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All games are for Playstation-  All the rated game are games that I owned at least once. I
sold the ones I don't currently own. I used the money to buy my current games. Italics- Type of game (rpg, action, etc) Bold- name of game (Final Fantasy VII, etc) underline- rate thing (graphics, sound, gameplay,control, overall) games rated by percent(%). 0%-sucks 100%-great(It's graded like school) *(name of game)-this means I currently own this game. RPG(23) My favorite genre and I think my partner's favorite too. This is where the best games are put.
This is the BEST! Games Reviewed Alundra Beyond the Beyond Brave Fencer Musashi Final Fantasy VII Final Fantasy VIII Final Fantasy Tactics Grandia Granstream Saga Jade Cacoon Legend of Dragoon Legend of Lagaia Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete Parasite Eve Persona Saga Frontier Saga Frontier 2 Shadow Madness Suikoden Suikoden 2 Tales of Destiny Vandal Hearts Wild Arms Xenogears Top Ten 1. *Xenogears-Squaresoft 2. Final Fantasy VIII-Squaresoft 3. *Grandia-Game Arts 4. *Legend of Dragoon-Sony 5. Lunar: The Complete Silver Story Working Designs 6. *Brave Fencer Musashi-Squaresoft 7. *Suikodon 2-Konami 8. Persona-Ascii 9. Final Fantasy Tactics-Squaresoft 10. *Final Fantasy VII-Squaresoft Alundra-Working Designs I don't remember the story that much except the hero brings some kind
of bad thing to his home village. That's all I remember. Graphics-85% Beautiful 2-D graphics. The intro FMV is great. The game has great
art. Sound-80% Good music. Charging sound effect gets kinda annoying Gameplay-87% Good great fun. Puzzles are very difficult, maybe too difficult(I
needed the strategy guide). Control-85% Good Controls. Jumping gets a little hard. Overall-85% Good solid game but half adventure half rpg. Comments Good game. It's kinda like Zelda. Beyond the Beyond-Sony I don't remember alot but I think it's about a boy looking for his
lost father who is a knight. Then it just gets stupid. Graphics-65% The traveling graphics are 2-D. Wait! All the graphics are 2-D. They
are pretty bad. Battling is like a bad flipbook. Sound-70% I can't remember but I know they weren't great. Gameplay-67% It's pretty straight forward but battling is easy except the last boss
(I never beaten him). The story sucks! Control-70% You can't go diagnolly Overall-68% A good first rpg, came out a long time ago. It probably sucks today. Comments Good for the time and a good beginner but now it sucks. *Brave Fencer Musashi-Squaresoft Musashi, looking at the cover you would know this game is odd. Musashi
is apparently the hero the land is waiting for and he tries to save
the world by getting the weapon, Lumina. A lot more happens(don't want
to give anything away). There is a huge cast of goofy characters like
a guy that is stuck in the medievil times (judging from how he talks),
an annoying princess, and, oddly, a gay guy. Graphics-87% The character designs are a little bland but the rest is fine. Sound-92% I like the sound especially the clown music near the beginning when
you are running away from the giant rolling head. Gameplay-95% Crazy, that's it, it's crazy! Control-85% Simple control good for all ages. Overall-90% Good psycotic game. Great for children. Comment Get this, it's only $20. *Final Fantasy VII(7)-Squaresoft The beginning is about an Ex-Soldier, Cloud, joins a rebellion group.
The beginning is mainly about the rebellion against the company
Shinra, who is sucking the life out of the world. The game gets more
complex which turns out to be one of the greatest stories ever. The
FMVs are great and are very exciting Graphics-85% Screw up looking characters. Surrounding graphics are top notch. The
FMVs are amazing. Sound-95% Awesome music. One of the best, especially the Sephiroth music. I say
"word" to the composer. Gameplay-93% Fighting is straight forward. The story is the second best (to
Xenogears). Even if it is second best it is that damn good. Control-80% Um? There not that great? Overall-89% Great rpg then and now. Comments Great rpg then and now. Don't get the Greatest Hits version, I don't
know why. Final Fantasy VIII(8)-Squaresoft Squall, the hero, starts by fighting his school enemy Seifer. They
both wants to get to be in the organization, SeeD. Squall gets in but
Seifer didn't. More happens and Squall meets Rinoa, the female hero.
