on the map.
These are also called Regions.
# Country/Bloc INC Size PRL POP RMP
1 USA 15 4 10 3 10
2 China 8 4 10 14 8
3 Russia 2 6 10 1 9
4 West Europe 4 1 8 1 5
5 Japan 6 1 3 1 1
6 UK 3 1 8 1 6
7 Germany 4 1 6 1 4
8 India 2 1 10 12 7
9 Canada 2 4 5 1 1
10 Brazil 2 3 4 2 1
11 Italy 2 1 2 1 1
12 Australia 2 3 4 1 1
13 Balkans 1 1 3 1 1
14 Central America 2 2 4 2 1
15 Korea 1 1 5 1 2
16 SE Asia 2 2 6 6 1
17 North Africa 2 2 4 2 1
18 Scandinavia 2 2 4 1 1
19 Upper S. America 1 2 4 1 1
20 Lower S. America 1 2 4 1 1
21 Central Asia 1 1 3 1 1
22 Eastern Europe 2 1 3 1 1
23 Middle East 1 2 8 3 3
24 Central Africa 1 3 4 2 1
25 South Africa 1 2 3 1 1
This is how many credits the region will provide to X-Com each week if the
Region has at least 1 Loyalty Token (LT).
If a region has no Loyalty or Panic Tokens on it, it will generate no income.
For each LT on a region after the first it will generate 1 extra income (up to +5).
If a region has any Panic Tokens on it, it’s income is reduced by 1.
If a region is in total panic, it will not generate any income.
Population is factor for PRL.
Size determines how many counters there are for a region in the
Random Region Counter Cup (RRCC).
(Example: USA would have 4 and Italy 1).
Size is also the number of satellites needed in a region to give it complete coverage.
Size is also a factor for PRL.
Relative Ranking of the Militaries of the world including such factors as:
Nukes, personnel, projection, technology, and weapon systems.
RMP is a factor for PRL.
This is the number of Panic Tokens (PT) a region can contain before it
goes into Total Panic.
A Base increases a Region’s PRL by 1.
Complete Satellite Coverage increases a Region’s PRL by 1.
If a Region has PT equal to half or more of its PRL, it will
provide only half of its income rounding down.
If a Region is in Total Panic (TP), it produces no income, and its counters are
removed from the RRCC. A Region that goes into TP loses all Loyalty Tokens.
Location of Region: Benefit:
North America Air & Space: Hangers and Aircraft cost %50
South America We Have Our Ways: Keep 1 extra card of Research Deck face-up
Europe Expert Knowledge: Gain +1 Research Token per Turn
Asia Future Warfare: Gain +1 Experience Token per turn
Africa All In: Gain 3 Credits per Turn
Choose a Region for your Main Base.
Place the #1 Base Marker on the chosen Region.
Place a Loyalty Marker on the Region.
Place LM on 2D10 other Regions of your choice.
The X-Com player starts with the following additional Assets:
BC: Mission Control, Power Generator, Research Lab, Barracks,
Satellite Uplink, Hangar, Situation Room
2 Interceptors, 1 Carrier, 1 Satellite, 2 Squads
Each turn has 10 Phases:
1. Operations Phase
2. Income Phase
3. Research Phase
4. Build Phase
5. Development Phase
6. Mission Phase
7. Detect Phase
8. Intercept Phase
9. Invasion Phase
10. Training Phase
For each Mission card that is Face-up place 1 Time Token (TT) on it.
If a Mission card has 3 TT on it, discard the Mission card and the
Region it was on gains 1 Panic Token and loses 1 Loyalty Token.
If there are less than 5 face-up Mission cards flip over new ones from the
Current Phase Mission deck until there are 5.
If you draw an Alien Tech Card from the mission deck place it to the
side; its effects are permanent. Immediately draw a replacement Mission card.
Draw a random Region Counter (from the Cup) and place it on each
newly uncovered Mission.
