The Requirements To Perform It! 1: Cloud Cuckooland Accessable. 2: Clockwork Kazooies. And a plentiful amount at that. 3: Wasteland Accesable. How To Pull It Off! Ok so level two wasn't much of an upgrade but now we're getting fancy. In level one I mentioned getting kazooie to float up to Cloud Cuckooland. Well now, I've made a time list. If you step into the bubble at just the right time, different results will happen. So heres the chart. 20-9 seconds remaining: This will just take you all the way to cloud cuckooland where you will get stuck under the bubble. Then you can blow yourself up or just wait for the rest of the time to run out. 8-6 seconds remaining: You'll get to cloud cuckooland howevern not very far. You'll explode in mid air before the bubble fully reaches the top. However the bubble will still reach the top and Banjo somehow will still go in a bubble and go up to Cloud CC Land. 5.9 seconds remaining: Enter the bubble RIGHT after 6 seconds hit. You practically have to see the mixed sprite of 6 switching to 5 lol. I've only ever pulled this off once. I'm not saying this works, just saying I did it. It could have been a glitch you can't do normally. But it happened RIGHT AFTER 6 seconds was up. Anyway you'll explode while your switching from Wasteland to Cloud Cuckooland. You'll then see the bubble floating up in Cloud Cuckooland. However when it switches back to Banjo, the bubble will be gone. Like....completely gone. You'll have to die or leave Wasteland then come back to acess it. 5-2 seconds remaining: The clockwork will explode on the way to Cloud Cuckooland (still in Wasteland) and believe it or not the cwk will be replaced with Banjo. ô.o. 1 second remaining: The same as 5-2 seconds however this time it will hit Banjo as its so low to the ground. If you kill Banjo with this trick Banjo will go inside the bubble and perform what was performed in Level 2 of this glitch ^_^... If That Doesn't Work... It will. As long as you go in the bubble at the right seconds it will. Unless its the 5.9 second one. I dunno if thats a glitch really hard to pull off or just one that happened on a rare occurance. What Can You Do With It? Nothing. Just try to get that 5.9 seconds one to work. ô.o. Hows It Work? I'll split this up for each of them...V_V... 20-9 seconds: Refer to the glitch level one for information on how this works. 8-6 seconds: Basically it takes 9 seconds to get from Wasteland to Cloud Cuckooland. Even though when you reach the top 12 seconds are past. However it only takes 3 seconds to get from where you actually enter Cloud Cuckooland. 5.9 seconds: The bubble doesn't come back down because it reigsters that theres something in it but also realizes that there isn't. So it switches to Banjo but thinks it still needs that bubble up there for something to go down. 5-2 seconds: It takes 5.9 seconds to switch from Wasteland to Cloud Cuckoo Land. Anything under 5.9 will blow up before it gets there. 1 second: The same as above except its so close to Banjo it hits him. Lol. Back To Home |