More happens then a mysterious woman named Edea appears and mayhem
happens. A timeless classics. Graphics-97% Beautiful graphics. Love the multiple FMVs. This games pushes the
Playstation to the limit. But not that smooth. Sound-100% 100%, the music is the greatest. It surpasses Xenogears and FFVII. I
want the damn soundtrack. Gameplay-95% The story is great but not as good as Xenogears. Battling is normal
but guardian forces suck after the hundredth time. Control-95% Very Good. That's it. Overall-97% Great Game. One of the greatest. Recommended. I don't know why the
hell the magazine companies don't like this game, maybe they were
drunk? Comments Get this damn game it's great. Also get the soundtrack. Final Fantasy Tactics-Squaresoft The hero named Ramza just needs to protect someone but ends up in a
complex scene and needs to find stones to save the world. It's better
than it sounds. Graphics-89% Great 2-D characters in a somewhat of a 3-D world. Sound-99% The music could probably compete with FFVIII. It also won an award in
the magazine of EGM Gameplay-90% It's fun. It's hard. Interesting story. It's hard. Good battle. It's
hard. And it's hard. Control-85% Who cares? It's a strategy game. Overall-91% Good game. Great music. Did I say it was hard? Comments Get this game if you want a good challange. Grandia-Game Arts Justin, the main character, wants to be the greatest adventurer. His
little friend Sue & her comrade puffy supports Justin all the way. In
the beginning you see a bunch a people talking but when you start
playing, you have to find the legendary items, which a pot, wood
sword, an apron, and a sewer lid. Then they go off into an adventure.
I don't know what happens later in the game because I'm only about
eight hours into the game. But I know it's goofy. Graphics-90% Great graphics, they are my favorite, 2-D characters in a 3-D world.
The only bad thing is the slow frame rate. The game tends to slow down
when traveling in towns. Sound-98% The music rules! The voice acting is top-notch. Gameplay-98% Great game. Battling is fast paced and they all move instead of
staying in one spot like the FF series. The game is really goofy, yeah
that's the word. Control-95% Good control you can control the camera like in Xenogears(The best
game ever) Overall-96% Goofy! Comment This game is goofy. I underestimated this game. It's really a good
game. Granstream Saga-THQ This boy does something, I guess. Graphics-80% Real smooth but it looks like you are playing with pod people, they
have no faces. Sound-80% Don't remember any of the music except the battle music and it's not
that great. Gameplay-75% Alright battle system, all battles are one on one, and there isn't
much to it. Control-80% Simple... Overall-79% Simple game. Comment Pod people are attacking us!!!!.... wait I'm playing Granstream Saga. Jade Cacoon-Crave The game starts out when the main character(forgot the name) talks to
his loved one who is about 15 years old. Then they get attacked by a
swarm of monsters called the Onibubu (I remembered the name, it's
cool). Then the hero decides to be a cacoon master. Then that's about
it. Its real easy. If you beat the game you get a bonus level which is
not fun at all. Not that great of an addition. Graphics-95% Top notch graphics. Not a lot of anything else Sound-80% Musics alright. Voice acting is pretty good. Gameplay-75% Story is alright. Crappiest ending ever. actually I think there wasn't
an ending it just ended. The capturing monsters is pretty fun but
kinda like Pokemon but more serious. The mending of monsters is
alright. The whole game gets real boring. The game is really easy. Control-75% Pretty simple, that's it. Overall-82% Real good graphics but a sleeper hit. Comments If you like Pokemon, this is the game for you. *Legend of Dragoon-Sony The game starts off when soldiers attack a village and something pops
out of a girls head (you will understand later). Then the main
character, Dart, is minding his own business gets attacked by a
green dragon. His main goals is to destroy the Black Monster who
killed his parents and home town. He gains the power of a Dragoon
and more things happen. Graphics-90% Great graphics but somewhat deformed characters. The FMVs are
spectacular. Sound-85% Not a great sound score but is very decent. And very good voice acting
in the beginning and in battles. The voices gets really bad towards
the end. Gameplay-94% Battling is unique and fun. But battles pop up too fast and it gets a
little boring after a while. The story is average. Control-90% Battling control is fun. Simple button controls like pushing the X
button at a certain time on an attack. Overall-90% Great game but kind of a Final Fantasy VII(7) rip off, sort of. Comments Good game, real fun but a FF7 rip off. *Legend of Legaia-Sony It starts off with Vahn, the hero, does some useless stuff and then
the mist (the bad thing) enters the village and Vahn must protect the
people. He then goes to the Genesis tree and pushes the mist away.