Remove 1 Damage Counter from all Squads that have 1 or more.
Gain Credits from all regions not in total panic and that have at least 1 LT.
Gain +1 CR for each extra LT a Region has.
Regions in Near Panic generate 1 less Credit.
Regions in Total Panic generate no Credits.
Gain 1 Research Token for each Research Lab you have.
Some Techs generate additional RT.
You may make purchases using your hard earned Credits:
Cost: Item:
40 Unit: Squad Card (Choose which Base: Must have Barracks)
30 Unit: Interceptor (Choose which Base: Must have Hangar)
50 Unit: Carrier (Choose which Base: Must have Hangar)
20 Base Room/Facility (Choose which Base)
20 Unit: Satellite (Choose which Region; Cannot exceed Uplinks x4)
40 Base (Choose Region for New Base)
You cannot build more Units than you have Engineering Bays and Forges.
You can build a Max of 1 room per turn per Base.
A new Base will start with only 1 Room (at no additional cost): a Power Generator Room.
If a base has more rooms than its power Generators can handle, the extra rooms will
become idle. Flip the non-functioning room cards upside-down. Rooms can only be
powered on or off in Build phase. Likewise if you have excess units they are
flipped over and un-useable until the needed facilities are in place.
Units can be transferred from base to base in build phase.
Room layout is not a factor in this game.
Keep the top 4 cards of the current Research Deck face up.
You may purchase these individually using a combination of
Research Tokens (RT) and Elirium Tokens (ET).
I 4 1
II 8 2
III 12 3
You may assign undamaged squads to go on Missions.
Note that each squad requires a Skyranger Carrier.
Conduct Missions one at a time.
A Mission is resolved by a battle using the Tactical Battle Rules Section.
If X-Com wins a Mission, it gets 1 Loyalty token in the Region plus the
rewards stated on the Mission card.
If the Aliens win:
1. The Squad is destroyed on a roll of 7 or less on 1D10. This is the Survival Roll.
2. Flip a card from the X-Com Tactical deck. If it is a Hero, the Hero is killed.
3. The Region the Mission was in gains 1 Panic Token.
If the Damaged Squad survives, put 3 Damage Counters on it.
Cards played are shuffled back into their respective decks after the Mission.
The same game mechanics are used for resolving Invasion Battles.
There will be X number of Invasions each turn. Roll on the Invasion Table:
1D10: Invasions:
1-3 0
4-7 1
8-10 2
11+ 3
Draw a Counter from the Random Region Counter for each Invasion.
Place an Invasion Marker on the indicated Region.
Roll 1D10. This is the Detection Roll.
Add +1 if you have a satellite in the Region or +2 if you total Satellite Coverage.
Add +1 if you have a base in the Region.
If you get 7+ on the roll, you detect the incoming invasion and may send
Interceptors against it.
If the Invasion is not detected, the target region gets 2 Panic Tokens.
You may send 1 or More Interceptors against each detected Invasion.
Roll 1D10. This is the Interception roll.
1D10: Result:
1-2 1 Interceptor Damaged
3 1 Interceptor Damaged; Invasion Reduced
4-5 Standoff: No Effect
6-9 Invasion Reduced
10+ Invasion Destroyed
If an Interceptor is Damaged roll 1D10. This is the Defense Roll.
Add Air Defense Bonuses to your Roll.
On a roll of 7 or less the Interceptor is Destroyed.
If not destroyed the Interceptor will cost 1D10 Credits to fix in Build Phase.
A reduced Invasion gets -1D10 Force in Invasion Phase.
Get +1 to the roll if the Region has total Satellite coverage.
If total Interception Bonuses are greater than total Alien Air Power Bonuses
get +1 to the roll. If the Alien Bonuses are greater subtract 1 from roll.
For each Detected Invasion conduct a Battle using the Tactical Battle Rules Section.
