eld12_3.jpg - get that Il-96 outta my face
eld15_3.jpg - is that all you got Sun??
jetfarteject.jpg - Kutha's turning the heat up on JetFart
lastmig1.jpg - Kutha takes out lastmig...
lastmig2.jpg - again...
lastmig3.jpg - and again...
lastmig4.jpg - guess some people don't learn huh?
Mook1.jpg - Kutha starts having some fun with Mook as well
Mook2.jpg - Kutha over Mook 9-3; Mook requests rematch
Mook3.jpg - well, guess its rematch time
Mook5.jpg - nice job Mook... here come's Kutha on your six again
Mook6.jpg - so... let me guess... you want another rematch?
warfalconeject.jpg - Warfalcon shows off his ejection skills