Vahn obtains Meta, a ra-seru who protects him from the mist because
normal seru turns into evil monsters because of the mist. Noa and Gala
join Vahn and there adventure begins not too many SHOCKERS. Graphics-73% They are alright. Sound-80% Music is good and it has goofy voices. Gameplay-65% It has a fun battle system but it is hilariously hard. Control-70% Running sucks it's slow on the world map. Overall-72% Battles get tedious and gets real hard. It has a fun battle system
and a good story. Comments If you want to get pissed at a game that is hard, get this. Lunar: Silver Star Story Complete-Working Designs The hero Alex admires his hero the Dragonmaster Dyne. He goes see Luna
and they play a beautiful song. They go with a friend Ramus to go find
a Dragon Crystal. They succeed and they meet a Dragon -- cool FMV.
More happens and Alex lives his dream of adventure. Graphics-85% Beautiful 2-D graphics. FMVs are awesome and plentiful. Sound-90% Music is excellent. The voice acting is probably is the best. Listen
to the bloopers at the end they’re great. Gameplay-90% Great intriging story. Battling is fun. Control-80% Seems awkward to me but not that big. Overall-87% Great romance story. So many good FMVs makes you think you are
watching a movie. Comments It's like watching a love movie, kinda. Parasite Eve-Squaresoft It starts as are heroine Aya goes to the opera when suddenly everyone
is ignited with flames except Aya. She sees a odd woman standing on
the stage and then you fight but it's easy and warms you up for later
battles. She follows the odd woman then more odd stuff happens. Aya
wants to find out about more about that woman and why she didn't
ignite. Graphics-90% Pretty cool and FMVs are slick. Sound-80% Musics kinda boring sometimes. Gameplay-90% Free movement fighting. Neat. Good interesting story. But It took me 7
hours to beat that's short. Control-80% It's alright. Kinda slow movement. Overall-85% Fun game and good story but way too short. And the Chrysler building
sucks. Comments This is a horror game that has the word sperm. This game should't be
mature. *Persona-Ascii The game is about these kids who gain this power called Persona, which
are god things. The beginning is simple, go shopping, visit a friend
in the hospital and then it begins. Odd things start happening, the
dead in the hospital wake up and the school disappears. And others but
I'm not going to ruin the game for the people that can actually can
get their hands on it. Lucky bastards. I want this game. Graphics-70% The game is in 3-D but the they look very bad, kinda klunky. And world
map travelling looks like building blocks. Sound-78% Battling music is average. And there is voice acting. It's alright not
great. Gameplay-90% Fun battling. It's got negotiations, attacks, formation, it's pretty
complex but gets simple. Story is straight-out weird. It's just FUN Control-55% This is the negative of the game. You move one block at a time when
traveling. But other wise simple. Overall-74% Very old game and is unique in magic. The story is pretty good but
it's like that destroying the world thing. Comments Good for a first game. It's kinda disturbing. Saga Frontier-Squaresoft I don't know. There is a lot of stuff. Seven characters to chose from.
My favorite were Red's and Blues story. The others didn't have that
much of a story like Luc and the robot. Graphics-66% They kinda suck but it looks nice sometimes like the area graphics. Sound-70% Not the greatest soundtrack because I don't remember it. Gameplay-60% Here's the downfall. The Characters suck and there story sucks except
for two of them but it's like seven games in one. The battling sucks.
When you gain experience and get stronger the monsters and bosses get
stronger too. Control-60% Moving around is too fast you run into walls two much and hard to do
some things like talk to someone. Overall-64% This games is only good for a rental and curiosity. Comments Lots of quest but it's not worth it. Saga Frontier 2-Squaresoft You get to control either Wil Knights or Gustave. Wil Knights is a
digger and he wants to find quells, they do something. He then wants
to know what happened to his mother and father. Gustave is a prince
that his father exiled because he's a weak anima and he couldn't use
the firebrand on the ceremony. Then he controls the land. A lot more
happens because the main characters usually changes. Graphics-90% Beautiful art and surroundings but the characters are deformed and
one-on-one battles look horrible. Sound-85% Good music but not that great. Gameplay-65% The game does piss me off a lot but the story is pretty good but I
don't want to play throught the whole thing. Control-60% They move too fast. This is bad because you can run into enemies. Overall-75% It's good looking and better then the first one but that's it. Comments Use this game as a paper weight. I got really pissed at it. Shadow Madness-Crave It begins with the main character, Stinger, finds that his home
village is destroyed by the plague (I think). Then he fights a bull
looking thing. Then later he joins some friends and then they find
more stuff about the plague. Then it's gets alright but you'll
probably get lost a lot. Graphics-40% They suck. It's in 3-D but they are just bad. Too much klunkiness. The
FMV is a bad flipbook. Sound-60% They music is below average. And sometimes it sounds good like a
certain battle music then disappears like in the next battle. Gameplay-45% Everything sucks. Too many useless items. You can get in a boss
battle, continously push the OK button, change the channel, watch
something on TV, and about a few minutes you win. This sucks, it's no
fun. The game leads you on a wild goose chase like someone tells you
to go to Twin lakes but there is no place called twin lakes. I don't
get this. Control-45% Very odd controls. Overall-48% Stay away, you might only just hurt your eyes. Only use this to play
baseball with. Comments This game is so bad it doesn't deserve a comment. Wait a minute this
is a comment. Ahhhhhh!!!! Suikoden-Konami The hero starts off with a minor mission. Then he has to turn against
his own father. He then starts an army and he goes against his
father's country. Which has many fun things like war battles,
one-on-one, and normal battle. Graphics-80% Vibrant colors. It's in 2-D Sound-80% Good music. Old School Gameplay-98% You might go crazy finding all the characters but you will have lots
of fun. An old school RPG. Many fun filled battles. Control-70% No diaginols. That's it. Oh yeah no running! Overall-82% Good old school game. Comments Good beginner game. *Suikoden 2-Konami The hero starts off at a camp and is attacked by the opposing army
that set up a fake peace treaty. The hero and his friend Jowy runs
away. They get split up and the hero is captured by a mercenary group.