If X-Com defeats an Invasion the Region removes 1 PT and gains 1 LT
If the Aliens win an Invasion the Region gains 2 Panic Tokens. Handle
squad survival as in Mission Phase.
Gain 1 Experience Token (ET) for each Officer School you have.
Spend 5 ET to pick 1 of the top 5 cards of the Training Deck.
Spend 5 ET to pick the top card of the Hero Deck.
You cannot have more Psionic Heroes then you have Psi Labs.
If you pick a Psionic Hero you cannot Maintain discard it and draw a new Hero.
A Battle (Mission or Invasion) is resolved in 2 parts:
1. Creation of a Tactical Deck
2. Playing 1 hand of X-Com vs Alien Tactical Decks.
A Battle has 8 Steps:
1. Assemble a Tactical Deck (at the beginning of each Mission and Invasion).
2. Shuffle the newly created Tactical Deck. Draw 10 cards.
3. Next discard any number of cards and draw replacements.
4. Play your final Hand. This is also called your Meld.
5. Next draw 10 Cards from the Alien Tactical Deck of the Appropriate Stage.
6. Calculate the Force Total of Both Hands.
7. Resolution: The Higher Total wins. Aliens win ties.
8. Experience: If you win a Battle gain 1 Experience Token.
A Tactical Deck must contain at least 30 cards.
The cards that may go into a Tactical Deck include:
1. Cards in the starting Tactical Deck.
2. Hero Cards (Max 6)
3. Any Training and Research Cards you control Designated as Tactical.
To put Psionic Cards in a Deck, you must include at least 1 Psionic Hero.
A Battle Meld can contain a max of 4 Soldiers (Squaddies and or Heroes).
A Meld cannot have more primary weapon cards than Soldier cards.
A Meld cannot have more Equipment cards than Soldier cards.
A Meld cannot have more Armor cards than Soldier cards.
Note: a single Squad, Carrier, and Hero may be used in up to 1 Mission and
1 Invasion per turn. Use Time Tokens to keep track of this.
The Stage I Deck is the Group A cards.
The Stage II Deck is the Group A and Group B cards mixed together.
The Stage III Deck is all 3 Groups (A, B, and C) mixed together.
These are mixed into the Mission Decks.
When revealed, the Aliens permanently get the indicated benefit.
Rotating Solo Hot-Seat Rules.
One player gets the Acting Director Token (ADT).
After each Phase and Battle the ADT is passed to the player to the left.
The Acting Director (AD) makes all X-Com decisions during his tenure.
For each Successful Battle and Interception the AD gets one Victory Token.
These are rooms that are part of your base.
There is no limit to the number of these you can have.
Room: Stage: Notes:
Mission Control I Supports 2 Missions per turn
Satellite Uplink I Can Support 4 Satellites
Barracks I Can support 3 Squads
Hangar I Can support 3 Aircraft
Power Generator I Can support 7 Rooms
Research Lab I Gain 1 RT per Turn
Alien Containment I Required for level II Research
Engineering Bay I Required to build Units
Foundry I Units made at this Base cost $5 less
Psi Lab II Support 1 Psionic Hero
Officer Training I Gain 1 ET per Turn
Situation Room I Gain 2 Credits per Turn
Hyperwave Relay II Get +1 to Detect and Intercept Rolls
Gollop Chamber III Psionic Cards get +4 Force
The Hyperwave Relay and Gollop Chamber are built automatically when specific
Missions are completed.
To build a Psi Lab costs 6 Research points in addition to credits.
When you first build a Psi Lab, search the Training Deck for a Psionic Hero and
put it into play at no additional cost.
Max 1 per Base: Foundry, Mission Control, Situation Room.
