Card game for 2+ players based on the movie eXistenZ.
eXistenZ is a licensed, copyrighted property.
This is merely a fan site.
The game ends when there are no cards left in the deck, and all
Players have played all the cards from their hands.
The player with the highest score at the end of the game wins.
Players share a common deck.
There are 8 card types:
P = Person
K = Kill
C = Control
L = Location
M = Mechanism
G = Gamepod
D = Disease
Q = Quote
2 Person cards start in play face-up in the center of the table:
These are the Allegra Geller and Ted Pikul cards.
These are the Main Character cards.
They are not controlled by any player to start, but any
Player may play a control card to take control of one of them.
Shuffle the deck.
Each player is dealt 3 cards.
The creepiest player goes first.
Players take turns.
On a player’s turn, he draws 1 card from the deck and puts it in his hand.
Then he may play 1 card from his hand.
Max hand size is 7 cards. Random Extra cards are shuffled back into the deck.
Each of the 8 card types have different effects.
When you play a person card place it face up on the table in front of you.
You control that person.
It stays in play until killed.
Person cards count for scoring.
The player with the most Person cards may play 1 additional card per turn.
Discard a Kill card to cause a target Person to be discarded.
Main Characters cannot be killed until there are no cards left in the deck, and
Then only one may be killed, not both.
Discard a Control card to take control of a target Person.
You cannot target a Main Character if you were in control of them on your last turn.
Play a Location card to discard the previous location and replace it with this one.
Location cards count for scoring.
Discard a Mechanism card to produce the effect it describes. .
When you play a game pod card place it face up on the table in front of you.
You control that game pod.
It stays in play until it gets diseased.
Game Pod cards count for scoring.
The player with the most Game pod cards may play 1 additional card per turn.
Discard a Disease card to cause a target Game Pod to be discarded.
All players score their cards in play:
1 Point for playing the Quote Card
1 Point for each Person
2 Points for each Main Character
2 Points for the Location
1 Point for each Game Pod
After the last card has been played all players score one last additional time.
Name Type Notes:
Allegra Geller P Main Character
Ted Pikul P Main Character
Wittold Levi P Score +2 if you play the Antenna Research Card
Playtester P Score +1 if you control Allegra Geller
Noel Dichter P Score +2 if you play the Anti-Existenzialist Card
Gas P Score +2 if you control the Gas Station
Kiri Vinokur P Score +2 if you play Cortical Systematics
Frances P Score +2 if you control the Mountain Road
Dorsey Nader P Score +2 if you play the Mole Card
Larry Ashen P Score +1 if you control Ted Pikul
Assistant P Score +1 if you control the Most Game Pods
Yevgeny Nourish P Score +2 if you control the Trout Farm
Barb Brecken P Score +1 if you control Allegra Geller
Chinese Waiter P Score +2 if you play the Order the Special Card
Hugo Carlaw P Score +2 if you control the Game Store
Fanatic P Score +2 if you control the Chalet
Merle P Score +2 if you control the Church
Gristle Gun K When played shuffle back into deck once per game
Assassination K Score +1 if you control Dichter
Insertion Gun K Score +1 if you control Ted Pikul
Meat Cleaver K Score +2 if you control the Chinese Waiter
Sub Machine Gun K Score +2 if you control the Fanatic
Flame Thrower K Score +2 if you control Yevgeny Nourish
Bioport Bomb K Score +1 if you control Allegra Geller
Linoleum Knife K Score +2 if you control Barb Brecken
Shotgun K Score +2 if you control Gas
Hidden Pistols K Score +1 if you play the Realists Underground Card
Antenna Research C Faction
Anti-Existenzialist C Faction
Cortical Systematics C Faction
Realists Underground C Faction
Hijack C -
Rescue C -
Escape C -
Conspiracy C -
Betrayal C -
Trust C -
Seduction C -
Reasoning C -
Mole C -
Contact C -
Subversion C -
Double Agent C -
Country Church L -
Motel Room L -
Country Gas Station L -
Caledon Ski Club L -
Workshop L -
Guest Chalet L -
Game Store L -
Stock Room L -
Trout Farm L -
Assembly Bay L -
Chinese Restaurant L -
Mountain Road L -
MetaFlesh G -
Bioport G -
Umbycord G -
Prototype G -
Slave Unit G -
Spinal Jack G -
Port Plug G -
Nerve Boards G -
Micropods G -
Play Nipple G -
Upgrade G -
Contamination D -
Neural Surge D -
Black Spore Cloud D -
Diseased Pod D -
Infected Bioport D -
Anti-Viral Serum D -
Anti-Viral Resonator D -
Psychic Trauma D -
Advance the Plot M Draw 2 Cards and play 2 Cards
Game Loop M Draw 3 Cards. Keep 1. Shuffle others back into Deck
Game Dialog M Steal 1 Random Card from Opponents Hand
New Identities M Shuffle Hand into Deck. Draw 5 Cards
Copy Game Engine M Take control of 1 Target Game Pod Card
Fully Engaged M Draw 4 cards. All other players Draw 2 Cards
The Right Answer M Draw 2 Cards. Look at Opponents Hand
Freeze Up M Shuffle Target Person back into Deck
Game Architecture M Draw 2 Cards. Look at next 5 cards in Deck
Genuine Game Urge M Opponent shuffles 2 Random cards from hand into Deck
Reality Bleed Through M Switch hands with Opponent
Irish Wolfhound M Gain 2 Points. Take Gristle Gun from Deck or Discard
Basic Game Play M Draw 1 Card. Play up to 3 Cards
Character Actions M You may play all the Cards in your Hand this turn
Game Entry Point M Play 2 Cards and Take another Turn
Melt Away M Draw 2 cards. Target player loses his next turn
Realer Than Real Q -
Clue We Can’t Ignore Q -
eXistenZ is Paused! Q -
Order the Special Q -
Don’t Take No for an Answer Q -
Death to the Demon(ess)! Q -
Death to Reality! Q -
Did I Win? Q -
Are we still in the Game? Q -