More happens and the hero and Jowy end up being in an adventure in
which they will feel a lot of grief. Graphics-80% Same as Suikoden Sound-80% Same as Suikoden. War music is awesome. Gameplay-98% Same as Suikoden but better story. Control-75% Same as Suikoden. And there is running! Overall-84% Same as Suikoden. THERE'S RUNNING! Comments It's a good game. Unlike the Final Fantasy series, it is a true sequel. Tales of Destiny-Namco I don't remember a whole lot so figure it out yourselves. Graphics-80% Straight out 2-D graphics. The 3-D world map is kinda eh... Sound-80% To tell you the truth, I don't remember a whole lot. Gameplay-90% Battling is fun, you can attack when ever you want and your
team members can attack at the same time. But it's side scrolling and
it's hard to do a lot. Control-80% I don't remember what buttons to push so Hah! Overall-83% Good fun game and battling is alright but not the greatest game. Comment Namco made this game? Wait Namco made an rpg? Vandel Hearts-Konami You are Ash Lambert or something like that and you and your buddy are
attacked by a bunch of bandits. After that, deception happens in the
town and you have to figure it out. Graphics-85% 2-D in a 3-D world. There is a lot of blood that comes out of a person
when you kill them. Sound-90% Good music. Gameplay-85% The game is easy to beat but still fun. Control-80% Same as any other rpg. Overall-85% Good tactics game. Comment Try FF Tactics. Wild Arms-Sony Three heroes meet together to have an adventure. Rudy, Jack, Celia are
your heroes. Rudy is an outcast with a gun (that sounds like trouble),
Jack is a wandering adventurer with his rat-like friend Hanpan, and
Cecilia is a princess that learns magic. Blah Blah Blah, that that.
They encounter demons who they need to defeat to save the land. Graphics-85% Beautiful 2-D graphics, but in battle it turns 3-D. They have huge
heads. Sound-80% The music kinda sucks. Gameplay-78% Simple straight forward game, and the story kinda sucks. Control-78% Same as every other rpg. Overall-81% The game kinda sucks. Comment This game kinda sucks. *Xenogears-Squaresoft (My Favorite Game) You are Fei Fong Wong, the main character. He lives in the village of
Lahan. But it will be shaken up. Giant things called Gears have a
battle right in the middle of the village. Fei decides to jump into
a gear, his gear called Weltall, and fight. Something tragic happens
and he is exiled from the village. More things happen and it turns out
weird. Graphics-95% Great graphics, 2-D characters in a 3-D world. The anime FMVs are
great. Sound-95% Great music, not the best but GREAT. And the voice acting is really
good, better then Legend of Dragoon. Gameplay-99% The main thing is the story. It is the greatest. You might get lost a
lot but when you start understanding it, it is real good. The battling
is great but tedious. I would give this a 100%, but there are too many
battles. The ending is the oddest ending ever. If you muted the ending
you will not understand why the creators did this(you will see what I
am talking about when you play the game). You have to listen to the
ending. Control-95% No analog. I wouldn't usually care but it would be great with analog.
And you can move the camara angles. That is a good thing. Overall-96% Great Great game. Get or you will die. If you are currently confused
with your life (like me), play this game, you will get more confused. Comments This game is my favorite of all time. It is highly recommended. back to reviews page fighting reviews