# = Copies of Card in Deck
NT = Non-Tactical
Captive = Gain 2 Credits; If you have a containment facility also gain 2 RT
Sol = Soldier
Eqp = Equipment
Arm = Armor
PW = Primary Weapon
SW = Secondary Weapon
Psi = Psionic
Tac = Tactics
Terr = Terrain
Tech =Technology
AW = Alien Weapons
Name: # Force Type Notes:
Assault Squaddie 2 4 Sol -
Heavy Squaddie 2 3 Sol +2 with Armor
Sniper Squaddie 2 2 Sol +3 with Terrain
Support Squaddie 2 2 Sol +3 with Equipment
Assault Rifle 4 3 PW +3 with Support
Sniper Rifle 2 3 PW +7 with Sniper
Light Machine Gun 2 4 PW +6 with Heavy
Rocket Launcher 2 6 PW +4 with Heavy
Shotgun 2 4 PW +5 with Assault
Pistol Sidearm 4 2 SW +2 with Sniper
Smoke Grenades 2 2 EQ +3 with Support
Frag Grenades 2 2 EQ +5 with Terrain
Partial Cover 2 4 Terr +2 with Terrain
Full Cover 2 6 Terr -
Body Armor 4 3 Arm +3 with Assault
Suppressive Fire 2 2 Tac +3 with Heavy & Support
Head Shot 2 2 Tac +5 with Sniper
Run & Gun 2 2 Tac +5 with Assault
Overwatch 2 4 Tac +3 with Support; +5 vs MB
Name: Force Type Notes:
Xenobiology -- NT Gain 1 RT per turn
Arc Thrower 2 Eqp If Played during Battle gain 1 Captive
Beam Weapons - NT Lasers: Assault Rifles & Pistols get +1
Skeleton Suit 3 Arm +3 with Sniper
Alien Materials -- NT Gain 1 RT per turn
UFO Power Source -- NT Intercept +1
Alien Navigation -- NT Detection +1
Firestorm -- NT Air Defense +1 & Intercept +1 with Foundry
Thermal Generator -- NT Power Generators Capacity +2
Medkit 3 Eqp +5 with Support
Nano Fiber Vest - NT All Soldiers get +1
S.C.O.P.E. 3 Eqp +5 with Sniper
Pheonix Cannon - NT Intercept +1
SHIV Robot 6 Shiv Counts as Heavy for Weapons only; +5 vs SC
Heavy Laser 5 PW +6 with Heavy
Improved Pistol Tech - NT Pistols get +2
Stealth Satellites - NT Detection +1
Carapace Armor - NT All Armors get +2
Psi Tech - NT Psi Labs and other Psi Research cost 2 less RT
Name: Force Type Notes:
Scatter Laser 5 NT +7 with Assault
Precision Laser 4 NT +8 with Sniper
Light Plasma Tech - NT Assault Rifles and pistols get +2
Hover Shiv - NT Shiv Robot gets +4
Titan Armor 5 Arm +3 with Heavy
Ghost Armor 6 Arm +2 with Assault or Sniper
EMP Cannon - NT Intercept +1
Hyper Wave Comm - NT Intercept +1
Improved Pistol Tech II - NT Pistols get +2
UFO Tracking - NT Detection +1
Defense Matrix - NT Air Defense +1
Elerium Generator - NT Power Generators Capacity +2
Mindfray 7 Psi +2 with Psionic
Psi Inspiration 6 Psi All Soldiers get +1
Psi Panic 3 Psi Discard target Alien
Name: Force Type Notes:
Archangel Armor 9 Arm +6 with Sniper
Plasma Sniper Rifle 5 PW +9 with Sniper
Heavy Plasma 8 PW +5 with Heavy
Alloy Cannon 7 PW +8 with Assault
Blaster Launcher - NT Rocket Launchers gets +5
Telekinetic Field 5 Psi +10 with Psionic
Mind Control 2 Psi Take control of Weakest Alien
Rift 10 Psi +2 with Psionic
Psi Armor 7 Psi +8 with Psionic
Alloy Shiv - NT Shiv Robot gets +4
Fusion Core - NT Power Generators Capacity +2
Plasma Cannon - NT Intercept +1
Guided Fusion Launcher - NT Intercept +1
Fusion Lance Craft - NT Air Defense +1 & Intercept +1 with Foundry
Imprv Pistol Tech III - NT Pistols get +2
Name: # Force Type Notes:
Sectoids (ST) 8 3 Alien Mind Merge: Other ST get +1
Sectoid Commander(SC) 1 9 Alien Control Mind: Discard a Soldier
Thin Men (TM) 6 4 Alien Leap: Discard a Tactics Card
Floaters (FL) 5 5 Alien -
Mutons (MU) 4 6 Alien Blood Call: Other MU, MB, ME get +1
Light Plasma Rifles 2 4 AW MU, TM, FL get +1
Poison Attacks 2 3 AW TM, CH get +3
Alien Grenades 2 5 AW CD, HF, MU, ME get +3
Suppression 2 2 Tac ST, FT, TM, MU get +1
Outflank 2 4 Tac FL, TM, HF get +2
Flight 2 3 Tac FL, HF, CD, DR get +2
Evasion 2 2 Tac Discard a Weapons card
Name: # Force Type Notes:
Chryssalids (CH) 3 8 Alien Zombies: Force +1D10
Cyber Discs (CD) 3 10 Alien Death Blossom: +1D10
Heavy Floaters (HF) 3 7 Alien -
Drones (DR) 3 6 Alien CD, SP get +2
Hardened 2 5 Arm CH, CD, HF, SP, ET, MB, ME get +2
Heavy Plasma Rifles 2 6 AW MU, HF, ME get +2
Name: # Force Type Notes:
Ethereal (ET) 1 10 Alien Psi Lance: Force +2D10
Muton Elites (ME) 2 10 Alien Other Mutons get +2
Muton Bersekers (MB) 2 10 Alien Blades: Force +1D10
Sectopods (SP) 2 16 Alien Cluster Bomb: Discard a Terrain
Name: Force Type Notes:
Wet Work - NT Get +1 XP per Turn
Squad Size I - NT Soldier Meld Limit +1
Squad Size II - NT Soldier Meld Limit +1
Iron Will - NT +1 to Survival Roll
Rapid Recovery - NT Remove 2 DC in Operations Phase
New Guy - NT All Squaddies get +1
Lead by Example - NT All Heroes get +2
Don’t Die on Me - NT +1 to Survival Roll
Field Medic - NT All Support Soldiers get +2
Sprinter - NT All Support Heroes get +5
Combat Drugs 6 Eqp Draw a Card with Support
Dense Smoke 4 Tac +8 with Support
Covering Fire 5 Tac +5 with Support
Snap Shot 4 Tac +6 with Sniper
Squad Sight - NT All Snipers get +2
Damn Good Ground 5 Terr +4 with Sniper
Opportunist - Tac All Sniper Heroes gets +5
Executioner 6 Tac Discard an Alien with Sniper
Shredder Rockets 7 PW +6 with Heavy
Mayhem 6 Tac +8 with Heavy
Rapid Reaction - NT All Heavy Soldiers get +2
Will to Survive - NT All Heavy Heroes get +5
Bullet Swarm 5 Tac All Aliens get -1 with Heavy
Killer Instinct - NT All Assault Heroes get +5
Aggression - NT All Assault Soldiers get +2
Tactical Sense 5 Tac Draw a Card with Assault
Close Combat 5 Tac +7 with Assault
Flush 5 Tac Discard an Alien with Assault
Name: # Force Notes:
Support Hero 4 6 +5 with Equipment
Assault Hero 4 8 -
Heavy Hero 4 7 +4 with Armor
Sniper Hero 4 6 +5 with Terrain
Psi Support Hero 2 4 +4 with Equipment; Psionic
Psi Assault Hero 2 6 Psionic
Psi Heavy Hero 2 5 +3 with Armor; Psionic
Psi Sniper Hero 2 4 +4 with Terrain; Psionic
Name: Reward:
Rescue Scientist Gain 1 Research Lab Facility
Rescue General Gain 1 Officer School Facility
Fact Finding Mission Gain 2 RT and Get +6 Force on next Mission
Retrieve Weapon Fragments Gain 3 Elerium and 1 RT and 5 Credits
Investigate Landing Site Gain 2 Elerium and 3 RT
Investigate Abduction Gain 3 XT and 2 RT
Collect Autopsy Corpses Gain 4 RT and 5 Credits
Capture Sectoid Commander Gain 1 Psi Lab Facility
Crash Site Clean-up Gain 5 Elerium
Retrieve Alien Weapon Gain 1 Alien Weapon Card
Recover Alloys Gain 3 Elerium and 10 Credits
Recover Power Source Gain 4 Elerium and 1 RT
Recover UFO Flight Computer Gain 1 Satellite Uplink Facility
Salvage Mission Gain 2 Elerium and 15 Credits
Council Mission Gain 25 Credits
Target Escort Gain 5 XT
Friends in Low Places Gain 1 random non-psionic Hero
Rescue Abductees Gain 1 random non-psionic Hero
Collect Outsider Shard Gain 5 RT
Scout Ship Alien Tech: -1 to Detect Rolls
Medium Ships Alien Tech: -1 to Interception Rolls
Abductor Ships Alien Tech: +1 to Invasion Rolls
These are acquired through Missions.
They may be added to your X-Com Tactical Deck or sold for 10 Credits.
They are Primary Weapon Cards that produce 7 Force.
Name: Reward:
Assault Alien Base 6 Elerium and 20 Credits
Contain Terror Attack Panic -1 and 1 Skyranger
Counter Attack +10 Force vs all Invasions this turn
Harvest Ships Panic -1 and Loyalty +1
Repel Advance Units +5 Force vs Inv this turn; 5 XT
Reconnaissance +5 Force vs Inv this turn; 1 Interceptor
Evacuate Civilians Panic -2
Block Infiltration Panic -1 and 5 Elerium
Extract Engineers 1 Engineering Bay Facility and 25 Credits
Trace Hyperwave Signal Gain Hyperwave Relay Facilty
Intercept Alien Supply 5 Elerium and 1 Alien Weapon Card
Alien Bomb Disposal 10 Elerium
Covert Extraction 5 RT and 25 Credits
Covert Data Recovery 10 RT
Intercept Alien Harvest Gain 1 random non-psionic Hero; Panic -1
Board Alien Battleship Gain 1 Squad and 5 XT
Large Ships Alien Tech: -1 to Interception Rolls
Battleships Alien Tech: -1 to Interception Rolls
Supply Ships Alien Tech: +1 to Invasion Rolls
Name: Reward:
Assault Mothership Win Game (Battle: Draw 2 extra Alien Cards)
Recover Ethereal Device Gain Gollop Facility and 5 RT
Restore Order -3 Panic
Capture an Ethereal 15 RT
Intercept Overseer 1 Interceptor; 5 Elerium; 25 Credits
Interrupt Alien Preparations +10 Force vs all Invasions this turn; +5 XT
Repulse Invasion -2 Panic and +1 Loyalty
Base Defense Gain 2 random Heroes and 1 Squad
Sectopod Wreck 5 Elerium; 5 RT; 25 Credits
Overseer UFO’s Alien Tech: +1 to Invasion Rolls
When all the Stage I Missions are complete the game enters Stage II.
When all the Stage II Missions are complete the game enters Stage III.
Note: When you go into a higher stage, you may still obtain Research
cards from a lower stage (You may draw from the lower Research Decks).
If X-Com completes the Final Mission (Assault the Mothership) they win.
If they fail the Mission they can try it again up to 2 more times.
If they fail it a third time, they lose the game.
If 15 or more Regions are ever in total panic the Aliens win.
Most everything...